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acter, in which distinguished wit and talents were united with wisdom and piety,* both these last probably taught her in the school of adversity, procured for her the admiration of all who knew her, as well as the venera tion of those whose religious sentiments were congenial with her own.

Such was the mother of George the first! She lived, enjoying her bright faculties to a very advanced age, to see a throne prepared for her son far more glorious than that from which her father had been driven; or, what to her excellent mind was still more gratifying, she saw herself preserved, after the extinction of all the other branches of her paternal house, to furnish in the most honour able instance possible, an invaluable stay and prop for that cause, on account of which her parents and their children seemed, or a time, to have suffered the loss of all things.'

Whether, then, we consider the succession of the house of Hanover, as the means of finally establishing our civil and religious constitution, which then only can be regarded as having attained a perfect triumph over every kind of oppression ;-or whether we view it as a most signal act of that retributive goodness which has promised that every one who forsaketh house, or brethren, or lands, for his sake, shall receive manifold more even in this present life.' I say, in whichsoever light we contemplate it,-especially if we connect it with the series of events in England,-and, above all, compare it with the fate of the family from which the parent princess had sprung,-but which, after being chastised to no purpose, was rejected, to make room for those, who had suffered in so much nobler a cause, and with so mach better effect,-what can we say, but with the Psalmist, that promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor yet from the south. But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another. For in the hand of the Lord there is a cup, and the wine is red; it is full mixed, and he poureth out of the same. But as for the dregs therefore, all the wicked of the earth shall wring them out, and drink them. All the horns also of the wicked shall be cut off, but the horns of the righteous shall be exalted.'

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Another less momentous, yet highly interesting instance of providential remuneration, connected with this great event, must not be passed over. It shall be given in the words of a living and a near observer. A wife,' says bishop Burnet, was to be sought for prince Charles (the emperor's brother, whom the allies wished to establish on the Spanish throne) among the protestant courts, for there was not a suitable match in the popish courts. He had seen the princess of Anspach, and was much taken with her. so that great applications were made to persuade her to change her religion; but she could not be prevailed on to buy a crown at

*See M. Chevreau's character of the Princess Sophia, quoted by Addison. Freeholder, No. 30. See also her two letters to bishop Burnet, in his ife, annexed to his own times.

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The same prelate, speaking of king William, says, I considered him as a person raised up by God, to resist the power of France, and the progress of tyranny and persecution. The thirty years, from the year 1672 to his death, in which he acted so great a part, carry in them so many amazing steps of a glorious and distinguishing Providence, that in the words of David he may be called, -The man of God's right hand, whom he made strong for himself."

But if there were just ground for this remark respecting this particular period, and this individual personage: what shall we say of the entire chain of providences, which runs through our whole national history, from the landing of our Saxon ancestors, to the present hour? May it not be confidently asked, Is there at this day a nation upon earth, whose circumstances appear so clearly to have been arranged, and bound together, by the hands of HIM, who does whatsoever he pleases, both in heaven and earth?"

That the purposes of this great scheme have, as yet been most inadequately answered, as far as our free agency is concerned, is a deep ground for our humiliation, but no argument against the reality of providential direction. The Sacred history of the Jews, the only people who have been more distin guished than ourselves, presents to us not only their unparalleled obligations to the Almighty, but also a series of such abuses of those mercies, as at length brought upon them a destruction as unexampled as their guilt. The great purposes of heaven cannot be frustrated; but the instrument which embarrassed the process may, too surely, be excluded from any share in the beneficial results, and be, on the contrary, the distinguished victim of indignation. Thus Judea, in spite of all its apostacies, was made subservient to its original object. In spite of the barrenness of the parent tree, the mystic branch was made to spring from its roots; but this purpose being once served, the tree itself, nourished as it had been with the chief fatness of the earth, and with the richest dews of heaven, was 'bewn down and cast into the fire'

Let England, let those especially of rank and influence, and, above all, let the personage whose high, but most awful trust it may be to have the delegated oversight of this vineyard, which God has fenced and planted with the choicest vine;' let ALL feel the weight of their responsibility, and avert those judgments which divine justice may deem commensurate to our abused advantages!

Burnet's own times, 1707.

