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King Robert the Bruce. During the preparation that had been going on in the Psalter Church-yard of Dunfermline, towards the building of a new church, which promises from its plan, designed by Mr Burn, to be one of the handsomest, and, from its site, the most commanding in Scotland, a tomb, supposed to be that of the celebrated King Robert the Bruce, was the other day discovered. There is yet no absolute certainty of the tomb being his, no inscription to that effect having been found, but there is much circumstantial evidence to prove the supposition. The situation corresponds very nearly with that of King Robert's sepulchre, pointed out by our two earliest Scottish historians, Barbour and Fordun, while the appearance of the grave indicates it to have been one of a personage of no small distinction. There is a large trough, built of polished stone, about seven feet in length, and 18 inches in depth; the cover of which, when first observed, had on it several iron rings, in a very decayed state, and some of which were even entirely loosened from the stone. In this trough lies a large body, six feet two inches in length, cased in lead. The lead is pretty entire, except on the breast, where it is much consumed, exhibiting part of the skeleton of the body, in a state of considerable preservation. The body itself has been wrapped in damask cloth, extremely fine, and interwoven with gold, some fragments of which remain. Something like a crown has been observed upon the head, but from the hur ried inspection that has been made of it, this has not yet been accurately ascertained. A wooden coffin appears to have surrounded the body, of which some vestiges still exist. The mouldered wood, conceived to be oak, lies strewed on the bottom of the tomb, and one or two nails have been picked up from amongst it. The grave is now closed, and secured against any violent depredations by three rows of large flag stones, fastened to each other by iron bars, in which state it is to continue till the intentions of the Barons of Exchequer, as to further procedure, are learnt. Several fragments of marble, carved and gilt, were dug from the ruins in the immediate neighbourhood of the tomb, which, in all probability, are the remains of the monument that had been erected over it.

Aberdeen, February 28. If we may judge from the spirit with which ship-building is carried on here at present, we may anticipate a brisk trade at no distant period. In the course of this week about 1000 reister tons of shipping have been launched

at this place, namely, three handsome brigs of 120 to 190 tons, and a fine ship of 440 tons. These vessels made fine launches, happily free of any accident; and the ship in particular went off in excellent style, gliding majestically into the water, amid the cheers of the greatest number of spectators we have seen on any similar occasion, who hailed the prospect of an opening trade to India, the ship being destined on a voyage to Bombay. 2.-Melancholy Accident. On Wednesday se'ennight, as Mr Simpson, steward to Major Hart of Castlemilk, was returning from Dumfries, in company with a Mr Johnstone, he was unfortunately drowned in attempting to cross the river Annan, at a point called the William-wath Ford. His companion, who, from the quantity of rain that had fallen, was almost certain that the river was unfordable, remonstrated against the danger of this attempt, especially as the bridge of Hoddam was at no great distance. But, as Mr Simpson persisted in his design, and set off at full speed, his friend was induced to follow him to the ford, where he found, to his great dismay, a horse without a rider, clambering up the bank, and endeavouring to escape from the river at the same side by which his master had entered it. It is probable that the deceased had reached the middle of the ford before he was unhorsed, and his cries, if he uttered any, must soon have been lost amidst the roaring of the river. It is believed Mr S. had a considerable sum of money about him when he perished; but although the most diligent search has been made, his body has not yet been found.

2. The following fracas happened in a public-house on Tuesday afternoon:-A mechanic, taking a draught of porter, was asked if he had any news, when he replied, that the only thing he had heard was the melancholy death of the physician who had attended the Princess Charlotte. A messenger, sitting with some other persons within hearing of the conversation, now bounced on the mechanic, collared him, and charged him with uttering sedition, and added that the statement was not true. The man was detained nearly two hours a prisoner. They at last relented so far as to offer him his liberty if he would give them a gill or two of whisky. The mechanic was not disposed to accept of his release on such terms, and was then escorted prisoner to the procurator-fiscal's office. Here the messenger charged the prisoner with having said that the doctor who had killed the princess had shot himself. The mechanic, therefore, was guilty of sedition. The public prosecutor, of course, made the man be forthwith released.-Glasgow Chronicle.

