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trees where the brook-springs arose, they had their meals, and there was their tent for the night. There related they to each other all that had past, and a pleasure was it now to him to talk over his misery. Ten days they remained, and in that time he so regained strength, that his heart felt its old inclination for arms. He made himself known to Durin there, and took Enil for his Squire, who knew not whom it was that he served, but was well content with him for his gentle speech. Hence departing, in four days they reached a nunnery; there they determined that he and Enil should abide, while the Damsel and her brother went to Miraflores: She then gave Beltenebros money to buy horses and armour, and for his wants; and she left behind her part of the Queen of Scotland's presents, that she might send Durin for them as if they had been forgotten, and so he might bring news.

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After their year's vain search, Agrayes, Galaor, and Florestan, met at the place appointed, which was a chapel half a league from London. Gandalin came with Florestan, and, when he found no tidings of his Master, he said to them, that they should leave their lamentation and begin their search again, remembering what Amadis would have done for them if they had been in like case. So they determined to enter the court, and, if they learnt nothing there, to set out again upon their quest; and they wept to think how happily they had accomplished all adventures that had befallen them, and yet had failed to find him whom they sought.

Then having heard mass at the chapel, they rode towards the city. It was St. John's day, and presently they met King Lisuarte riding out with all

his Knights in honour of that holy day, because the Saint was so great a Saint, and also because on that day he had been made King. When he saw three Errant Knights approaching, he drew nigh to welcome them. Great joy was there when they unhelmed, and at first Lisuarte thought Florestan was Amadis, for he much resembled him; but Gandalin and the Dwarf, when they beheld this meeting, wept with great grief. The news soon spread greatly was Corisanda rejoiced thereat, and Olinda, the gentle friend of Agrayes, who knew how he had past under the Arch of True Lovers. Mabilia, in joy for her brother's coming, went for Oriana, who was sitting sorrowfully at her chamber-window, reading. She answered, weeping and sighing as if her heart-strings would have broken, how can I go? do you not see my face and eyes, how they show that I have been weeping? and how can I see those Knights, in whose company I was wont to see Amadis: it is better to die! Mabilia comforted her how she could :-the Damsel might yet bring tidings. Nay, quoth Oriana, if these Knights have failed, who have sought him so far and so long, how shall she succeed? a woman! and seeking him but in one place? But she may induce him to discover himself, said Mabilia, for she carries comfort to him, and knows

the secret of his love, which they did not. So she cheared her, and made her wash her eyes, and called Olinda to go with them to the Queen. Look, quoth the King to Galaor, how ill your friend Oriana is! I grieve to see her thus, replied he reason is it that we should try to help her health by our services. My good friend, Galaor, said she, God it is who heals sickness and sorrow, and if it pleaseth him he will me, and recover your brother Amadis, whom you have lost, and whom we all lament. Anon an outcry was heard without, for Gandalin and the Dwarf seeing their Master's shield where it was hung, began to lament aloud, and the Knights were comforting them. What! cried Lisuarte, is Gandalin here? Florestan answered, I met him two months ago seeking for his Master, and made him bear me company. I hold Gandalin, said the King, to be one of the best Squires in the world, and we ought to comfort him. So he rose, and went out to him. When Oriana heard the name of Gandalin, and the lamentation that he was making, she grew pale, and would have fallen, but Galaor and Florestan caught her. Mabilia, who knew the cause, ran to her, and put her arms round her neck. Good and true friends, then said Oriana to the two brethren, if I do not show you what honour I

ought and desire to show, I pray you impute it to its true cause, this sore illness! and then she went to her chamber. Dear friend, said she to Mabilia, since we entered this city of London, I have never been without some cause of sorrow : let us go to Miraflores, that is a delightful place, and there I can have the comfort of solitude. We will ask your parents' permission, said Mabilia, and there the Damsel of Denmark will find us, and there you may the more freely see him, when he shall be found. Ah, quoth Oriana, let us lose no time!

This castle of Miraflores was about two leagues from London, a little place, but the pleasantest abode in all that land, for it was in a wood by the side of a mountain, surrounded with orchards and gardens that abounded with fruits and flowers, and there were fountains in the courts canopied with trees, that all the year round bore flower and fruit. The King one day had taken the Queen and Princess there when he was hunting, and because the Princess was much pleased with the place, he gave it her for her own. About a bow-shot from the gate was a nunnery, which she had founded, and there were nuns in it of holy life. So that night she asked permission of Lisuarte and her Mother to retire there, which was readily granted.

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