We have been the object of admiration to the whole civilized world! Such have been the blessings conferred upon us, and such have been the bright lights, from time to time, raised up among us, that it could not bę otherwise. But what would the effect have been, if our unexampled constitution, correspondent to its native design, had called

with death, and all the churches shall know that I am he that searcheth the reins and hearts, and I will give to every one of you according to your works.'


forth, not the unblushing, because unpunish- On Christianity as a principle of action, es able, baseness of party profligacy, but the pecially as it respects supreme rulers. unfettered, disinterested, unanimous, exertion of commanding talent, of energetic apCHRISTIANITY is not an ingenious theory, plication, and of invincible virtue! If a a sublime but impracticable speculation, a solicitude to digest the principles, to imbibe fanciful invention to exercise the genius or the spirit, and to exemplify the virtues of our sharpen the wit; but it is a system for comillustrious worthies had been as assiduously mon apprehension, for general use, and daiexcited by preceptors in their pupils, and by ly practice. It is critically adapted to the parents in their children, as a blind admira- character of man, intelligible to his capacition of them, or a blinder vanity on account ty, appropriated to his exigencies, and acof them:-if those worthies had been as sed-commodated to his desires. It contains, inulously imitated, as they have been loudly deed, abtruse mysteries to exercise his faith, extolled; and above all, if our national to inure him to submission, to habituate him church establishment had been as universal- to dependence; but the sublimest of its ly influential, as it is intrinsically admirable doctrines involve deep practical consequenin its impressive ordinances, its benignant ces. spirit, and its liberal, yet unadulterated doc- Revelation exhibits what neither the phitrines:-We mean not, if these effects had losophy of the old, nor the natural religion been produced to any improbable Utopian of the modern, sceptic ever pretended to exextent, but in that measure, which was, in hibit, a compact system of virtues and grathe nature of things, possible, and which the ces. Philosophy boasted only fair ideas, inmoral Governor of the Universe had an dependent virtues, and disconnected duties. equitable right to look for.-If this had been Christianity presents an unmutilated whole, realized, who can say what evils might have in which a few simple but momentous premibeen prevented, what good might have been ses induce a chain of consequences_comaccomplished? How might protestantism mensurate with the immortal nature of man. have spread through Europe, did our nation- It is a scheme which not only displays every al morals keep pace with our profession? duty, but displays it in its just limitation and How happily might the sound philosophy of relative dependence; maintaining a lovely the English school, when thus illustrated, symmetry and fair proportion, which arise have precluded the impious principles and from the beautiful connexion of one virtue the blasphemous language of Voltaire and with another, and of all virtues with that his licentious herd! And how would the faith of which they are the fruits. widely diffused radiance of our then uncloud- But the paramount excellence of Chrised constitution have poured even upon sur-tianity is, that its effects are not limited, rounding countries so bright a day, as to have made rational liberty an object of general, but safe pursuit, and left no place for those works of darkness by which France has degraded herself, and outraged human na


Shall we then persevere in our inattention to the indications of Providence? Shall we persist in our neglect or abuse of the talents committed to us? Shall we be still unconscious that all our prosperity hangs suspended on the sole will of God, and that the moment of his ceasing to sustain us, will be the moment of our destruction? And shall not this be felt particularly by those who, by being placed highest in the community, would, in such a ruin, be the most signal victims, so they may now do most toward averting the calamity? On the whole, what is the almost audible language of heaven to prince and people, to nobles and commoners, to church and state, but that of the great Author of our religion in his awful message to the long since desolated churches of Asia? Repent, or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against thee with the sword of my mouth; and I will kill thy children

like the virtues of the Pagans, to the circumscribed sphere of this world. Their thoughts and desires, though they occasionally appeared, from their sublimity, to have been fitted for a wider range, were in a great measure shut in by the dark and narrow bounds of the present scene. At most, they appear to have had but transient glimpses of evanescent light, which, however, while they lasted, made them often break out into short but spirited apostrophes of hope, and even triumph The Stoics talked deeply and eloquently of self-denial, but never thought of extending, by its exercise, their happiness to perpetuity. Philosophy could never give to divine and eternal things, sufficient distinctness or magnitude to induce a renunciation of present enjoyment, or to insure to the conqueror, who should obtain a victory over this world, a crown of unfading glory. It never was explained, except in the page of Revelation, that God was himself an abundant recompense for every sacrifice which can be made for his sake. Still less was it ascertained, that, even in this life, God is to the good man his refuge and his strength, a very present help in time of

trouble. There is more rational consola- in short, if the true relish for every thing tion for both worlds, in these few words of substantially useful, every thing innocently the Almighty to Abraham, Fear not, I am pleasant in life, with the prospect, when life thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward,' is ended, of felicity unspeakable and eterthan in all the happy conjectures, and ingen nal, be moping melancholy, then, and not ious probabilities, of all the philosophers in otherwise, ought the religion of the New the world. Testament to be treated with neglect, or viewed with suspicion; as if it were hostile to human comfort, unsuitable to high station, or incompatible with any circumstances which right reason sanctions.

