Would not have touch'd, would not have stain'd with blood: But you are more inhuman, more inexorable, 160 There, take the crown, and, with the crown, my curse; And in thy need such comfort come to thee As now I reap at thy too cruel hand! Hard-hearted Clifford, take me from the world: My soul to heaven, my blood upon your heads! North. Had he been slaughter-man to all my kin, I should not for my life but weep with him, 170 To see how inly sorrow gripes his soul. Q. Mar. What, weeping-ripe, my Lord Northum berland? Think but upon the wrong he did us all, Clif. Here's for my oath, here's for my father's death. [Stabbing him. Q. Mar. And here's to right our gentle-hearted king. [Stabbing him. York. Open Thy gate of mercy, gracious God! 169. "to all”; Capell (from Qq.), "of all.”—I. G. My soul flies through these wounds to seek out [Dies. Thee. Q. Mar. Off with his head, and set it on York gates; So York may overlook the town of York. 180 [Flourish. Exeunt. 180. So in Holinshed: "After this victorie, the earle of Salisburie and all the prisoners were sent to Pomfret, and there beheaded; whose heads, togither with the duke of Yorkes head, were conveied to Yorke, and there set on poles over the gate of the city." -All, it should seem, must needs agree that this scene is one of the very best in the whole play. Its logic and its pathos are eminently Shakespearean; and the coloring of Margaret bespeaks, throughout, the same hand which, after a few years more of practice, wrought out the terrible portrait of lady Macbeth. Yet of the 180 lines which the scene contains, only 26 were altered from the quarto, and 19 added in the folio. And of those additions 15 lines are in York's speech at the beginning, while many of the alterations are of a very trifling kind, such as the following: Quarto. "So doves do peck the raven's piercing talons." Moreover, nearly all the pith, marrow, and spirit of the scene are in the quarto, there being even less of improvement than of enlargement in the folio. And yet, according to the more current notion, of this, undoubtedly the most Shakespearean scene but one in the play, only 19 lines were original with Shakespeare; if, indeed, that can be called originality, which gives no new thoughts, but merely amplifies the old. And Malone's celebrated argument was to vindicate Shakespeare from the reproach of having written, into the honor of having stolen, the 161 lines of this scene, either taken whole or slightly altered from the quarto!-H. Ν. Η. ACT SECOND SCENE I A plain near Mortimer's Cross in Herefordshire. A march. Enter Edward, Richard, and their power. Edw. I wonder how our princely father 'scaped, From Clifford's and Northumberland's pursuit. news; Had he been slain, we should have heard the news; Or had he 'scaped, methinks we should have heard. The happy tidings of his good escape. Rich. I cannot joy, until I be resolved Where our right valiant father is become. 10 As doth a lion in a herd of neat; Or as a bear, encompass'd round with dogs, 14. "Neat," says Richardson, "seems properly to denote horned cattle, from the A. S. Hnit-an, cornu petere, to butt or strike with the horn."-H. N. H. Who having pinch'd a few and made them cry, So fared our father with his enemies; 20 Edw. Dazzle mine eyes, or do I see three suns? Rich. Three glorious suns, each one a perfect sun; Not separated with the racking clouds, 30 Edw. 'Tis wondrous strange, the like yet never heard of. I think it cites us, brother, to the field, 20. "Methinks, 'tis prize enough to be his son"; Ff.; Warburton (from Qq.), "pride.”—I. G. 32. The battle of Mortimer's Cross took place February 2, 1461, and the event of the text is spoken of by the chroniclers as having happened on the morning of that day: "At which time the sunne, as some write, appeared to the earle of March like three sunnes, and suddenlie joined altogither in one. Upon which sight he tooke such courage, that he fiercelie setting on his enemies put them to flight: and for this cause men imagined, that he gave the sunne in his full brightnesse for his badge or cognizance." -H. N. H. And over-shine the earth as this the world. 40 Rich. Nay, bear three daughters: by your leave I speak it, You love the breeder better than the male. Enter a Messenger. But what art thou, whose heavy looks foretell Mess. Ah, one that was a woful looker-on When as the noble Duke of York was slain, Your princely father and my loving lord! Edw. O, speak no more, for I have heard too much. Rich. Say how he died, for I will hear it all. Mess. Environed he was with many foes, 50 And stood against them, as the hope of Troy But Hercules himself must yield to odds; wept, The ruthless queen gave him to dry his cheeks 61 Of sweet young Rutland, by rough Clifford |