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Party, gave up to, 399.

he serves his, best, 665.
honesty is party expediency, 669.
in a parlour, is it a, 468.
is the madness of many, 336.
Pass by me as the idle wind, 114.
for a man, let him, 61.
into nothingness, 574.
let him, 149.

let it be. Let it, 809.
my imperfections by, 459.
never never comes to, 454.
so it came to, 404.
Passage, act of common, 160.
bird of, cuckoo is a, 720.
each dark, shun, 311.
of an angel's tear, 576.
to fret a, 221.

Passages that lead to nothing, 386.
Passed in music out of sight, 625.
Passenger pukes in, sea the, 559.
wandering, 243.

Passeth all understanding, 847.
show, that which, 127.
Passing fair, is she not, 44.

rich with forty pounds, 396.
strange, 't was, 150.
sweet is solitude, 416.
the love of women, 815.
thought, like a, 447.

through nature to eternity, 127.
tribute of a sigh, 385.

well, daughter which he loved, 134.
Passion catching all, 163.

chaos of thought and, 317.

dies, till our, 182.

driven by, 447.

haunted me like a, 467.

is the gale, 317.

leads, where, 672.

light the fires of, 617.
may I govern my, 670.
one, doth expel another, 36.
only I discern infinite, 648.
places which pale, loves, 184.
put me into a towering, 145.
ruling, 321, 322.

something with, clasp, 617.
spent its novel force, 626.
to tatters, tear a, 137.
vows with so much, 281.
we feel, happier in the, 795.
whirlwind of, 137.

woman in her first, 557.
women love in their first, 796.
Passions, all, all delights, 501.
are likened best to floods, 25.
fly with life, all other, 508.
necessity of mortal, 740.
never let such angry, rise, 302.
noblest, to inspire, 377.
to be relished, 774.

Passion's slave, man that is not, 138.
Passion-waves are lulled to rest, 562.
Passionate intuition, 481.

simple sensuous and, 254.
Passiveness, in a wise, 466.
Past all surgery, 152.

Past and to come seems best, 89.
anticipate the, 440.

at least is secure, 532.

conclude the future by the, 776.
groaning ever for the, 651.

hallowed quiets of the, 661.

heaven has not power upon the, 274.
help should be past grief, 77.
indemnity for the, 364.
is gone, the, 750.

leave thy low-vaulted, 636.
let the dead, bury its dead, 612.
miracles are, 73.

neither the, nor the future, 749.
never plan the future by the, 411.
nothing to come and nothing, 261.
our dancing days, 105.
repent what 's, 141.

shadowy, summon from the, 614.

the bitter, more welcome the sweet

the bounds of freakish youth, 419.
the size of dreaming, 159.
the wit of man, 58.
unsighed for, 482.

voice of the, 580.

when on the, I fondly dwell, 587.
Paste and cover to our bones, 82.
Pastime and our happiness, 477.
Pastoral, cold, 576.

Pastors, as some ungracious, 129.

Pasture shall prepare, the Lord my, 300
Pastures and fresh woods, 248.

lie down in green, 819.

Patch grief with proverbs, 53.
up his fame, 412.

Patches, king of shreds and, 141.
Pate, you beat your, 336.
Paternal acres, a few, 334.

Path, light unto my, 823.

motive guide, original and end, 367.
no, of flowers leads to glory, 797.
no royal, to geometry, 811.

of dalliance treads, 129.

of duty was to glory, 628.

of Milton, round the, 485.

of sorrow and that alone, 417.
of the just, 825.

the world advances along its, 523.
to heaven, journey like the, 244.
to tread, soon or late that, 345.
we tread, side of every, 422.
Paths are peace, all her, $25.
ask for the old, 835.

of glory lead to the grave, 384.
of joy and woe, checkered, 362.
of peevish nature, 288.
to woman's love, 198.
Pathless groves, 184.

was the dreary wild, 568.
way, heaven's wide, 250.
woods, pleasure in the, 547.
Pathos, that is the true, 449.
Patience, abusing of God's, 45.
and shuffle the cards, 789.
and sorrow strove, 148.
by your gracious, 150.
flour of wifly, 4.

