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Mr. STEVENS. I do not think we ought to pass this resolution. I do not think it a proper time to add to the taxes of the State, nor is it right to buy these Shylocks of the farm to bring their stock to the fair. It is asking too much of the Legislature. By virtue of the resolution just passed, we are requiring of the General Assembly the appropriation of a large sum in order to secure the benefits of the grant of land for agricultural purposes. The proceeds of the sales of the land are to be invested in bonds, the revenue from which goes to endow the colleges, but before we derive any benefit from the lands the Legislature has got to do something for the erection of buildings. As I said before, the gentleman's resolution asks too much. Last year we asked the General Assembly to kill all the dogs in Ohio; next we ask them to build colleges for us; and now it is proposed to pay the Shylocks of the country for bringing their stock to our


Judge JONES. I suggest to my friend from Richland, a modification, of his resolution, (and I will send up a substitute to that effect,) so as to ask the Legislature to appropriate annually $3,000 for the payment of the expenses of the office of the State Board, instead of the money we now receive from escheated lands and show licenses, which amount to very little. In the case of escheated lands the heir may appear and recover. under the law as it now stands, the money which we may receive this from the sale of escheated lands, next year we may be required to pay back; so that some years we do not get anything, while other years we may receive from two to four thousand dollars. And in lieu of this revenue which may be valuable to the State, I propose to ask the Legislature to enact a law appropriating this specific sum of $3,000.

That is, year

In regard to premiums, I will say that we pay larger premiums than any other society in the country. We do not give pictures, but we pay a bonus. And if the Legislature will give us a fund to pay the office and other necessary expenses, the State Fair will raise enough money for the premiums.

The substitute proposed by Judge Jones was in the following language: Resolved, That the Legislature be memorialized to appropriate the sum of three thousand dollars annually to defray the expenses of the office of the State Board of Agriculture, in lieu of the fund now provided by law.


Mr. GATES. I am of the opinion of Judge Jones in this matter. I think in regard to premiums the Fair can take care of itself. I beg leave to offer the following resolution:

Resolved, That the State Board of Agriculture be instructed, in so arranging their annual premium list, as to pay separate and independent premiums on all the different classes of cattle reared in the State of Ohio.

Owing to the wisdom of the State Board they have thrown out all classes except Shorthorns. There is a sort of Shorthorn aristocracy in this State, and, as can plainly be seen, they always come out ahead. [Laughter.] At Cleveland, as usual, I found the Shorthorns represented, but no Devons. What was the result of the State Fair everybody knows. In the early days of the Fair there was a plausible excuse for limiting the premiums to one class, but there is no excuse now. At our home Fair when we came to fill up our cattle stalls, notwithstanding it was late in the season, and cold and unpleasant, there were Devons, Shorthorns and Ayrshires. How was it at the State Fair? There were but about one-half of the stalls filled! I knew how it would be well enough-as usual, Shorthorns carried the day. What did it show? That the interest of agriculture was running down, and that the State of Ohio had become poverty-stricken. [Laughter.] Now, we can well afford to pay premiums on all these classes of stock, but the fact is, as I before stated, they have dwindled down until we have only Shorthorns. We have Hereford men in our county, of whom we are proud. Lorain bears the premium on Hereford cattle, which are certainly the best in one particular, viz: as beef cattle. Give me Hereford beef in preference to Shorthorns. I am a judge of good beef, and a judge of good living also. I hope the Convention will pass this resolution.

Mr. WADDLE, of Clark. The gentleman says that no premiums were offered at the last Fair on Devons, Herefords and Ayrshires; I would ask him if there was one offered on Shorthorns?

Mr. GATES. It amounts to the same thing, as all the cattle were of one class.

Mr. JOHN K. GREENE of Hamilton Co. At first I felt disposed to favor the motion of the gentleman from Lorain, but it is clear now why it should be defeated. During the two years that I was a member of the State Board we paid for Hereford cattle about twice as much as for Shorthorns.

Judge JONES. I would ask the gentleman if that herd of Ayrshires from Hamilton county was ever paid for?

Mr. GREENE. Yes, sir, about twice. [Laughter.] Now, I am in favor of offering a premium on all cattle exhibited of the Pennyroyal breed, [laughter,] and if successful, let the gentleman's Devons and Herefords come in for a share. But a truce to this badinage. The reason that none but Shorthorns are found at the Fairs to receive premiums is because that in this enlightened day of agriculture everybody is ashamed to exhibit anything else but Shorthorns.

Mr. GATES. If the gentleman has any Pennyroyal cattle I hope to see them at the Fair, and that a premium will be offered on them. [Laughter.] But, Mr. Chairman, this is the point I am urging-give the different breeds

of cattle in the State a chance. Hereford cattle stand next to Shorthorns in England, and in regard to beef they stand at the head of the list. So bring on your Ayrshire and Pennyroyal, and let us see those stalls heretofore empty, all filled, and see who should have the premiums for the different kinds.

Judge JONES. I would suggest to the gentleman from Lorain in regard to that resolution, that if the Board considered itself bound by it, it would make a greater number of premiums than we have ever had. There are some Devon and Hereford cattle in the State, though I am not sure that any herds are bred pure. The Board expresses no opinion on the subject, and does not discuss the kinds of cattle. There are requisites in determining the class of cattle profitable on the farm, which all farmers recognize. The quantity and richness of the milk, quality of beef, cost of keeping, etc. Whatever breed will fill all these purposes, seems to be the kind we want. If the gentleman will make his resolution specific, we can then determine what action should be had.

