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about fifteen years of age, was standing at some distance from the fort, when a savage fired his gun, and accidentally killed an Englishman. As he was advancing, he discovered the boy leaning against a tree, and not being of the same nation he formed the resolution of taking him prisoner: having no suspicion of the boy's intention, he went up to him and took him by the arm; the boy, very artfully drew back, and shot the Indian through the chin. This so incensed him, that he was raising his hand to tomahawk him, when another Indian, instantly coming up, asked his companion who had wounded him. He replied the boy, adding, that he would immediately take his scalp. The other prevented his bloody purpose, and told him he would protect the lad, for he was too brave to die. He carried him to the fort, where he was purchased by the commanding officer, to prevent the Indian whom he had wounded from killing him.

Many striking examples might be given of the fortitude of the Indians, and their resolution in suffering pain and torture. Some years ago, the Shawano Indians, being obliged to remove from their habitations, in their way took a Muskohge warrior, known by the name of old Scrany, prisoner; they bastinadoed him severely, and condemned him to the fiery torture. He underwent a great deal without shewing any concern; his countenance and behaviour were as if he suffered not the least pain. He told his persecutors, with a bold voice, that he was a warrior, that he had gained most of his martial reputation at the expence of their

nation, and was desirous of shewing them, in the act of dying, that he was still as much their superior, as when he headed his gallant countrymen against them: that although he had fallen into their hands, and forfeited the protection of the Divine power, by some impurity or other, when carrying the holy ark of war against his devoted enemies, yet he had so much remaining virtue as would enable him to punish himself more exquisitely than all their despicable, ignorant crowd possibly could; and that he would do so if they gave him liberty by untying him, and handing him one of the red-hot gunbarrels out of the fire. The proposal, and his method of address, appeared so exceedingly bold and uncommon, that his request was granted. Then suddenly seizing one end of the red-hot barrel, and brandishing it from side to side, he forced his way through the armed and surprised multitude, leaped down a prodigious steep and high bank into a branch of the river, dived through it, ran over a small island, and passed the other branch amidst a shower of bullets; and, though numbers of his enemies were in close pursuit of him, he got into a bramble swamp through which, though naked, and in a mangled condition, he reached his own country.

The Shewano Indians also captured a warrior of the Anantoocah nation, and put him to the stake according to their usual solemnities. Having unconcernedly suffered much torture, he told them with scorn that they did not know how to punish a noted enemy: therefore he was willing to teach them, and would

confirm the truth of his assertion if they allowed him the opportunity. Accordingly he requested of them a pipe and some tobacco, which was given him; as soon as he had lighted it, he sat down, naked as he was, on the women's burning torches that were within his circle, and continued smoking his pipe without the least discomposure. On this, a head warrior leaped up, and said, they saw plain enough that he was a warrior, and not afraid of dying, nor should he have died, only that he was both spoiled by the fire, and devoted to it by their laws; however, though he was a very dangerous enemy, and his nation a treacherous people, it should be seen that they paid a regard to bravery, even in one who was marked with war-streaks at the cost of many of the lives of their beloved kindred; and then, by way of favour, he with his friendly tomahawk instantly put an end to all his pains. Though the merciful but bloody instrument was ready some minutes before it gave the blow, yet the spectators could not perceive the sufferer to change either his gesture or the steadiness of his countenance in the least.

When the Indians adopt an European as a brother warrior, the following ceremonies are practised. A feast is prepared of dog's flesh boiled in bear's grease, with huckle berries, of which it is expected every one should heartily partake. When the repast is over the war song is sung in the following words: "Master of life, view us well; we receive a brother warrior, who appears to have sense, shews strength in his arm, and does not refuse his body to the enemy."

After the war song, if the person does not discover any signs of fear, he is regarded with reverence and esteem: courage, in the opinion of the savages, being considered not only as an indispensible, but as the greatest recommendation. He is then seated on a beaver robe, and presented with a pipe of war to smoke, which is put round every warrior, and a wampum belt is thrown over his neck.

