Science, Volume 331, Issues 6013-6024American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2011 |
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AAAS actin activity ammonites AMPK applications associated Aterian atoms autophagy beam Biol Biology birds California Cancer candidates catalyst Cell Biology Center changes Chem chromatin climate cluster COLDAIR Department disease E-mail Earth Planet electron emission energy Eoraptor evolution experience expression function genes genetic genome global haloarchaea Harvard Medical School human increase infection Institute interactions KaiC KSHV Laboratory laser Lett magnetic Medical Medicine mice migration molecular molecules mutations National Neandertals neurons NifDK NifEN NK cells NLRP1 observed Organized oxidation particles pathogens phase Phys position precuneus profilin protein pterosaur reaction receptors References and Notes response samples says School Science scientific scientists sequence shogi signal species spin structure superconducting Supporting Online Material surface table S1 Technology temperature theropod tion transcription factor transfected Tregs tumor ULK1 Univ University