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February 7. 1918.]


Under the title of Shakespeare and his Times," DR DRAKE has favoured the public with two quarto volumes, every page of which contains some curious and entertaining matter relative to our great dramatic poet; or to the domestic history, manners, customs, and amusements of the age in which he lived. The plan of the present work strongly reminded us of Mr Godwin's Life of Chaucer. Of Shakespeare's

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Literature-New Publications.

mas Tale," has kept pretty near to the letter of
his title: but we observe few strong delineations
of character, or poetical combinations, which
we should wish to remember. He is, however, less
obscure than in some other of his works which
we have had occasion to notice, although the
sel poignant d'esprit seems, in a great measure,
to have evaporated. This poem cannot add
much to Mr Coleridge's fame.

the Rev. T. F. Dibdin, 5 vols. 8vo.

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A singular whole length portrait of Queen Elizabeth, upon her knees, appears at page 114, copersonal or private history, very little more can THE BIBLIOGRAPHICAL DECAMERON, &c.; by pied from her Majesty's prayer hook. It is not be collected from authentic sources than of Chauunlike her coin. Third Day embraces engravcer's; yet both Dr Drake and Mr Godwin have ed ornaments of printed books, block books, This book, which has been long anxiously lookbooks of chiromancy and physiognomy, bibles, contrived, by skilful research and judicious associations, to render the biography of their respec-ed for by the lovers of letters, is more curious than ancient classics, German publications, romances, tive poet the appropriate medium of an instruc- entertaining, though the author has done much to works of grotesque character, Italian classics tive and interesting view of the times in which give variety and humour to what was dry in his and novels, &c. &.c.; and is replete with amushe flourished. In the arrangement of their ma- subject. It is divided into " ten days' pleasant ing matter. The ornaments are numerous. terials, however, the two writers have adopted discourse upon illuminated manuscripts, and sub- Fourth Day is one of the most generally intedifferent plans. Mr Godwin presents us with an jects connected with early engraving, typogra- resting of the whole; it is confined to the origin unbroken narration, making Chaucer an actor,phy, and bibliography." The interlocutors are and early progress of printing. The story of Gureal or supposed, in all the scenes which he de- Lysander, Lisardo, Belinda, Almanza, Philemon, scribes; thus mingling, in some instances, a sport and Lorenzo. During the first three days, Phi-tenberg, Fust, and Schoifer, differs in some reof the imagination with his description of the lemon is the chief speaker, and devotes his in-spects from that published in the Biographie Universelle, and both seem involved in obscurireal picture of the age, a poetical licence, for quiries to the history of" illuminated manuwhich he has been censured by some critics, as scripts, of printed books of devotion, and of ty on certain points, which we imagine will ncver now be elucidated. This chapter, which incompatible with the duties of the biographer. works ornamented with engravings, from the concludes the first volume, has only one print. Dr Drake has avoided this censure, at least, by period of block book-printing to the middle or Fifth Day continues the same subject, the pro:"---the three placing the biographical and descriptive parts of latter end of the sixteenth century:" his work in separate compartments; and he has following days are occupied by Lysander, with ress of printing in Germany; its rise and progress in France and the Low countries; also at divided the life of Shakespeare into three parts" some account of the origin and early progress Venice, the Aldine press and other celebrated or periods, which he entitles - Shakespeare in of printing on the continent, bringing the subStratford, Shakespeare in London, and Shake-ject down to the same period with which Phi- presses in Italy. There are also portraits of prinspeare in Retirement; each period being form lomen concluded, and illustrating it with theters, and an account of the introduction of titlepages. This is a valuable chapter, and richly ed into a concise narration. After the first part devices, &c. of printers:"---the next three are decorated with cuts. Much of it, however, is of the biography, which is comprised in sixty- Lisardo's, who gives "some account of real and taken up with the devices of printers, (we mean seven pages, we are presented with what the imaginary portraits of printers, of decorative their distinguishing marks) which is rather dry author terms, A survey of country life and man-printing, of book binding, ancient and modern, ners, its customs, diversions, and superstitions, as and of book sales by auction:---the last day is reading. Sixth Day, the same subject continued, with an account of the early printing at they existed in the age of Shakespeare," and this devoted to literary bibliography, under the pre- Louvain. This is also richly embellished. Scportion of the work occupies three hundred and sidency of Lysander. Such is the general out-venth Day includes decorative printing, 'titlethirty-three pages. The second narrative, name-line of this publication, which in the rest of its ly, Shakespeare's introduction to the metropolis frame-work also keeps the model of Boccacio in pages, capital initials, wood-cut portraits of eminent characters, comparison between ancient and to the stage, fills scarcely twenty pages; view. We shall now glance over the ten days and modern printing; paper and vellum; mothe remaining three hundred of the first volume, seriatim. First Day, we have an account of dern English printers of note. It is shewn that and six hundred of the second, being devoted to the most ancient manuscripts written in capital a picture of London, as it was in the days of the letters. A brief view of the progress of the great bard, comprising every object that can be arts of design and composition, in illuminatsupposed to interest and gratify the taste of the ed MSS. from the 5th to the 16th century inpoetical antiquary, or the enquirer after the clusively. This chapter is full of curious research manners and customs of our ancestors; and a- and information. The notes, which are copious bounding with beauties and curiosities of litera- throughout all the volumes, in this part furnish a ture, that will irresistibly strike even the general more distinct and comprehensive history of the reader. The third part of the biography affords drawing and composition of the earlier and middle matter for about thirty pages, and concludes the ages, than any work with which we are acquainted. work. From this slight glance at the contents of Some of the ornaments are exquisitely beautiful and this highly interesting, and we must add highly others remarkably grotesque. Second Day treats valuable, production, it will appear, that, as a of ancient missals and breviaries: the Roman, AmThis sumptuous and extraordinary work conBiography of Shakespeare, in the strict sense of brosian, Mosarbic, and Vallambrosa, rituals;--or-sists of 12 leaves, of what may be called broad the word, little novelty, in fact or conjecture, naments of printed books of devotion: the dance of royal folio; having the text of that famous Charmust be expected. If, however, we have not the death; allegorical, pastoral, grotesque, and do ter printed in Gothic letters, of gold, upon their gratification of saying we know more of Shake-mestic subjects of decoration ;---of the most dis speare than we did before the appearance of Dr tinguished printers of missals, &c. and advice to respective rectos. The limits of the text itself are seven inches and five eighths, by five and two Drake's volumes, we should be ungrateful, in-young collectors. The ornaments here are not eighths; and this text is printed either upon thick deed, to the erudite and elegant author, if we so fine, but equally strange and worthy atten-drawing paper, or vellum, or satin; each of the were not to acknowledge that we know him tian. The coarsest representation of many anbetter. The leisure of thirty years, devoted to such cient customs cannot be contemplated without two latter sometimes varied by a ground of purple: thus renewing the taste of the earlier ages a study, by so competent an engineer, has not been deep interest. To enliven our notice, we may of blazoning. The work is dedicated to the spent in vain. The result of his labours in the vo- venture to extract some specimens of early Eng- Prince Regent, and the arms of King John, and lumes before us is a literary treasure, for the be-lish poetry, as written in Latin books of devo- those of his Royal Highness, usually precede, in nefit of future ages,—to which many an unborn the illuminated copies, the first page of the text." admirer of Shakespeare will resort with feelings These copies are further declared to be inconof gratitude to the founder. ceivably splendid in their general appearances, and in the felicity of their execution where scrolls or arms are added -Eighth Day: We have here book-binding, ancient and modern, with ma


