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Pilgrimage to Patrick's Purgatory. Departure from Convoy.
Gap of Bearnosmore. Magnificent Defile. Old Fortification.

Arrival at the South Coast of the County of Cork. Village of
Skull. Fine Mountain and Cliff Scenery. Venerable Glebe
House. Hospitable Reception by a Curate. Voyage to
Cape Clear Island. Description of our Boatmen. Mount
Gabriel and its Legend. A Look along the Coast. Cha-
racter of the Sea. The Wrecker and the Fate of the Maho-
Arrival at Cape Clear Church-yard. Big Cornelis
O'Driscol. Miraculous fall of Dunanore Castle. Powerful
Priest. His Death. The Waterguard. Our Reception

and Communion with them. The Bible read.
tion. Ascend to the Summit of the Island.

Our Separa-
Native Girl.

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An Irish Village. Always contains a Talker and Story-teller.
Find one to my purpose, and proceed to Gougane Barry.
Irish Children-fine Materials from which to form Soldiers.
Cornelis Colclough. Arrival at Gougane Barry. Descrip-
tion of the Mountain Scenery and Lake. Entrance to the
Holy Island. Ash Trees. Sacred Rounds. Girl going the

Excursion to Adrigoll. Description of Scenery. Hungry
Mountain. Bed of Cataract. Dumb Church. Disappearance
of Protestants. Mary Blake. Ross M'Owen. Old Hospita-
lity. Salmon caught and boiled in the same Kitchen. Bad
Consequences of a poor Man marrying a proud Lady. De-
parture from Glengariff. Ascent of Esk Mountain. Alpine
Scenery. Numerous Lakes. Noble Views. Risks run in
Passage of the Mountain. A Lake turned into a Vat of
Beer. A Priest's Power and Self-denial. Arrival in Kerry.

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