The calumet, or Indian pipe, which is much larger than that the Indians usually smoke, is made of marble, stone, or clay, either red, white or black, according to the custom of the nation, but the red is the most esteemed; the length of the handle is about four feet and a half, and made of strong cane, or wood, decorated with feathers of various colours, with a number of twists of female hair interwoven in different forms; the head is finely polished; two wings are fixed to it, which make it in appearance not unlike to Mercury's wand. This calumet is the symbol of peace, and the savages hold it in such estimation, that a violation of any treaty where it has been introduced, would, in their opinion, be attended with the greatest misfortunes. Wampum is of several colours, but the white and black are chiefly used; the former is made of the inside of the conque or clam shell, the latter of the muscle both are worked in the form of a long bead, and perforated, in order to their being strung in leather, and made up into belts.

When the pipe has gone round, a sweating-house is prepared, with six long poles fixed in the

ground, and pointed at the top; it is then covered with skins and blankets to exclude the air, and the area of the house will contain only three persons. The person to be adopted is then stripped naked, and enters the hut with two chiefs, two large stones, made red-hot, are brought in and thrown on the ground, water is then brought in a bark-dish and sprinkled on the stones with cedar branches, the steam arising from which, puts the person into a most profuse perspiration, and opens the pores to receive the other part of the ceremony.

When the perspiration is at the height, he quits the house, and jumps into the water; immediately on coming out a blanket is thrown over him, and he is led to the chief's hut, where he undergoes the following operation. Being extended on his back, the chief draws the figure he intends to make with a pointed stick, dipped in water in which gunpowder has been dissolved; after which, with ten needles dipped in vermilion, and fixed in a small wooden frame, he pricks the delineated parts, and where the bolder outlines occur, he incises the flesh with a gun-flint; the vacant spaces, or those not marked with vermilion, are rubbed in with gunpowder, which produces the variety of red and blue; the wounds are then seared with pink-wood, to prevent them from festering.

This operation, which is performed at intervals, lasts two or three days. Every morning the parts are washed with cold water, in which is infused an herb called pockqueesegan, which resembles English box, and is mixed by the Indians with the tobac

co they smoke, to take off the strength. During the process, the war songs are sung, accompanied by a rattle hung round with hawk bells, called chessaquoy, which is kept shaking to stifle the groans such pains must naturally occasion. Upon the ceremony being completed they give the person a name.

Dreams are particularly attended to by the Indians, and sometimes they make an artful use of the veneration paid to them, to carry any point which they may have in view. Sir William Johnson, sitting in council with a party of Mohawks, the head chief told him he had dreamed last night that he had given him a fine laced coat, and he believed it was the same he then wore. Sir William smiled, and asked the chief if he really dreamed it; the Indian immediately answered in the affirmative. "Well then," says Sir William, "you must have it ;" and instantly pulled it off; and desiring the chief to strip himself, put on him the fine coat. The Indian was highly delighted, and when the council broke up departed in great good humour, crying out who-ah! which is an expression of great satisfaction among them.

At the next council which was held, Sir William told the chief that he was not accustomed to dream, but that since he met him at the council he had dreamed a very surprising dream. The Indian wished to know it; Sir William, with some hesitation, told him he had dreamed that he had given him a tract of land on the Mohawk river, to build a house on, and make a settlement, extending about nine miles in

length along the banks. The chief misled smiled, and looking very cheerfully at Sir William, told him if he really dreamed it, he should have it; but that he would never dream with him again, for he had only got a laced coat, whereas Sir William was now entitled to a large bed, on which his ancestors had frequently slept. Sir William took possession of the land by virtue of an Indian deed, signed by the chiefs, and gave them some rum to finish the business. It is now a considerable estate, but since the war, the Americans have deprived him of it, with all the buildings, &c. which were very valuable.


