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his Teatro das Grandezas de Madrid, entitles this work "muy erudita y curiosa," p. 504. Magalhaes has the reputation of being one of the most elegant writers in the Portuguese Language. See the Verses of Camoens prefixed to this curious volume. No copy of this early account of Brasil is believed to exist in any of the public Libraries in this country, and it is supposed never to have occurred in any Sale here, nor will it be found in the best foreign catalogues of Voyages and Tra

vels and what is still more remarkable,

no mention is made of it in Southey's history of the Brazils. It is worth adding, that the Count de Funchal ambassador from Portugal to this Country, and a man of much literary research, had never been able to see a copy of this book either in Portugal or in any Country that he had visited." MS. note.

MAGELLAN. Relacion del ultimo Viage al Estrecho de Magellanes de la Fragata de S. M. Santa Maria de la Cabeza en los annos de 1785 y 1786. Extracto de todos los anteriores desde su descubrimi

ento impresos y MSS. y Noticia de los habitantes, suelo, clima y producciones del estrecho. Apendice a la relacion del Viage, &c. Madrid, 1788-1793. Maps. 4to. 2 vol. L. P. R. M.

MAGISTRIS, HIACYNTHE DE. Relation derniere de ce qui s'est passé dans les royaumes de Maduré, de Tangeor, et autres lieux voisins du Malabar, aux Indes Orientales. Esclairez de la lumiere de l'Evangile, par les Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus. Composée en Italien, par le pere Hiacynthe de Magistris, Missionnaire de la mesme compagnie es ces pays là, et traduite en Francois par un autre Pere. Paris, chez Sebastien Cramoisy, 1663. 12mo.

MAGNESIUS, HUGO. (Mac Caghwell.) Apologia Apologiæ pro Joanne Duns Scoto doctore subtili

Theologorum principe. Per Hugonem Magnesium, Hibernum, Ordinis minorum strict. Observantiæ. Parisiis, apud Michaelem Sonnium, 1623. 8vo.

This work of an Irish author, with se

veral curious particulars relating to Ireland is very uncommon.

In the preface to the reader it appears that the author was "Hugh Cavellus." See Harris's Ware III. p. 103. for an interesting account of Hugh Mac Caghwell, Titular Abp. of Armagh and a list of his works, but this is not mentioned.

MAGNI, CORNELIO. Viaggi in Turchia; includono l'esame della Metropoli di Costantinopoli, de 'luoghi aggiacenti, &c. 1672-3. Aggiontaui la relazione del Serraglio del Gran Signore, e delli parti più recondite di esso, distesa dà Alberto Bobovio Leopolitano, trattenutouisi con nome de Ali Bei in qualità di Paggio da musica. Parma, per Galeazzo Rosati, 1679. 12mo.

"Rare and highly interesting. The earliest edition known to Richarderie was that printed in 1685 at Bologna."

MAGNUS, JACOBUS. Sophologium, ex antiquorum poetarum, orabus sententiis collectum. torum, atque philosophorum gravidomini Mille CCCCLXXV. die prima Anno mensis Junii. Impressum fuit istud Sophologium. Parisiis, per Martinum crantz, Udalricum gering et Michalem friburger. Fol. R. M.

This is the first edition with a date.

There are three editions, all s. 1. et a.

MAGNUS, JOANNES, Archiep. Upsalensis. De omnibus Gothorum Sueonumque regibus qui vnquam ab initio nationis extitere, eorumque memorabilibus bellis late varieque per orbem gestis, opera Olai Magni Gothi fratris eiusdem authoris in lucem edita. Romæ, apud Joannem Mariam de Viottis, 1554. Wood cuts. Fol.

Joannes Magnus Abp. of Upsal, the author of this work died at Rome 1544, and his Hist. Gothorum was edited by his

brother Olaus. Some copies of this same edition have a different Title Page from this, and some variations in the dedication to the Pope, but equally bearing the same date of day, month and year.

MAGNUS, OLAUS. Historia de

gentibus septentrionalibus, earumque diuersis statibus, conditionibus, moribus, ritibus, superstitionibus, disciplinis, exercitiis, regimine, victu, bellis, structuris, instrumentis ac mineris metallicis, et rebus mirabilibus, necnon universis penè animalibus in Septentrione degentibus, eorumque natura. Autore Olao Magno Gotho Archiepiscopo Upsalensi Suetiæ et Gothiæ Primate, cum Indice locupletissimo. Romæ, apud Joannem Mariam de Viottis, 1555. Wood cuts. Fol. B. M.

Olaus succeeded his brother John Magnus in the Archbishoprick of Upsal in 1544.

