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Brunet Nouvelles Recherches, III. p. 2. This is the copy so described.

PALATINATE. Reisz-Empfahung; Volbringung des Heyraths; und glücklicher Heimführung; etc. des Fürsten und Herrn Friederichen desz Fünften, Pfaltzgraven bey Rhein, mit der Königlichen Princessin Elisabethen, desz Herrn Jacobi desz Ersten Königs in Grosz Britannien einigen Tochter. Mit schönen Kupfferstücken. (Heidelberg?) in Gotthardt Vögelins Verlag. Anno 1613. 4to.

This is a curious detail of the Festivities on the marriage of Frederick Count Palatine with Elizabeth the daughter of James I. It seems to have been a royal copy from the plates being illuminated.

PALATINO, GIOVANBATTISTA. Libro nel qual s'insegna a scrivere ogni sorte lettera, Antica et Moderna di qualunque natione, con la

Of this Book seven copies were printed gionta da quindici Tavole bellissime. upon Vellum.

PALADINI. I valorosi Mangiamenti de' Paladini. In fine aggionte alcune stanze d' Orlando Furioso alla Biresca. Verona, senz' anno. 4to. Four leaves.

This burlesque poem has, in the editions of Florence 1568 and 1597, the Title of "Le valorose prove degli Arcibrave Paladini." This Edition is not noticed by Melzi.

PALAFOX Y MENDOZA, JUAN DE. Virtudes del Indio. S. 1. et a. 4to. B. M.

"Palafox fut un second Las Casas en

exposant au gouvernement espagnol la malheureuse condition des Americains, et en demandant l'Amelioration. Son zele et son humanité se montrerent sur tout dans cet exposé adressé au roi, où il a fait ressortir avec beaucoup d'habilité le bon naturel des natifs. Voilà pourquoi l'ouvrage a recu le titre de Virtudes del Indio: mais comme de tout temps veritas odium parit, il a été nécessaire de le faire imprimer secretement (vers 1650), sans aucun titre, et sans indication de lieu ni de date. N'ayant point été reimprimé depuis lors, ce livre est devenu un des plus rares de ceux qui ont rapport a l'Amerique." Catalogue de Salva, no. 3653, as quoted by

Roma, per Ant. Blado Asolano, 1584. 4to. R. M.

PALINGENIUS, MARCELLUS. The Zodiake of Life written by the Godly and zealous Poet Marcellus Palingenius stellatus, wherein are conteyned twelue bookes disclosing the haynous Crymes and wicked vices of our corrupt nature: and plainlye declaring the pleasaunt and perfit pathway vnto eternall lyfe, besides a number of digressions both pleasaunt and profitable, newly translated into Englishe verse by Barnabee Googe. London, by Henry Denham, for Rafe Newberye, 1565. 16mo. Bl. L. B. M.

Title and Prefatory matter 12 leaves. A-Y. and aa-yy 4. in eights.

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PALLADIUS. De Gentibus Indiæ et Bragmanibus. S. Ambrosius de Moribus Brachmanorum. Anonymus de Bragmanibus. Quorum Priorem et Postremum nunc primum in lucem protulit ex Bibl. Regiâ, Ed. Bissæus. Londini, 1665. 4to.

PALLAS ARMATA. The Gentlemans Armorie; Wherein the right and genuine use of the Rapier and of the Sword as well against the right handed, as against the left handed man is displayed. And now set forth and first published for the common good by the Author. Printed at London, by J. D., for John Williams, 1639. Wood cuts. 12mo.

R. M.

"I apprehend this Book is very scarce as I do not find it either in the Bodleian, the Sion College or the Museum Catalogues." Note by Mr. Bindley. It is dedicated to R. Grenvile, Ja. Clavering, Jo. Wolstenholme, T. Newee, W. Wats and Jo. Simand, in Latin. The Author signs himself G. A. It contains 15 preliminary leaves, including some commendatory verses by Lovelace, Askham, &c., followed by 96 pages of Text.

PALLAS, P. S. Voyages en differentes Provinces de l'Empire de Russie, et dans l'Asie Septentrionale, traduits de l'Allemand, par Gauthier de la Peyronnie. Paris, 1788. 4to. 5 vol. and Atlas in Fol.

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Voyages entrepris dans les Gouvernemens Meridionaux de l'Empire de Russie dans les Années 1793 et 1794, traduits de l'Allemand, par Delaboulaye et Tonnelier. Paris, 1805. Plates. 4to. 3 vol.

PALMERIN. Libro del muy esforçado cavallero Palmerin de Inglaterra, hijo del Rey don Duardos: y de sus grandes proezas; y de Floriano del desierto su hermano: con algunas del principe Florendos, hijo de Primaleon. Impresso año, 1547. -Libro Segundo .... en el qual se prosiguen y han fin los muy dulçes Amores que tuvo con la Ynfanta Polinarda, dando çima a mu

chas aventuras, y ganando immortal fama con sus grades fechos. Y de Floriano del desierto su hermano, con algunas del principe Florendos hijo de Primaleon. Toledo en casa de Fernando de santa Cathalina .. acabose a XIII. del mes de Julio de 1548. Fol. 2 vol. Bl. L. M.

