Lay, stake, wager (Ff. 3, 4, "day"); V. ii. 27. Leave, leave off, desist; II. i. 183; III. ii. 333. LESSER, smaller; IV. x. 50. LEWDLY, wickedly; II. i. 168. LIEFEST, dearest; III. i. 164. LIGHT, alight, descend; I. iii. 93. LIKE; "an it l.," if it please; II. i. 9. MAKE SHIFT; contrive; IV. viii. 35. MANDRAKE, "a plant the root of which was supposed to resemble the human figure; it was said to cause madness and even death when torn from the ground"; III. ii. 310. Mass, by the mass; an asseveration; II. i. 101. LIMED, smeared with bird-lime; MATES, checkmates, confounds, I. iii. 91. LIME-TWIGS, twigs smeared with lime for catching birds; III. iii. 16. LISTEN AFTER, gain information about; I. iii. 154. LIVED, would live; III. ii. 399. LIZARDS' STINGS, alluding to the old belief that lizards have stings, which they have not; III. ii. 325. Loather, more unwilling; III. ii. 355. LODGED, beat down; technical term for the beating down of grain by violent weather; III. ii. 176. LONDON-STONE, an ancient landmark, still carefully preserved in Cannon Street, London; IV. vi. 2. LORDINGS, lords; I. i. 145. MADDING, growing mad with love; III. ii. 117. MAIL'D UP IN SHAME, "wrapped up in disgrace"; alluding to the sheet of penance (Johnson); II. iv. 31. MAIN, chief point; used with play upon "Maine" and "main force”; I. i. 209. MAINED, maimed (F. 4, “maim'd"); IV. ii. 172. MAKE, draw up; IV. ii. 105. disables; III. i. 265. MECHANICAL, mechanic; I. iii. 199. MEETEST, most suitable; I. iii. 165. MERCY; "I cry you m.," I beg your pardon; I. iii. 144. MICKLE, much, great (F. 2, "milckie"; Ff. 3, 4, "milky"); V. i. 174. MIDDEST, midst; (F. 4, "midst”); IV. viii. 66. MINION, pert, saucy person; I. iii. 143. MINISTER, instrument; III. i. 355. 365. MORTAL, deadly, fatal; III. ii. 263. MOUNSIEUR, Monsieur; IV. vii. 31. NAUGHTY, bad, wicked; II. i. 168. NEXT, "the n.," what follows; III. i. 383. NIGH, well-nigh, nearly; III. ii. 82. Nominate, name; II. i. 130. NOTICE, information (conj. "note"); III. i. 166. NUMBERS, "factious n.," bands of factious retainers; II. i. 40. OBLIGATIONS, contracts; IV. ii. 100. OBSEQUIES, shows of love; III. ii. 146. O'ERWEENING, overbearing, pre- OPPOSITES, adversaries; V. iii. 22. Our, given out, i. e. given up (Walker, "over"; Cartwright, "up"); IV. viii. 28. OVER-BLOWN, blown over, dispelled; I. iii. 157. 1 PACKING, "send me p.," send me away; III. i. 342. PAGEANT (trisyllabic); I. ii. 67. PALMER'S, pilgrim's; V. i. 97. PALSY, paralysis; IV. vii. 98. PALY, pale; III. ii. 141. PART, party; V. ii. 35. PARTICULARITIES, single or private respects (opposed to "general" in previous line); V. ii. 44. Pass, care, regard; IV. ii. 144. PERIOD, end, stop; III. i. 149. PERISH, cause to perish; III. ii. 100. PINNACE, a small two-masted ves- PITCH, the height to which a fal- PLOT, plot of ground, spot; II. ii. 60. POINTING-STOCск, object to be pointed at, butt; II. iv. 46. POLE, pronounced Poole; IV. i 70. PORPENTINE, porcupine; (Rowe POSTED OVER, slurred over; III. i. Рот; "three-hooped p.," a wooden POWER, armed force; IV. iv. 40. (Delius, "promised"); V. ii. 41. 