The religion, therefore, which is in this little work meant to be inculcated, is not the gloomy austerity of the ascetic; it is not the fierce intolerance of the bigot, it is not the mere assent to historical evidence, The gospel is, in infinite mercy, brought nor the mere formal observances of the nom-within the apprehension of the poor and the inal Christian. It is not the extravagance ignorant; but its grandeur, like that of the of the fanatic, nor the exterminating zeal of God who gave it, is not to be lowered by the persecutor: though all these faint shad- condescension. In its humblest similitudes, ows, or distorting caricatures, have been the discerning mind will feel a majestic simfrequently exhibited as the genuine portraits plicity, identical with that of created naof Christianity; by those who either never ture; and in its plainest lessons, an extent of saw her face, or never came near enough to meaning which spreads into infinitude. delineate her fairly, or who delighted to mis- When we yield ourselves to its influences, represent and disfigure her. its effects upon us are correspondent to its True religion is, on the contrary, the most own nature. It lays the axe to the root of sober, most efficient, most natural, and every kind of false greatness, but it leaves therefore most happy exercise of right rea- us in a more confirmed. and far happier enson. It is, indeed, rationally made predom-joyment of all which really gives lustre to inant by such an apprehension of what concerns us, in respect to our higher nature, as sets us above all undue attraction of earthly objects; and in a great measure, frees the mind from its bondage to the body. It is that inward moral liberty which gives a man the mastery over himself, and enables him to pursue those ends which his heart and his conscience approve, without yielding to any of those warping influences, by which all, except genuine Christians, must be, more or less, led captive. In a word, it is the influential knowledge of HIM, whom to know is wisdom-whom to fear is rectitude-whom to love is happiness. A principle this, so just in rational creatures to their infinite owner, benefactor, and end; so demanded That this is a view of Christianity, foundby all that is perceivable in outward nature, ed in irrefragable fact, and peculiarly deso suggested by all that is right, and so re-manding our regard, appears from the uniquired by all that is wrong in the human form language of its divine author, respectmind, that the common want of it, which al-ing himself and his mission, on all occasions most every where presents itself, is only to be accounted for on the supposition of human nature, being under some unnatural perversion, some deep delirium, or fatal intoxication; which, by filling the mind with sickly dreams, renders it insensible to those facts and verities, of which awakened nature would have the most awful and most impressive perception.

the character, which truly heightens the spirit, which strengthens, ennobles, and amplifies the mind. It announces to us a spiritual sovereign, to whose unseen dominion the proudest potentates of the earth are in unconscious, but most real subjection; but who, notwithstanding his infinite greatness, condescends to take up his residence in every human heart that truly yields to his influence; suppressing in it every unruly and unhappy passion; animating it with every holy and heavenly temper, every noble and generous virtue; fitting it for all the purposes of Providence, and fortifying it against calamities, by a peace which passeth all understanding.'

where a summary annunciation was fitting. It is a spiritual kingdom, on the eve of actual establishment, of which he gives notice. To this ultimate idea, the other great purposes of his incarnation are to be referred. They over whom he means to reign are attainted rebels. He, therefore, so fulfils every demand of that law which they had violated, as to reverse the attainder, on grounds of Thus, to awaken our reason, to make us eternal justice. They were, also, captives sensible of our infatuation, to point us to our to a usurper, whose mysterious power he has true interest, duty, and happiness, and to fit so broken as to disable him from detaining us for the pursuit, by making us love both any who are cordially willing to break their the objects at which we are to aim, and the bonds. And having thus removed all obstapath in which we are to move, are the grand cles, be offers privileges of infinite benefit; purposes of the Christian dispensation. If and demands no submission, no dereliction, moral rectitude be an evil; if inward self- no observance, but what, in the very nature enjoyment be a grievance, if a right esti- of things, are indispensible to the recovery mate of all things be folly; if a cheerful and of moral health, moral liberty, and moral happy use of every thing, according to its happiness: and what HE, by the gracious injust and proper value, be misery; if a su- fluences of his ever-present Spirit, will renpreme, undeviating attachment to every thing der, not only attainable, but delightful to the that is true and honest, and pure, and just, honest and humble heart. and lovely, and of good report, be weakness; VOL. II.