"Edition de la plus grande rareté et dont on a long temps ignoré l'existence." Brunet, N. R. III. p. 7.

"In the Prologo of the first volume will be found thirty-two verses containing the

following acrostick, Luis Hurtado Autor

al lector.' There is therefore an end of Mr. Southey's ingenious reasonings, attributing this work to Moraes, in the Portuguese language, an opinion in which he was confirmed by Antonio, and by the editor of the Portuguese edition of 1785. The present Spanish edition however of 1547, with the name of its Spanish author is prior by ten years to that of Moraes, which puts the question at rest. Cervantes, knowing nothing of this Spanish edition, attributed the work, according to Faria de Sousa, to John II. of Portugal." MS. Note.

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Terceira (e quarta) parte da Chronica de Palmeirim de Inglaterra na qual se tratam as grandes cavallarias de seu filho o Principe Dom Duardos segundo et dos mais Principes et cavalleiros que ña Ilha deleytosa se criarao. Composto por Diogo Fernandez vezinho de Lisboa. Impresso em Lisboa, por Jorge Rodriguez, 1604. Fol.

These third and fourth parts are printed in the Roman Letters, the third contains one hundred and seventy-nine leaves, not including the Title, and one leaf containing the Prologue and Privilege for the two parts; the fourth contains eighty-three leaves with no title. The four last leaves are printed in a smaller type than the body of the book.

Quinta e Sexta Parte de Palmeirim de Inglaterra; Chronica do Famoso Principe Dom Clarisol de Bretanha, filho do Principe dom Duardos de Bretanha, na qual se contão suas grandes cavallarias et dos principes Lindamor, Clarifebo et Beliandro de Grecia, filhos de Vas

peraldo Laudimante, et Primaliaō et de outros muitos principes et cavalleiros famosos de seu tempo. Composta, por Balthasar Gonçalvez Lobato. Lisboa, por Jorge Rodrigues, 1602. Fol.

These two parts are also printed in the Roman character. The fifth part contains one hundred and forty-two leaves, and two containing the Title, &c. The sixth contains ninety-eight leaves, the title being on the first with the Text, and concludes thus. "Acabouse a Chronica do muyto esforçado Cavalleiro Dom Clarisol de Bretanha neto de Palmeirim de Inglaterra, que he a quinta et sexta parte, a os tres dias do Mes de Novembro; Na era de 1602, Annos. Foy impressa esta sexta parte, em casa de Antonio Alvarez."

The four latter parts are also so rare that Mr. Southey says, "I have never been fortunate enough to meet with either."

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Translated out of French by A. M. (Anthony Munday.) one of the Messengers of her Majesties Chamber. London, by Ber. Alsop and Tho. Fawcet, 1639. The Second Part. By Thomas Creede and Ber. Alsop, 1616. 4to. 2 vol. Bl. L. R.

PALMERIN. Libro del famoso cavallero Palmerin de Oliva e de sus grandes hechos, nuevamente restampado y corregido con su tabla de nuevo annadida, 1534. Fue corregido y enmendado este libro del famoso cavallero palmerin de oliva: por Juan matheo da villa española; y estampado por Juā paduan: y Venturin de Rufinelli, en Venecia, 1534, en el mes de Agosto. 12mo. G. M.

This is the third Edition, but by a mistake in his Catalogue Salva printed the date 1533, and that error is adopted by Brunet. This is the copy from Salva's Cat.

After the Colophon there is a leaf containing some Latin verses by J. Auger, transmeren, bac. in praise of the Romance.

Libro del famoso cavallero Palmerin de Oliva e de sus grandes hechos. A qui haze fin la hystoria del muy esclarecido principe Palmerin de Oliva, Emperador de Constantinopla. En la quel se recuenta por muy aplazible estilo muchas et diversas et muy claras hazanas; que por su my encumbrada grandeza de animo con gran gloria por el fueron acabadas. Fue impressa en la muy noble et muy leal cibdad de Sevilla, en las enprenta de Juan Cromberger que dios perdone. Anno del sennor de 1540. Fol. Bl. L. G. M.

This very rare edition also contains the verses by J. Auger, which are not to be found in the subsequent editions.

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described in his Catalogue as "extremely rare." This copy is quite perfect.

-Histoire de Palmerin d'Olive, fils du Roy Florendos de Macedone et la belle Griane, fille de Remigius Empereur de Constantinople: Discours plaisant et de singuliere recreation, continué par l'histoire de Primaleon de Grece. Paris, par Galliot du Pré, 1573. 8vo.

