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ing, to wit:


BE IT REMEMBERED, That on the twenty-third day of September, in the forty-seventh year of the Independence of the United States of America, Howe & Spalding, of the said District, have deposited in this office the title of a Book, the right whereof they claim as Proprietors, in the words follow

"A Report to the Secretary of War of the United States on Indian Affairs, comprising a narrative of a tour performed in the summer of 1820, under a commission from the President of the United States, for the purpose of ascertaining, for the use of the Government, the actual state of the Indian tribes in our country. Illustrated by a Map of the United States; ornamented by a correct portrait of a Pawnee Indian. By the Rev. Jedidiah Morse, D. D. late minister of the First Congregational church in Charlestown, near Boston, now resident in New-Haven."

In conformity to the Act of the Congress of the United States, entitled, "An Act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of Maps, Charts and Books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned."


Clerk of the District of Connecticut.

A true copy of Record, examined and sealed by me,

Clerk of the District of Connecticut.



ABSOROKAS, or Crow Indians, App. 252 Caddos, App. 257


Adams, J. Q. Opinion of on Indian Ti-Catholic Missionaries, App. 144
Cass, Governor, Rep. 16, App. 42, 43,

tles, App. 281

Plea before Supreme Court


Canal, Erie, App. 62

U.S. App. 283

Adultery, punishment for, App. 99, 135 Catawbas, Rep. 32

Agriculture &c. of Sauk and Foxes, Cato, an Indian of great wealth, App. 24

App. 126

Alabama, Indians in, Rep. 33
Alleghany Reservation, App. 83
American S. W. Fur Company Rep.

55, App. 7, 30, 39, 40, 43

Anecdote, Rep. 72, note.
Annuities, Indian, App. 23, 139
Arkansaw Territory, description of,
App. 212

Arricaras, or Riccaras, App. 252
Arrapahays, App. 253
Ard, James, App. 49

Armstrong, Fort, murder at, Rep. 15
Astoria, Rep. 38

Astor, John Jacob, Esq. Rep. 38
Assiniboin River, Rep. 51
Aus-kin-naw-wau-wish, Speech of,
App. 53, 56

Au-to-ko-ko-ne-be, Chippewa chief,
interview with, App. 140


Barclay, Hon. Anthony, Rep. 16
Baigne, or Pancake Point, App. 28
Bad River, App. 29

Baylies, Mr. extract of a letter from,
App. 72

Badger, Rev. Joseph, App. 91
Beaumont, Dr. Rep. 17

Bell, Capt. extract from Journal of,
Rep. 74 note, App. 240, 254
Bell, Capt. John R. App. 151
Belle Point, Fort at, App. 254, 355
Blackburn, Rev. Gideon, App. 158
Blackfoot Indians, App. 252
Black Hoof, App. 92

Boyd, Col. George, Rep. 14
Bosen, Sock, App. 65

Boyer, a Wyandot, conversation with,
App. 16

Bowyer, Col. Rep. 40, 42, App. 57
Brainerd, Missionary Establishment at,
App. 159 to 182

Brotherton Indians, App. 85, 112
Brown, Fort, App. 58

Burial of the dead, App. 137

Burnt River, App. 30

Campagne, Baron de, App. 266 Calhoun, J. C. circular letter of, App. 290, 291

Cherokees, Rep. 33, App. 152

Population, 152
Missionary Establishment
at Spring Place, 153
Establishments of the Amer-
ican Board, 159
School regulations, 160
Encouraging fruits, 161
Report to the Secretary of
War, 162

Address from Dr. Worces

ter to the Education Families, 164

Baptist establishment, 166 Progress of civilization, 167, 199, 200

Letter from Charles Hicks to the Secretary of War, 167

State of the school January,
1822, 170

Advances in christianiza-
tion at Spring Place, 171
Extracts from laws of the
Cherokee Nation, 172
Mr. Hoyt's Rep. 177
Boundaries and extent of
Cherokee country, 178
Encouraging prospects, 179
Progress of the children,

Cherokees of the Arkan-
saw, App. 214

Education establishment at
Dwight, 214

Report of Superintendants,


Plan of education, 215
War between Cherokees
and Osages, 216
Visit of John Jolly, 231
Exemplary devotequess,231
Darkness of Paganism, 231
Visit of Waterminnee, 232

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