Mr COLERIDGE, in his " Zapoyla, a Christ-|

tion imported from the continent. In one of
these, a volume of Hore, printed by Regnault,
in 1536, there is a set of prints illustrating, a-
mong others, the following distiches:

Dauid was enamoured of Bersa
bee. In the Bath whan he her se.

all the pretended portraits of Caxton, Wynkin de Worde, and Pynson, our earliest typographers, are forgeries, and that those of Grafton and John Day may be esteemed the earliest authentie likenesses of English printers. Portraits of Messrs Bulmer, Bensley, and Nicols, follow. There is a striking specimen of Mr John Whittaker's printing in gold at page 417, and Magna Charta has been produced in this splendid style. As this piece is unique, and the mode is a secret, we shall transcribe the description of Magna Charta in letters of gold.

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Literature-New Publications.

[February 7. 1818. ny anecdotes, and some examples of the subjects | England at the time of the massacre, goes to tionary character and honourable motives of Sir chosen to adorn outsides. This concludes the se- Winchester school. Endowed with a propensity Robert need no elucidation; and however reprecond volume.--- Ninth Day. Characters of de- too common to Mr Godwin's heroes, he here forms hensible his conduct may be in aiding the flight ceased and living book-auction-loving Biblioma- a friendship with a worthless rascal named Wal- of Lavalette, still we cannot join in any inferniacs, and details of book-sales since 1811. This ler, and conceives a rooted hatred for a noble fel-ence whereby his general character is impeached. part is enriched with some modern portraits, and low named Clifford. Waller, by his villainy, Sir Robert's great aim is to shew, that the decontains the annals of the far-famed Roxburghe brings him into disgrace as a roundhead, and he struction of the French power, so long considerclub.---Tenth Day is a brief view of Bibliogra- leaves school in paroxysms of phrenzy. Oxforded the natural enemy of Great Britain, and the phical literature in Italy, France, and Germany, is his next scene, which he quits in the hope of great obstacle to European independence, has and a supplementary account of booksellers, li- wiping out the suspicions attached to him, by been attended with the effect of establishing anbraries, book-collectors, and private presses in joining a rising against Cromwell, as private se- other more dangerous and more formidable. The England. It appears the trustees of the British cretary to king Charles's commander. In this de- conclusion of the late war was certainly expectMuseum have already got the length of 5 vols. sign, however, he is baffled; Clifford having been ed to produce those consequences so much desir8vo. in the alphabetical catalogue of their print- previously appointed to that office. He flies in ed, and the treaty of Vienna to insure mutual aded books, and that the University of Oxford is rage and disgust, and the insurgents are soon af-vantages to the parties concerned. But when busily engaged with a catalogue in folio of the ter defeated, and many of them executed. Mal. one nation obtains so great a supremacy as Rusprinted books in the Bodleian Library. The first lison, another of his Winchester school-fellows, sia at present possesses, it would be madness to book-auction which took place was by Samuel circulates this affair with malignant misrepresen-place firm reliance on any such conventions. An Baker, in January 1744, in the great room over tations, and he finds himself scouted at Oxford as increase of power only tends to heighten the deExeter Change. Having brought our very brief he had before been at Winton. Another fit of sire of completing the work of conquest; and no analysis of this remarkable production to a close, raving insanity follows, and it takes a few months sooner are the means perceived of consummating we shall add little in the way of general remark. in a strait-waistcoat under the wholesome discip- such conquest, than the stability of a treaty is The letter-press is admirably executed from Bul- line of a mad-house, together with the affection-rendered null, doubtful, and uncertain. The inmer's Shakspeare press, and the work does ho- ate attentions of his sister, to restore him to rea-fluence which Russia holds throughout continennour to the present state of British typography. son. His only friend at Oxford, is a misanthrope, tal Europe, needs little illustration. From her The multitude of prints are excellently finished, sui generis; and the chief delight of these ingenious proximity to Germany, it is almost impossible to and, like the prince of Palagonia's palace, which youths, we are told, was either to sit sulking together allay her interference with that country; thereGoethe describes in his last work, they present without exchanging a word, or else to pour forth fore the necessity rests in repressing its advance. the likeness of more monsters than ever the he-execrations by the hour! This estimable gentle- The respective situations, and immense natural rald's college imagined. Still they offer many man, of course, felt nothing but joy in the mis-resources of Austria and France, and more parfine studies for design, and neither the artist, the fortune of his amiable coadjutor Mandeville. The ticularly their endeavours to obtain a sway over manufacturer, nor the mechanic of taste or geni- scene shifts again to the uncle, over whom, in the Germanic politics, have formed these countries us could turn over these leaves in vain. What absence of his nephew, a scoundrel attorney, one the mutual enemies of each