[blocks in formation]

merit of the unworthy takes, 135.
must minister to himself, 125.
of toil, 428.

remedy for every trouble, 701.
search and vigil long, 555.
though sorely tried, 614.

to be, is a branch of justice, 751.
to perform, 342.

when favours are denied, 362.

Patiently to endure the toothache, 53.
Patines of bright gold, 65.

Patriarch, the venerable, 425.

Patrick Spence, ballad of, 502.

Patriot truth, 675.

Patriots all, true, 445.

[blocks in formation]

if I can't, why I can owe, 9.

Peace and health, best treasures, 387.
and quiet, calm, 249.

and rest can never dwell, 223.
and righteousness, 821.

and slumberous calm, 575.

and war, man of, 214.

as a breathing time, 407.
be within thy walls, 824.

brooded o'er the hushed domain, 642
cankers of a long, 86.

carry gentle, 100.

deep dream of, 536.

first in war first in, 445.

fool when he holdeth his, 827.
forever hold his, 850.

habits of patience and, 207.
hath her victories, 252.

hold companionship in, 103.

in freedom's hallowed shade, 459.
in thy right hand, 100.
inglorious arts of, 263.

is its companion, 460.

its ten thousand slays, 425.

lay me down in, to sleep, 670.

let us have, 664

live in, adieu, 334, 800.

makes solitude and calls it, 550, 747.

man of, and war, 214.

means of preserving, 425.

modest stillness and, 91.

never a good war or bad, 361.

no, unto the wicked, 834.

nor ease of heart, 389.

of God, 847.

of mind, dearer than all, 568.

on earth good will toward men, 841.
only as a breathing time, 407.
prepare for war in, 706, 712.
righteousness and, 821.
slept in, 100.

so sweet, life so dear or, 430.
soft phrase of, 149.
soft, she brings, 288.
star of, return, 515.
the empire is, 810.

thinks of war in time of, 191.
thousand years of, 633.

to be found in the world, 518.
to gain our peace have sent to, 121
unjust, before a just war, 361.

uproar the universal, 124.

was slain, thrice my, 306.

weak piping time of, 96.

when there is no peace, 835.

your valor won, enjoyed the, 465
Peaceably if we can, 516.

with all men, live, 844.

more due than more than all can, Peaceful evening, welcome, 420.


Pays all debts, he that dies, 43.

base is the slave that, 91.

us but with age and dust, 26.
Paying through the nose, 858.
Peace, a charge in, 273.

above all earthly dignities, 99.
all her paths are, 825.
anchor of our, 435.

and competence, health, 319.

hours I once enjoyed, 422.
Peacemaker, If is the only, 72.
Peak and pine, dwindle, 116.

in Darien, upon a, 576.

to peak, far along from, 544.
Peaks wrapped in clouds, 543.
Pealing anthem, 384.

Pearl and gold, barbaric, 226.
chain of all virtues, 182.
double row of orient, 685.

Pearl for carnal swine, too rich a, 213.

heaps of, 96.

if all their sand were, 44.

in a woman's eye, 35.

in your foul oyster, 72.

many a fair, laid up, 182.

no radiant, 424.

of great price, 839.
quarelets of, 201.

sowed the earth with orient, 234.
threw a, away, 156.

Pearls at random strung, orient, 437.
before swine, 838.

did grow, asked how, 201.

of thought, 661.

puddly thoughts to orient, 783.
row of orient, 685.

that were his eyes, 42.

who would search for, 275.

Pears from an elm, 791.

go to a pear-tree for, 712.

Peasant, some belated, 225.

toe of the, 143.

Peasantry, country's pride. 396.

Pease, like as one, is to another, 32, 773

Pebbles, children gathering, 241.

Pebbly spring, stream or, 504.

Peck at, for daws to, 149.

of salt, 785.

of troubles, 791.

