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TANSILLO (LUIGI). Le lagrime di S. Pietro; aggiuntevi l'eccellenza della gloriosa vergine Maria, del S. H. Guarguante. 8° Ven. 1618. TARAÇONA (DIEGO YEPES), Obispo de. See Yepes (D.).

TARAPHA (FRANCISCUS). See Vasæus (J.), and Tarapha (F.). Rerum Hispanicarum annales. 8° 1577.

TARCAGNOTA (GIOVANNI). Mambrino Roseo da Fabriano, e Dionigi da Fano, Historie del mondo dal Principio fino al 1580. 6 vols. 40 Venezia, 1583-1610.

TARCHANIOTA (MICHAEL MARULLUS). See Marullus (M. Tarchaniota).

TARGET (GUI-JEAN-BAPTISTE). Mémoire pour Louis-Réné-Edouard de Rohan, Cardinal, &c. ; [to which are added] Pièces justificatives. 4° Paris, 1786.

Réflexions rapides pour le Cardinal de Rohan, sur le sommaire de la Dame de la Motte. 4° Paris, [1786].

TARTAGNI (ALEXANDRO) de Imola. (Apostillæ super prima parte codicis.) fol. Ven. 1491.


Ven. 1491.
Venet. 1492.

Ven. 1491.

Ven. 1491.

(Apostillæ super secunda parte codicis.) fol.
Apostillæ super prima parte inforciati. fol.
(Apostillæ super secunda parte infortiati.)
(Apostillæ super secunda parte ff. novi.) fol.
(Apostillæ super secunda parte ff. novi.) fol.
Consilia. 5 vols. fol. Venetiis, 1488 et Mediol. 1498.
Lectura super prima parte ff. novi. fol.

Ven. 1492.

Ven. 1492.

Lectura super prima ff. veteris. fol. Ven. 1491.
Lectura super secunda ff. veteris. fol. Ven. 1491.

(Secunda pars et finis . veteris, una cum additionibus.) fol. Mediol. 1490.

TARSIS (JUAN de). Obras. 4°
TASSO (BERNARDO). Le lettere.
TASSO (FAUSTINO). Le historie de'


Madrid, 1643.
8° Ven. 1588.

successi de' nostri tempi. 4° Ven.

TASSO (TORQUATO). Aminta. 18° Ven. 1625.

La Gierusalemme liberata; con gli argomenti del Sig". O. Ariosti. 4° Parma, 1581.

Gierusalemme liberata; con gli argomenti del Sig. H. Ariosti. 4° Mantova, 1584.

Della Gerusalemme conquistata libri xxiv. 12o Venetia, 1609.
La Gierusalemme liberata. 18° Roma, 1670.

Discorsi dell'arte poetica, e insieme il primo libro delle lettere piene d'avvertimenti a dichiarazione della sua Gerusalemme liberata. 4° Ven. 1587.

Godfrey of Bulloigne translated into English by R. C.; and now the first part containing five cantos imprinted in both languages. 4° London, 1594.

Goffredo, overo Gierusalemme liberata; con l'aggiunta de' cinque canti del Sig. C. Camilli. 2 pts. 4° Ven. 1600.

Il forno, overo della nobiltà; dialogo. 4° Vicenza, 1581.

Il Rinaldo. 12o Venetia, 1608.

Opere non più stampate; raccolte, e publicate da M. A. Foppa.
Roma, 1666.

3 vols. 4o


vol. I. 12° Venezia, 1608.

Prima et seconda parte. 12° Venetia, 1608.

TASSO (TORQUATO). Rime; parte seconda. 12° Ferrara, 1583.
Parte quinta. 12° Venetia, 1608.


Parte sesta.

12o Venetia, 1608.

Venti ragionamenti familiari sopra la venuta del Messia. 4° Ven. TASSY (JOSEPH-HÉLIODORE GARCIN de). See Garcin de Tassy (J. H.). TATIANUS. Oratio ad Græcos; Hermiæ irrisio Gentilium philosophorum, Gr. et Lat.; recensuit, adnotationibus C. Gesneri, F. Ducæi, C. Kortholti, T. Galei, selectisque.... aliorum, suas qualescunque adiecit W. Worth. 8° Oxon. 1700.