A lovely and interesting girl, about eighteen years of age, residing with her parents, in the neighbourhood of Valenciennes, had formed an attachment with a young officer in the French army. On the affair being made known to her friends, they disapproved of the connection, and the young lady received the most strict injunction never to see her lover again. All-powerful love in this, as in many other instances, triumphed over parental authority, and, in spite of locks, bars, and constant attendant, they contrived, by an abbreviation of the hours usually devoted to repose, to meet in private, and enjoy that Society which they deemed essential to their existence. These nocturnal meetings had continued for a long period undisturbed, when some immoral traits in the character of the young officer having been discovered by the young lady, she, with a prudence not to be expected from her here

tofore rash conduct, dispatched a letter to him requesting a distance of his visits in future, and also of all intercourse between them. On the receipt of the letter, it is reported that he became almost frantic, and in his frenzy so seriously injured the messenger who brought it, that his life was for some time despaired of. For several days after he observed a sullen gloominess, during which time, it seems that he formed and cherished one of the most diabolical designs that ever entered the imagination of man, and which he sought to perpetrate in the following manner :-Armed with a short dagger, he surmounted innumerable obstacles, and finally succeeded in secreting himself in a small anti-chamber which communicated with the

bed room of his intended victim. Having waited a considerable time, and supposing her asleep, he advanced to the door and opened it with great caution, but immediately sunk back on observing her kneeling at her accustomed devotion; his inward sense of rectitude struck forcibly on his heart, a convulsive tremble seized him, respiration became difficult, and pressing his hand against his burning forehead, he leaned for support against the wainscot. At this instant he would have abandoned his design and fled, but there was no passage but through the room in which she lay. The "pangs of despised love," again rekindled the dying embers of his dreadful determination, and with a desperate effort he again opened the door. The most profound silence reigned within the room, which the faint rays of a lamp placed on a table near the bed feebly enlightened. Un

sheathing the dagger from his vest he stepped into the room; the tread of his own foot startled him, and he looked around the room fearful of observance; his heart beat with unusual violence, and with a trembling hand he drew aside the curtains; the object of his affection lie slumbering before him; the smile of innocence played upon her countenance, and his busy fancy seemed to be representing some pleasing dream; he leaned over, and pointing the dagger to her bosom, he averted his head, and bearing down his arm, it glided to her heart-a faint scream escaped her lips, and in one moment her soul ceased to inhabit its earthly tenement. The wretch stood transfixed with horror at the enormity of the deed he had committed, and a momentary insensibility ensued. On his reviving, his soul sickened with horror at the sight of the blood oozing from the wound, through the bedclothes. The paleness of death had already usurped the roseate hue of her cheeks, her features were distorted, and not a vestige of her former self remained. The contemplation was too dreadful for him to endure-seizing the dagger which had fallen from his hand on the bed, he plunged it in his own bosom, and fell to the ground. His groans brought some of the servants to the room, but they immediately fled back again, on beholding the dreadful spectacle; and it was not until after a considerable lapse of time that assistance was procured. The abrupt relation of the heart-rending event to the parents had such an effect that their lives were considered in imminent danger. The

wretched man lingered for three days in dreadful agony, during which time he gave the above relation, and then died a victim to his ungoverned passion.



Patrick Egan, Patrick M'Carthy, John Fitzgerald, Thomas Dooley, John Drew, Thomas Bryan, Thomas Kenough, Phelim O'Donoghue, Patrick O'Shaughnessy, Pat Kyle, and Michael Taylor, were brought down to the office and packed into the bar by a strong posse of St. Giles's beadles, constables, streetkeepers, &c. charged with creating a riot, &c. in August last.

Having been arranged at the bar, they severally answered to their names with a "here, your honour," till they came to the last; and when his name was called from the list, "Michael Taylor," he boldly replied, "here, your honour-but only my name's Michael Bryan!" The error thus candidly pointed out, having been rectified, the beadles told their tale, first having laid before his Worship a large bundle of enormous shilelaghs.

It appeared by their statement that the Irish "in the back settlements" of St. Giles's, had been very uneasy" for the last five weeks, in consequence of feuds between the Limerick and the Galway parties. It also appeared, that besides this general state of war, there was a sort of bye plot manifesting itself in a rooted antipathy to a man named Elcom, who is the landlord of the Hare and Hounds public-house, in Carrier-street.

On the Sunday, it was stated,

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