A New Guide to the English Tongue: In Five PartsPublished for E. Duyckinck, D.D. Smith, W.B. Gilley, and G. Long, 1820 - 144 pages |
From inside the book
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Page 28
... ster hard ship jol ly lord ship office plo gam mon har dy judgment luc ky set pl gan der har lot jug gler lug gage der po gar land har per ju lep Ma ker gan po gar ment harts horn ju ry mam mon Fer po gar ret har vest Ken nel man ful ...
... ster hard ship jol ly lord ship office plo gam mon har dy judgment luc ky set pl gan der har lot jug gler lug gage der po gar land har per ju lep Ma ker gan po gar ment harts horn ju ry mam mon Fer po gar ret har vest Ken nel man ful ...
Page 30
... ster tame ly tru ly trum pet tu lip ut most ut ter use ful spite ful tan ner tum bler Wa fer Unto thee , O bod , I have pu Lead me for hou art the Go splen did ta per tu mult wa ger splen dor tap ster tun nel splin ter tar dy tur ky wa ...
... ster tame ly tru ly trum pet tu lip ut most ut ter use ful spite ful tan ner tum bler Wa fer Unto thee , O bod , I have pu Lead me for hou art the Go splen did ta per tu mult wa ger splen dor tap ster tun nel splin ter tar dy tur ky wa ...
Page 32
... ster brew is mour din bel fry bon fire brick kiln 1 an ly di bel low bound less bird lime braw ny bride groom bride maid arly di set do bi " shop blemish breath less brief ly ' ler do brew er bright ness lour do o'lumn down right fea ...
... ster brew is mour din bel fry bon fire brick kiln 1 an ly di bel low bound less bird lime braw ny bride groom bride maid arly di set do bi " shop blemish breath less brief ly ' ler do brew er bright ness lour do o'lumn down right fea ...
Page 33
... ster om rade drag gle fid dle on jure dri " ven fierce ly o " py drow sy fifth ly o " ver du " sky fi " gure : oun sel du " sty fla " gon ount er Ea gle flam beau oun ty ea glet fla'sket ou'ple earl dom fla vour ou " rage earth ly flax ...
... ster om rade drag gle fid dle on jure dri " ven fierce ly o " py drow sy fifth ly o " ver du " sky fi " gure : oun sel du " sty fla " gon ount er Ea gle flam beau oun ty ea glet fla'sket ou'ple earl dom fla vour ou " rage earth ly flax ...
Page 34
... ster preach er ru gain say hea " vy li'mit mu'sty prin cess Sa ga " ther heed less li'quid Name less produce sa gau dy heir ess li " quor na " sty product sau ge " sture high ly lu cre naugh ty profer sau ghost ly high way lu'stre need ...
... ster preach er ru gain say hea " vy li'mit mu'sty prin cess Sa ga " ther heed less li'quid Name less produce sa gau dy heir ess li " quor na " sty product sau ge " sture high ly lu cre naugh ty profer sau ghost ly high way lu'stre need ...
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Common terms and phrases
accent adjectives adverb bu"ry CHAP church consonants declension denotes diphthong division of syllables doth drow easy lessons educate hereafter following words ford fore foregoing Tables gender give hast hath heart IMPERATIVE MOOD INDICATIVE MOOD INFINITIVE MOOD land letters ling Lord ment mind ness Note nouns Optative mood ous ly Plur plural potential mood praise preposition Present tense Preter Preterimperfect tense Preterperfect Preterpluperfect tense pronoun proper ra ble rain ri ous Second future tense sentence shew signifies Sing singular number sound ster ston Subjunctive mood substantive thee thing thou tism tive trans ture unto verb vowel wich wicked wise words not exceeding
Popular passages
Page 26 - I cried unto the LORD with my voice, a,nd he heard me out of his holy, hill.
Page 50 - He that oppresseth the poor to increase his riches, and he that giveth to the rich, shall surely come to want.
Page 53 - ... 6 I said unto the LORD, Thou art my GOD, hear the voice of my prayers, O LORD.
Page 20 - For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.
Page 50 - The rich and the poor meet together : The LORD is the maker of them all.
Page 143 - LORD, our heavenly ,Father, Almighty > and everlasting God, who hast safely brought us to the beginning of this day ; De(fend us in the same with thy mighty power ; and grant » that this day we fall into no ,sin, neither run into ,any kind of danger ; but » that all our doings may be ordered by ,thy governance, to do always » that > is ,righteous in thy sight ; through Jesus ,Christ > our Lord.
Page 50 - Be not among winebibbers ; among riotous eaters of flesh : for the drunkard and the glutton shall come to poverty : and drowsiness shall clothe a man with rags.
Page 52 - The Lord looked down from heaven upon the children of men : to see if there were any that would understand, and seek after God. 4 But they are all gone out of the way, they are altogether become abominable : there is none that doeth good, no not one.
Page 51 - More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold : sweeter also than honey, and the honey-comb. 11 Moreover, by them is thy servant taught : and in keeping of them there is great reward.
Page 51 - There is neither speech nor language ; but their voices are heard among them. Their sound is gone out into all lands ; and their words into the ends of the world.