'PRENTICE, apprentice; I. iii. 203. PRESENCE, Cade's blunder for "presents"; IV. vii. 33. PRESENT, immediate; V. iii. 25. PRESENTLY, immediately; I. i. 171; III. ii. 18. PRETTY-VAULTING, bounding in a pleasant manner; (Ff. "pretty vaulting"); III. ii. 94. PRIEST, father-confessor; III. i. 272. PRIVATE, retired; II. ii. 60. PROCURATOR, substitute, proxy; I. i. 3. PROOF; "his coat is of p.," used PROPER, handsome; IV. ii. 107. 25. PURSUIVANT, a lower rank of herald, a state messenger; I. iii. 40. PUTTOCK's, kite's; III. ii. 191. QUAINT, fine; III. ii. 274. QUILLETS, subtleties, sly tricks in RACK'D, harrassed by exactions; I. iii. 133. RAGGED, rugged, rough; III. ii. 98. RASCAL, rascally; II. iv. 47. RAUGHT, having been gained; (lit. "reached"; Capell, "wrenched"; others, "reft"); II. iii. 43. RAZING, erasing, blotting out; I. i. 101. REAR, raise; III. ii. 34. MS., "repent"); IV. viii. 12. REMORSE, pity, compassion; IV. vii. 111. REMORSEFUL, compassionate; IV. i. 1. REPAIRING; "of such r. nature," i. e. so able to recover from defeat; V. iii. 22. roost," i. e. the "hen roost"; I. i. 109. RUDE, rough, ill-mannered; III. ii. 135. RUDER, more unrefined; I. i. 30. SACK, generic name for Spanish and Canary wine; II. iii. 60. SALLET, salad; IV. x. 9; a kind of helmet, with a play upon the two senses of the word; IV. x. 13. SANCTA MAJESTAS, sacred majesty; (Pope, "majesty”; Capell, from Qq., "santa maestá”); V. i. 5. SAVOY, the Palace of the Duke of Lancaster; destroyed by the rebels under Wat Tyler, and not rebuilt till the reign of Henry VII; IV. vii. 2. Saws, maxims, moral sayings; I. iii. 63. SAY, a kind of satin; IV. vii. 27. SCATHE, injury; II. iv. 62. SCORE, a notch made on a tally; IV. vii. 40. REPEAL, recall from banishment; SEEMETH; "me s.," it seems to III. ii. 349. REPROVE, disprove, refute; III. i. 40. REPUTING OF, boasting of; (Rowe, "by repeating"); III. i. 48. RESPECTING, considering; III. i. 24. REVENUES; I. iii. 85. RIGHT NOW, just now; III. ii. 40. ROAST, "rule the r.," Pope's emendation of Ff. "rost," Qq. "roast"; Grant White, "roost"; according to some the phrase originally meant "to rule the me; II. i. 23. SHEARMAN, one who uses the tailor's shears; IV. ii. 149. SHREWD, bad, evil; II. iii. 41. SICIL, Sicily; I. i. 6. SILENT, "the s. of the night" (Collier MS., from Qq., “silence"); I. iv. 19. SILLY, poor (used as a term of pity, not of contempt); I. i. 225. SINCE, when; III. i. 9. Sir, a common title of priests; I. ii. 68. SKILLS, matters; III. i. 281. SLOUGH, the skin of a snake; III. i. 229. SMART, painful; III. ii. 325. Sмоотн, bland, insinuative; III. i. 65. SMOOTHING, flattering; I. i. 156. SORT, company, set; II. i. 167; Sort, adapt, make comformable; II. iv. 68; let it fall out; I. ii. 107. SOUR, bitter; III. ii. 301. SPAN-COUNTER, a game "in which one player throws