| Samuel Mather - 1705 - 604 pages
...whereof we (hall fpeak hereafter, the Lord affifting. T HE COS M OFTHE PERPETUAL T Y E S. Hcb. X. i. for the Law having a Shadow of good Things to come, and. not the very Image cf the Things, &c. SOmc entrance and Progrefs hath been made upon the 7>pf •, You have heard ( Beloved... | |
 | Daniel Finch Earl of Nottingham - 1721 - 96 pages
...but a full, lively and perfcit Image. By another Text in this Epiftle to the Hebrews, Ch. x. V. i. « The Law having a Shadow of good Things to come, and not * the very Image (or Image itfelf) of the Things, Here the in Image oí the Things, muft fignify a full and perfeil... | |
 | Edward Maynard - 1722 - 434 pages
...Vertue of itfelf, with all its Sacrifices, to put away Sin The L*w,Heb.ri (fays the Apoftle) having only A Shadow of Good things to come, and not the very. . Image of the things, can never by thofe Sacrifices which they offered continually, make the Comers thereunto Perfect. Their Legal... | |
 | David Derodon - 1726 - 160 pages
...into Salvation. This is confirmed by the Words of the fiime Apoflle, Heb. 10. The Law having a jhadow of good Things to come, and not the very Image of the Things ; can never with thofe Sacrifices which they offered Year by Tear continually, make the Comers thereunto pcrfeft ; for... | |
 | Samuel Clarke - 1730 - 438 pages
...him that did the fervice perfect, as pertaining to the confcience ; For the law having a jladow oj good things to come , and not the very image of the things, can never with thofe Jacrifaes, which they offered year by year continually, make the comers thereunto perfect, Heb.... | |
 | William Sherlock - 1735 - 398 pages
...Thus the Apoftle to the Hebrews exprefly tells us concerning the legal Sacrifices: For the Law' hawing a Shadow of good things to come, and not the very Image of ibt things, can never by thefe Sacrifices, which they offered Tear by Tear continually, make the Comers... | |
 | Benjamin Holloway - 1739 - 200 pages
...without Spot to God, purge your Conferences from dead Works, toferve the Living God! Thus again—' For, the Law having a Shadow of good things to come, and not the very Image of the things^ can never with thofe Sacrifices, which they offer d Tear by Tear continually, make the comers thereunto perfect: For... | |
 | Joseph Butler (bp. of Durham.) - 1740 - 488 pages
...to the Sacrifices of the Mofaick Law, the Apoftle on the contrary affirms, that the Law was a Jhadow of good things to come, and not the very image of the things^: and that the Priejls that offer gifts according to the law — ferve unto the example and Jhadow of... | |
 | 1742 - 482 pages
...of a better Co>" vtnant, which is eftablijbed upon betterPromifes ; «' . —That the Law was only a Shadow of good «' things to come, and not the very Image : Is it pof«« fiblc, our Author afks, that fuch a Writer fhould «* forget himfelf before he came... | |
 | Samuel Clarke - 1743 - 500 pages
...being only a figure Jor the Time then prefent, • impofed upon them till the time of Reformation ; a Shadow of good things to come, and not the very Image ( the Senfe is, not the very Subjiance ) of the things themfehes, Heb. xi The not attending to thefe... | |
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