The Works of Shakespeare, Volume 1G. Routledge & sons, 1866 |
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arms art thou Bardolph Ben Jonson BIRON blood BOLING BOYET called Collier's cousin dead death dost doth duke duke of Hereford earl editions Enter Exeunt Exit eyes fair Falstaff father fear folio omits fool FORD gentle gentleman Gentlemen of Verona give grace hand hath hear heart heaven Henry Holinshed honour humour John Shakespeare Juliet Kate KATH king lady LAUN letter look lord Love's Labour's Lost madam marry master means merry mistress never night noble NURSE old copies passage peace play POINS pray prince Proteus quarto Richard Richard II Romeo SCENE servant Shakespeare SHAL sir John soul speak SPEED stand Steevens Stratford sweet tell thee thine Thomas Nashe thou art thou hast tongue true Tybalt unto villain wife William Shakespeare wilt word