MAHOMET. Machumetis, eiusque successorum vitæ, ac doctrina, ipseque Alcoran, quo velut authentico legum diuinarum codice Agareni et Turcæ aliique Christo aduersantes populi reguntur. quæ ante annos cccc, vir multis nominibus, Diui quoque Bernardi testimonio, clarissimus D. Petrus abbas Cluniacensis per uiros eruditos, ad fidei Christianæ ac Sanctæ Matris Ecclesiæ propugnationem et Arabica lingua in Latinam transferri curauit. His adjunctæ sunt Confutationes multorum authorum, una cum Martini Lutheri præmonitione, &c. Adjecta sunt etiam, Turcarum res gestæ maxime memorabiles a DCCCC annis ad nostra usque tempora. Opera et studio Theodori Bibliandri. Basileæ, ex off. Joannis Oporini, 1543. Fol.

In hujus libri editione secunda 1550 omittuntur in parte prima Variæ Lectiones in calce. In secunda Cydonii versio Græca Ricardi Mori Confutationis. quarta Cantacuzeni Orationes Græcè. Versio latina subjicitur tomo secundo.


-Alcorani Textus universus ex correctioribus Arabum exemplaribus summa fide, atque pulcherrimis characteribus descriptus. Eademque fide, ac pari diligentia ex Arabico idiomate in Latinum translatus ; appositis unicuique capiti notis, atque refutatione. His omnibus præmissus

est Prodromus, Auctore Ludovico Maraccio. Patavii ex Typog. Seminarii, 1698. Fol. 2 vol. R.

"The result of 40 years labour, and a work of such prodigious learning, as to merit a place in the same rank with the toilsome researches of the Benedictines." Mills's Muhammedanism.

MAHONY, CNOGHER, CONNOR or CONSTANTINE O'. Disputatio Apologetica, de Jure Regni Hiberniæ pro Catholicis Hibernis adversus hæreticos anglos. Authore C. M. Hiberno, Artium, et Sacræ Theologiæ Magistro. Accessit ejusdem authoris ad eosdem Catholicos exhortatio. Francofurti, typis Bernardi Govrani, 1645. 4to. R. M.

The same (reprinted at Dublin 1826.) 4to.

"This singular work was necessarily printed out of England since it concludes with an exhortation to the Irish to elect for themselves a Catholic King.

I have not seen or heard of any other copy of this rare and curious book, except one in Trinity College Dublin, which was always supposed to be unique in 1826, a hundred copies of this tract were printed from that in Trin. Coll. Dublin.

In the original there is a leaf of Errata at the end, in the reprint the errata are corrected in the text." MS. note. See Harris's Ware, III. p. 121.

MAINWARING, Sir THOMAS. A defence of Amicia, daughter of Hugh Cyveliok Earl of Chester. Wherein it is proved that Sir Peter Leicester Baronet, in his book, entituled, Historical Antiquities, &c. hath without any just grounds declared the said Amicia to be a bastard. London, for Sam. Lowndes, 1673. 12mo.

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See Renouard Annales, p. 14. These are amongst the rarest of the Aldine Press.

MAIRE DE BELGES, JEHAN LE. Les Illustrations de Gaule et Singularitez de Troye. Avec les deux epistres de Lamant Verd. Le Traictie intitule de la difference des scismes et des Concilles de l'eglise ; et de la preeminence et utilité des concilles de la saincte eglise Gallicaine, &c. La Legende des Veniciens. Lepistre du Roy a Hector de Troye. Et aucunes œuvres assez dignes de veoir. Paris, pour Geoffroy de Marnef, 1512. 4to.

[ocr errors]

Bl. L.

R. M.

Wood cuts.

Les Illustrations de Gaule et singularitez de Troye, avec les deux epistres de l'amant vert composees par Jan Maire de Belges, Paris, s. d. Le Second Livre des Illustrations de Gaule Imprimée a Lyon par Estienne Baland. Et se vendent au dit lieu. Et sus maistre Jacques Maillet. Lyon, par E. Baland, 1512. Tiers Livres des Illustrations de Gaule, etc. Paris, Geoffroy Marnef, 1513. Le traicte intitule de la difference des scismes et des concilles


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Stephanorum Historia, vitas ipsorum ac libros complectens: cum Appendice. Londini, 1709. 8vo. L. P. B. M.

-Historia, Typographorum aliquot Parisiensium vitas et libros complectens. Londini, 1717. 8vo. L. P. B. M.

The large paper copies of these two volumes are of very rare occurrence. This copy of the Stephanorum Historia, has the Appendix which is scarcely ever to be found with it.

MAJOR, JOANNES. Historia Majoris Britanniæ, tam Angliæ quam Scotia. Ex off. Ascensiana, 1521. 4to.

R. M.

From the Library of De Thou. -Historia Majoris Britanniæ, tam Angliæ quam Scotia. Editio nova, mendis quamplurimis in antiqua Jodoci Badii Ascensii editione Parisiis edita, 1521. extantibus re

de l'eglise etc. Imprime a Lyon purgata. Edinburgi, 1740.
par E. Baland, 1511. L'Epistre du
Roy a Hector de Troye. Et aucunes
œuvres assez dignes de veoir. Paris,
Marnef, 1513. La Legende des

Venitiens ou autrement Leur Chro

nique Abbregée. Paris, Marnef, s. d. 4to. In one vol. R. M.

