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Passed, III. ii. 237, two syllables. Patience, II. iv. 76, three syllables. Patient, I. iii. 68, three syllables. Peremptorie, peremptory), III. i. 11, stress on first syllable. Period, III. i. 158, end; 1 Hen. VI, IV. ii. 20.

Perish, III. ii. 111, destroy. Pernitious (pernicious), II. i. 24, four syllables.

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Pine gelidus artus, IV. i. 118, the first word corrupt, perhaps, for paene almost'; the rest, 'chill fear seized the limbs.' Pinnace, IV. i. 11, small sailing vessel.

Plainnesse (blainness), I. i. 199, frankness; Hen. V, I. ii. 250. Pleased, IV. x. 24, two syllables. Plot, II. ii. 66, spot, piece of ground.

Pointing stock, II. iv. 54, object to be pointed at; cf. laughing


Porpentine, III. i. 378, porcupine; Tro. & Cres., II. i. 25. Port, IV. i. 21, style, appearance. Posted, III. i. 266, slurred; cf. 3 Hen. VI, IV. viii. 43. Pot, IV. ii. 66, drinking vessel. Pound, III. ii. 16, singular regularly used with words of measure after a numeral; 2 Hen. IV, I. ii. 198; III. ii. 247.


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Power, IV. iv. 47, armed force; 1 Hen. VI, I. iv. 114.

Practise (practice), III, ii. 27, plotting, treachery. Practis'd (practised), II. i. 209, plotted.

Premised, V. ii. 46, three syllables; sent before the time. Presence, IV. vii. 31, presents, a legal term.

Present, V. iii. 29, immediate. Presumption, I.ii. 36, four syllables.

Pretty, III. ii. 105, prettily; either adverbial or part of a compound participle with vaulting. Priest, III. i. 283, father-confessor.

Procession, II. i. 83, four syllables.
Procurator, I. i. 10, proxy.
Proofe (proof), IV. ii. 61, 'proved
strength,' Rich. II, I. iii. 79, and
'hard wear.

Proper, IV. ii. 94, fine-appearing.
Proportion, I. iii. 57, four syl-
lables; shape, figure.
Published, III. ii. 22, three syl-


Puissant, IV. ix. 31, two syllables, (pwee-ssant); strong. Pursevant (pursuivant), I. iii. 35, state messenger.

Puttocks, puttock's), III. ii. 26, kite's, (a bird of prey). Pytch (pitch), II. i. 8, height of a falcon's flight.

Queint (quaint), III. ii. 298, artful. Quill, I. iii. 5, for coil, tumult. Quillets, III. i. 272, subtleties,

petty considerations; 1 Hen. VI, II. iv. 21.

Quier (quire), I. iii. 92, choir. Quitting, III. ii. 234, absolving, freeing.

Rackt (racked), I. iii. 135, harassed by exactions. Rascall (rascal), II. iv. 55, worthless; originally an adjective as here, and applied to lean deer. Raught, II. iii. 49, reached, handed

over; Ant. & Cleo., IV. ix. 37. Racing (razing), I. i. 108, erasing. Reave, V. i. 198, rob, deprive. Relent, IV. viii. 15, soften, yield. Remorse, IV. vii. 106, compassion.

Remorsefull (remorseful), IV. i. 4, | Souldiers (soldiers), III. i. 342,

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Sack, II. iii. 71, Spanish or Canary wine.

Sallet, IV. x. 9, salad; 12, helmet. Sancta majestas, V. i. 7, sánc-ta

ma-jés-tas, sacred majesty. Sawes (saws), I. iii. 61, sayings. Say, IV. vii. 27, a kind of satin. Scathe, II. iv. 70, hurt, injury. Score, IV. viii. 37, notch on a tallystick, to keep accounts. Sheareman (shearman), IV. ii. 135, taylor.

Shrewd, II. iii. 47, bad, ugly; 2
Hen. ÍV, II. iv. 204.
Silly, I. i. 237, helpless.

Since, III. i. 12, when; so used
with verbs of remembering; 2
Hen. IV, III. ii. 199.
Sir, I. ii. 71, a clerical title of re-
spect; as you, III. iii. 39.
Skills, III. i. 292, matters; Tw.
Night, V. i. 304.
Slough, III. i. 240, skin of a snake.
Smart, III. ii. 351, sharp, painful.
Smoothing, I. i. 163, flattering.
Smooth's it, II. i. 25, flatterest.
So, V. i. 56, if only.