Peculiar graces, shot forth, 235.

grand gloomy and, 677.

Pedants much affect, learned, 210.

Pedestaled in triumph, 651.

Pedigree, lass wi' a lang, 458.

Pen was shaped, 484.

worse than the sword, 189.
Pens a stanza, who, 326.

quirks of blazoning, 151.
Penalties of idleness, 332.
Penance, call us to, 226.
Pence, take care of the, 352.
Pendent bed and procreant cradle, 117.
rock a towered citadel, 158.
world, 48, 230.

Pendulum betwixt a smile and tear, 546.
Penelophon O king quoth she, 405.
Penetrable stuff, made of, 140.
Penned it down, so I, 265.
Penniless lass, a, 458.
Penning bows, 't is, 387.

Penny for your thoughts, 16, 292.
in the urn of poverty, 588.

of observation, by my, 55.
saved is a penny got, 363,
saved is twopence dear, 363.

seven halfpenny loaves for a, 94.

wise pound foolish, 186.

Pension list is the roll of honour, 669.

or lose his, 290.

Pensioner on the bounties of an hour, 306

to be a miser's, 475.

Pensive beauty, like, 513.

discontent, waste nights in, 29.
poets painful vigils keep, 331.
through a happy place, 482.
Pent, here in the body, 497.

long in populous city, 239.
Pentameter, in the, 504.
Penthouse lid, hang upon his, 116.

Peep and botanize upon his mother's Pent-up Utica, 439.

grave, 471.

into glory, 264.

of day, 202.

to what it would, 142.

wizards that, 833.

Peer, King Stephen was a worthy, 152,406.

rhyming, a, 326.

Peers, my, the heroes of old, 650.

Pegasus, turn and wind a fiery, 86.

Pelf, I crave no, 109.

Pelion, from Ossa hurled, 707.

nods with all his wood, 344.

on the top of Ossa, 772.

Ossa on, 809.

Pellucid streams, 482.

Pelops' line, Thebes or, 250.

Pelting of this pitiless storm, 147.

Pembroke's mother Sidney's sister, 179

Pen and ink, never saw, 77.

becomes a torpedo, 369.
devise wit write, 55.
famous by my, 257.
glorious by my, 257.

in hand, foolish without, 374.

is the tongue of the mind, 789.

mightier than the sword, 606.
nose sharp as a, 91.

of a ready writer, 820.

of iron, written with a, 835.

poet's, turns them to shapes, 59.
product of a scoffer's, 479.
such virtue has my, 162.

Penury and imprisonment, 49.

repressed their noble rage, 384.
People, all sorts of, 118.

all with one accord, 400.

are good, the, 673.
arose as one man, 814.

at leaving unpleasant, 556.

by the people for the, 622.

fond of ill-luck, 597.

government from and for the, 608.

government of all the, 639,

government of the, 622.

in the gristle, 408.

indictment against a whole, 408.

inurned, weep a, 592.

judge inen by success, 795.

last, I should choose, 440.

made for the, by the, 532.

never give up their liberties, 411.

of the skies common, 174.

perish where there is no vision, 829
pleurisy of, 199.

that make puns, 637.

the sunbeams, motes that, 249.
they that marry ancient, 222.
thy people shall be my, 814.

who would have been poets, 505.
whose annals are blank, 579.
People's government, 532.

parent he protected all, 543.
prayer, 268.

right maintain, 675.

People's will, based upon her, 623.
Peopled, the world must be, 51.
Peor and Baälim, 251.
Peppercorn, I am a, 86.
Pepper his cabbage, 712.
Peppered the highest, who, 399.

two of them, I have, 84.
Perception, quintessence of, 663.
Perch, where eagles dare not, 96.
Perchance the dead, 545.

to dream, to sleep, 135.
Perched and sat, 640.

upon a bust of Pallas, 640.
Percy and Douglas, song of, 34.
Perdition catch my soul, 153.
Peregrinations, labours and, 170.
Peremptory tone, with a, 415.
Perfect chrysolite, one, 156.
day, unto the, 825.

days, then if ever come, 658.
love casteth out fear, 849.
man, mark the, 819.
ways of honour, 101.
woman nobly planned, 475.
Perfected, a woman, 656.
Perfectest herald of joy, 51.
Perfection, fulness of, 78.
of reason, 24.

perishes, what's come to, 647.
pink of, 401.

praise and true, 66.
Perfections, his sweete, 23.
Perfidious bark, that fatal, 247.