Court of Session.-Second Division. We stated some time ago, that a petition and complaint, at the instance of Deacon Alexander Lawrie and others, had been presented to the Court of Session against the last election of the magistracy of Edinburgh, with a view to annul that election, as being informal in a variety of particulars, which the court ordered to be answered. The answers having been followed by replies, and duplies for the magistrates, this important case came to be advised by the court on Tuesday. Four of the Lords only were present (the Lord Justice Clerk being absent from indisposition), all of whom gave it as their opinion, that the disqualification of one of the council invalidated the election. Two of the Judges, Lords Robertson and Bannatyne, were of opinion that the disqualification was proved. - Lords Glenlee and Craigie expressed doubts. The case was again before the court on Thursday, when informations on certain points were ordered to be given in by Tuesday.

The court resumed consideration of this ease yesterday, and heard the opinion of Lord Reston, who, as Lord Ordinary, had been called in, in consequence of the equality of the votes of the four other judges, to decide the point on which they differed, viz. Whether the admitted fact that Bailie Robert Anderson does not reside within the royalty, although just beyond it (Broughton-place), shall, in terms of the two acts of parliament regulating that matter, disqualify him from holding the office of bailie, and thereby annul the whole election as incomplete? or, Whether a long course of opposite practice, wherein gentlemen, though not strictly resident within the burgh, yet resident so near it as to perform all the duties, have held the office of bailie unchallenged, shall be allowed to go to proof? This latter was his Lordship's opinion; and the proof is accordingly allowed. Memorials on the other points of the cause were at the same time ordered.

On Saturday, at a general meeting of the subscribers to the new hotel and tavern, to be erected in Waterloo Place, it was stated by the Lord Provost, from the chair, that the subscription already amounted to nearly £22,000; and Sir W. Rae proposed, that the stock of the company should be raised to that sum, in place of £20,000, originally proposed, which would enable the company to furnish suitable chandeliers, grates, &c. for the large rooms. This proposal was unanimously agreed to, as was also an offer laid before the meeting from Mr Oman, to take a lease of the premises, when finished, at a rent of six per cent. per annum upon the whole outlay. The excavations are

to be immediately begun, and the building will be commenced without delay. We unVOL. III.

derstand considerable improvements have been made upon the plans, and that the hotel and tavern are to be kept quite separate. It is also understood that certain privileges in the coffee-room will be reserved to the subscribers.

On the 26th ult. the ship Minerva of Liverpool, for New York, put into Ullapool. After weathering a severe gale for some days, she was dismasted on the 21st, in lat. 54, lon. 20. Both her boats, and also her bulwarks and spars, were washed from the deck; the first mate and two of the men were likewise unfortunately washed overboard. By the greatest exertion of all on board, she was at last brought into Ullapool; but the crew and some of the passengers were frost-bitten, and all were completely exhausted with their great and unremitting exertions. Late on the night of the 4th current, the inhabitants of Ullapool were greatly alarmed by dreadful screams proceeding from this vessel, then lying in the offing. On boats going out, it was found that the ship was on fire under the lowest deck. The inhabitants immediately flocked on board to assist the distressed and disabled crew; but in spite of every exertion, in less than three hours £150,000 worth of goods were consumed. It is supposed that a fourth part of her cargo will be got landed, though in a damaged state. As soon as it was perceived that the fire could not be got under, the vessel made for the shore, and approached so close, that fears were entertained for the safety of the village, sparks flying about in all directions. Fortunately the wind shifted. Fragments of silks and goods of all descriptions were washed ashore from the wreck.

Union Canal.-On Tuesday, after the adjournment of the general meeting of the Union Canal Company, the committee of management, with many of the proprietors, proceeded to the west end of Fountainbridge, the spot fixed on for the basin, where they were met by the engineer and contractor; and after an appropriate and impressive prayer by the Rev. David Dickson, one of the ministers of the parish, Mr Downie of Appin, president of the company, dug the first spadeful in this extensive work. From a drawing which was exhibited at the meeting, of the aqueduct over Slateford valley, it promises to be one of the most striking and elegant structures of the kind in the kingdom. It is to be nearly 500 feet long, and 65 feet high; and it is designed by Mr Baird, on the principle of the celebrated aqueduct at Llangothlen in Wales. ednesday.

13.-On Wednesday, a boy, who was amusing himself with a few companions in the Overgate, Dundee, was suddenly thrown down in a fit of epilepsy, and in a few seconds was strongly convulsed, when a sailor who was accidentally passing took off the

boy's shoe, and held the inside of it to his

nostrils for a short time, which almost im



mediately restored him. The sailor averred that he had seen this often done, and never once without effect.

