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sovereign should possess that general knowl-ly impeded, by that diversity of currents,

edge and taste which give the power of discriminating excellence, so as judiciously to cherish, and liberally to reward it?

which in other seas the ebb and flow of the tides is perpetually creating.

In connection with this, though somewhat But, not only in works of mere taste; even locally remote from it, is to be remarked the in natural history, botany, experimental phi- regularity of the monsoons in the Erythrælosophy, and other generally valuable scien- an sea, by means of which, the earlier traces, a correct but unlaboured outline of ders between Africa and India were carried knowledge, it is presumed, will, in the pre- across the Persian gulf, without the exersent instance, be thought sufficient Pro-cise of that skill, which as yet did not exist. fitable and delightful as these pursuits are to And, as if to facilitate the conveyance of others (and no one more admires them than those most interesting commodities to the the writer of this essay) yet the royal person- Mediterranean, in order that the commerce age must not be examining plants, when she of that inland ocean might never want an should be studying laws; nor investigating adequate stimulus, the Red Sea is carried the instincts of animals, when she should be onward, till it is separated from the Medianalyzing the characters of men. The time terranean by a comparatively narrow isthso properly devoted to these studies in other mus; an isthmus that seems providentially educations, will be little enough in this, to to have been retained, that while the mariattain that knowledge of general history, and time activity and general convenience of the especially that accurate acquaintance with ancient world was provided for, there might the events of our own country, which, in her still be sufficient difficulty in the way, to exsituation, are absolutely indispensable. cite to a more extended circumnavigation, when the invention of the compass, the improvement of maritime skill, and the general progress of human society, should concur in bringing on the proper season.

Geography and chronology have not unfit ly been termed the two eyes of history. With chronology she should be completely acquainted. It is little to know events, if we do not know in what order and succession they are disposed. It is necessary also to learn how the periods of computation are determined. Method does not merely aid the memory, it also assists the judgment, by settling the dependence of one event upon another. Chronology is the grand art of historical arrangement. To know that a man of distinguished eminence has lived, is to know little, unless we know when he lived, and who were his contemporaries. Indistinctness and confusion must always perplex that understanding, in which the annals of past ages are not thus consecutively linked together.

Would it not be proper always to read history with a map, in order to keep up in the mind the indissoluble connexion between history and geography; and that a glance of the country may recall the exploits of the hero, or the virtues of the patriot who has immortalized it?

And, in this geographic sketch, let not the remarkable position of Judea be forgotten:† placed in the very middle parts of the old world (whose extent may be reckoned from the pillars of Hercules to the utmost Indian isle Tabrobane,') as the sun in the centre of the solar system, and at the top of the Mediterranean, both that it might be within the vortex of great events, and also that when the fulness of time should come, it might be most conveniently situated for pouring forth that light of truth, of which it was destined to be the local origin, upon all the nations of the earth, and especially on the Roman empire. Such are the less common particulars to which attention may advantageously be drawn. With geography in general should of course be connected some knowledge of the natural and civil history of each country; its chief political revolutions, its allı

A name given formerly to all that portion of Respecting the study of geography, I the sea which lies between Arabia and India, would observe that many particulars, which though latterly confined to the Arabian gulf. do not seem to have been considered by the Judea was the country by means of which a trade It is worthy of notice, that in all probability generality of writers, ought to be brought was first opened between the Mediterranean and before the view of a royal pupil. The ef- India. David had taken from the Edomites two fects of local situation, and geographical cities at the Red Sea, Eziou-Geber and Elath; boundary, on the formation and progress of these, we are told, Solomon made sea-ports, and nations and empires.-The consequences, colonized them with navigators, furnished by the for example, which have resulted as well in king of Tyre, of whom it is said, 2 Chron. viii. 18, the political, as in the civil and religions cir- had knowledge of the sea, and they went with the that he sent unto Solomon ships and servants who cumstances of mankind, from the Mediterra- servants of Solomon to Ophir; and, 1 Kings, x. 22, nean being so aptly interposed, not so much we are told that Solomon had at sea a navy of Taras it should seem, to be a common barrier, shish with the navy of Hiram, which came once in as to form a most convenient and important three years, bringing gold and silver, ivory, apes medium of intercourse between Europe, and peacocks. Thus, Tyre, the great emporium of Asia, and Africa.-The effect of this great the Mediterranean was evidently indebted to DaNaumachia of the ancient world, in trans- vid and Solomon, for access to that commerce of ferring empire from east to west;-the want the east, which was carried on by means of the of tides in the Mediterranean, so as to adapt ports, across the isthmus of Suez, probably to the Red Sea, and brought from the above-mentioned this scene of early maritime adventure to the same place where the Tyrians in later times unship rudeness of those who were first to navigate ped their Asiatic commodities, the port of Rhinoit, and whose success might have been fatal-corura.