The royal person, then, should early and

constantly be habituated to consider herself servance of them. If thou wilt enter into as peculiarly under the government, and in a life, keep the commandments.' There are most especial manner needing the protection no exempt cases. The maxim is of univerand guidance of this Almighty Sovereign; sal application. There will be no pleading looking to his word for her best light, and to of privilege on that day, when the dead, bis spirit for her best strength; performing SMALL and GREAT, shall stand before God; all that she undertakes, in the manner most when they shall be judged out of those perfectly conformed to his laws, and most things which are written in the book of God's clearly subservient to the interests of his remembrance, according to their works.' spiritual kingdom; submitting all events to his wisdom, and acknowledging no less his particular than his general Providence; and, above all, praying daily for his support, depending on his goodness for success, and submitting to his will in disappointment. In fact, to none, in so eminent a sense as to princes, does that sentiment of an inspired instructor belong: Not that we are sufficient of ourselves, to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God.'

to be proportioned to the exigence; and the exigencies of princes are obviously greater than those of any other class of men.

So far from a dispensation of indulgences being granted to princes, they are bound even to more circumspection. They are set on a pinnacle, the peculiar objects of attention and imitation. Their trust is of larger extent, and more momentous importance. Their influence involves the conduct of mul titudes. Their example should be even more correct, because it will be pleaded as a precedent. Their exalted station, therefore, instead of furnishing excuses for omission, She should practically understand, that re- does but enlarge the obligation of performligion, though it has its distinct and separate ance. They may avail themselves of the duties, yet it is not by any means a distinct same helps to virtue, the same means for duand separate thing, so as to make up a duty ty; and they have the same, may we not of itself, disconnected with other duties; rather say, they have even a stronger assurbut that it is a grand, and universally gov-ance of divine aid, since that aid is promised erning principle, which is to be the fountain of her morality, and the living spring of all her actions that religion is not merely a thing to be retained in the mind, as a dor- Power and splendor are not to be considmant mass of inoperative opinions, but which ered as substitutes for virtue, but as instruis to be brought, by every individual, into ments for its promotion, and means for its the detail of every day's deeds: which, in a embellishment. The power and splendor prince, is to influence his private behaviour, of sovereigns are confirmed to them by the as well as his public conduct; which is to laws of the state, for the wisest and most benregulate his choice of ministers, and his eficial purposes. But these illustrious apadoption of measures; which is to govern pendages are evidently not meant for their his mind, in making war and making peace; personal gratification, but to give impressivewhich is to accompany him, not only to the ness and dignity to their station; to be suitcloset, but to the council; which is to fill his able and honourable means of supporting an mind, whether in the world or in retirement, authority, which Providence has made indiswith an abiding sense of the vast responsi-pensable to the peace and happiness of sociebility which he is under, and the awful account to which he will one day be called, before that Being, who lodges the welfare of so many millions in his hands. In fine, to borrow the words of the pious archbishop Secker, It ought to be explicitly taught, and much dwelt upon, that religion extends its authority to every thing: to the most worldly, the commonest, the lowest' (and surely, still more to the highest earthly) things; binding us to behave reasonably, decently, humbly, honourably, meekly, and kindly in them all; and that its interfering so far, instead of being a hardship, is a great blessing to us, because it interferes always for our good.'


ty; and on the adequate energy of which, the security and comfort of all subordinate ranks, in their due gradations, so materially depend.

Can we hesitate to conclude, that at the last great audit, princes will be called to account, not only for all the wrong which they have done, but for all the right which they have neglected to do? Not only for all the evil they have perpetrated, but for all that they, wilfully, have permitted? For all the corruptions which they have sanctioned, and all the good which they have discouraged ? It will be demanded whether they have employed royal opulence, in setting an example of wise and generous beneficence, or of conParasites have treated some weak princes, tagious levity and voluptuousness? Whethas if they were not of the same common na- er they have used their influence, in promoture with those whom they govern; and as ting objects clearly for the public good, or in if, of course, they were not amenable to the accomplishing the selfish purposes of mercesame laws. Christianity, however, does not nary favourites? And whether, on the hold out two sorts of religion, one for the whole, their public and private conduct court, and one for the country; one for the tended more to diffuse religious principle, and prince, and another for the people. Princes, sanction Christian virtue, or to lend support as well as subjects, who, by patient contin- to fashionable profligacy, and to undermine uance in well-doing, seek for glory, and hon-national morality? our, and immortality,' shall reap'eternal life. As there is the same code of laws, so there is the same promise annexed to the ob