Perform, an ability that they never, 102.
patient to, 342.

Perfume and suppliance of a minute,


on the violet, to throw a, 79.
puss-gentleman that 's all, 415.
scent of odorous, 242.
Perfumed like a milliner, 83.
Perfumes of Arabia, 124.
Perhaps, a great, 578.

turn out a song, 448.
turn out a sermon, 448.
Peri at the gate of Eden, 526.
beneath the dark sea, 526.
Peril in thine eye, 105.
Perils do environ, what, 27, 211.
doe enfold, how many, 27.
safe through a thousand, 497.
Perilous edge of battle, 224.

shot out of an elder gun, 92.

stuff which weighs upon the heart,

Periodical fits of morality, 591.
Periods of time, in, 228.

Perish, all of genius which can, 552.

in its fall, 453.

that thought, 296.

Perked up in a glistening grief, 98.
Permanent alliances, 425.

forward not, 129.
Permit to heaven, 240.

Pernicious to mankind, wine, 338.
weed, 415.

Perpetual benediction, 478.
motion, scoured with, 88.

priesthood, literary men a, 577.

Perplex and dash maturest counsels, 226
Perplexed in the extreme, 156.
morality is, 411.

the wisest may well be, 408.
Perplexes monarchs, 225.

Perseverance better than violence, 726.
Persian carpet, discourse like a, 723.
Persian gulfs, pearls of thought in, 661.
Persians, law of the Medes and, 835.
Persian's heaven is easily made, 519.
Person, freedom of, 435.

oblong square triangular, 461.
Persons of good sense, 796.

no respect of, place nor, 75.

there is no respect of, with God, 844.
two distinct, 186.

Personage, genteel in, 285.

less imposing, 527.
this goodly, 479.

Persuade, tongue to, 255.

Persuaded in his own mind, 845.

whom none could advise thou hast,


Persuading, fair-spoken and, 101.
Persuasion flows from his lips, 338.
holds aloof, 696.

of whatever state or, 435.
ripened into faith, 481.
tips his tongue, 297.
Persuasive sound, 339.
Pertains to feats of broil, 150.
Perturbed spirit, rest, 133.
Peru, from China to, 365, 403.
Perverts the prophets, 539.
Pestilence and war, 229.
like a desolating, 567.

seals that close the, 562.

that walketh in darkness, 822.
Petar, hoist with his own, 141.

Peter, by robbing, he paid Paul, 14, 771.
denyed his Lord, 686.

feared full twenty times, 468.
I'll call him, 78.

Peter's dome, that rounded, 598.
keys, 331.

Peterkin, quoth little, 507.

Petition me no petitions, 362, 862.
Petrifies the feeling, 448.

Petticoat, her feet beneath her, 256.
tempestuous, 201.

Petty pace, creeps in this, 125.

where there is no vision, the people, Phalanx, in perfect, 225.

[blocks in formation]

the Pyrrhic, 557.
Phantasma, like a, 111.

Phantom of delight, she was a, 474.
Phantoms of hope, 367.

Pherecydes, stories about, 759.

Phials hermetically sealed, 291.

Phidias, his awful Jove young, 598

Philanthropists in time of famine, 597.
Philip and Mary on a shilling, 215.

drunk, appeal from, 807.
receiving news of success, 731.
when arbitrator, 731.

Philips whose touch harmonious, 367.
Philippi, I will see thee at, 115.
Philistines be upon the, 814.

opponent of the children of light, 665.
Phillis, neat-handed, 248.