other. It is on this we most dislike is the facetiousness of the author. Holloway, gains a complete ascendancy by mak-ground, that a coalition of Austria with her norIt does not seem to us to be of the right breed; ing a noise below his windows. To get rid of this thern neighbour, may cause Germany to share the and if not a sort of conventional slang to be re-annoyance, which robs him of his darling quiet, fate of dismembered Poland. But setting aside lished by Bibliomaniacs, is likely to be consider- Audley takes the vagabond to his bosom; but, such a conjecture,—from the territorial extent of ed as rather low and trifling. But a man is not disgusted by the perception of his infamy, he re- Russia, the advantages of her situation, and the compelled to be both a good Bibliomanic and a fuses to make him his heir, and only leaves him possession of a well organised army, she has now good buffoon. 30,0001. and the guardianship of his nephew and become the most formidable empire in Europe. niece, with extravagant powers. Having con- Situated as Prussia and the minor states of GerOf Mr GODWIN's Mandeville, it would be cluded this wise job, he dies; and Charles and many are, defence is impracticable, unless aided difficult to speak in terms of general praise. The the attorney, whose character the former is re- with the assistance and countenance of Austria. style is good, and there is a just discrimination of presented as fully understanding, have a grand The slavery which burthened these nation during principles; but, as a whole, it is of a more som-fracas, which, after many silly windings, ends in the arbitrary reign of Bonaparte, has only augbre cast even than some of his former novels, the latter acquiring as great an ascendancy over mented their love of liberty; while the miseries while it does not possess the interest arising from the legatee as he had over his relative. The arts then entailed upon the people serve to increase their incidents and moral effect. There are, how-by which he manages this matter, and steals over the desire of averting their return. Yet, whatever, some readers who prefer winter to summer, the mind of his abhorring and open-eyed ward, ever arrangements are urged for the preservation and night to day; and, to persons of that taste, required tedious details, and the author has not of European independence, all attempts will be this novel will afford a delectable treat, The abated them one paragraph. Holloway's scheme finally baffled, unless France, the natural mistress. story relates to a person named Charles Mande-is to drive Mr Mandeville quite mad, marry Miss of the continent, shall emerge from its present ville, born in 1658, whose father, an officer in the Mandeville to bis own nephew, the Mallison a-inferiority. garrison of Charlemont, under Lord Caulfield, is, foresaid, and so get possession of the estates of The distance of Spain from the heart of Eutogether with his mother, murdered by O'Neill the house of Mandeville. He prosecutes this plan rope, and the insufficiency of her resources. renand the Irish rebels. The child is miraculously by means that would have had no effect but up. der that country no longer an obstacle to the saved by an intrepid Hibernian nurse, called Ju-on such a genius as our hero; but the sister hav-conquests of ambition. She, whose course of pody, who bears him to Dublin, where he is harsh- ing formed an attachment with Clifford, is not so licy was formerly observed with a jealous eye, ly taken from her by a Puritan clergyman, Hil- easily imposed upon. A law-suit is instituted and whose alliance was hailed as success, has, kiah Bradford, and brought to England Here by her friends, for the dismissal of Holloway, by the irretrievable losses of a long war, and the he is adopted by his uncle, Audley Mandeville, pending which she weds her accomplished lover. imbecility of a superstitious government, lost all the last heir of that rich family, and educated by Her brother, driven wild by the idea of this influence in retaining the peace of Europe. Hilkiah, in a wild residence surrounded by sea match, without his being consulted, makes a Here, then, it is obvious, that France, from her and wastes. Hilkiah is a strange compound be-night attempt to carry his sister off, but is foiled well-known national strength, the compactness tween the milk of human kindness and the most by Clifford, who gives him a slash across the face of her territory, and high military capacity, is of bigotted intolerance; the uncle a stranger, be- with his sabre, and so---the novel ends. We re-consummate importance in establishing a strict tween an elegantly cultivated mind and a most balance of power, and consequently in checking, imbecile understanding. Deceived in early love, the aggrandisement of Russia. he lives recluse and unsocial, the prey to a sort of lethargic passiveness and inaction, which the author has all the merit of having conceived, and dwelt upon at great length in many chapters. In The work before us, now acknowledged to be short, the picture of these oddities occupies near- the production of Sir Robert Wilson, has produly the whole of the first volume. It is repeated ced a more than ordinary interest in the political over and over again, and turned so many ways as world. Although we frequently differ with our to become at last a strong skip-provoking drug author in respect to his public principles, yet our Hilkiah, however, dies, and his pupil, after visit-readers will find many facts in this gentleman's ing a sister younger than himself who was in observations worthy of attention. The discre-time, we are afraid, has long past by. She is