TATIUS (ACHILLES). De Clitophontis et Leucippes amoribus libri VIII. ex bibliotheca Salmasii; Gr. et Lat.; (adiectus est notarum liber). 12° Lugd. Bat. 1640.

Dell' amore di Leucippe et di Clitophonte. 8° Ven. 1551.

Dell' amore di Clitofonte e Leucippe; tradotto da E. A. Coccio. 8° Fiorenza, 1593. TATTAM (HENRY). A compendious grammar of the Egyptian language as contained in the Coptic and Sahidic dialects, with observations on the Bashmuric; together with alphabets and numerals in the hieroglyphic and Enchorial characters; with rudiments of a dictionary of the ancient Egyptian language in the Enchorial character; by T. Young. 8° Lond. 1830.

Lexicon Egyptiaco-Latinum ex veteribus linguæ Egyptiacæ monumentis. 80 Oxonii, 1835.

TAVANES (GUILLAUME de SAULX de). Mémoires de Gaspard de Tavanes. fol.

TAYLOR (JEREMY). A discourse of the liberty of prophesying. 4° Lond. 1647.

See Anonymous. Discourse (a) of the nature, &c.... of friendship. 12o 1657.

TAYLOR (J. E.). Michael Angelo, considered as a Philosophic Poet: with translations. 12° Lond. 1840.

TAYLOR (RICHARD). See Tooke (J.H.). Enea Пrepоevra. 2 vols. 8° 1829. TAYLORUS (JOANNES). Marmor Sandvicense. 4o Cantab. 1743. TEDESCHI (NICOLA). See Tudeschis (N. de).

TEIXERA (JOSEPH). De Portugalliæ ortu, regni initiis, et denique de rebus a regibus universoque regno præclare gestis, compendium. 4o Parisiis, 1582.

TELESIO (ANTONIO). See Thylesius (A.).

TELLEZ (BALTHEZAR). Historia geral de Ethiopia a alta, ou Preste Joam, e do que nella obraram os padres da companhia de Jesus, composta na mesma Ethiopia pelo P. M. d' Almeyda, abbreviada. fol. Coimbra, 1660.

TEMPLE (Sir WILLIAM). Observations upon the United Provinces of the Netherlands. 8° Lond. 1673.

TEN-KATE (LAMBERT HERMANSON). The Beau Ideal, translated by G. C. Le Blon. 4° Lond. 1732.

TERENTIUS (PUBLIUS). Comœdiæ; cum commentariis Ælii Donati, G. Juvenalis, P. Marsi, in omnes fabulas; J. Calphurnii in Heautontimorumenon ; accedunt A. Goveani epistola de castigatione harum comœdiarum; B. Latomi argumenta; P. Rivii castigationes; H. L. Glareani in carmina T. iudicium. fol. Ven. 1561.

TERENTIUS (PUBLIUS, AFER). Comœdiæ; cum comment. Donati. fol. Paris.

TERENTIUS (PUBLIUS, AFER). Comœdiæ; cum annotationibus Farnabii in quatuor priores. 18° Amst. 1651.

Comœdiæ; accesserunt variæ lectiones. 4o Cantab. 1701.

Il Terentio Latino, commentato in lingua Toscana, da Giovanni Fabrini da Fighine. 4° Vineg. 1556.

Ital. 8°

Ven. 1546.

TERRACINA (LAURA). Discorso sopra tutti li primi canti d'Orlando Furioso. 8° Ven. 1550.

Rime. 8° Venetia, 1554.

TERTULLIANUS (QUINTUS SEPTIMIUS FLORENS). Adversus gentes apologeticon. See Lactantius (L. C. F.). Habes in hoc volumine, &c. fol. 1502.

Apologeticus adversus gentes. See Lactantius. Divinarum institutionum libri VII., &c. 8° 1515.

Opera T. et Arnobii quotquot ab interitu vindicari potuerunt; studio R. L. de la Barre. 2 pts. in 1 vol. fol. Paris, 1580.

Opera, per Beatum Rhenanum e tenebris eruta. fol. Basil. 1521. TESTAMENTUM NOVUM. Armenian. 8° Lond. 1814. Danish. 8° Lond. 1814.

Dutch and French. 8° Amst. 1649.

Esquimaux. The Gospels translated into the language of the Esquimaux Indians, on the coast of Labrador, by the missionaries of the Unitas Fratrum, or United Brethren, residing at Nain, Okkak and Hopedale. 12° Lond. 1813.

