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Note. The accent of the following words is on the last

[blocks in formation]

Note. The accent of the following words is on the first


D der bu"ry Da"ras bu"ry
Alex an derFe"bru a ry
Al mond bury Fo"ther ing hay
Am bres bury Gla"sten bu"ry
At the borough Hi e rar chy
Can ter bu"ry Is ra el ite

Ja'ni za ry
Ja'nu a ry
Ke der min ster
Micha el mas
Pe ter bo"rough
Sa lis bu"ry


Note. The accent of the following words is on the st

Cha i a

A Chaili

A me li a
A me ri ca

A po'ery pha
A ra bi a
Ar me ni a

As phal ti des
As sy'ri a
Bar ba di an
Bar ba ri an
Bar tho lo mew
Bil le'ri ca
Bithyni a
Bo he mi a
Caffre ri a
Ca la bri a
Ca per na um
Ce sa re a
Ce li'ci a
Co los si ans
Co per ni cus
Co rin thi an
Cor ne li us
Dal ma ti a

cond syllable. E gyp ti an

Eliza beth

E pi"pha ny
Esa i as

Eu ro pe an
E ze ki el
Gala ti a
Ga'li ci a
Gal lipo li
Ga ma li el
Ge or gi a
Ho ra ti o

Ig na ti us
I ta li an

Je ru sa lem

Le vi ti cus

Lieu te'nan cy Ma home tan Mi ran du la Mol da vi a

Mat go"me ry Mont pel li er Mo ra vi a

Mo sa i cal


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[blocks in formation]

Note. The accent of the following words is on the third


Ber con wey Ca ro li na

E le a zer

A'na bap tist A'na ni as

Che tel hamp ton

Eze ki as

[blocks in formation]

Ba al ze bub Bar ce lo na Be'ne die tine Be'ne ven to Cag li a ri

Chip ping on garHen ri et ta

He"ze ki ah

Ci ren ce'ster

Com po stel la Co pen ha gen Dal ma nu tha

I sa bel la

Je're mi ah Je'ro bo am

La za ret to
Ma'da ga'scar
ga rit ta

Ne he mi ah

Ni'co de mus
O'ba di ah

[blocks in formation]

Pa ̋le sti na
Pei'lips Nor ton
Sa'la man ca

Sa ra gos sa

Shep ton Mallet

[blocks in formation]

Wol ver hamp ton
Wot ten Bas set
Za ̋cha ri ah

Sut ton Co field Ze de ki ah

The accent is on the last syllable.

Bar ce lo nette

Or le a nois


Philip pe ville



Note. The accent of the following words is on the third syllable.

"Lex an dri a
A" na to li a

An da lu zi a
A po lo ni a
Cap pa do ci a

Ca ta lo ni a
Ce" pha lo ni a
Cle burgh Mor ti mer
Deu te ro no my
Di o ny" si us

E qui noc ti al
E thi o pi a
He li o" po lis
Hi e ra' po lis
Li" thu a ni a
Ly ca o ni a
Ma" ce do ni a
Ma gel la" ni ca
Maximili an
Me tro poli tan


Ne bu za'ra dan Ni co me di a Phi la del phi a Sa mo thra ci o Scan di na vi a Sex a ge si ma The o do si us Thes sa lo ni ans Tran syl va ni a U ni ver si ty

Note. The accent of the following words is on the fourth syllable.

A Berga ven ny

A ba su e rus

Alex an dret ta
A'ri ma the a
Con stan ti no ple

Ec cle si a'stes

E'pa phro di tus


E stre" ma du ra

Hi"spa'ni o la

La o di ce a

Ne bu chad nez zar

Pe lo pon ne sus
Stur min ster New ton

Thes sa lo ni ca



Note. The accent is on the fourth syllable.·

Bel beth ma a cah

Be ro dach Ba'la dan

Ec cle si a sti cus

Hi'sto ri o'gra phy

Me"di ter ra ne an
Me so po ta mi a



A table of words, the same in sound, but different in spelling and signification.

[blocks in formation]

Base, vile

Are, they are
Heir, to an estate

All, every one
Awl, to bore holes

Allow'd, granted
Aloud, with a noise

Altar, for sacrifice
Alter, to change.

An, a particle
Ann, a woman's name

Ant, a pismire
Aunt, uncle's wife

Aray, good order
Array, to clothe

Assent, an agreement
Ascent, going up

Augur, a soothsayer Auger, for carpenters

Bail, a surety for debt Bale, of cloth or silk

Bawl, to cry aloud
Ball, a round substance

Barbara, a woman's name
Barbary, a country
Burberry, a fruit

Bais, cloth so called

Bays, bay-trees

Beer, to drink

Bier, to carry the dead

Bean, pulse

Been, was at a place

Beat, to strike

Beet, an herb

Bettce, a pint flask of wine

Betty, Elizabeth

Berry, a small fruit
Bury, to lay in the grave.

Bilc, a swelling

Boil, as water on the fire

Blen, did blow as the wind
Blue, colour

Blight, a blast
Blite, a flower

Board, a plank
Bor'd, made a hole

Boar, a beast

Boor, a country fellow
Bore, to make a hole


Bold, confident

Bowl'd, did bow!

Bolt, for a door

Boult, meal

Bow, to bend

Bough, a branch
Boy, a lad

Buoy, to bear up
Bow, to shoot with
Beau, a fine gentleman
Brake, an herb

Break, to part asunder
Bread, to eat
Bred, brought up

Card, to play with Card, to dress wool


Breaches, broken places

Breeches, to wear

Burrow, for rabbits

Borough, a corporation

By, near
Buy, for money
Brews, breweth
Bruise, to break
But, a particle
Butt, two hogsheads
Cain, Abel's brother
Cane, a shrub

Calais, in France
Chalice, a cup

Call, to cry out
Cawl, for a perriwig

Calendar, an account of time
Calender, to smooth cloth
Can, to be able

Cann, to drink out of

Capital, chief

Capitol, a tower in Rome

Canvas, coarse cloth

Canvass, to examine

Chair, to sit in

Chare, a job of work
Choller, rage
Coller, for the neck
Collar, beef and brawn
Ceiling, of a room
Sealing, setting of a seal
Cion, a young sprig
Sion, a mountain so called

Chronical, of long continuance
Chronicle, an history

Clark, a book-keeper
Clerk, a clergyman
Clause, of a sentence
Claws, of a bird or beast.

Climb, to get up in a tree
Clime, in geography

Close, to shut up
Clothes, garments

Coat, a garment
a cottage

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