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122. To Mr. Justice Coleridge. Interest in school.-
Southey. Coleridge

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127. To Rev. J. Hearn. Youth and old age.-Dr. Hamp--
den and the Reformers

129. To the Archbishop of Dublin. Wish to circulate
"Church of England Tracts."-Church authority.-
Jew Bill.-Pamphlet on Roman Catholic Claims

130. To Sir T. S. Pasley, Bart. Reality.

131. *To Dr. Greenhill. Medicine.-Physical science
132. To the Archbishop of Dublin. The Jew Bill.—Ire-
land.-Pastoral Epistles.-Idolatry and Unitarianism.
-Wish for the Chair of Theology at Oxford.-Love

for Rugby.

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133. *To A. P. Stanley, Esq. Fanaticism.-Oxford Tracts. 40

134. To Mrs. Buckland. Visit to the Isle of Wight.-Fox

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136. To Sir J. Franklin, Bart.—Colonial Society.-Convicts.

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143. To the Archbishop of Dublin. Neutrality.-Rest.-
Celtic languages.

144. *To. W. C. Lake, Esq. Germany.-Excess in division
of labour.-Institutes of Gaius.-Edition of St.
Paul's Epistles.-Priesthood

145. To Rev. Dr. Hawkins. Illness.-Death of his aunt.-

Church and Priesthood

146. To J. C. Platt, Esq. New Poor Law.-Reactions

147. To Mr. Justice Coleridge. English divines.-Pilgrim's


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