Palmerin d'Oliva, shewing the Mirrour of Nobilitie, the Map of Honour, Anatomie of rare Fortunes, Heroicall presidents of Love, wonder of Chivalrie, and the most accomplished Knight in all perfection, &c. Written in Spanish, Italian and French, and from them turned into English by A. M (unday.) Two parts. London, for B. Alsop and T. Fawcet, 1637. 4to. Bl. L.

PALSGRAVE, JOHN. Lesclarcissement de la Langue Francoyse, composé par maistre Jehan Palsgrave Angloys natyf de Londres et gradue de Paris. Thus endeth this booke called Lesclarcissement de la langue francoyse, whiche is very necessarye for all suche as intende to lerne to

speke trewe frenche. The imprintyng fynysshed by Johan Haukyns the xviii. daye of July. The yere of oure lorde god 1530. Fol.

R. M.

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PAMPHYLUS. Pamphyli Liber de Amore inter Pamphylum et Galateam. S. 1. a. et typ. n. 4to.

"There is some obscurity as to the author of this rare book, and still more as to this edition. Of the author Audiffredi, p. 281, says, 'Quis fuerit ejus auctor nescio, neque scire curavi,' but he refers to an edition by Silber at Rome, 1487, and knows nothing of the present, which seems to be the same as the one in the Pinelli Catalogue. Denis, Supp. p. 630, questions whether the author is Maurili


MS. note.

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This rare and original edition is attributed to the press of S. Reusinger at

Naples, circa, 1478. The preliminary leaf

of the Prologus which is found in this copy is frequently wanting. Concerning the celebrated author see Niceron, IX. p. 48, who however appears not to have known of this early Edition.

Epistolarum Libri v.-Ejusdem Orationes II. Carmina præterea quædam. Venetiis, apud Barthol. Cæsanum, 1553. 4to. R. M.

PANIZZI, ANTONIO. Bibliographical notices of some early editions of the Orlando Innamorato and Furioso. London, 1831. 8vo. R. M.

PRINTED UPON VELLUM. Presentation copy, and the only one upon Vellum.

Osservazioni sul Comento Analitico della Divina Commedia pubblicato dal Sig. G. Rossetti tradotte dall' Inglese, con la risposta del Sig. Rossetti corredata di note

in replica. Firenze, 1832. 4to.

R. M.

PRINTED UPON VELLUM. Presentation copy, and the only one upon Vellum.

PANNONIUS, JANUS. Ad Guarinum Veronensem Panegyricus. Ejusdem Elegiarum liber. Et Epigrammatum Syluulæ. Item Lazari Bonamici carmina nonnulla. Venetiis, apud Gualterum Scottum, 1553. Svo. Y. M.

A beautiful copy, from the Library of

Thuanus, in painted morocco.
upon Fine paper.

PANSA, GUGLIELMO. Historia nuova della guerra di Tunigi di Barberia, in cui si contiene la nauigatione da Genoua in Africa con la descrittione de molte Isole che si ritrouano nel' uiaggio et il numero delle Naui et Galee et parimente del' essercito Christiano molto deleteuole da leggere. Mellano, per Maestro Vicenzo da Medda, 1535. 8vo. R. M.

This curious and interesting account of the expedition of Charles V. against Tunis, by one of his Captains, is of great rarity. There is a different account of the same expedition in Latin by Scepperus, 8vo. Antverpiæ, 1554.

PAOLINO, DA S. BARTOLOMEO. Viaggio alle Indie Orientali. Roma, 1796. Plates. 4to.

This voyage was translated into French by Anquetil du Perron in 3 vol. 8vo, 1808, but the original work is more interesting.

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The chapter most worth reading in this Compendium is the last; there we learn Anglos quosdam caudatos esse." These men with tails are to be found at Stroud; a judgment upon them for having cut off the tail of Thomas à Becket's mare!

PARÆNETICI. Paræneticorum Veterum Pars I. in qua producuntur Scriptores viii. S. Valerianus Cimelensis. S. Columbanus Abbas, Dinamius Grammaticus. S. Basilius Episcopus. Anneus Boetius. Tyrol Rex Scotorum. Winsbekius Eq. Germanus. Winsbekia, nobilis Germana. Cum notis M. H. Goldasti. Ex bibliotheca et sumtibus B. Schobingeri. Adjectæ C. Rittershusii Conjecturæ in Panegyricos veteres. Insulæ, ad Lacum Acronium, er off. I. L. Brem, 1604. 4to. R. M.

PARAMO, LUDOVICUS. De oriquisitionis, ejusque dignitate et vtigine et progressu officii Sancti Inlitate, de Romani Pontificis potestate et delegata Inquisitorum: Edicto Fidei, et ordine iudiciario Sancti Libri Officii, quæstiones decem. tres. Autore Ludovico a Paramo Boroxensi Archidiacano et Canonico Legionensi, Regnique Siciliæ Inquisitore. Matriti, ex Typog. Regia,


Fol. R. M.

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