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ord God, and lift up thine hand; for


ce in thee; yea, my songs will I make O thou most highest.

all thy praises within the ports of the ion: I will rejoice in thy saving health. is known to do judgment; the wickin the work of his own hands.

cart doth devise his way; but the Lord s steps.

entence is in the lips of the king: his ot transgress in judgment. ght and balance are the Lord's: all of the bag are his works.

ay of the upright is to depart from evil: eth his way doth preserve his soul.

-d man shutteth his eyes to devise fro= moving his lips, he bringeth evil to

head is a crown of glory, if it be way of goodness. s slow to anger, is better than the he that ruleth his spirit, than he that

1, thou hast said unto the Lord, thou my goods are nothing unto thee. elight is upon the saints that are in the upon such as excel in virtue.

nk the Lord for giving me warning

[blocks in formation]

I have set God always before me: for he is on the sti ty my right hand, therefore I shall not fall.


*The Lord is my shepherd, therefore can I lack nothing.

He shall feed me in a green pasture; and lead Thou shalt prepare a table before me, against them that trouble me, thou didst anoint my head with oil, and my cup shall be full.

me forth beside the waters of comfort.

But thy loving kindness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.




Note. The accent is on the first syllable.

B 30 lute

ba"ron et

ab sti nence bat tle dore

ac ti on

ad jec tive ad mi ral

cheer ful ly choco late cheese mon ge

cho"ler ic

bris ten ing

in na mon

acular dreum stance

clean'li ness

de men cy

on thi er

me dy

mi cal

mmon er

[blocks in formation]


ju rer

[blocks in formation]

ag gra vate al der man

bla ma ble

car ri age


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

ca'te chism


ca tho lic

deso late

a"ni mate

boun te ous
bro ther hood

[blocks in formation]

ba mond

fer ence


ligent mi ty

cau ti ous

espe rate

cele brate

desti tute

gni fy

[blocks in formation]

glo ri ous

glut to ny go"vern ance go"vern ess

go"vern or

grace ful ly gra ci ous

gra"du al gra"na ry grand fa ther

fi"nish er

fir ma ment

fish e"ry fla"ge"let

grand mother grate ful ly

[blocks in formation]

like li hood

mo"nu ment

gree di ly

in dus"try

li ta ny

grid i ron

in fa mous

griev ous ly

in fa my

li"tur gy live li hood

moun te bank

[blocks in formation]

li've ry

guar di


in fer ence

lot te ry

gun ne ry Half pen ny

in fi del

[blocks in formation]

in flu ence

Ju di crous

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

lu na cy

[blocks in formation]

lu"sti ly

ha"zard ous

in so lence

Mac ka rel

[blocks in formation]

head bo rough

in stru ment

ma"gis trate

hear ti ly hea"ven ly hea"vi ness

in te ger

[blocks in formation]

in ti mate

ma'je sty

in ward ly

main te nance

rish ment

he"rald ry

i vo ry

mala dy

herb al ist


[blocks in formation]

her mit age he'si tate

jes sa min

man ner ly

jew el ler

ma"ry gold

hi'sto ry

jo"cu lar

mar jo ram

[blocks in formation]

hi'ther most

jol li ty

mar ri age

hi'ther to

jour nal ist

mar tyr dom

hor ri bly

ju ni per

mar vel lous

ho si er

ju"sti fy

me"di cine

ho"spi tal

Kins wo man

[blocks in formation]

house hold er

kna ve ry


me"mo ry

hu mor ist

Land la dy

[blocks in formation]

hu mor ous

hu mor some hurri cane

la'ti tude

mer ci less

[blocks in formation]

hus band man

lec tur er

mil le ner

[blocks in formation]

Ig no rance im pious im pu dent

le"gi ble


le"thar gy

mi'ra cle

li a ble

[blocks in formation]

mi'se ry mis sel to

[blocks in formation]

liber ty

mock e ry

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