Court of Session, Second Division.Wednesday the Court took into consideration the report of the auditor on the accounts of expenses incurred by the magistrates, the city clerks, and the keeper of the records, in defending themselves against the petitions and complaints of Deacon Lawrie, accusing them of contempt of authority; when they approved of the auditor's reports, and decerned against Mr Lawrie for £65:19:8, the expenses incurred on the part of the magistrates; £46, 2s. the expenses on the part of the clerks; and £47:12:10, the expenses incurred by the keeper of the records: in all, £159:14:6.

· Inverness Election of Magistrates. - After the question respecting the last election of the magistracy of Edinburgh was disposed of, on Tuesday, the Court proceeded to consider the case of Inverness; the principal objection to the election of magistrates of which was, that though, by the set of the burgh, it was necessary that the whole members of the council should be resident burgesses, yet at the last election, two bailies and several councillors were elected, who were not qualified. It was contended for the magistrates, that the original set of the burgh had been altered by usage; and it was asserted, that the usage had been to elect persons who were not resident burgesses. The Court ordered the magistrates to condescend on the facts which they averred in support of this plea; but expressed an opinion, that if usage is to be permitted to change the original constitution of the burghs, this usage ought to be inveterate and general; not for a short period, or confined to a small number of cases, but for a period of at least forty years, and extending to a variety of instances.

Aberdeen Election of Magistrates annulled. The Court afterwards took up the case of the city of Aberdeen. The complaint against the election of magistrates contained several objections, only one of which, however, the Court considered to be relevant. By the set of the burgh, the meeting of the old and new councils, for the purpose of electing the office-bearers, is. appointed to consist of forty persons; and it is provided, that, if any of these persons are absent, the meeting may call in an equal number of other persons to act in their room, under the denomination of assistants. It appeared, that at the last election one of the assistants was not a burgess; and it was contended, that this circumstance rendered the proceedings of the meeting void. It was maintained for the magistrates, that it was not necessary for these assistants, by the terms of the set, to be qualified as burgesses; and that, at any rate, supposing this individual to have been disqualified, this circumstance merely set aside his vote,

without annulling the whole proceedings of the meeting. The Court, however, considered the objection well founded, and annulled the election. A separate application having been made by the complainers, that the Court would name interim magistrates to carry on the affairs of the burgh till a new regular magistracy could be obtained, the Court named interim managers, consisting partly of some of those office-bearers who were chosen at last Michaelmas and had accepted, and partly of the complainers. Jury Court. On Thursday the Court proceeded to try the issue in the cause in which General Mathew Baillie, of Carnbroe, in the county of Lanark, was pursuer, and James Bryson, surgeon in Hamilton, was defender. This was the second action of crim. con. ever tried before a Scottish jury. The issue sent by the Second Division of the Court of Session to be tried was, "Whether the defender did, on the 1st day of January 1818, or at any time between that time and the 1st day of January 1812, seduce and maintain an adulterous connexion, and did commit adultery with Mrs Elizabeth Cross, or Boyes, then the wife of the pursuer, at the pursuer's house at Carnbroe, or in the neighbourhood thereof." The damages were laid at £10,000.-The nature of the evidence in this case prevents us from giving any account of it. Ill usage of the lady, and introducing into the house four natural children of the pursuer's, were dwelt upon as matter of aggravation and alleviation of damages. The act of adultery was positively denied, and rested solely upon circumstantial proof. A great number of witnesses were examined for both parties, and the jury were charged by Mr John Clerk for the defender, and by Mr Jeffrey for the pursuer, in reply. The Lord Chief Commissioner summed up the evidence; and the jury having retired out of Court at half past five o'clock on Friday morning, returned in half an hour, finding the charges in the issue Not Proven. The verdict of the jury was hailed by a crowded Court with the greatest applause. There were no less than 150 witnesses in attendance for the defence. The defender is married to the sister of the pursuer's wife.

18.-At a numerous meeting of the Caledonian Hunt, on Tuesday se'ennight, the propriety of erecting a national monument to the memory of King Robert Bruce, whose body has recently been discovered amidst the ruins of the abbey of Dunfermline, was suggested, and highly approved of. It was also proposed, that the subscription should be limited to one guinea each person.

At a meeting of the Faculty of Advocates on the 10th inst. Mr Alexander Manners, who had filled the office of their principal librarian for twenty-five years, was induced, from the state of his health, to tender his resignation; upon which the Faculty unanimously resolved to allow him to retire on

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