gret that Mr Godwin should waste those talents
in attempting works of fancy, which are so splen-
did when employed in compositions of history and


It was only in the sixteenth century that Russia began to attract the attention of Europe, since which she has gradually emerged from a state of ignorance and barbarism. Although the increase of Russia's power, at the expence of Turkey, was long perceptible, its effects were never considered until the dismemberment of Poland. Her wide-extended dominions had led many to expect a division of the empire; but the

February 7. 1818.]

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Literature-New Publications.

"The guns of the Swedes could be heard in Petersburgh; the Poles of Warsaw were suspicious neighbours, and the Poles of Russia doubtful friends: The Turks in Asia were still inclined to struggle for the recovery of the Crimea, from which they were not a stone's throw; the Turks in Europe still occupied Bessarabia, and


(To be continued.). 271. 1.p.271.


The History and Antiquities of the Cathedral of Winchester, by J. Britton, F.S.A. with thirty engravings: comprising an original investigation into the early establishment of Christianity in the south-western part of the island, that is, among the West Saxons, an essay on the origidral, and a description of that edifice; an account of its various and splendid monuments; biographical anecdotes of the bishops, &c. with ample graphic illustrations of the architecture and sculpture of the church; the latter chiefly engraved by J. and H. Le Keux, from drawings by Edward Blore.

rendered so formidable in Europe by recent addi- Thus has the population of Russia more than be unavailing; for the defence of Gallicia would tions of territory and population, that a disjunc-doubled during the last century; whilst Smith be equally impracticable by Austria. The intion of this great empire no longer remains pro- and others have averaged that civilized coun-habitants of this province, whose allegiance is bable. The strength of Russia is entirely con- tries only double their population once in five rather equivocal, are separate from their defencentrated in Europe. Her Asiatic dominions hundred years. ders by the Carpathian mountains, while betwixt are very extensive, but, at the greates! calcula- Sir Robert, speaking of the acquisitions of them and the folish dominions of Russia there is tion, do not contain five millions of population. Alexander's predecessors, which were enormous, neither separation by natural barriers nor maneonsequently more than forty millions are left to says, they had not yet completed the line of ners and customs. guard her European relations. By incorporating frontier which the acquisition themselves requirher strength in Europe, she is rendered unassailed for their preservation." able in those parts where attack was usually dreaded. She now feels no cause to fear the threats of Sweden; and Prussia, or Austria, single-handed, dare not hazard the consequences of an attack, while France is at present unable to defend herself. Here, then, we behold a nation, which, a century ago, was divested of the laws that bind society, rising from a state of bar-held the Russians in check on the Dniester. A-nal and architectural styles of the present cathebarism and darkness, to the highest pitch of dominion and civilization:---we behold a nation, whose vastness of resources, when properly applied and cultivated, bids defiance to the most potent states, and whose refinement of government, and increasing mildness of laws, daily add to her internal strength. The people are, in fact, rising from the shackles and chains of slavery; while the sweets of European liberty, and the blessing of extended commerce are concentrating in the wilds of Siberia. Many of our notions may be considered as themes of illusion or needless declamation, and if this be the case, at least, we have the consolation,-so much the better for mankind. But we shall ever hold the opinion, that if Alexander is once suffered to interrupt the pursuits of peace, and no immediate exertions made to restrain him, our calamities will prove inevitable when we cannot avert them.

land covered the Swedish coast from insult, or
sudden invasion, when the gulf of Bothnia might
be frozen; and Sweaborg commanded the navi-
gation of the mouth of the gulf of Finland.”
But we shall find that Russia has become in-
vulnerable where dangers formerly diverted her
force and attention; for she not only possesses
the most flourishing of the Swedish provinces,
but also the ports of " Abo and Sweaborg, which
was the great naval establishment of the Swedes
on the coast of Finland, and all the numerous
islands which cluster between Aland and the
main land, and which are inhabited by a rich
and happy population." But when we are told
that Aland is distant from the shore of Sweden
only twenty-four miles, and from the capital it-
self not more than eighty, we shall find sufficient
evidence to agree with Sir Robert, that "Rus-
sia has completely changed her relative position
with Sweden." And whether or not the policy
of Russia may incline hereafter to the final an-
nihilation of the Swedish nation, she has nothing
to fear from that quarter, while Stockholm is left
exposed to the attacks of an enemy.