At the same time it is to be remembered, that they will be judged by that omniscient Being, who sees the secret bent and hidden

inclinations of the heart; and who knows Christian piety, when real in itself, and that the best prince cannot accomplish all the when thoroughly established in the heart and good he wishes, nor prevent all the evil he in the habits, is this secret. When the mind disapproves :-by that merciful Being, who is not only conscientiously, but affectionatewill recompense pure desires and uprightly religious; when it not only fears God, as intentions, even where providential obstacles the Almighty Sovereign, but loves and conprevented their being carried into execu- fides in him, as the all-gracious Father, not tion-by that compassionate Being, who sees merely inferred to be such, from the beauty their difficulties, observes their trials, weighs and benignity apparent in the works of natheir temptations, commisserates their dan- ture, but rationally understood to be such gers, and takes most exact cognizance of from the discoveries of divine grace in the circumstances, of which no human judge word of God;-and let us add, no less racan form an adequate idea. Assured, as we tionally felt to be such, from the transformare, that this gracious method of reckoning ing influence of that word upon the heart : will be extended to all, may we not be confi- then, acts of devotion are no longer a pendent, that it will be peculiarly applied, where ance, but a resource, and a refreshment; in the case most expressly stands in need of it? so much that the voluptuary would as soon And may we not rest persuaded, that if there relinquish those gratifications for which he is a spectacle which our Almighty Ruler be- lives, as the devout Christian would give up holds with peculiar complacency on earth, his daily intercourse with his Maker. But and will recompense with a crown of distin- it is not in stated acts merely that such deguished brightness in heaven, it is a sovE-votion lives,-it is an habitual sentiment REIGN DOING JUSTLY, LOVING MERCY, AND which diffuses itself through the whole of WALKING HUMBLY WITH GOD.

But is religion to be pursued by princes only as a guide of conduct, a law by which they are to live and act as a principle, which, if cultivated, will qualify them for eternal felicity? These are invaluable benefits, but they do not wholly express all that princes in particular need from religion.They, in an eminent degree, require consolation and support for this life, as well as a title to happiness in the life to come. They, above all human beings, need some powerful resource to bear them up against the agitations and the pressures, to which their high station inevitably exposes them.

life, purifying, exalting, and tranquilizing every part of it, smoothing the most rugged paths,-making the yoke of duty easy, and the burden of care light. It is a perennial spring in the very centre of the heart, to which the wearied spirit betakes itself for refreshment and repose.

In this language there is no enthusiasm. It is in spite of the cold raillery of the sceptic, the language of truth and soberness.--The Scriptures ascribe to Christian piety this very efficacy; and every age and nation furnish countless instances of its power to raise the human mind to a holy heroism, superior to every trial! Were there not,' To whom on this earth are troubles and says the sober and dispassionate Tillotson, heartachs so sure to be multiplied, as to prin- something real in the principles of religion, ces, especially to those of superior under- it is impossible that they should have so restanding and sensibility? Who, of any markable and so regular an effect, to supother rank are exposed to such embarras- port the mind in every condition, upon so sing trials, such difficult dilemmas? We great a number of persons, of different despeak not merely of those unfortunate mon- grees of understanding, of all ranks and archs, who have undergone striking vicissi- conditions, young and old, learned and untudes, or who have been visited with extra- learned, in so many distant places, and in ordinary calamities; but of such also whom all ages of the world, the records whereof the world would rather agree to call pros-are come down to us. I say so real, and so perous and happy :-Yet let him who doubts frequent, and so regular an effect as this, this general truth, read the accounts given cannot, with any colour of reason, be ascriby all our bistorians of the last years of king bed either to blind chance or mere imaginaWilliam, and the last months of queen tion, but must have a real and regular, and Anne; and then let him pronounce what uniform cause, proportionable to so great could be more trying, than those disappoint- and general an effect.'* ments and disgusts which sunk into the very soul of the one, or those cares and agitations which finally destroyed the peace of the other?

We are persuaded that if the subject of this chapter be considered with an attention equal to its importance every other virtue will spring up, as it were spontaneously, in the mind, and a high degree of excellence, both public and private, be instinctively pursued. In such a case, how happy would be the distinguished individual, and how inconceivably benefitted and blessed would be the community!

If there be then any secret in the nature of things, and clearly infallible remedy by which such distresses may be assuaged, by which self-command, self-possession, and even self-enjoyment may be secured in the midst of the greatest trials to which mortality is liable,—would not this be an object to Pious sovereigns are, at all times, the richwhich the view of princes, even above all est boon which heaven can bestow on a the rest of mankind, should be directed; country. The present period makes us more and in comparison of which, they might than ever sensible of their importance. justly hold cheap all the honours of their birth, and all the prerogatives of their rank?}

* Sermon XI.


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