GLOSSARY By ISRAEL GOLLANCZ, M.A. ABODEMENTS, bad omens; IV. vii. 13. ABODING, boding; V. vi. 45. ADVENTURE, enterprise; IV. ii. 18. ADVERTISED, informed; II. i. 116. Æsop; an allusion to the belief that he was humpbacked (hence the application of the name to Richard Crookback); V. v. 25. AIMS AT, (1) endeavors to obtain, III. ii. 68; (2) aim, guess, III. ii. 68. Alms-deed, act of charity; V. v. 79. APPARENT, heir-apparent; II. ii. 64. APPOINTED; "well a.," well equipped; II. i. 113. ARGOSY, merchant ship; II. vi. 36. ARRIVED, reached, arrived at; V. iii. 8. As, that; I. i. 234. BALM, consecrated oil; III. i. 17. BANDS, bonds; I. i. 186. BANDY, beat to and fro; Ι. iv. 49. BASILISK, a fabulous serpent supposed to kill by its look; III. ii. 187. BATTLE, army, body of troops; I. i. 8, 15. BEAVER, helmet; I. i. 12. lusion to the small bells attached to hawks, to frighten the birds hawked at; I. i. 47. BETIMES, in good time, before it is too late; V. iv. 45. BEWRAY, betray; I. i. 211. BISHOP'S PALACE, the Palace of the Bishop of London; V. i. 45. BLAZE, burn; V. iv. 71. BLOOD-SUCKING SIGHS, referring to the old belief that with each sigh the heart lost a drop of blood; IV. iv. 22. BLOODY, blood-thirsty, cruel; I. iii. 2. BLUNT, rough; IV. viii. 2. BODGED, yielded, gave way, budged; (Johnson conj. "budged," Collier conj. "botch'ď”); I. iv. 19. BOOTLESS, useless; I. iv. 20. BUCKLER, shield; III. iii. 99. Bux, aby, pay for; (Grant White, "by," from "abie" Q. 1); V. i. 68. CALLET, a woman of bad character; II. ii. 145. CAPTIVATEs, makes captive; I. iv. 115. CASE, "if c.," if it be the case, if it happen; (F. 4, "In case"); V. iv. 34. CHAFED, infuriated; II. v. 126. CHALLENGE, claim; IV. vi. 6. CHAMELEON, a kind of lizard whose color changes; III. ii. 191. Channel, gutter (Roderick conj. "kennel"); II. ii. 141. Charm, silence, as by a charm; V. v. 31. CHASE, pursuit, game; II. iv. 12. CHEERLY, cheerfully; V. iv. 2. CHID, driven by scolding; II. v. 17. CLOSE, secret; IV. v. 17. COLORS, standards, ensigns; I. i. 91. CONVEYANCE, trickery; III. iii. 160. CONVEY'D, carried off; IV. vi. 81. CONY, rabbit (F. 1, "Connie,” F. 2, "Conny”); I. iv. 62. Coverture, covert, shelter; (Warburton, "overture"); IV. ii. 13. DARRAIGN, range; II. ii. 72. DAZZLE, "d. mine eyes," are my eyes dazzled?; II. i. 25. DEAREST, best, most precious; V. i. 69. DECK, pack of cards; V. i. 44. DELICATES, delicacies; I. v. 51. DEMEAN'D, behaved; I. iv. 7. Depart, death, II. i. 110; depar ture, going away, IV. i. 92. DEPARTING, parting; II. vi. 43. DESPITE, spite, malice; II. i. 59. DONE, done with, finished with; IV. i. 104. DONE HIS SHRIFT, heard the confession and granted absolution; III. ii. 107. Doubt, fear; IV. viii. 37. EAGER, bitter; II vi. 68. EFFUSE, effusion; II. vi. 28. from Qq., "embassage”); IV. iii. 32. EMPTY, hungry; I. i. 268. ENCOUNTER, fight, combat; V. iii. 5. ENLARGEMENT, release from con- FALCHION, scimitar, sword; I. iv. 12. FEAR, affright, terrify; III. iii. 226. FEAR'D, affrighted, frightened; (Rowe, "scar'ď"); V. ii. 