French. Selon l'édition vulgate, avec les différences du Grec. 2 pts. in 1 vol. 8° Mons, 1688.

French. Traduit sur la vulgate par le Maistre de Sacy. 8° Par. 1817.
Fr. and Eng. 8° Lond. 1817.

Georgian. 4° Lond.

German. 8°

Rackaw, 1630.

[blocks in formation]

A D. Erasmo recognitum; adiecta et nova illius præfatione; præterea addita sunt in singulas apostolorum epistolas argumenta per eundem Erasmum. 4° Basil. 1521.

Novum Instrumentum; Gr. et Lat. diligenter ab Erasmo recognitum, cum annotationibus. 2 pts. in 1 vol. fol. Basil. 1516.

Portuguese. 8° Lond.] 1817.

Syriace. 4° Lond. 1816.

TEUBERUS (CHRIST. ANDR.). Tractatus philologico-exegeticus, de utilitate linguæ Anglicanæ in explicatione S. Scripturæ. 12° Lipsia,


THELOALL (SIMON). Le digest des briefes originals, et des choses 8° Londini, 1579.

concernants eux.

THELWALL (JOHN). The trident of Albion; an epic effusion: and an oration on the influence of elocution on Martial enthusiasm ; with an address to the shade of Nelson. 8° Liverpool, 1805.


THEMISTIUS, Philosophus. Oratio in eos a quibus ob præfecturam susceptam fuerat vituperatus; inventore et interprete A. Maio; Gr. et Lat. 8° Mediol. 1816. THEOCRITUS. Theocriti, Moschi, Bionis, Simmii quæ extant, cum Græcis in Theocritum scholiis; Gr. et Lat.; omnia studio D. Heinsii ; accedunt J. Scaligeri, I. Casauboni, et D. Heinsii notæ et lectiones. 40 Heidelberg, 1604. [With MS. notes.]

THEODORETUS, Episc. Cyri. Dialogi tres; Gr. et Lat. ; interprete V. Strigelio. 2 pts. in 1 vol. 8° Lipsiæ, 1568.

THEOPHILE de VIAU. CŒuvres. 8° Lyon, 1638.

THEOPHILUS, Episc. Antiochenus. Ad Autolycum libri 111; Gr. et Lat. 12° Oxon. 1684.

THEOPHILUS (JOANNES). Divina incentiva piorum affectuum e sacris literis collecta. 8° Augustoriti Pictonum, 1610.

THEOPHRASTUS, Junior. See Anonymous. Letter (a) to the Right Hon. the Earl of Moira, &c. 8° 1806.

THEOPHYLACTUS, Archiep. Bulgaria. In quatuor Evangelia enarrationes, J. Ecolampadio interprete. fol. Basil. 1524.

THIBAULT (GIRARD). Académie de l'espée, où se demonstrent par règles mathématiques la théorie et pratique des armes. fol. [Anvers], 1628. THICKNESSE (PHILIP). A treatise on the art of decyphering and writing in cypher, with an harmonic alphabet. 8° Lond. 1772. THILORIER (-). Mémoire pour le Comte de Cagliostro, Demandeur, contre M. Chesnon le fils, et le Sieur de Launay, Defendeurs. 4° Par. 1786.

Requête au Parlement par le Comte de Cagliostro. 4° Paris, 1786. THODOVALDA, Episcopus Bathavensis. Epistola ad Austriacum ducem Liupaldum. See Tageno Decanus Bathavensis. Expeditio Asiatica, &c. 4o 1522.

THOLTZ (JOH.). Von dem Osterlemlen und Testament Ihesu Christi. 8° Nurmb. 1526.

THOMAS (ANTOINE-LÉONARD). A Monsieur Janin de Combe-Blanche pour la St. Jean, jour de sa fête. 8° Lyon, [1785].

Lettres à M. Janin de Combe-Blanche. Vienne en Dauphiné, 1780. THOMAS (WILLIAM). Principal rules of the Italian grammer, with a dictionarie for the better understandynge of Boccace, Pethrarcha and Dante. 4° London, 1567.

The works of, clerk of the privy council in 1549, consisting of a curious account of the reign of Henry VIII.; to which are added, six essays on questions of State, written at the command of Edward VI.; with notes by A. D'Aubant. 8° Lond. 1774.