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ances, and dependencies; together with the state of its arts, commerce, natural productions, government, and religion.


On the importance of forming the mind.

Ir is of the highest importance that the royal pupil should acquire an early habit of method and regularity in her studies. She should, therefore, be particularly guarded against that desultory manner of reading too common at this day, and particularly with women. She should be trained always to study to some valuable purpose, and carefully to attend to the several waymarks, by means of which that end may most effectually be attained. She should be accustomed to call forth the forces of her mind, and to keep them alert, well disciplined, and ready

for service. She should so cultivate settled principles of action, as to acquire the habit of applying them, on demand, to the actual occasions of life; and should possess a promptitude, as well as soundness, in deducing consequences, and drawing conclusions. Her mind should be exercised with as much

industry in the pursuit of moral truth and useful knowledge, as that of a young academic in the studies of his profession. The art of reigning is the profession of a prince. And, doubtless, it is a science which requires at least as much preparatory study as any other. Besides, one part of knowledge is often so necessary for reflecting light on another part, that perhaps no one who does not understand many things, can understand any thing well.


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etration in what regards her friends; pre serve her from a blind prejudice in choosing them, from retaining them through fear or fondness, and from changing them through weakness or caprice. When we are abused through specious appearances,' says the judicious Hooker, it is because reason is negligent to search out the fallacy.' But, he might have added, if reason be not culti vated early, if it be not exercised constanty, it will have no eye for discernment, no heart for vigorous exertion. Specious apwhich has been accustomed to acquiesce in pearances will perpetually deceive that mind them through ignorance, blindness, and in


A prince should be ignorant of nothing which it is honourable to know; but he should look on mere acquisition of knowledge not as the end to be rested in, but only He may have been well instructed in history, as the means of arriving at some higher end. belles lettres, philosophy, and languages, and yet have received a defective education, if lected. For, it is not so important to know the formation of his judgment has been negevery thing, as to know the exact value of every thing, to appreciate what we learn, and to arrange what we know.

Books alone will never form the character.

Mere reading would rather tend to make a pedantic, than an accomplished prince. It is conversation which must unfold, enlarge, and apply the use of books. Without that familiar comment on what is read, which will make a most important part of the interaround him, mere reading might only fill the course between a royal pupil and the society mind with fallacious models of character, and false maxims of life. It is conversation But, whatever may be the necessary de- which must develop what is obscure, raise what is low, correct what is defective, qualigree of knowledge, it is most certain that it fy what is exaggerated, and gently and alcannot be attained amidst the petty avoca- most insensibly raise the understanding, form tions which occupy a modern lady's time. the heart, and fix the taste; and, by giving Knowledge will not come by nature or by chance. Precepts do not always convey it. Talents do not always insure it. It is the fruit of pains. It is the reward of applica


Dii laboribus omnia vendunt.

Let her ever bear in mind, she is not to study that she may become learned, but that she may become wise. It is by such an acquisition of knowledge as is here recommended, that her mind must be so enlarged and invigorated as to prepare her for following wise counsels, without blindly yielding to fortuitous suggestions; as to enable her to trace actions into their multifarious consequences, and to discover real analogies without being deceived by superficial appearances of resemblance. It is thus that she must be secured from the dominion of the less enlightened. This will preserve her from credulity; prevent her from over-rating inferior talents, and help her to attain that nil admirari, which is so necessary for distinguishing arrogant pretension from substantial merit. It will aid her to appreciate the value of those around her; will assist her pen

just proportions to the mind, teach it the Power of fair appreciation, draw it to adopt what is reasonable, to love what is good, to taste what is pure, and to imitate what is ele


But this is not to be effected by cold rules, and formal reflections; by insipid dogmas, and tedious sermonizing. It should be done so indirectly, so discreetly, and so pleasantly, that the pupil shall not be led to dread a lecture at every turn, nor a dissertation on every occurrence. While yet such an ingen. ious and cheerful turn may be given to subjects apparently unpromising, old truths may be conveyed by such new images, that the pupil will wonder to find herself improved when she thought she was only diverted. Folly may be made contemptible, affectation ridiculous, vice hateful, and virtue beautiful, by such seemingly unpremeditated means, as shall have the effect, without having the effort, of a lesson. Topics must not be so much proposed as insinuated.