a counter, which the other wins, if he can throw another to hit it, or lie within a span of it" (Nares); IV. ii. 174. SPLEENFUL, hot, eager; III. ii. 128. SPLITTING, wont to split the sides of vessels; III. ii. 97. SPOIL, despoil, plunder; IV. iv. 53. SPRAYS, shoots, twigs; II. iii. 45. STARVED, benumbed with cold; III. i. 343. STATE, estate; IV. x. 25. Stars, ceases, ends; II. iv. 76. STIGMATIC, one branded by nature with deformity; V. i. 215. STILL, continually; III. i. 239. Stomachs, angry tempers; II. i. 56. STRAIT, strict; (F. 4, "strange"); III. ii. 258. STRAITER, more severely; III. ii. 20. STRAY, vagrant; IV. x. 28. STRENGTH, army; III. i. 380. STYLE; "large style"; high-sounding list of titles; I. i. 111. SUBORNATION, abetting, inciting; III. i. 45. SUBSCRIBE, yield the point; III. i. 38. SUDDENLY, immediately, at once; II. ii. 67. SUFFER'D, allowed to have his way; V. i. 153. SUFFICETH, it sufficeth; IV. x. 25. SUFFOCATE, suffocated (with a quibble upon "Suffolk"); I. i. 124. SUSPECT, suspicion; (Ff. "suspence"; Rowe, "suspicion”; Malone (Steevens), "suspects"); III. i. 140. SWALLOWING; "for s.," "that it may not swallow," (Ff. 3, 4, "swallowing up"); IV. i. 74. SWORDER, gladiator; IV. i. 135. SYLLA; Sulla, the rival of Marius; IV. i. 84. TAINTURE, defilement; II. i. 188. TAKE MY DEATH, take it upon my death; an oath; II. iii. 91. TALLY, a stick on which notches or scores were cut to keep accounts by; IV. vii. 39. TEMPER, moisten, wet; III. i. 311. TEND, attend, wait on; III. ii. 304. TENDER, have care for; III. i. 277. THAT, would that, I. iv. 31; so that, III. i. 12. THOROUGH, through; IV. i. 87. THREATEST, threatenest; (Ff. 3, 4, "threaten'st"); I. iv. 51. TICKLE, ticklish, unstable; I. i. 216. TICKLED, vexed, irritated; I. iii. 155. TIMELESS, untimely; III. ii. 187. a TIMELY-PARTED, having died natural death; III. ii. 161. To, compared to; III. i. 64. Towards, monosyllabic; III. ii. 90. Tower, soar, fly high; II. i. 10. TWIT, twitted; III. i. 178. with two hands; II. i. 46. UNCIVIL, ill-mannered, rude; III. i. 310. UNCURABLE, incurable (Ff. 3, 4, WITCH, bewitch (Theobald's cor WARD, custody, confinement; V. i. 112. WELL GIVEN, well-disposed; III. i. 72. WHAT, who; III. i. 107; whatever; III. i. 132. WHERE, whereas; III. ii. 394. WHETHER, monosyllabic; (Ff. "where"); III. ii. 265. WHITE HART, probably a tavern in Southwark; used with a quibble on white-heart=cowrdly (Ff. 1, 2, 3, "whiteheart"); IV. viii. 26. Wно, whom; III. ii. 127; he who; Wном, which; III. ii. 345. rection of Ff., "watch"); III. WITH; "I am with you," I'll be there, I understand; II. i. 49. WOE, woful; "be w. for me," be sorrowful, feel sorrow, for me; III. ii. 73. WORM, snake, serpent; III. ii. 263. WORN, effaced from memory; II. iv. 69. WORTHY, worthy of; III. i. 68. WOULD, requires, desires; II. iii. 21. WRECK, ruin (Ff., "wrack"); I. iii. 129. WREST, misinterpret; III. i. 186. WRESTED, took wrongfully; III. i. 112. Y-CLAD, clad; I. i. 33. |