TABLE Χ. Clear shear s Words consisting of five, six, &c. letters, viz. a parl. Earn 1 diphthong and the rest consonants, except some leas please t few which end in e final. Eighth. Cease lease Voiceach roach FRAIL sail trail prairain Paint faint sanat. Deat Claim. Brain chain grain teast.) Ble taint. Raise praise. Faith saith. Heir their. Couthe wreath Eight freight weight (height.) choice. Broil spoil. Joint point. Noise poise. Boast roast Moist. Quart. Quick. Quench. Squib. Fraud. Laugh. Caught taught (draught.) Squirt. hef grief thi Fierce pierce. eve. Guard. Juice. awn. Screw n (brown More easy Daunt haunt taunt vaunt flaunt slaunt. Cause pause gause. Bouch pouch vouch crouch slouch (touch.) Cloud croud proud shroud. Cough trough (tough.) Plough slough (dough though) (through.) Ought bought fought nought sought brought thought (drought.) Mould (could should would.) Ounce bounce pounce. Bound hound pound round sound ground louse mouse (spouse rouse.) Clout doubt scout shout sprout stout. Trout. Mouth south (youth.) (wound.) Count mount. Mourn. Course. House Fourth. Three. Leech speech. Bleed breed speed steed. Cheek sleek. Kneel steel wheel. Green queer screen spleen. Creep sheep sleep steep sweep. Cheer steer sneer. Cheese (geese fleece.) Fleet sheet street sweet. Teeth (seethe.) Sleeve Freeze sneeze squeeze. Blood flood (stood.) Proof. Brook shook. School stool (wool.) Bloom broom groom. Spoon swoon. my heart; WILL give will praise shall pleas din awe of He that fears Serve the L Great is the Seek the Lo while he is ooooooop sloop stooption the Floor. Goose loose (noose choose.) Shoot. booth thee, O tread spread knead plead. Sheaf. League. Bieak save me. sneak squeak. Realea Dealean glean stean. Cleanse. Cheap hay hope fre cak speak steak health wealth. Cream dream lion, 01.0 mear spear (swear.) Search. Earl earn. Earth dearth (hearth.) Heart. cease. e crease peace. East beast feast least eat cheat treat wheat (great.) Sweat th breath (heath sheath.) Breathe ne. Heave leave weave cleave. Thach proach. Broad. Groan. t toast. Float throat (groat.) Brief ief. Niece piece. Fiend (friend.) . Field yield shield. Priest. Grieve 1. Suit fruit. Build. Guide. Guile. Bruise. Brawl crawl drawl. Brawn v shrew strew threw. Throw. Known n clown crown drown frown.) lessons on the foregoing Tables. LESSON 1. ve thanks to thee, O Lord, with all ; and will praise thy name. se the name of God with a song, for ase the Lord. Lord with fear, and let your heart of him. rs not God, is in the way to death. LESSON II. Lord, and great is his name. Lord while he may be found: call on is near. e Lord with all thy heart. Lord, have I put my trust, let me not me; but help me lend thine ear to me LESSON III. Lord, art the thing that I long for: thou 1 O let my mouth be full of thy praise, that I may sing of thee all the day long. Čast me not from thee in the time of age: and leave me not when my strength doth fail me. I will go forth in the strength of the Lord God; and will praise thee more and more. LESSON IV. 10 Some easy wor spelling a B sence a corn ac tor der Thou, O God, has taught me from my youth up actress The Lord doth know the way of good men, and LESSON V. O ye sons of men, how long will ye hate God? know this, that the Lord will choose the man that is good: when I call on the Lord, he will hear me. Stand in awe, and sin not: search your own heart by your self, and be still. Pour out your praise to God, and put your trust in the Lord. LESSON VỊ lom C after so ber bash I will lay me down in peace and take my rest : for it is thou, O Lord, that dost make me dwell in peace. O hear thou my voice, my king, and my God; for to thee will I pray. My help doth come from God, who doth keep all them that are true of heart: and for this I will praise the name of the Lord most high. a ful art ist art less ch ch 다 Back ward ch ker al lad ank er an ter ch ci ci at ling cl ep tist ber ful Co Ar rel better it te un der order som er |