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Sci 3120.22 13, pt. la




OCT 17 1991


As stated in the prefatory remarks to one of the earlier issues of the series of bibliographies of which this volume forms the fifth number, the writer undertook a number of years ago the compilation of a work to be published by the Bureau of Ethnology, which was to embrace within a single volume an authors' catalogue of all the material relating to the native North American languages. With this purpose in view he visited the principal public and private libraries of the United States, Canada, and northern Mexico, carried on an extensive correspondence with librarians, missionaries, and others interested in the subject, and examined such authorities, printed and manuscript, as were accessible. The results of these researches were embodied in a work entitled "Proof-sheets of a Bibliography of the Languages of the North American Indians," the full title and description of which will be found on page 403 herewith. The amount of material obtained was so much greater than was anticipated that the volume proved cumbersome, and it was concluded to change the style of publication and to issue a series of bibliographies each relating to one of the more prominent groups of our native languages. Consequently but few of the "Proof-sheets" were distributed, and these were confined to persons who it was thought were in a position to aid in the preparation of the new series. New journeys were undertaken, the national libraries of England, France, and a few of the larger private collections in both of these countries were consulted, many of the libraries of this country and Canada were revisited, other correspondents were enlisted, much additional material was acquired, and the publication of the separate bibliographies was begun.

Of this series four numbers have been published, relating respectively, in order of publication, to the Eskimauan, Siouan, Iroquoian, and Muskogeau families; this, the Algonquian, is the fifth, and the next in contemplation includes the languages belonging to the Athapascan stock.

The Algonquian speaking peoples covered a greater extent of country, perhaps, than those of any other of the linguistic stocks of North America, stretching from Labrador to the Rocky Mountains, and from the Churchill River of Hudson Bay to Pamlico Sound in North Carolina; and the literature of their languages is by far the greatest in extent of any of the stocks north of Mexico, being equaled, if at all, by only one south of that line, namely, the Nahuatl. Probably every language of the fainily is on record, and of the more prominent, extensive record has been made. In two, the Massachusetts and the Cree, the whole bible has been printed, the former, by the way, being the first bible printed upon this continent. In two others, the Chippewa and the Micmac, nearly the whole of the scriptures has been printed, and portions thereof have appeared in a number of others. In the Abnaki, Blackfoot, Chippewa, Cree, Delaware, Micmac, and Nipissing, rather extensive dictionaries have been printed, and of the Abnaki, Nipissing, Blackfoot, Chippewa, Illinois, Massachusetts, Montaguais, and Pottawotomi, there are manuscript dictionaries in existence. Of grammars, we have in print the Abnaki, Blackfoot, Chippewa, Cree, Massachusetts, Micmac, and Nipissing, and in manuscript, the Illinois, Menomonee, Montagnais, and Potta wotomi. In nearly every language of the family, prayer-books, hymnbooks, tracts, and scriptural texts have appeared, and several of them are represented by school-books of various kinds, i. e., primers, spellers, and readers; and in one of them, the Chippewa, there was printed in 1840 a geography for beginners.

The present volume embraces 2,245 titular entries, of which 1,926 relate to printed books and articles, and 319 to manuscripts: Of these, 2,014 have been seen and described by the compiler-1,850 of the prints and 164 of the manuscripts, leaving as derived from outside sources 231-76 of the prints and 155 manuscripts. Of those unseen by the writer, titles and descriptions of probably one-half have been received from persons who have actually seen the works and described them for him.

