Gentles, do not reprehend; If you pardon, we will mend. And as I am honest Puck, If we have unearned luck Now to 'scape the ferpent's tongue, Else the Puck a liar call: So good night unto you all. [Exeunt omnes. THE TWO GENTLEMEN OF (1)VERONA. ACTI. SCENE, an open Place in Verona. Enter Valentine and Protheus. VALENTINE. EASE to perfuade, my loving Protheus; To see the wonders of the world abroad; (1) Mr. Pope has observ'd, that the Stile of this Comedy is less figurative, and more natural and unaffected, than the greater Part of our Author's Plays, tho' suppos'd to be one of the First he wrote. I must observe, too, that as I take it to be One of his very worst, it happens to be freeft from accidental Corruptions of the Editors: which is the Reason, that my Notes are fewer on This; than on any One of his other Pieces. Pro. |