"On the Niemen, the frontier remains in sta-
tu quo for about one hundred miles; when it
traverses the Memel or Niemen river, and, run-
ning along East Prussia, strikes the Vistula near
Thorn, from whence Dantzic is distant about
seventy miles, and Berlin only one hundred and

We shall now shortly detail Sir Robert Wilson's summary of the rapid progress of this modern empire; the extent of her almost boundless dominions, and the evident tendency of her ambition towards universal dominion, that every year increases her enormous power, while it diminishes the tranquillity of Europe. Every judicious mind will perceive the fatal effects which the future increase of Russia must have on the politics of other nations, and the melancholy sacrifices to which Europe is endangered. We shall be very brief in our extracts, introducing such remarks as occasion requires; and in giving "The line then crosses the Vistula and adthis sketch of the Russian empire, as it now vances to Kalish, a point nearly equidistant from stands, we shall leave our readers to consider the Dresden and Berlin; thence taking a southern question proposed, viz. "How far any combina-direction, and passing within thirty miles of the t'on of France, England, and Austria, can con- Oder, it bends in an eastern course along the troul the policy Russia may be disposed to pur-district of Cracow, which it respects; but at this sue ?" point its distance from a third capital, Vienna, is again only one hundred and seventy miles." (P. 157.)

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No. I. of Illustrations of York Cathedral, with six engravings by the two Le Keux's, Scott, &. from drawings by Mackenzie and Blore; by J. Britton, F.S.A.


Philosophy of Arithmetic: exhibiting a progressive View of the Theory and Practice of Calculation, with an enlarged table of the products of numbers under one hundred; by J. Leslie, F.R.S.E.


Memoirs of the Legal, Literary, and Political Life of the late Right Hon. J. P. Curran; by Wm. O'Regan, Esq. barrister. 8vo, 10s. 6d.

Biographical Conversations on the most Eminent and Instructive British Characters, for the use of young persons: by the Rev. Wm. Bingley, M.A. F.L.S.

A Biographical Memoir of the Princess Charlotte's Public and Private Life; with an engraved likeness, a view of Claremont, and a fac simile of an original letter. 8vo. 12s.


New Way to pay old Debts, with a Portrait of Mr Kean as Sir Giles Overreach; forming Part I. of a New English Drama, edited by Mr Oxberry, of the Theatre Royal Drury-lane. Is.

A History of the Theatres of London: con taining an Annual Register of new pieces, revi, vals, pantomimes, &c. with occasional notes and anecdotes; being a continuation of Victor's and Oulton's Histories, from the year 1795 to 1817 inclusive; by W. C. Oulton. 3 vols.


Intellectual Patrimony, or a Father's Instructions; by J. Gilchrist.

The population of Russia in 1722, the year after Peter declared himself emperor of all the Russias, was only fourteen millions; and from Here, we may observe, that the facility of the year 1729 to 1762, although six sovereigns crushing the independence of Prussia is but too had swayed the crown, still she had not taken evident; and while we regret this circumstance, Remarks on a Course of Education, designed her station as a great European power." From we cannot but mark, that the destruction of Po-to prepare the Youthful Mind for a career of Ho the accession of Catherine the Second to 1796, lish independence, in which both Austria and nour, Patriotism, and Philanthropy; by T. Myers, during a reign of thirty-three years, the number Prussia concurred, has had the result of increas- A. M. 1s. 6d. was augmented by acquisition and natural in- ing the power of Russia, and endangering the crease from twenty-two to thirty-six millions; in safety of Europe. And even the territory which this computation is reckoned seven millions of fell to the share of Prussia by the partition treaPoles, commencing from the confederation at ties, has since been added to the Russian fronBar, and concluding with the capture of Prague tier. in 1795. Alexander commenced his reign in the year 1800, over thirty-six millions of people; and in 1808, according to the St Petersburgh almanack, the population was forty-two millions. If to this we add a territory of 193,800 geographical square miles, acquired since 1808, and equal, in extent of surface, to the whole of Spain and Portugal, we may very probably estimate fifty millions as the number of Alexander's subjects.

An Introduction to the Study of the German Grammar. with practical exercises; by P. E. Laurent. 12mo. 5s.