Philologists who chase a panting syllable,

Philosopher and friend, 320.

can scorn, scarce the firm, 356.
never yet that could endure the tooth-
ache, 53

Philosophers have judged, as wise, 214.
sayings of, 212.

will put their names to their books,

Philosophic mind, the, 478.
Philosopher, he was a, 1.

muscular training of a, 745.
Philosophie, Aristotle and his, 1.

Philosophy adversity's sweet milk, 108.
bringeth about to religion, 166.
could find it out, if, 134.
depth in, 166.

dreamt of in your, 133.

for fear divine, 632.

hast any, in thee shepherd, 70.
how charming is divine, 245.

I ask not proud, 516.
inclineth to atheism, 166.

is a good horse in the stable, 401.
is nothing but discretion, 195.

lights of mild, 297.

makes men deep, 168.

of one who studies, 745.
search of deep, 260.

teaching by examples, 304.
that no, can lift, 486.
triumphs over past evils, 794.
vain wisdom and false, 228.
what to be gained from, 762.
will clip an angel's wings, 574.
Phoebus 'gins arise, 159.

in his strength, 77.

what a name, 539.

Phoebus' wain, wheels of, 243.
Phocion and Demosthenes, 728.

saying of, 734.

Phosphor, sweet, bring the day, 203.
Phrase, a fico for the, 45.

choice word and measured, 470.
of peace, the soft, 149.

proverbed with a grandsire, 104.
would be more german, 145.
Phrases, mint of, in his brain, 54.
Phrygian Turk, 45.

Physic, gold in, is a cordial, 2.

pomp, take, 147.

throw, to the dogs, 125.

to preserve health, 167.

well because I use none of your, 737.
Physics pain, labour we delight in, 120.
Physical and metaphysical impossibility,

Physical arguments and opinions, 780.
Physically impossible, 441.
Physician heal thyself, 841.

is there no, there, 835.

presumed to call himself a, 692.
Physicians, catch diseases to cure them,


use three, 686.
Pia mater, womb of, 55.

Pick a pocket, not scruple to, 282.
no quarrels, 398.

Picks yer pocket, smiles while it, 350.
Picked, age is grown so, 143.

out of ten thousand, 133.
up his crumbs, 393.
Picking and stealing, 850.
Pickwickian sense, in a, G52.
Pict, from a naked, 685.
Picture, look here upon this, 140.

placed the busts between, 312.
who looks at an American, 462.
Pictures, eyes make, 502.

for the page atone, 331.
In Afric maps, savage, 289.
of silver, 828.

Pictured urn, fancy from her, 382.
Pie, finger in every, 789.

no man's, is freed from his finger, 98
Piece, faultless, to see, 323.

of British manhood, sounder, 579.
of work is a man, what a, 134.
Pieces, dash him to, 114.
Piecemeal on the rock, 549.
Piercing the night's dull ear, 92.
Pierian spring, taste not the 323.
Piety nor wit shall lure it, 768.
whose soul sincere, 391.

Pig in a poke, buying or selling of, 20.
Pigs squeak, naturally as, 210.
Pike-staff, plain as a, 351, 800.
Pilfers wretched plans, 412.
Pilgrim gray, honour comes a, 390.
of eternity, 565.

shrines, such graves are, 562.
steps in amice gray, 241.

stock pithed with hardihood, 660.
Pilgrim's Progress that wonderful book,


Pilgrimage, overtaketh in his, 44.
Pilgrimages, folk to gon on, 1.
Pillar of fire by night, 813.

of salt, 813.

of state, seemed a, 227.
Pillared firmament, 245.

shade high overarched, 239.

Pillory, each window, like a, 214.
Pillow hard, finds the down, 160.

Pilot cannot mitigate the billows, 730.

in extremity, a daring, 267.

't is a fearful night, 581.
of my proper woe, 552.
of the Galilean lake, 247.
that weathered the storm, 464.
Pimpernell and twenty more, 72.
Pin a day's a groat a year, 363.
bores with a little, 82.
Pins it with a star, 582.
Pin's fee, do not set my life at a,


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