2. FEARFUL, timorous, I. i. 25; II. ii. 30; terrible, dreadful; II. ii. 27. FENCE, defend, guard; II. vi. 75. FORSLOW, delay; (Ff. 1, 2, "Foreslow"; Ff. 3, 4, "Fore-slow"); II. iii. 56. FORSPENT, exhausted; (Ff., "Forespent"; Rann (from Qq.), "Sore spent"); II. iii. 1. FORWARD OF, eager for; IV. viii. 46. FRETTING, violently agitating; II. vi. 35. GALLANT, spruce fellow; used 132. GRANT, granting, bestowing; III. iii. 130. HAND; "out of h.," at once; IV. vii. 63. HAPLY, fortunately; II. v. 58. HARD-FAVOR'D, hard-featured, ugly; V. v. 78. HASTY, rash, passionate; (Walker conj. "lusty”; Cartwright conj. "hardy"); IV. viii. 2. HAUGHT, haughty; II. i. 169. HAVE AT THEE, take care, be warned; II. iv. 11. HE, man; I. i. 46. HEAD, making, raising an army; II. i. 141. HEIR, heiress; IV. i. 48. HENRY, trisyllabic; I. i. 107. ICARUS, the son of Dædalus, who, attempting to imitate the example of his father and fly on wings, was drowned (Ovid, Meta. viii.); V. vi. 21. IMPALE, encircle; III. iii. 189. IMPEACH, reproach; I. iv. 60. INDIGESTED, shapeless; V. vi. 51. INFERRING, bringing forward; II. ii. 44. INJURIOUS, insulting, III. iii. 78; unjust, III. iii. 101. INLY, inward; I. iv. 171. INVIOLABLE, not to be broken; II. i. 30. (Capell, IRKS; "it i.," it pains; II. ii. 6. 'Long, along of, owing to; (Ff., "long"); IV. vii. 32. MACHIAVEL, Used proverbially for a crafty politician; III. ii. 193. MAGNANIMITY, heroic bravery; V. iv. 41. Malapert, pert, saucy; V. v. 32. MALE, male-parent; V. vi. 15. MAN AT ARMs, armed knight; V. iv. 42. MANHOOD, bravery, courage; IV. ii. 20. MARCHES, country-borders; II. i. 140. MEEDS, deserts, merits; II. i. 36. MERMAID, siren; III. ii. 186. HOUR (dissyllabic); II. v. 26, 31, MESS, set of four, "as at great 32, 33, &c. HYRCANIA, a country on the Cas pian Sea; I. iv. 155. dinners the company was usually arranged into fours" (Nares); I. iv. 73. MIND, mean, have a mind; IV. i. 8 MISDOUBTETH, distrusts; V. vi. 14. MISTHINK, misjudge; II. v. 108. MOE, more; II. i. 170. MOTION, proposal; III. iii. 244. MOUGHT, the reading of Ff.; might, could; (Capell (Qq.), "could"; Pope, "might"); V. ii. 45. MUSE, marvel, wonder; III. ii. 109. NAKED, unarmed; V. iv. 42. NAPKIN, handkerchief; I. iv. 79. NARROW SEAS, English Channel; IV. viii. 3. NEAT, horned cattle; II. i. 14. NESTOR, the oldest and wisest hero before Troy; III. ii. 188. NICE, subtile, sophistical; IV. vii. 58. OBSEQUIOUS, lavish of obsequies; ΙΙ. v. 118. Or, instead of, from being; III. iii. 25. ONLY, alone; (Pope, "alone"); IV. i. 45. OVERGONE, overcome; II. v. 123. OVERPEER'D, looked down upon, towered above; V. ii. 14. PALE, enclose, encompass; I. iv. 103. PARCEL, part; V. vi. 38. Passing, surpassing; V. i. 106. PASSION, violent sorrow; I. iv. 150. PERIOD, end, finish; V. v. 1. PIES, magpies; V. vi. 48. PINCH'D, bitten; VI. i. 16. PLACE; "in p.," present; IV. i. 103. PLEASETH; "him p.," it pleases him; II. vi. 105. IV-11 161 PLEASURE, give pleasure; (Ff. 2, 3, 4, "please"; Collier MS., "please you too"); III. ii. 22. POLTROONS, Cowards; (Ff., "Poultroones"); I. i. 