Sir Robert says: "Notwithstanding the pos- A Summary Method of Teaching Children to session of the fortresses of Dantzic, Graudents, Read, upon the Principle discovered by the Sieur and Colberg, Prussia can never attempt to de- Berthaud; illustrated with plates; by Mrs Wilfend any territory north of the Oder ******** | liams. 12mo. 98.---royal 12mo. 12s. since Russia, without any extraordinary exertion, Self Cultivation, or Hints to a Youth leaving could bring 120,000 cavalry (regular and irregu- School; by Isaac Taylor. 8vo. 5s. 6d. lar) into the action on the Prussian frontier." P. 138. But it is not in this quarter alone that An Introduction to the Study of Geology: the opposition to Russia's encroachments would with occasional remarks on the truth of the Mo


[blocks in formation]

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[blocks in formation]

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No. I. of the British Muse, to consist of ori-
ginal and select poetry; comprising sonnets, bal-
lads, songs, tales, epigrams, &c. &c.: the whole
intended to form a complete museum of polite
entertainment;. each number to contain two
plates of music. Is.

An Epicedium sacred to the Memory of the
Princess Charlotte; by Rich. Hatt.
Philanthropy, a poem: with miscellaneous
pieces; by I. Cobbin, M.A. 9s.


Considerations on the principal Events of the French Revolution, from the period of the administration of M. Necker to the fall of Bonaparte; by the Baroness de Stacl. 5 vols. 8vo.

Kings, Lords, and Commons, the true Constitution of England, established on the Rock of Justice and Liberty; by Philanthropus. 8vo. 6d.


The Unitarian Refuted, or the Divinity of Christ and the Doctrine of the Holy Trinity proved from copious Texts of Scripture, accompanied with notes, selected from the New Family Bible; by the Rev. G. A. Baker, M.A. 8vo. 5s.

The Bible, not the Bible Society: being an attempt to point out that mode of disseminating the Scriptures which would most effectually conduce to the security of the Established Church, and the peace of the United Kingdom; by the Rev. W. Phelan, Fellow of Trinity-college. 4s. The Divine Authority of Holy Scripture asserted, from its adaptation to the real state of Human Nature: in eight sermons, preached before the Uuniversity of Oxford; by J. Miller, M.A. fellow of Worcester-college.

God is Love the most Pure, My Prayer, and

A poem, entitled the Social Day, by Mr Peter Coxe, will be published in the spring, embellished with 28 engravings.

The Dramatic Works complete, with the Poems, &c. of the late Right Hon. Richard' Brinsley Sheridan, are announced, with an essay on the life and genius of the author, by Thomas Moore, Esq.

A History of the Civil Wars of England, from original, authentic, and most curious and interesting manuscripts, and scarce tracts of the times, is in the press. It will be illustrated by 200 engravings by the first artists, from original paintings, by G. Arnald, R.A. taken expressly for this work, on every spot on which battles, or other important events, took place.

Travels in Syria, by J. L. Burckhardt, are about to be published, under the direction of the African Association.

Observations, moral, literary, and antiquarian, made during a Tour through the Pyrenees, France, Switzerland, Italy, and the Netherlands, in the years 1814-15, by John Milford, jun. late of St John's-college, Cambridge, are in the press.

Travels from Vienna through Lower Hungary, with some account of Vienna during the congress, with engravings, by Richard Bright, M.D. will shortly be published in a quarto volume.

Letters from the Abbe Edgeworth to his Friends, written between the years 1777 and 1807, with Memoirs of his Life, including some account of the late Roman-Catholic Bishop of Cork, Dr Moylan, and letters to him from the Right Hon. Edmund Burke, and other persons of distinction, by the Rev. Thomas R. England. are in preparation.

The Memoirs, with a selection from the corA Report upon the Claims of Mr Geo. Ste-My Contemplation: freely translated from the respondence, and other unpublished writings of phenson, relative to his Safety-Lamp; by the original of M. d'Eckharthausen, with suitable al- the late Mrs Elizabeth Hamilton author of LetCommittee. terations and additions, and including a compa-ters on Education, Agrippina, &c. by Miss Benger, nion to the altar; by J. Grant, M.A. minister will appear in the course of January. of Kentishstown chapel. 12mo. 2s. 6d.

An Appeal to the Citizens of London against the alleged lawful mode of packing special juries; by T. J. Wooler.

Memoirs relating to European and Asiatic Turkey; edited from manuscript journals, by Robert Walpole, A.M. L.3, 3s.


Mandeville, a Tale of the Seventeenth Century in England; by W. Godwin. 3 vols. 12mo. L.1, 1s.

Rosabella, or a Mother's Marriage; by the Author of the Romance of the Pyrenees, &c. 5 vols. 12mo. L.1, 10s.

Manners: a novel. 5 vols. 12mo. 18s. The Quakers: a tale; by E. B. Lester, 12mo. 6s.

Instructions for the Use of Candidates for
Holy Orders, and of the Parochial Clergy, as
to ordination, licences, institutions, collations,
induction, dispensations, &c.; by C. Hodgson.
8vo. 8s.

A series of Sermons on various Subjects of
Doctrine and Practice; by the Rev. G. Mathew,
A. M. 2 vols. 8vo L1, 1s.

