keepers would express it, you may see the good people (I visit many of those who style themselves the Evangelicals) congratulating me and each other on the diffusion of religious knowledge and consequent virtuous behaviour. Jews, say they, are converting, slaves releasing, and heathen nations obtaining instruction by means of missionaries warm in the cause of piety, and useful in researches for bettering the general condition of mankind. Preachers, no longer supine, vie with each other in eloquent persuasion of their hearers. Who, twenty or thirty years ago, would have run after any one of those who now adorn our pulpits? and are, as far as I can observe, very coolly listened to. Such is my survey of London in 1814. 1817. The improvements in London amused me very much, and such a glare is cast by the gas lights, I knew not where I was after sunset. Old Father Thames, adorned by four beautiful bridges, will hardly remember what a poor figure he made eighty years ago, I suppose, when gay folks went to Vauxhall in barges*, an attendant barge carrying a capital band.of music playing Handel's water music- as it has never been played since. I saw Mr. Wanzey yesterday evening. His account of the procession at Rome, consisting of Christian slaves liberated by Lord Exmouth, was very interesting.† They * "One evening, at Mrs. Doyley's, when the party had been talking of the glories of Waterloo bridge, then just opened, a gentleman turned to the lady of the house and said, 'You and I, Mrs. Doyley, remember the time when London had but one bridge.' Miss Grimston was present."-Note by Miss Wynn. It is very strange that the vulgar mistake of writing ad walked up the long street, Strada del Popolo, in uniform, and up to St. Peter's Church, attended by all the priesthood singing Litanies, Thanksgivings, &c.; then depositing their standards at the foot of the altar, prostrated themselves before the cross, and returned. blessing the English, and crying, as soon as they had passed the church doors, "Vivan i bravi Inglesi! Viva la santa religione, &c." A We are party-mad here. I do not mean politically so, but the people run to numberless parties of a night. No illness or affliction keeps them out of a crowd. lady at my next door almost had her party on Sunday night, and her husband invited a large company to dinner on the Tuesday following. Gibbs, "I doubt whether Mrs. Tuesday. She is very ill indeed." "Nay," said Dr. will live beyond At three o'clock the husband sent to put off his company, and at eight o'clock she died. He sent his cards out that day fortnight, and had his party again. So runs our world away. The men play at macko and lose their thousands all morning; one gentlemen was seen to pay seven guineas for the cards he had used in four hours only. 1818. Mrs. Lutwych will have the loss not only of a good husband and certain friend, but she will lose her greatest admirer too, which few people could boast of in conjugal life, besides herself and me. Alas! alas ! but jectives with capital letters occurs frequently in these letters. I have copied some of her oddly affected orthography. She is always set o'laughing. Through a long negociation she speaks always of the Piano e forte which they are buying for Boddylwyddan.’ Note by Miss W. Wynn. Was it a vulgar mistake at the time? we must lose or be lost. Her death would have broken his heart. The most painful sight of all is a sick baby, for there is such a vegetating power, such a disposition in the habit to drive that death away which grown people often seem half to invite, that it shocks one; and I hoped poor Angelo would have been the staff of my age. You can scarce think how low-spirited all these things make me. I am glad the sea is at hand to wash care away. 1819.— Llewenney Hall pulled down too! and its forests: Alta cadit quercus; but schools are made of the bricks, and Teachery, as I call it in a word of my own inventing, goes on at a famous rate; yet one does not remember it is ever said in the Old or New Testament, "If you study My ways, and learn My commandment;" but "if you walk in My ways, and observe My commandments to do them," which was surely never so little practised as now. Well, the work of reformation runs forward apace. Female associations are forming every day and everywhere. They come into your kitchens, instruct your servants, tell them how their masters and ladies run to perdition, give them books against tyranny, and tell them they are all slaves. Your vraie amie octogenaire, H. L. P. 1820.—I certainly feel sorry for his death; and if I do not feel alarmed, who am three or four years older, it is because even the grim Lion Death may be rendered familiar by stroking, and never suffering him long out of sight. Will you hear the story of my present neighbour? Zenobia Stevens, of a good family not far off, had a lease of ninety-nine years under the Duke of Bolton, and lived it out. When she went herself and gave it up, her kind landlord begged her to keep the house during her life, and offering her a glass of wine, "One if your Grace pleases," was her prudent reply, "but as I am to ride twelve miles on a young colt these short evenings, I am afraid of being giddyheaded." MISCELLANEOUS LETTERS. MOSTLY ΤΟ SIR JAMES FELLOWES. To Sir James Fellowes. Bath, 17th January, 1815. ACCEPT a thousand compliments; I found the pasquinade after a long search as it was given me on the inauguration of Buonaparte. "Romani! vi mostro un bel Quadro, Il santo Padre và coronar un Ladro ; Lascia la Sede, Un altro Pio per serbar la Sede Lascia la Fede." Pius the Sixth his seat could leave His successor that seat to save, Abandon'd her to certain death. |