Mr. Gates reiterated his arguments, but declined to modify his resolution. Mr. WADDLE. This is an old subject, as it has been before the Board for years. The gentleman complains of the preponderance of Shorthorns. Now, in the premium list of the last Fair, there were two classes. There were thorough-bred (that is the proper term to use,) without reference to Shorthorns as a class. The fact is, the champions of the Longhorns did not like to put them alongside the Shorthorns-the comparison would have been too ridiculous. A few years ago I examined this matter, and I found that for every Hereford exhibited the Board had paid $20; and for every Ayrshire we had paid $20; and for every Shorthorn we had paid $123. Now, I do not see the necessity of having so many classes of cattle. Isuppose it is the business of this Board to introduce into the country and promote that interest of agriculture which is the most profitable to the farmers of Ohio; and I suppose that no man in Ohio can make Hereford and Devon cattle profitable in this State.

Mr. GATES. Whoever saw Shorthorn oxen ?

Mr. WADDLE. I ask the gentleman to refer to the report of the Board, and he will see that the greatest number of premiums has been given to Shorthorn oxen. At the Cleveland Fair the premium for oxen was taken by Shorthorn oxen,

Mr. GATES. With us we have nothing but Devon oxen-Shorthorns would be a great curiosity.

A vote was then taken on the resolution offered by Mr. Gates, and it was lost,


Mr. STEVENS, I move that the names of the candidates for members of the Board be announced, that the Secretary may have them printed during


The motion was agreed to, and the following nominations made:

Thomas C. Jones, of Delaware.

W. F. Greer, of Lake.

R. M. Montgomery, of Mahoning.
James Fullington, of Union.
R. R. Donnelly, of Wayne.
John Sears, of Medina.
Isaac Thomas, of Harrison.
Judge Barton, of Belmont.

James Buckingham, of Muskingum.
Nelson J. Turney, of Pickaway.
D. B. Updegraff, of Jefferson.
W. B. McClung, of Miami.
Davis Miles, of Morrow.

Judge JONES. I wish to state to this Board that I am not a candidate for re-election. I would not have been a candidate two years ago, if my wife had not insisted that this was the most respectable body she ever saw me in, and wanted me to continue in the place two years more. [Laughter.] Mr. McMillan moved that the election be had at seven o'clock in the evening, which was agreed to.


Mr. W. C. Earle of Lucas, offered the following resolutions:

Resolved, That it be recommended to the farmers and others of this State, in addition to County Societies, to organize in each Congressional District a District Agricultural Society, which shall hold its Fair prior to the date fixed for holding the State Fair.

Resolved, That it be recommended to the County Societies to hold their Fairs prior to the date fixed for holding the District Fairs in their respective Districts, and that in awarding premiums -especially to live stock, or important improvements, a condition of the award be that the subject thereof shall also be required to present the same for exhibition at the District Fair.

Resolved, That it be recommended to the District Societies in making their awards, to adopt a similar condition providing that the subject of the premium shall be exhibited at the State Fair.

On motion of Mr. Earle the resolutions were laid on the table for the consideration of members.

A recess was then taken until two o'clock P. M.


Upon reassembling in the afternoon, upon motion of Mr. Waddle, the Presidents of Independent Agricultural Societies and all persons interested in agriculture were invited to take seats in the Convention.

Mr. Waddle offered the following resolution:

Resolved, That the reports of Independent District Agricultural Societies be incorporated in the annual reports of the State Board.

Mr. Brown of Greene county, spoke in behalf of a District Society comprising parts of Fayette, Clark, Madison and Greene counties. He said that they had held five Fairs which had proved a perfect success in point of receipts and attendance. They did not ask anything of the State. They had money in the Treasury and plenty of it. They had thought that they ought to have some share in the State Agricultural reports. All they asked was the publication of the proceedings of the Society. The resolution was adopted.


Mr. Anderson of Butler, offered the following resolution :

Resolved, That to tax Tobacco in the hands of the producer would be inimical of one of the best Agricultural interests in the State, and that this Board should take measures to prevent such legislation by Congress as would materially affect this or any other Agricultural product of the State.

Resolved, That our Representatives in Congress have their attention called to this subject by the Corresponding Secretary forwarding to each a copy of these resolutions.

Mr. GREENE. I see, Mr. Chairman, that we have Gen. Loudon, of Brown county, with us to-day. As he is largely concerned in the culture of tobacco, I move that he be heard on the subject.

Gen. LOUDON responded. I was once in the habit of making speeches, but of late I have done nothing in that line. When I used to attend meetings here, it seemed to me that something was not right in the action of the Board. I supposed the object of the Society to be to benefit all of the agricultural interests of the State; yet they refused to encourage the production of tobacco. We all know that this interest cannot extend over the State, as all kinds of soil are not adapted to its cultivation; but the shale limestone lands of the river counties are adapted to it, and they are bound to be the most productive lands of Ohio-particularly for tobacco and wine. Let me assure the gentlemen who have heretofore sneered at tobacco, that it is in fact the cotton of the North. Cotton is King in the South, and tobacco will be King in this State. It is surprising to see the amount of money tobacco brings into the State. The tobacco-growers of the borders have a greater crop on each acre than can be produced in any other interest. When several years ago I offered to give a pemium on the

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