62. Post, messenger; V. i. 1. POSTED OFF, put off carelessly; Power, force, army; II. i. 177. PRANCING, bounding; II. i. 24. PREACHMENT, high-flown dis course; I. iv. 72. PREPARE, preparation; IV. i. 131. PRESCRIPTION, right derived from immemorial custom; III. iii. 94. PRESENTETH, represents (Steevens, "present"); II. v. 100. PRESENTLY, immediately; I. ii. 36. PRETEND, assert; IV. vii. 57. PRICK, mark, dial-point; I. iv. 34. PRIZE, privilege (Warburton (from Qq.), "pride"; Walker conj. "praise"); II. i. 20. PROTEUS, the marine god, who had the faculty of assuming whatever shape he pleased; III. ii. 192. QUAINTLY, pleasantly; II. v. 24. QUIT, requite, reward; III. iii. 128. RACKING, moving as clouds; II. i. 27. RAGGED, rugged; (Ff., "raged"); V. iv. 27. RAMPING, rampant; V. ii. 13. RAUGHT, reached; (Ff. 3, 4, "caught"); I. iv. 68. REMORSE, pity, compassion; III. i. 40. RENDS, tears asunder; (Ff., "rents"); III. ii. 175. REPAIR, repairing hither; (Ff. 1, 2, "repayre"; Ff. 3, 4, "repair"); V. i. 20. RESOLVE, come to a determination; I. i. 49. RESPECT; "in r.," in comparison; REST, remain; IV. ii. 8. RHESUS, the Thracian King who came to the assistance of Troy, but was slaughtered at night by Ulysses and Diomede; IV. ii. 20. RIDS; "r. away," i. e. gets rid of distance; V. iii. 21. Rook'd, squatted; V. vi. 47. Roscius, the most celebrated actor of ancient Rome; (Pope's emendation; Ff., "Rossius"; Hanmer (Warburton) "Richard”); V. vi. 10. SERVICE; "do thee s.," become thy servitor"; V. i. 33. SHAME-FACED, bashful; IV. viii. 52. SHIP, take ship; (F. 1, "shipt"; Vaughan conj. "shippď”); IV. v. 21. SHOOT, shot; III. i. 7. SHRIVER, confessor; III. ii. 108. SHROUDs, sail-ropes; V. iv. 18. SICILS, Sicilies; I. iv. 122. SILLY, innocent, helpless; II. v. 43; petty, poor; used contemptuously; III. iii. 93. SINEW TOGETHER, knit in strength; (Ff. 1, 2, 3, "sinow t."); II. vi. 91. SINON, the Greek who persuaded the Trojans to carry the wooden horse into Troy; III. ii. 190. SITH, since; I. i. 110. SLAUGHTER-MAN, slayer, butcher; I. iv. 169. SLEIGHT, artifice, trickery; (Rowe, "slight"); IV. ii. 20. RUINATE, ruin; V. i. 83. RUTHFUL, piteous; (Ff. 3, 4, SOMETIME, sometimes; II. ii. 30. "rueful"); II. v. 95. SADNESS, seriousness; III. ii. 77. SANCTUARY, the sanctuary at Westminster, which afforded protection from any persecution; IV. iv. 31. SCRUPULOUS, "too nice in determinations of conscience"; IV. vii. 61. SELF-PLACE, self-same place, very place; III. i. 11. SELFSAME, the selfsame; (Hanmer, "th' self-same"); II. i. 82. SENNET, a particular set of notes on the cornet or trumpet; I. i. 206. SEPTENTRION, the North; I. iv. 136. SOOTHE, to assent to as being SORT, crew, set; II. ii. 97. SPITE OF SPITE, come the worst that may; II. iii. 5. SPLEEN; "heated s.," fiery impetuosity, heat; (Warburton, "hated s."); II. i. 124. SPORT, disport, amuse; II. v. 34. STALE, laughing-stock, dupe; III. iii. 260. STATE, station, rank; III. ii. 93. STAY, linger; III. iii. 40. STIGMATIC, one branded by nature with deformity; II. ii. 136. |