MALAGIGI. La Sala di Malagigi. Senza Nota. 4to. 4 leaves. This short poem is not mentioned by Melzi.

MALALA, JOANNES ANTIOCHENUS. Historia Chronica, nunc primum edita, cum interpr. et notis E.

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Cancionero de

MALDONADO. Lopez Maldonado. Dirigido a la illustriss. Señora, Doña Thomasa de Borja y Enrriquez mi Señora, y de las villas de Grajar y Valverde y su tierra. Impresso en Madrid, en casa de Guillermo Droy, Impressor de Libros. Acabose a cinco de Febrero. Año de 1586. 4to. B. M.

Cervantes, besides writing a laudatory Sonnet to Maldonado, highly praises the author in the 6th Chapter, Book I. of D. Quixote, "el autor de se libro es grande amigo mio, y sus versos en su boca admiran a qui en los oye, y tal es la suavidad de la voz con que los canta que encanta." Lope de Vega, Espinel, Vergara and many others, have written in praise of this book, and yet there is no trace of it in N. Antonio, Pinelo, nor in the Catalogues of La Valliere, Pinelli or Salva, or in any other except the Bibl. Croftsiana. The present copy was purchased by Mr. Heber at the White Knights Sale. See Brunet Manuel, vol. III. p. 414. It must be a book of great rarity." MS. Note.

MALDONADO, LORENZO FERRER. Viaggio dal mare Atlantico al Pacifico per la via del Nord-Ooest fatto l'anno 1588, tradotto da un Manoscritto Spagnuolo inedito da

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This short Italian Romance, consisting of six leaves in double columns, is proba

bly the edition mentioned by Melzi, p. 192. MAMBRINO. Lo Assedio et Impresa de Firenze con tutte le cose successe; Incominciando dal Laudabile Accordo del Summo Pontifice et la Cesarea Maesta et tutti li ordini et Battaglie sequite (da Mambrino Roseo de Fabriano.) In Peroscia, per Girolamo Cartolai alli 111. di Decembre, 1530. Registro A. B. C. quaterni, D. al H. sono duerni et I terno. Wood cuts. 4to. R. M.

First Edition. Vermiglioli, in his letter to the Marchese Trivulzio "di alcuni libri

rarissimi publicati in Perugia 8vo. Perugia 1821," at page 15 remarks upon the extreme rarity of this first Edition of the Siege and Capture of Florence by Pope Clement and Charles V. in 1530, which he says is unknown to all the Bibliographers except Quadrio. The same poem, reprinted in 1531, is, even in that second edition described by the Canonico Moreni in his Bibl. della Toscana, II. 268, as the great treasure of his Library.

MANCHESTER, HENRY LEY, EARL OF. Manchester al Mondo. Contemplatio Mortis et immortalitatis. The fourth impression much inlarged. London, by John Haviland, for Francis Constable, 1638. Frontispiece and Portrait. 18mo. M.

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"Of the present French copy with the date of 1480, but without Printer or place, no trace can be found by me in any of the Bibliographical books or catalogues, so

that it cannot but be considered as a book of singular rarity, evidently unknown to Van Praet, see his note at p. 261 of his Recherches sur Louis de Bruges.' He supposes it to have been originally written in French." MS. note.

Itinerarius Domini Johannis S. 1. a. et de Mandeville militis. typ. n. 4to. In double columns, semi-gothic type.

B. M.

Collation. a-i. VII. in eights. Seventyone leaves. This is the first of the Latin editions, being probably printed about 1480.

Explicit Itinerarius a terra Anglie in partes Ierosolymitanas et in vlteriores transmarinas editus primo in lingua gallicana a domino Johanne de Mandeville milite suo auctore. Anno incarnacionis domini MCCCLV. in civitate leodiensi et

MANDEVILLE, JEHAN DE. Ci comence le liure qui parle des diuersités des pais qui sunt par universe monde: le quel liure fut compile fait et ordonne par mesire Jehan Mandeuille chlr ne dangleterre de la uille con dit Saint Albain. MS. Fol. A Manuscript upon vellum of the four- paulo post in eadem civitate transteenth century in double columns.

This early and interesting French Manuscript of Mandeville has manifestly belonged to one of the Royal French Libraries, as may be seen by the crown and cypher on the binding.

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latus in dictam formam latinam. Quod opus ubi inceptum simul et completum sit ipă elementa seu singularum seorsum caracteres literarum quibus impressum vides venetica, monstrant manifeste. S. 1. et a. 4to. B. M.

Collation. A 11-H. in eights, except G. in six. Sixty-one leaves. See the Edition of Suchen, s. a. This is printed in the same type.

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