But above all, there should be a constant, but imperceptible habit of turning the mind to a love of TRUTH in all its forms and as

pects; not only in matters of grave morali- The memory should be stored with none ty, but in matters of business, of common but the best things, that when. hereafter, intercourse, and even of taste; for there is the judgment is brought into exercise, it a truth both in moral and mental taste, little may find none but the best materials to act short of the exactness of mathematical truth; upon. Instead, therefore, of loading the and the mind should acquire an habit of memory, might it not be useful to establish seeking perfection in every thing. This it into a rule to read to her every day, as an habit should be so early and insensibly form- amusement, and distinctly from all regular ed, that when the pupil comes afterwards to instruction, a passage from the history of meet with maxims, and instances of truth England, a story out of Plutarch, or any and virtue, in historical and moral writings, similar author; and require of her to repeat she may bring to the perusal tastes, tempers, it afterwards, in her own words? and dispositions so laid in, as to have prepared the mind for their reception. As this mode of preparatory and incidental instruction will be gradual and inwoven, so it will be deep and durable; but as it will be little obvious to ordinary judges, it will excite less wonder and admiration than the usual display and exhibition so prevalent in modern education. Its effects will be less ostensible, but they will be more certain.

When it is considered how short is that period of life in which plain unvarnished truth will be likely to appear in all its naked simplicity before princes, is there a moment of that happy, that auspicious season to be lost, for presenting it to them in all its lovely and engaging forms? It is not enough that they should possess truth as a principle; they should cherish it as an object of affection, delight in it as a matter of taste, and dread nothing so much as false colouring and artifice.

He who possesses a sound principle, and strong relish of truth in his own mind, will possess a touchstone by which to try this quality in others, and which will enable him to detect false notions, to see through false manners, and to despise false attractions. This discerning faculty is the more important, as the high breeding of very polished society presents so plausible an imitation of goodness, as to impose on the superficial observer, who, satisfied with the image and su perscription, never inquires whether the coin be counterfeit or sterling.

This would not only add, daily, one important fact to her stock of knowledge, but would tend to form a perspicuous and elegant style.Occasion would also be furnished for observing whether she exhibited that best proof of good sense, the seizing on the prominent features of the story, laying less stress on what was less important.

But while accuracy is thus sought, the still more important habit of comprehensiveness must not be overlooked. Her mind should be trained to embrace a wide compass; it should be taught to take in a large whole, and then subdivide it into parts; each of which should be considered distinctly, yet connectedly, with strict attention to its due proportions, relative situations, its bearings with respect to the others, and the dependence of each part on the whole. Where, however, so many things are to be known, and so many to be done, it is impossible to attend equally to all. It is therefore important, that, in any case of competition, the less material be left unlearned and undone ; and that petty details never fill the time and mind, at the expense of neglecting great objects.

For those, therefore, who have much busines and little time, it is a great and necessary art to learn to extract the essential spirit of an author from the body of his work, to know how to seize on the vital parts; to discern where his strength lies; and to separate it from those portions of the work which are superfluous, collateral, or merely

The early habit of sifting questions, turn-ornamental. ing about a truth, and examining an argu- On the subject of economising time, the ment on all sides, will strengthen the intel-writer would have been fearful of incurring lectual powers of the royal pupil prevent the charge of needless strictness, by suggesther thoughts from wandering; accustom her ing the utility of accustoming princes to be to weigh fairly and resolve soundly; will conquer irresolution in her mind; preserve her from being easily deceived by false reasoning, startled by doubts, and confounded by objections. She will learn to digest her thoughts in an exact method, to acquire a logical order in the arrangement of them, to possess precision in her ideas, and its natural concomitant, perspicuity in her expression; all which will be of the highest importance to one who may hereafter have so much to do and to say in public.

read to while they are dressing, could not the actual practice of our admirable queen Mary be adduced to sanction the advice.That excellent princess, from a conscientious regard to the value of time, was either read to by others, or condescended, herself, to read aloud, that those who were employed about her person might share the benefit, which she enhanced by such pleasant and judicious remarks as the subject suggested. But there is an additional reason why the children of the great would be benefitted by this habit; for it would not only turn idle moments to some account, but would be of use in another way, by cutting off the fairest occasions which their inferior attendants can have for engaging them, by frivolous or flat

With the shades of expressions she should also be well acquainted, and be habituated to use the most apposite and the most correct; such as are neither too high nor too low, too strong nor too weak, for the occasion; such as are obvious, but not vulgar, accurate buttering discourse. not pedantic, elegant but not artificial.

