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it necessary to communicate this extraordinary circumstance. Mr. Miles Peter Andrews was one of the number sent for, being at that time one of his most intimate associates. Every person to whom Lord Lyttleton told the tale, naturally turned it into ridicule, all knowing him to be very nervous and superstitious, and tried to make him believe it was a dream; as they certainly considered it so themselves. Lord L. filled his house with company, and appeared to think as his friends would wish him. Mr. M. P Andrews had business which called him to Dartford, and therefore took his leave, thinking his lordship quite composed on this subject, so that his friend's dream dwelt so little on his imagination, that he did not even recollect the time when it was predicted that the event would take place. One night after he left Pitt-place, the residence of Lord L. he supposed he might have been in bed half an hour, when endeavouring to compose himself, suddenly his curtains were pulled open, and Lord L. appeared before him at his bed-side, standing in his robe de chambre and night-cap. Mr. A. looked at him some time, and thought it so odd a freak of his friend, that he began to reproach him for his folly, in coming down to Dartford Mills without notice, as he could find no accommodations :"However," said he, "I'll get up, and see what can be done." He turned to the other side of the bed, and rang the bell, when Lord L. disappeared. Mr. A.'s servant soon after entered, when his master enquired, "Where is Lord Lyttleton ?" The servant, all astonishment, declared he had

not seen any thing of his lordship since they left Pitt-place. "P'shaw, you fool," replied Mr. A. " he was here this moment at my bed-side." The servant persisted that it was impossible. Mr. A. dressed himself, and, with the servants, searched every part of the house and garden, but no one was to be found; still Mr. A. could not help believing that Lord L. had played him a trick for his disbelief of his vision, till four o'clock the next day, when an express arrived to inform him of Lord L.'s death, and the manner of it, by a friend who was present, and who gave the following account of it.

On the morning before Lord L. died, he entered the breakfast-room between ten and eleven o'clock--appeared rather thoughtful, and did not answer any enquiries made by his friends respecting his health, &c. At dinner he seemed much better, and when the cloth was taken away, he exclaimed, "Richard's himself again!" but as night came on, the gloom of the morning returned. However, as this was the predicted night of dissolution, his friends agreed that it would be right to alter all the clocks and watches in the house. This was managed by the steward, without Lord L.'s suspecting any thing of it-his own watch which lay on his dressing table, was altered by his valet. During the evening they got him into some pleasant discussions, in which he distinguished himself with peculiar wit and pleasantry. At half after eleven, as he conceived it, from the alteration of the clocks, (but it was only eleven) he said he was tired, and would retire to bed-hade them a good night, and

left them all delighted with his

calm appearance. During the day not the least hint was given by any one to him of the dream. But of course, as soon as he had withdrawn, the conversation instantly turned upon it. The discourse continued till nearly twelve o'clock, when the door being hastily opened, Lord L.'s valet entered as pale as death, crying out, " My lord is dying!" His friends flew to his bed-side; but he expired before they could all assemble round him! The valet gave to them the following statement, viz. :-That his lordship made his usual preparations for bed; that he kept every now and then looking at his watch; that when he got into bed, he ordered his curtains to be closed at the foot. It was now within a minute or two of twelve by his watch; he asked to look at mine, and seemed to find that it nearly kept time with his own. His lordship then put them both to his ear, to satisfy himself that they went. When it was more

tion, to express my acknowledgments to your correspondent A. for the impartation of the satisfactory information on the subject of my enquiry, relative to Caloric; but in admitting myself to be perfectly convinced of the improbability, that caloric is derived from the sun, yet I cannot refrain from expressing myself as far from being satisfied, that caloric can be created or annihilated, or that it is a quality and not a simple substance. But as I cannot reduce my ideas to the formation of a theory without objections, the offspring of refle tion and observation, I, therefore, abstain from stating the grounds of my dissent; and, as no doubt your correspondent A. is furnished with the means of supporting his opinion by demonstrative quotations, and self-possessed information, he will confer on me, and, probably, on many others a favour by such communication. I am, sir,

Your obedient servant,



than a quarter after twelve by Worthing, May 14, 1822.
our watches, he said "This
mysterious lady is not a true pro-
phetess, I find." When it was
near the real hour of twelve, he
said, "Come, I'll wait no longer
-get me my medicine; I'll take
it, and try to sleep!" I just
stepped into the dressing-room
to prepare the physic, and had
mixed it, when I thought I heard
my lord breathing very hard: I
ran to him, and found him in the
agonies of death!