In addition to these there are given 130 full titles of printed covers, second and third volumes, etc., all of which with one exception have been seen and described by the compiler; while in the notes mention is made of 243 printed and manuscript works, 146 of which have been seen and 97 derived from other (mostly printed)


So far as possible, during the proof-reading of this volume comparison has been made direct with the respective works. For this purpose, besides his own books, the writer has had access to those in the libraries of Congress, the Bureau of Ethnology, the Smithsonian Institution, Maj. J. W. Powell, and several other private collections in the city of Washington. Mr. Wilberforce Eames has compared the titles of works contained in his own library and in the Lenox, and frequent recourse has been had to the various librarians throughout the country for tracings, photographs, etc. The result is that of the 2,014 works described de visu, comparison of proof has been made direct with the original sources in the case of 1,711. In this later reading, collations and descriptions have been entered into more fully than had previously been done, and capital letters treated with more severity.

Endeavor has been made to acknowledge throughout the work the obligations under which the writer has placed himself in the preparation of this material. To a number, however, he is under a greater indebtedness than could be properly mentioned in the body of the work. This is notably true of Mr. Wilberforce Eames, who has contributed not only his constant aid and advice in bibliographic matters, in which he is so well versed, but who has also furnished almost bodily a number of special articles included within these pages—those relating to the publications of the Apostle Eliot, the Indiane primer, Lykins, Mather, Mayhew, Meeker, Pierson, Quinney, Rawson, Sergeant, and Simerwell, besides many new titles, biographic material, etc. From the Rev. J. E. Jones, of St. Mary's College, Montreal, much information has been received concerning the earlier missionaries of Canada; the Reverend Fathers Beaudet and Hamel of the Laval University, Quebec, have been especially kind in giving information concerning the printed and manuscript material contained in the library of that institution and in that of the archiepiscopal residence at Quebec. Similar kindnesses have been shown me by Prof. A. F. Chamberlain, now of Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts, but formerly of Toronto, Canada.

To the Director of the Bureau, Maj. J. W. Powell, I am under lasting obligations for his constant aid and advice and for the opportunity of my work under the most advantageous circumstances.

As was the case in the previous numbers of the series, my constant assistant has been Mr. P. C. Warman, and upon him has fallen much of the detail and minutiæ inseparable from such a work.

Washington, D. C., June 1, 1891.

James C.



In the compilation of this catalogue the aim has been to include everything, printed or in manuscript, relating to the Algonquian languages-books, pamphlets, articles in magazines, tracts, serials, etc., and such reviews and announcements of publications as seemed worthy of notice.

The dictionary plan has been followed to its extreme limit, the subject and tribal indexes, references to libraries, etc., being included in one alphabetic series. The primary arrangement is alphabetic by authors, translators of works into the native langnages being treated as authors. Under each author the arrangement is, first, by printed works, and, second, by manuscripts, each group being given chronologically; and in the case of printed books each work is followed through its various editions before the next in chronologic order is taken up.

Anonymously printed works are entered under the name of the author when known, and under the first word of the title, not an article or preposition, when not known. A cross-reference is given from the first words of anonymous titles when entered under an author, and from the first words of all titles in the Indian languages, whether anonymous or not. Manuscripts are entered under the author when known, under the dialect to which they refer when the author is not known.

Each author's name, with his title, etc., is entered in full but once, i. c., in its alphabetic order. Every other mention of him is by surname and initials only, except in those rare cases when two persons of the same surname have also the same initials. All titular matter, including cross-references thereto, is in brevier, all collations, descriptions, notes, and index matter in nonpareil.

In detailing contents and in adding notes respecting contents, the spelling of proper names used in the particular work itself has been followed, and so far as possible the language of the respective writers is given. In the index entries of tribal names the compiler has adopted that spelling which seemed to him the best.

As a general rule initial capitals have been used in titular matter in only two cases: first, for proper names, and, second, when the word actually appears on the titlepage with an initial capital and with the remainder in small capitals or lower-case letters. In giving titles in the German language the capitals in the case of all substantives have been respected.

When titles are given of works not seen by the compiler the fact is stated, or the entry is followed by an asterisk within curves, and in either case the authority is usually given.

The material contained in the "Addenda" has been entered in the chronologic index at the end of the work, but is not included in the tribal and subject indexes throughout the volume.


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