Sometime, II. iv. 50, sometimes.
Sophister, V. i. 202, unfair 1eas-


Sort, II. i. 205, III. ii. 301, com

pany Sort, I. ii. 111, fall out; Much Ado, V. iv. 8; II. iv. 76, adapt; Two Gen. of Ver., I. iii. 66.

three syllables.

Span-counter, IV. ii. 159, a game of throwing counters. Spirits, II. i. 212, one syllable. Spleenfull (spleenful), III. ii. 141, eager, impetuous. Splitted, III. ii. 440, split; Ant. & Cleo., V. i. 30.

Spoyle (spoil), IV. iv. 61, plunder. Sprayes (sprays), II. iii. 51, branches.

Starved, III. i. 358, two syllables;
benumbed with cold.
State, IV. x. 23, estate, manner of
Statue (Statua), III. ii. 91, three
syllables, sta-tu-a; cf. Rich.
III, III. vii. 26.

Stayes (stays), II. iv. 85, ends.
Sterv'd (starved), I. i.


starved; Mer. of Ven., IV. i. 147.

Still, III. i. 250, continually. Stomacks (stomachs), II. i. 66, angry feelings.

Strait, III. ii. 281, strict, straiter;
III. ii. 25, more severely.
Stray, IV. x. 26, vagabond.
Strength, III. i. 395, army.
Stygmaticke (stigmatic), V. i. 226,
stress on first syllable; deformed


Style, I. i. 118, list of titles. Subornation, III. i. 48, five syllables; instigation.

Suborned, III. i. 189, three syllables; bribed.

Subscribe, III. i. 41, yield; 1 Hen. VI, II. iv. 48.

Suddenly, II. ii. 75, immediately,


Suffer'd (suffered), III. ii. 285, allowed to remain; V. i. 163, allowed to do as he wishes. Suffocate, I. i. 131, suffocated. Suspect, I. iii. 143, III. ii. 152, suspicion.

Suspence (suspect), III. i. 149, suspicion.

Sworder, IV. i. 136, gladiator.

Taincture (tainture), II. i. 226, disgrace of treason. Take my death, II. iii. 100, swear by my death.

Tally, IV. vii. 37, stick for keeping an account by notches. Tantaene, etc., II. i. 28, ' are there such passions in celestial


Temper, III. i. 325, moisten, soften; Lear, I. iv. 295. Tender, III. i. 288, have a care for; Rich. II, I. i. 37. That, I. iv. 35, would that; III. i. 15, so that; IV. x. 23, that what. Thorough, IV. i. 88, through. Thrice-famed, III. ii. 172, three syllables.

Tickle, I. i. 228, ticklish, unsafe. Tickled, I. iii. 160, irritated. Timelesse (timeless), III. ii. 202, untimely; 1 Hen. VI, V. iv. 6. Timely-parted, III. ii. 176, that died a natural death.

To, III. i. 67, compared to. Towards, III. ii. 101, one syllable, tords.

Touree (tower), II. i. 12, soar;
John, V. 1. 155.

Toyle (toil), I. i. 90, use hard;
Ham., I. i. 88.
Treasurie (treasury), I. iii. 138,


Trencher. IV. i. 58, wooden plate. Trowest, II. iv. 46, thinkest. Tumble, I. ii. 50, transitive, make to fall. Turmoyled (turmoiled), IV. x. 17, three syllables.

Unbowed, III. i. 19, three syllables.

Uncivill (uncivil), III. i. 324, wild. Unneath (uneath), II. iv. 11, not easily.

Vantages, I. i. 138, advantages.
Verge, I. iv. 24, circle; Rich. III,
IV. i. 69.
Villiago, IV. viii. 51, three sylla-¦

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Where, III. ii. 422, whereas; 288, whether.

Where as (whereas), I. ii. 61, where.

While as (whileas), I. i.
237 while.
Who, III. ii. 140, whom; IV. viii.
18, whoever.

Whom, III. ii. 371, which.
Winck (wink), II. i. 132, shut the
eyes; Hen. V, II. i. 7.
Wiped, IV. x. 70, two syllables.
With you, II. i. 57, I understand.
Woe, III. ii. 83, adjectively, sor-

rowful; Temp., V. i. 161. Worme (worm), III. ii. 286, snake. Worne (worn), II. iv. 77, exhausted.

Would, II. iii. 25, would have, demands.

Wrest, III.i. 195, twist, do violence to; wrested, III. i. 121, took wrongfully.

Yclad, I. i. 40, clothed, adorned.
Yet, II. iv. 73, even then.
Ynch (inch), Ï. iv. 54, nick of time.

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