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MARCH 1930



To the Honorable, the General Assembly of the State of Missouri:

The County Court of the county of St. Louis, in the State of Missouri, would respectfully represent to your honorable body, now in session, that it has subscribed and paid to the capital stock of the Pacific Railroad $500,000, and to the North Missouri Railroad Company the sum of $1,250,000; that the city of St. Louis has subscribed and paid to the stock of the Pacific Railroad Company $500,000, and to the capital stock of the North Missouri Railroad Company the same amount, and that individual subscriptions to the amount of several hundred thousand dollars have been paid by citizens of this county to these roads, making in all subscribed and paid by the people of this county towards the construction of the Pacific and North Missouri Railroads about the sum of eighteen hundred and fifty thousand dollars to each road. The total amount of subscriptions made and paid up to the North Missouri Railroad alone is about $2,500,000, of which this county has contributed $1,850,000, and the counties and individuals on the line of the road the remainder. Subscriptions to the amount of $3,476,265.15 have been paid up to the Pacific Railroad Company, two-thirds of which amount appertains to St. Louis county.

The large amount of stock taken by the people of this county in the Pacific and North Missouri Railroads is the best evidence we can present to you of the great value they attach to the completion of these roads. They would further represent to your honorable body, that whilst it is of the greatest importance to Missouri and this city that these roads should be completed to the States of Kansas and Iowa, to contend with the seven Railroads from Chicago for the trade of these thriving young States, but little less in importance is the completion of the Missouri Valley Road to render this city and the North Missouri Road more independent of the Hannibal and St. Joseph Road.

The report of the North Missouri Road, which we learn has been placed in the hands of every member of the Legislature, exhibits the exactions put upon the North Missouri Road to enable it to do business with the Hannibal and St. Joseph Road.

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