• ter ri fy se"ven ty sil la bub se"new y singu lar six tieth ske"le ton sla ve ry slip pe ry so"lemn ly sol di er so'li tude sor row ful so've reign spec ta cle stew ard ship straw ber ry stur ge on te"sta ment te"sti fy thir ti eth tow ard ly tract a ble tra"ge dy travel ler trea"che ry trea"sur er trea'su ry trouble some Un der hand un der most u ni form war ri er wea ri ed wea ri some wharf in ger wicked ness trum pet er = Some easy lessons on the foregoing Tables, consisting of words not exceeding three syllables. LESSON 1. : I will mag will praise th Every day Naise thy nar Great is the raised: there The Lord i mercy is over Aking that Scattereth awa There is go bhe lips of kn Bread of de is mouth sha Say not the the Lord, The Lord i all his work The Lord He will ful REJOICE in the Lord, O ye rightankifoyal de also will The Lord Just scattereth rd of the Lord is true, and all his aful. woman is a crown to her husband : ath no shame is as rottenness in his f the diligent shall bear rule: but the be under tribute. us is more excellent than his neighway of the wicked doth reduce gnify thee, O God, my king; and I y name for ever and ever. will I give thanks unto thee; and ne fore ever and ever. Lord, and marvellous; worthy to be e is no end of his greatness. is loving unto every man: and his all his works. t sitteth in the throne of judgment, ay all evil with his eyes. old, and a multitude of rubies; but nowledge are a precious jewel. leceit is sweet to man: but afterwards all be filled with gravel. ou, I will recompence evil: but wait and he shall save thee. -ks. is nigh unto all them that call upon Il such as call upon him faithfully. alfill the desire of them that fear him. hear their cry, and help them. doth preserve all them that love him: LESSON VI. The robbery of the wicked shall destroy them; because they hate judgment. The wicked shall be a ransom for the righteous; and he that doth transgress, for the upright. A wise man scaleth the city of the mighty, and casteth down the strength and confidence thereof. The slothful coveteth greedily all the day long; but the righteous giveth, and spareth not.. TABLE II. qui ry Note. The accent of the following words is on the lire ly A second syllable. Bun dance con si der ad mo nish a mend ment an o'ther con ti'nue con vul sive De ceit ful de fi ance de liver de mo'lish de mon strate em bas sage en coun ter en tan gle trea ty rective a pos"tle ap pa"rel ap pa rent ap pear ance ap pen dix e"sta"blish ap pren tice arch an gel arch bi"shop ex tin guish fen sive po ser press or arta ker ter nal Com mand ment dis or der com mit tee com pen sate com po sure con du cive con fine ment con jec ture dis pleasure thetic More easy lessons on the foregoing Tables, consisting of words not exceeding three syllables. LESSON I. THOU, O Lord, has maintained my right and The Lord also will be a defence for the oppressed: even a refuge in due time of trouble. LESSON II. The rich and the poor meet together: the Lord TO The heaver irmament she One day tel dy another. beir voices ar There are Their soun their words in The fear of wer; the judg cous and true. More to be d uch fine gold is the maker of them all. A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on and are punished. He that oppresseth the poor to increase his rich-mey-comb. es; and he that giveth to the rich, shall surely Moreover by come to want. reping of then Rob not the poor, because he is poor: neither oppress the afflicted in the gate. LESSON III. Why standeth thou so far off, O Lord; and hidest thy face in the needful time of trouble? The ungodly for his own lust doth persecute the poor; let them be taken in the same craft that they For the ungodly hath made boast of his own he Fors thesire, and speaketh good of the covetous have devised. whom God abhorreth. LESSON IV. Be not amongst wine-bibbers; amongst riotous ters of fleshunkard and the glutton, shall come to verty and do the righteous shall greatly rejoicey drowsiness shall cover a man with rags. Note. The ac and he that begetteth a wise child, shall have joy of him. Fter noon ap per tain pre hend ra van de scend tha diet am pre hend is a gree s al low ap pear point commend ap prove believe com pose is con tent |