Mr Campbell's Selected Beauties of British Poetry, with lives of the poets, and critical dissertations, will soon appear, in five volumes, post octavo

An Account is preparing of a Voyage of Discovery to the Western Coast of Corea, and the great Loo Choo Island, in the ship Lyra, by Capt. Basil Hall, R.N. F.R.S. L. et E.; with a vocabulary of the language of that island by A Series of Discourses, recommending and Lieut. Clifford, R.N. and an Appendix, containenforcing Stedfastness in the Christian Religion;ing charts and various hydrographical and scienby W. Pendred. 8vo. 5s.


The Personal Narrative of M. de Humboldt's
Travels to the Equinoxial Regions of the New
Continent, during the years 1799-1804: trans-
Shelated by Helen Maria Williams, under the im-
mediate inspection of the author. Vol. III.

The Story of Clarissa. 12mo. 3s. 6d.
Foundling of Devonshire, or Who is
by Miss C. D. Haynes. 5 vols. L.1, 7s.
Robertina, or the Secret Deposit; by C. G.
Ward.. 2 vols. 10s.

Helen Monteagle; by Alicia Lefanu. 5 vols. 21s.


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Notes on a Journey in America, from the A Synoptical Catalogue of British Birds: form Coast of America to the Territory of the Illinois, ing a book of reference to observations in British by Morris Birkbeck, author of Notes on a Tour Ornithology; by Thomas Forster, F.L.S. Cor-in France, &c. 5s.

tific notices, illustrated by eight coloured engravings, after drawings by Havell, of scenery and the costume of the people of Corea, and par. ticularly of the more interesting inhabitants of Loo Choo; in one volume, quarto

The Case of the Salt Duties, with proofs and illustrations, are printing, by Sir T. Bernard, Bart. in small octavo.

The Copious Greek Grammar of Augustus Matthiæ, having been translated from the German by the late Rev. E. V. Blomfield, M A. fellow of Emanuel College, Cambridge, will soon appear, in two octavo volumes.

Speedily will be published, Four Discourses on the effects of drinking spirituous and other in

[blocks in formation]

Literature-Foreign Publications.

nes, with numerous illustrative notes, in three
8vo. volumes.

The author of "Pride and Prejudice," has in
the press a new novel, entitled, Northanger Ab-
bey, or Persuasion, in 4 volumes.

The first number of a selection of Spanish plays, with the title of Teatro Espanol, will ap

On January 31, 1818. will be published, No Imediately appear. This selection will comprise of a new series of the Female Preceptor a peri❘ the most esteemed plays of Lope de Vega, Calodical miscellany, dedicated to Hannah More, deron, Terso de Molina, Moreta, Roxas, Solis, and conducted by a lady. The plan of the new which will be followed by the productions of reseries will embrace all the leading features of cent writers, as Moratin, Cruzy, Cano, &c. the the former arrangement, which will be nearly whole illustrated by occasional notes, and preas follows:--- Biography, Original and select Es- ceded by an Historical Account of the Spanish says, Series of Female Letters, Natural His- Drama, and Biographical Sketches of the autory, Reviews, Moral Tales Juvenile Correspond- thors. ence, Miscellanea, and Poetry.

The Desateer, with the ancient Persian trans lations and commentary, and a glossary of the ancient Persian words, is printing by Mulla Fe❘ ruz Bin Mullu Kaws; an English translation will be added, and the whole will form two volumes, quarto.

Speedily will be published, Strictures on Dr Chalmers' Discourses on Astronomy, shewing that his astronomical and theological views are irreconcileable to each other; by John Overton. N. G. Dufief has in the press, and will publish in the course of the present month, an elegant, highly improved, and much enlarged, British edition of Nature Displayed in her mode of teaching language to man, or a new and infallible method of acquiring languages with unparalleled rapidity, deduced from the analysis of the human mind, and consequently suited to every capacity: adapted to the French.

Mr Mawe has in the press Familiar Lessons in Mineralogy, in which will be explained the methods of distinguishing one mineral from another.


Though sufficient details to fill all Europe with terror, and for the greater part with mourning, of what had befallen the invaders of Russia in the year 1812, were in general circulation, and though somewhat approaching the truth, was unwarily disclosed by the principal culprit, in the famous twenty-ninth bulletin: yet much remained behind untold, and indeed not to be told, while the possibility of Napoleon's return to power could be imagined. Among the works published since his removal to a place of security, it is understood, that the "Letters on the War in Russia, by the Chevalier L. V. de PuisIn the press, a new edition, in a large octavo busque," contains much information on this subvolume, of Cantabrigiensis Graduate, or an Al-ject. M. de Puisbusque occupied a very imporphabetical List of those Persons who have taken their Degrees at the University of Cambridge, from 1659 to the present time.

Mr Cornelius Webb will soon publish, in a small volume, the Reverie, with Songs, Sonnets, and other Poems.

On the 1st of January will be published, the first number of a periodical work, under the title of the Philosophical Library: being a curious collection of the most rare and valuable printed works and manuscripts, both ancient and modern, which treat solely of moral, metaphysical, theological, historical, and philosophical inquiries after truth; edited by Josephus Tela.

Mrs Peck is about to give a new proof of her genius and taste, by the publication of a national tale, founded on some facts in the history of Ireland during the seventeenth century.