It would be well to watch attentively the

bent of the mind in the hours of relaxation sess: the terms wit and scholar, were in his and amusement, when caution is dismissed mind, terms of reproach; the one as implyby the pupil, and control by the preceptor; ing satire, the other pedantry. He wanted when no studies are imposed, and no specific not application to public affairs; and habit employment suggested. In fact, when vigi-had given him some experience in them. lance appears to sleep, it should be particu- But the apathy which marked his latter larly on the alert, in order to discern those years strongly illustrated the infelicity of an tendencies and dispositions which will then unfurnished mind. This, in the tumult of most naturally unfold themselves; and be- his brighter days, amidst the succession of cause that the heart, being at those seasons intrigues, the splendour of festivity, and the less under discipline, will be more likely to bustle of arms, was scarcely felt. But ambetray its native character. And as the reg-bition and voluptuousness cannot always ulation of the temper is that part of educa- be gratified. Those ardent passions, which tion on which the whole happiness of life most materially depends, no occasion should be neglected, no indication slighted, no counteraction omitted, which may contribute to accomplish so important an end.

in youth were devoted to licentiousness, in the meridian of life to war, in a more advanced age to bigotry and intolerance, not only had never been directed by religion, but had never been softened by letters.The peculiar defects, not merely such After he had renounced his mistresses at faults as are incident to childhood, but the home, and his unjust wars abroad, even predominating faults of the individual, should though his mind seems to have acquired some be carefully watched, lest they acquire pious tendencies, his life became a scene of strength through neglect, when they might such inanity and restlessness, that he was have been diminished by a counteracting impatient at being, for a moment, left alone. The agiforce. If the temper be restless, ardent, He had no intellectual resources. and impetuous, weariness and discontent tation of great events had subsided. From will, hereafter, fill up the dreary intervals never having learned either to employ himbetween one animating scene and another, self in reading or thinking, his life became a unless the temper be subdued and tranquili- blank, from which he could not be relieved zed by a constant habit of quiet, though by the sight of his palaces, his gardens, and varied, and interesting occupation. Few his aqueducts, the purchase of depopulated things are more fatal to the mind, than to villages and plundered cities. depend for happiness on the contingent re- Indigent amid all his possessions, he excurrence of events, businesses, and diver-hibited a striking confirmation of the declasions, which inflame and agitate it; for as they do not often occur, the intervals which are long are also languid; the enjoyment is factitious happiness; the privation is actual misery.

Reading, therefore, has, especially to a prince, its moral uses, independently of the nature of the study itself. It brings no small gain, if it secure him from the dominion of turbulent pursuits and agitating pleasures.

ration of Solomon, concerning the unsatisfying nature of all earthly pleasures; and showed, that it is in vain even for kings to hope to obtain from others those comforts, and that contentment, which man can derive only from within himself.



If it snatch him, on the one hand, from pub- The Education of a Sovereign a specific Edlic schemes of ambition and false glory; and if it rescue him, on the other, from the habit of forming pretty projects of incessant di- THE formation of the character is the version, the rudiments of a trifling and use- grand object to be accomplished. This less life. should be considered to be not so much a Knowledge, therefore, is often the preserv- separate business, as a sort of centre to ative of virtue, and, next to right habits of which all the rays of instruction should be sentiment and conduct, the best human directed. All the studies, it is presumed, of source of happiness. Could Louis the four- the royal pupil, should have some reference Is it not, teenth have read, probably the edict of to her probable future situation. Nantz had not been revoked. But a rest-therefore, obviously requisite that her unless temper, and a vacant mind, unhappily derstanding be exercised in a wider range lighting on absolute power, present, in this than that of others of her sex; and that her monarch, a striking instance of the fatal ef- principles be so established, on the best and fects of ignorance, and the calamity of a surest foundation, as to fit her at once for neglected education. He had a good natural fulfilling the peculiar demands, and for reunderstanding, loved business, and seemed sisting the peculiar temptations of her stato have a mind capable of comprehending tion? Princes have been too often inclined it. Many of his recorded expressions are to fancy, that they have few interests in comneat and elegant. But he was uninstructed mon with the rest of mankind, feeling themupon system; cardinal Mazarine, with a selves placed by Providence on an eminence But the great aim view to secure his own dominion, having so much above them. withheld from him all the necessary means should be, to correct the haughtiness which of education. Thus, he had received no may attend this superiority, without relinIs it not, ideas from books; he even hated in others quishing the truth of the fact. the learning which he did not himself pos- therefore, the business of those who have the

care of a royal education, not so much to deny the reality of this distance, or to diminish its amount, as to account for its existence, and point out the uses to which it is subservient?

a long association, have become intimately
connected with its substance.
In short,
every wise inhabitant of the British isles
must feel, that he who would despoil the
crown of its jewels, would not be far from
spoiling the wearer of his crown. And as

degrade the monarch from bis due elevation,
so democratic envy alone would wish to strip
him, not only of a single constituent of real
greatness, but even of a single ornamental
appendage on which the people have been
accustomed to gaze with honest joy.