A liberal mind is still happy in an opportunity of doing good; and, were it possible, would always convey its bounty in the dark.

Mr. Editor,

Allow me, through the medium of your very interesting publica

Method is doing things at the time, and in the manner they should be done. With this, every thing is, or becomes easy; without it, the smallest matters are perplexing, and every thing goes to wreck. He who does things at random, is always in a hurry.

Persons are distinguished, by their birth, their virtues, their

vices, or the weight of their purse. The first is mere accident, the second is truly honourable, the third infamous, and the last meanness and folly. The first class the world will respect, if it be not their own fault; the second it must respect; the two last may claim their legal privileges, but, if they look for more, they must generally be disappointed.

Deserving relations have a preferable title to your good offices; from the unworthy learn caution and humility.

We may put on the appearance of respect, but can no more really respect a bad character, than we can prefer sickness to health, or pain to pleasure.

A modest man feels his own superiority; a proud man makes others feel it.

Use to-day, to-morrow may never come. It was finely said by Plato, that the less one wants, the more he resembles the gods, who want nothing.'

Woman, while under the influence of virtue and principle, is the most amiable-but stained by vice, and the rein given to her passions, she becomes the meanest, and most despised of all rational beings.

When your sentiments are different, in regard to any thing to be done or forborne, avoid passions and asperity of speech; if the matter be of consequence, put off the consideration of it to another day. Herein you shall imitate the prudent example of the House of Commons, who give every bill a first, a second, and a third reading, before they pass it into a law.

Put the best construction it will bear upon the conduct of one

another, and, when you have occasion to find fault, do it in the spirit of meeknsss.

Cheerfully concur in all offices of humanity, as your circumstances shall enable you; there is some danger in exceeding, but much greater in falling short. Remeniber, that, as God hath made all the nations upon earth of one blood, all mankind are your brethren, and, as such, they are intitled to your good offices. He that dispiseth the poor, dishonoureth his maker.'

As bigotry is the mark of a little mind, and an illiberal education; the want of a decent regard for religion is the sure sign of a bad heart. To moral restraints, and the influence of religion upon the human mind, much more than to penal law, in many cases too easily eluded, you owe that safety and tranquillity, without which life would be insupportable.

Judge not the Christian religion by the influence it has upon the lives of the generality of its professors, nor let the unhappy divisions and subdivisions of its members at all hurt you. A rule is never the less excellent, though ninety-nine in a hundred should neglect to apply it.

Avoid the most distant approaches to envy and ambition; the first is the mark of a bad, the last of a light mind. Be well assured, that the whole of worldly happiness is comprised in three words, health, peace, and competence: Temperance and exercise best preserve the first; a hearty desire of the second will rarely be disappointed; to secure the last where it is, or to attain it where wanting, diligence and œconomy are all in all.

Learn to bear unavoidable accidents of human life with becoming fortitude; ever considering that the busy scene in

which you are now engaged will soon be shut up, and is but a prelude to one infinitely more interesting and important.


DEAN SWIFT-One day, at Quica, the dean received intelligence that there was to be a beggar's wedding in the neighbourhood, which being a scene exactly suited to his taste, he proposed that Sheridan, grandfather to the late orator, should go thither as a blind fiddler, with a bandage over his eyes, and he would attend him as his guide. Thus accoutred, they reached the place, and were received with welcome shouts by the whole crew, who had plenty of meat and drink, and plied the fiddler and his man with more than was agreeable to them. Never was a more joyous wedding seen. They sung, they danced, told their stories, and cracked jokes in a vein of humour more entertaining to the two guests than probably could have been found at any other meeting on a similar occasion; and when the musician and his guide were about to-depart, the company rewarded them very handsomely. The next day the dean and the doctor walked out in their usual dress, and found their companions of the preceding evening scattered about in different parts of the road, and the neighbouring villages, all begging charity in doleful strains, and telling dismal stories of their misery. Among these, were some upon crutches, who had danced very nimbly at the wedding; others stone blind, who were perfectly clear sighted at the feast.

