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tudes, that I immediately order'd five Guns to be loaded with fmall Shot, and four with great, and gave them fuch a Broad-fide, as they had never heard in their Lives before, to be fure.

They were not above half a Cable Length off when we fir'd; and our Gunners took their Aim fo well, that three or four of their Canoes were overfet, as we had Reason to believe, by one Shot only.

The ill Manners of turning up their bare Backfides to us, gave us no great Offence; neither did I know for certain, whether that which would pass for the greatest Contempt among us, might be underftood fo by them, or not; therefore, in Return, I had only refolv'd to have fir'd four or five Guns at them with Powder only, which I knew would fright them fufficiently: But when they fhot at us directly with all the Fury they were capable of, and especially as they had kill'd my poor Friday, who I fo entirely lov'd and valu'd and who indeed fo well deferv'd it; I not only had been juftify'd before God and Man, but would have been very glad, if I could to have overfet every Canoe there, and drown'd every one of them.

I can neither, tell how many we kill'd, or how many we wounded, at this Broad-fide; but fure fuch a Fright and Hurry never was feen among fuch a Multitude; there were 13 or 14 of their Canoes fplit and overfet in all, and the Men all fet a fwiming; the reft frighted out of their Wits, fcour'd away as faft as they could, taking but little Care to fave those whofe Boats were split or fpoil'd with our Shot: So I fuppofe, that they

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were many of them loft: And our Men took up one poor Fellow fwiming for his Life, above an Hour after they were all gone.

Our small Shot from our Cannon muft needs kill and wound a great many; but, in fhort, we never knew any Thing how it went with them; for they fled fo faft, that in three Hours or thereabouts, we could not fee above three or four ftraggling Canoes; nor did we ever fee the reft any more; for a Breeze of Wind fpringing up the fame Evening, we weighed and fet Sail for the Brafils.

We had a Prifoner indeed; but the Creature was fo fullen, that he would neither eat or fpeak; and we all fancy'd he would fstarve himself to Death: But I took a Way to cure him; for I made them take him and turn him into the Longboat, and make him believe they would tofs him into the Sea again, and fo leave him where they found him, if he would not fpeak: Nor would that do; but they really did throw him into the Sea, and come away from him; and then he follow'd them; for he fwam like a Cork, and call'd to them in his Tongue, tho' they knew not one Word of what he faid: However, at laft they took him in again, and then he began to be more tractable; nor did I ever defign they fhould drown him.

We were now under Sail again; but I was the most difconfolate Creature alive, for want of my Man Friday, and would have been very glad to have gone back to the Inland, to have taken one of the reft from thence for my Occafion, but it could not be; fo we went on. We had one Prifoner, as I

have faid; and it was a long while before we could make him understand any Thing: But, in Time, our Men taught him fome English, and he began to be a little tractable; afterwards we enquir'd what Country he came from, but could make nothing of what he faid; for his Speech was fo odd, all Guterals, and spoke in the Throat in fuch an hollow odd Manner, that we could never form a Word after him; and we were all of Opinion, that they might speak that Language as well, if they were gagg'd, as otherwife: Nor could we perceive that they had any Occafion, either for Teeth, Tongue, Lips, or Palat, but form'd their Words, juft as a hunting Horn forms a Tune with an open Throat; he told us however fome Time after when we had taught him to speak a little English, that they were going with their Kings to fight a great Battle. When he faid Kings, we ask'd him how many Kings? He faid they were FIVE NATION, we could not make him understand the plural S. and that they all join'd to go against Two Nation. We ask'd him, what made them come up to us? He faid, to makee te great Wonder look: Where it is to be observed, That all those Natives, as alfo thofe of Africa, when they learn English, they always add two E's at the End of the Words where we use one, and place the Accent upon them, as makèè takèè, and the like; and we could not break them of it; nay, I could hardly make Friday leave it off, tho' at last he did.

And now I name the poor Fellow once more, I must take my laft Leave of him; poor honeft Friday! we bury'd him with all the Decency and Solemnity poffible, by putting him into a Coffin, and throwing him into the Sea: And I caufed them to fire eleven Guns for him, and fo ended the P 2


Life of the most grateful, faithful, honeft, and most affectionate Servant, that ever Man had.

We went now away with a fair Wind for Brafil, and in about twelve Days Time we made Land in the Latitude of five Degrees South of the Line, being the North-Eaftermoft Land of all that Part of America. We kept on S. by E. in Sight of the Shore four Days, when we made Cape St. Auguftine, and in three Days came to an Anchor off of the Bay of all Saints, the old Place of my Deliverance, from whence came both my good and evil Fate.

Never Ship came to this Part that had lefs Bufinefs than I had; and yet it was with great Difficulty that we were admitted to hold the least Correfpondence on Shore, not my Partner himself, who was alive, and made a great Figure among them; not my two Merchants Truttees, not the Fame of my wonderful Prefervation in the Ifland, could obtain me that Favour: But my Partner remembring, that I had given 500 Moidores to the Prior of the Monaftery of the Augustines, and 272 to the Poor, went to the Monaftery, and oblig'd the Prior that then was, to go to the Governour, and get Leave for me perfonally, with the Captain and one one more befides eight Seamen, to come on Shore, and no more; and this upon Condition abfolutely capitulated for, that we fhould not of fer to land any Goods out of the Ship, or to carry any Perfon away without Licence.

They were fo ftrict with us, as to landing any Goods, that it was with extream Difficulty that I got on Shore three Bales of English Goods, fuch


as fine broad Cloaths, Stuffs, and fome Linnen which I had brought for a Present to my Partner.

He was a very generous broad hearted Man, tho' like me, he came from little at firft; and tho' he knew not that I had the least Design of giving him any Thing, he fent me on Board a Prefent of fresh Provifions, Wine, and Sweet-meats, worth above 30 Moidores, including fome Tobacco, and three or four fine Medals in Gold: But I was even with him in my Prefent, which, as I have faid, confifted of fine broad Cloath, English Stuffs, Lace, and fine Hollands: Alfo I deliver'd him about the Value of 100 lib. Sterl, in the fame Goods for other Ufes; and I oblig'd him to fet up the Sloop which I had brought with me from England, as I have faid, for the Use of my Colony, in order to fend the Refreshments I intended to my Plantation.

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Accordingly he got Hands, and finifh'd the Sloop in a very few Days, for he was already fram'd, and I gave the Mafter of her fuch InftruЯions, as he could not miss the Place; nor did he mifs them, as I had an Account from my Partner afterwards. I got him foon loaded with the small Cargoe I fent them; and one of our Seamen that had been on Shore with me there, offer'd to go with the Sloop, and fettle there upon my Letter to the Governour Spaniard, to allot him a fufficiont Quantity of Land for a Plantation; and giving him fome Cloaths, and Tools for his PlantingWork, which he faid he understood, having been an old Planter at Maryland, and a Buckaneer into the Bargain.

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