THOMAS, Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery. See Pembroke and Montgomery, (T.) Earl of.

THOMS (de). See Boze (C. G. de). Lettre sur une medaille antique de Smyrne. 4o 1744.

THOMSON (JACOB). Il castello dell'ozio; recato in ottava rima da T. J. Matthias. 8° Napoli, 1826.

THOMSON (JOHN). Observations introductory to a work on English etymology. 4° London, 1819.

THORNDİKE (HERBERT). Of the government of churches; a discourse pointing at the primitive form. 8° Camb. 1641.

THORNTON (WILLIAM). Speech on his motion to repeal the declarations against the belief of transubstantiation and asserting the worship of the church of Rome to be idolatrous. 8° London, 1818.

THORPE (BENJAMIN). See Cædmon. Metrical paraphrase, &c. 8° 1832. THUCYDIDES. De bello Peloponnesiaco libri octo; Gr. Lat.; ex interp. Vallæ, ab H. Stephano recognita, quam Æ. Portus novissime repurgavit; [with] F. Porti commentarii. 2 pts. in 1 vol. fol. Francof. 1594.

De bello Peloponnesiaco, lib. vIII.; Gr. et Lat. fol. Oxon. 1696.
Historia de bello civili; Latine. 8°.

Trad. per F. Strozzi. 4° Ven. 1564.
Tractatus historico-politici, &c. 12o.

See Brachelius (A.).

THYLESIUS (ANTONIUS). De coloribus libellus; ex Timæo Platonis de coloribus, M. Ficino interp.; ex noctibus Atticis A. Gellii de coloribus caput unum; item quæ notavit in caput A. Gellii Lazarus Bayfius; cum aliis quibusdam ejusdem argumenti autoribus. 8°.

THYSIUS (ANTONIUS). See Lactantius (L. C. F.). Opera. 8° 1652. TIBULLUS (ALBIUS). See Catullus (C. V.).......8° 1502.

18° 1587.


Catullus, Tibullus, et Propertius; ex recensione J. G. Grævii. 8o 1680.

See Catullus (C. V.), Tibullus, et Propertius. Opera. 4° 1702. TILGHMAN (WILLIAM). Eulogium. See Ponceau (P. S. du). Eulogium, &c. 8° 1827.

TILIUS (JOANNES). Chronicon de regibus Francorum a Pharamundo ad Henricum II. See Æmylius (P.). De rebus gestis Francorum. fol. 1569.

TILLET (JEAN du), Evesque de Meaux. Chronique abrégée; contenant ce qui est advenu entre les potentats estrangers. See Tillet (J. du, Sieur de la Bussière). Recueil des rois de France. fol. 1580.

Sieur de la Bussière. Recueil des roys de France, leur couronne et maison; plus une chronique abrégée, contenant tout ce qui est advenu entre les potentats estrangers; par M. J. du Tillet, Evesque de Meaux. 2 pts. in 1 vol. fol. Par. 1580.

4o 1607.

TILLOTSON (JOHN), Archbishop of Canterbury. The rule of faith, or an answer to the treatise of Mr. J. S. entituled, Sure-footing, &c.; to which is subjoined, a reply to Mr. J. S. his 3rd appendix, &., by E. Stillingfleet. 2 pts. in 1 vol. 8° Lond. 1676.

Life. See Birch (T.). The life of, &c. 8o 1752.

TIMUR. The Mulfuzat Timūry; or autobiographical memoirs of the Moghul Emperor Timur, written in the Jagtay Turky language, turned into Persian by Aby Tabib Hussyny, and translated into English by C. Stewart. 40 London, 1830.

TISCHBEIN (WILLIAM). See Hamilton (W.). Collections of engravings from ancient vases, &c. fol. 1791, &c.

TITELMANNUS (FRANCISCUS). See David, King of Israel. Elucidatio in omnes Psalmos. fol. 1573.

TITO GIOVANNI Scandianese. La dialettica divisa in tre libri. 4° Vinegia, 1563.

TODD (H. J.). An account of Greek manuscripts of the late Professor Carlyle, the greater part of which are now in the archiepiscopal library at Lambeth. 8° London, 1823.

The history of the college of Bonhommes in Ashridge in the county of Buckingham, founded by Edmund Earl of Cornwall, fol, London, 1823.

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