Mr George Dodd, the civil engineer, announces a new publication on Steam Engines and Steam Packets, to be illustrated with engravings.

Early in the ensuing year will be published, the Hall of Hellingsley, or the Discovery; a novel, by Sir Egerton Brydges, Bart. M P. & c.

The first number of a new Periodical Journal is announced for publication in January. The object is described to be by a methodical arrangement of all inventions in the arts, discoveries in the sciences, and novelties in literature, to enable the reader to keep pace with the progress of human knowledge. The price will be nearly double that of most of the magazines.

Mr Henry Hallam will speedily publish a View of the State of Europe during the Middle Ages, in two 4to vols.

The Rev. Thomas Mitchell, late Fellow of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, will soon publish a translation of the Comedies of Aristopha



A volume, in 12mo, entitled, De Lingua Latina colenda, et Civitate Latina fundanda, liber singularis, has appeared at Toulouse. It is indeed a singular book. The author, who is a Spaniard, devoted to the ecclesiastical profession in France, proposes to the great sovereigns assembled in congress, to found a Latin, free, and Hanseatic city, to belong to all the nations of Europe. The plan may seem extravagant and difficult of execution; but at least it is explained in a novel and original manner.


Among other works relative to modern history, a tract published in 1813 at St. Petersburg, but which has only just found its way to Germany, is worthy of notice. It is entitled, Account of the Burning and Pillage of Moscow by the French. The statements here given by M. Horn, German bookseller at Moscow, who was both an eye-witness and a victim of this conflagration, completely refute the notion so universally circulated by our journals that this conflagration, which in nine days destroyed 40,000 buildings, was the work of Russian heroism-a notion which, during Rostopchin's late visit to Paris, afforded him. occasion for many a sarcastic sally.

Among the almost innumerable works produced by the centenary of the Reformation by Luther-one single house, that of Maurer in Berlin, has 95 of them on sale-a volume by the Abbe Prechtl in Bavaria, with the title of Seitensuck zur Weisheit D. Martin Luther's, seems to be the only one on the Catholic side of the question that has obtained any circulation, owing to the moderation with which it is written. The author charges the works of our great Reformer with coarseness and acrimony, especially his letter to the then Pope, entitled, The Popedom of Rome founded by the Devil and he maintains that Luther was subject to periodical insanity.

tant charge in the city of Smolensko, after the
capture of that city by the French. In this sta-
tion he had an opportunity of obtaining informa-
tion on all that passed. His statements are new, The best German poem produced this year is
not such as are already before the public, and printed in the Urania, an almanack for 1818.
they are most afflicting to every heart susceptible The title of this piece, which is in three cantos,
to the claims of humanity. They display, in is, Die bezauberte Rose-The Enchanted Rose.
most dreadfully gloomy colours, the distress of the Brockhaus, the publisher, in April 1816, offered
troops who were shut up within those walls. He three poetical prizes for a romantic tale, a poeti-
adds, 1. interesting particulars of the situation cal epistle, and an Idyl. The above-mentioned
of the French in Moscow, and on the disastrous piece, by Ernst Schutze, obtained the prize of
retreat from that capital; these he derived from 30 ducats in the first class. It is written in the
his correspondence with various officers in that manner of Wieland's Oberon, except that the stan-
army, and from personal communications. 2.
zas are more regular; the whole is more delicate,
Striking details of the distresses which followed and, as it were, of pure etherial texture. The
the evacuation of Smolensko; and on his own young poet died at Celle, in the Hanoverian do-
captivity; during which, being sent to Peters- minions, in his 28th year, a few days after re-
burgh, he had an opportunity of becoming ac- ceiving intelligence of the success of his per-
quainted with that metropolis; with the charac-formance, and just as he was preparing to set
ter of its inhabitants; with those of Russia and
Poland, and with other subjects of interest and

A short time ago we gave notice of a journal, published at Berlin, for the benefit of the German Jews; another, we presume of the same description, is announced for the benefit of the Jews in France, under the title of The French Israelite. It is intended to be moral and literary; to be conducted by a society of literary men, Jews no doubt; and to appear monthly.

The happy application by Le Sage, in his Diable Boiteux, of a conception not precisely within the verge of probability, has been much admired; but a hint, susceptible of a more than equally extensive application, and at the same time much more within the scope of credibility, has been taken by a writer at Paris, who has entitled his work the Panorama of certain Houses in Paris, seen in the Interior.

out for Italy. He contracted the disease which proved fatal during the siege of Hamburgh, in 1813, when he served as a volunteer in the Jagers.

The History of Russia, of which one volume is published by J. J. Ewers, at Dorpat, printed at the University press, promises to be an interesting performance. It comprises the history of the rein of Wladimir, the first great duke who professed Christianity. The account of each reign is accompanied by separate chapters, explaining the exterior relations of the empire, the national constitution, legislation, administration, the civil condition of the empire and people, the state of industry and occupation, of the arts, sciences, &c. together with the more remarkable customs, manners, and prevailing opinions.

The Isis, or Encyclopedical Journal, published at Jena, 1817, presents its readers, from time to time, with a view of the progress of natural

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