ed hound being in pursuit of his game, caught it, ould not hold it, because his teeth were worn out; his master corrected him very severely. og begged that he might not be punished, alleging as old; yet he said, he had been stout in hi youthand therefore hoped he might be pardoned, if it - for his former services: but I see, continues he, Leaseth without profit. The interpretation. vour is not continued, it is forgot. Many people. grateful as to take no notice of the ninety nine good ch they have received. if the hundredth is denied Young folks think old folks to be fools; but old man ma folks know young folks to be fools. FABLE Ш. W kid OF THE KID, THE GOAT, AND THE WOLF. she should return; and then look out of the window first. At the same time the wolf harned to be behind the house, and heard the charge given to the kid. FABLE IV. house: bu HUSBAN chet, and wo Alterwards t at this misfortu live with hin therefore hu Some time after the goat's departure, the wolf knocks at the The snake rep deso, mnd counterfeiting the goat's voice demands entrancetatura to live The kid, supposing it to be her dam, forgot to look out at ng that althe the window, but immediately opened the door, and let in the mark was left wolf, who instantly made a prey of her and tore her to pieces. memory. The interpretation. Children should obey their parents, who are always better is not safe to Children stem, than the children can themselves. Itis in friendshi able to advise so for young men to lend an ear to the aged, um to rememb who being more experienced in the affairs of the world, can give them better council, whereby they may avoid many dan gers. Witness Eli's sons, and Rehoboam's fall. may forgive an injury, but he cannot easily forget it. IV. OF THE HUSBANDMAN AND THE SNAKE. SBANDMAN had brought up a snake in his e: but being angry with her, struck her with his nd wounded her, for which reason she fled from rds the husbandman falling into want, imagined isfortune befel him for the injury done to the snake, ore humbly requested of her that she would come ith him again. ke replied, That she forgave him, but she would to live with one who kept a hatchet in his house; at although the smart of the wound was gone, yet vas left, and the remembrance of it was still fresh ory. safe to trust that man, who hath once made a Ciendship. It is godlike to forgive an injury; but remember it, because it keeps us on our guard. Make no friendship with an ill-natured man. T FABLE V. OF THE WOLVES AND THE SHEEP. HE wolves made a league with the sheep, and hostages were given on both sides. The wolves gave their young ones to the sheep, and the sheep gave their dogs to the wolves. Some time after while the sheep were quietly feeding in the meadow, the young wolves began to howl for their dams; at which the wolves came rushing in among them, and char ged them with breaking the league. feeding by themselves, and therefore could not hurt the The sheep began to excuse themselves, saying, They were young wolves, not having any dogs with them. But the wolves insisted on it, that they were guilty of a breach of friendship; alleging, at the same time, That those innocents, who never did any harm in their lives, would not make such dreadful lamentations, unless some violence had been offered to them; and knowing the sheep to be without. their guard, they fell upon them and tore them to pieces. The interpretation. Be always upon your guard when an enemy is near. He who has always run counter to the rules of friendship, will never become a true friend, though you should bind him by the strongest engagements. FABLE VI- 0 COUPLE some mea her customers to his fellow, The butcher and he that ith the theft. But he that ste to whom the way, se sworn, can t hough I believe God Almighty cay for a while de eing eye, who w serve. I. OF THE TWO THIEVES AND THE BUTCHER. UPLE of sharpers went to a butcher's shop to buy e meat; but while the butcher was busied with omers, one of them stole a piece of beef and gave llow, who put it under his cloak. cher presently missed the meat, and charged them neft. that stole it, swore by Jove that he had none of e that had it swore likewise, he did not take it m the butcher replied. The thief to me is unknown, believe it to be one of you; but he by whom you a, can tell, and will reward you accordingly. mighty is privy to all our actions: and though we while deceive men, yet we cannot escape his allwho will reward or punish us according as we |