A prince is an individual being, whom the hand of Providence has placed on a pedes-nothing but domestic folly or frenzy would tal of peculiar elevation: but he should learn, that he is placed there as the minister of good to others; that the dignity being hereditary, he is the more manifestly raised to that elevation, not by his own merit, but by providential destination; by those laws, which he is himself bound to observe with the same religious fidelity as the meanest of his subjects. It ought early to be impressed that those appendages of royalty, with which human weakness may too probably be fascinated, are intended not to gratify the feelings, but to distinguish the person of the monarch; that, in themselves, they are of little value; that they are beneath the attachment of a rational, and of no substantial use to a moral being; in short, that they are not a subject of triumph, but are to be acquiesced in for the public benefit, and from regard to that weakness of our nature, which subjects so large a portion of every community to the influence of their imagination, and their senses.

Nevertheless, those outrages which have lately been committed against the sanctity of the throne, furnish new and most powerful reasons for assiduously guarding princes by every respectful admonition, against any tendency to exceed their just prerogatives, and for checking every rising propensity to overstep, in the slightest degree, their well-defined rights.

ness and irresolution, which seems to be little more than pardonable weaknesses in private persons, may, by their consequences, prove in princes fatal errors; and even produce the effect of great crimes. Vigour to secure, and opportunity to exert their constitutional power, is as essential as moderation not to exceed it.*

At the same time it should be remembered, that there may be no less dangerous faults on the other side, and that want of firmness in maintaining just rights, or of spirit in the prompt and vigorous exercise of necessary authority, may prove as injurious to the interests of a community as the most lawless stretch of power. Defects of this very kind While, therefore, a prince is taught the were evidently among the causes, of bringuse of those exterior embellisments, which ing down, on the gentlest of the kings of as was before observed, designate, rather France, more calamities than had ever rethan dignify his station; while he is led to 'sulted from the most arbitrary exertion of place the just value on every appendage power in any of his predecessors. Feeble. which may contribute to give him importance in the eyes of the multitude; who, not being just judges of what constitutes true dignity, are consequently apt to reverence the royal person exactly so far as they see outward splendor connected with it; should not a royal pupil himself be taught, instead of overvaluing that splendor, to think it a humbling, rather than an elevating conside- It serves to show the inestimable value of ration, that so large a part of the respect well-defined laws, and the importance of paid to him, should be owing to such extrin- making the prince acquainted with them, sic causes, to causes which make no part of that Louis the thirteenth conceived a jealhimself? Let him then be taught to gratify ousy respecting his own power, beause he the public with all the pomp and circum- did not understand the nature of it; and bis stance suitable to royalty; but let him never forget, that though his station ought always to procure for him respect, he must ever look to bis own personal conduct, for inspiring veneration, attachment, and affection; and ever let it be remembered that this affection is the stongest tie of obedience; that subjects like to see their prince great, when that greatness is not produced by rendering them less; and as the profound Selden observes, the people will always be liberal to a prince who spares them, and a good prince will always spare a liberal people'

favourites were unable or unwilling to instruct him. But his usurpation of extraordinary power tended to exalt his minister still more than himself; and in setting the king above the laws, he still set the cardinal above the king.

*May it not be observed, without risking the imputation of flattery, that perhaps never, in the interruptedly blessed with that very temperament history of the world, has any country been so unof government, which is here implied, as this empire has been under the dominion of the house of Hanover? There has, on no occasion, been a want This is not a period when any wise man of firmness: but with that firmness, there has would wish to diminish either the authority, been a conscientious regard to the principles of the or the splendor of kings. So far from it, he constitution. Who can at this moment pretend to will support with his whole weight, an insti- pronounce how much we owe to the steady integtution which the licentious fury of a revolu-rity which is so obviously possessed by our present tionary spirit has rendered more dear to every Englishman. On no consideration, therefore, would he pluck even a feather from those decorations of royalty, which, by

what good effect his resolute composure and digniSovereign? And who does not remember with fied firmness were exerted, during a scene of the grestest alarm which has occurred in his reignthe riots of the year 1780.

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