The doctor distributed among them the money which he had received as his pay; but the dean, who mortally hated all vagra⚫ts, rated them soundly; told them in what manner he had been present at their entertainment, and assured them if they did not immediately apply to honest labour, he would have them taken up and committed to jail; upon hearing which, the lame recovered their legs, and the blind opened their eyes so effectually, as to make a very precipitate retreat in all directions.

PICTORIAL ENTHUSIASM.-A Parisian painter, who wished to represent the tragical end of Milo, of Crotona, met in the street a porter of a most athletic form. He admired his colossal figure and vigorous muscles, and offered him a pound sterling on condition that he would stand to him as a model. It was only necessary to tie his hands, and confine them with an iron ring, in order to represent, as well as possible, the trunk of the tree in which Milo's hands were imprisoned when he was devoured by wild beasts. The porter readily consented to the painter's proposal : he stript himself, and suffered his hands to be bound. Now, said the artist, imagine that a lion is darting upon you, and make every effort which you would do in such a case to escape his fury. The model threw himself into the most violent agitation; but

he made too many grimaces; there was nothing natural in his frightful contortions. The painter gave him further directions, but still he failed of producing the desired effect. At length, he thought of the following singular method:-he let loose a vigorous mastiff, which was kept in the yard of the house, and desired him to seize the unfortunate captive. This powerfully excited both gesticulation and utterance. The efforts of the porter thus became natural; and the fury of the animal increased in proportion as his struggles were violent. The painter, in a fit of transport, seized his pencils. The patient, however, who had been bitten and torn by the dog, uttered violent cries. "Excellent! bravo!" exclaimed the artist. "Continue.-Oh! that's admirable!" Finally, the sitting or rather the torture being at an end, the artist offered the promised salary; but the model replied, that he had agreed to accept of a pound sterling for being painted, and not for being bitten; he, therefore, demanded a large indemnity.

ACHILLES DE HARLAI-In the time of this great man it was the fashion in France for every one to be habited according to his profession. Two young counsellors, while Harlai was at his country-house, came to pay him a visit; the president remarking to himself that they were dressed in a manner very unsuitable, as he thought, to the gravity of their profession, looked immediately on a valet who was clothed in a suit of grey, with his cravat foppishly twisted through the button-hole of his coat, exactly like those worn by the two young

counsellors. Harlai called to a man, who acted something in the capacity of a steward to him, and said-" Turn that scoundrel out of doors, instantly; he has the impudence to dress himself like these two gentlemen!"

HEALTH.-Health is the blessing every one wishes to enjoy ; but the multitude are so unreasonable as to desire to purchase it at a cheaper rate than it is to be obtained. The continuance of it is only by exercise and labour. But the misfortune is, that the poor are too apt to overlook their own enjoyments, and to view with envy the ease and affluence of their superiors, never considering that the usual attendants on great fortunes are anxiety and disease.

A COUNTRY LIFE. It is observed by Milton, that he who neglects to visit the country in spring, and rejects the pleasures that are then in their first bloom and fragrance, is guilty of sullenness against nature. If we allot different duties to different seasons, he may be charged with equal disobedience to the voice of nature, who looks on the bleak hills and leafless woods, without seriousness and awe. Spring is the season of gaiety, and winter of terror; in spring the heart of tranquillity dances to the melody of the groves, and the eye of benevolence sparkles at the sight of happiness and plenty; in the winter, compassion melts at universal calamity, the tear starts at the wailings of hunger, and the cries of the creation in distress.

A French traveller lately ventured to the summit of the glacier in the canton of Glarus, which is 8925 feet high, and covered with eternal ice. Before he

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