Car. Bring me unto my trial when you will. 11 Died he not in his bed? where should he die? right, Like lime-twigs set to catch my winged soul. King. O thou eternal mover of the heavens, 8. Of this wonderful scene the quarto has a full outline and some of the most Shakespearian touches, which we must needs subjoin: "Card. O, death! if thou wilt let me live But one whole year, I'll give thee as much gold As will purchase such another island. King. O, see, my lord of Salisbury, how he is troubled! Lord cardinal, remember, Christ must save thy soul. Card. Why, died he not in his bed? What would you have me to do then? Can I make men live, whether they will or no? Sirrah, go fetch me the poison which the 'pothecary sent me. And stares me in the face! Look, look! comb down his hair! Sal. See, how the pangs of death do gripe his heart! King. Lord cardinal, if thou diest assur'd of heavenly bliss, Hold up thy hand, and make some sign to us O see! he dies, and makes no sign at all. O God! forgive his soul. Sal. So bad an end did never none behold; But as his death, so was his life in all. King. Forbear to judge, good Salisbury, forbear, For God will judge us all. Go, take him hence, and see his funerals perform'd."-H. Ν. Η. 20 Look with a gentle eye upon this wretch! O, beat away the busy meddling fiend That lays strong siege unto this wretch's soul, And from his bosom purge this black despair! War. See, how the pangs of death do make him grin! Sal. Disturb him not; let him pass peaceably. King. Peace to his soul, if God's good pleasure be! Lord Cardinal, if thou think'st on heaven's bliss, Hold up thy hand, make signal of thy hope. He dies, and makes no sign. O God, forgive him! War. So bad a death argues a monstrous life. 30 Close up his eyes and draw the curtain close; [Exeunt. ACT FOURTH SCENE I The coast of Kent. Alarum. Fight at sea. Ordnance goes off. Enter a Captain, a Master, a Master's-Mate, Walter Whitmore, and others; with them Suffolk, and others, prisoners. Cap. The gaudy, blabbing and remorseful day And now loud-howling wolves arouse the jades Who, with their drowsy, slow and flagging Clip dead men's graves, and from their misty Breathe foul contagious darkness in the air. 10 Sc. 1. “a Captain, a Master." On ships of war the master was an officer subordinate to the captain. C. Н. Н. 1. "The epithet blabbing, applied to the day by a man about to commit murder, is exquisitely beautiful. Guilt, if afraid of light, considers darkness as a natural shelter, and makes night the confidant of those actions which cannot be trusted to the tell-tale day."— Johnson. Or with their blood stain this discolored shore. Master, this prisoner freely give I thee; And thou that art his mate, make boot of this; The other, Walter Whitmore, is thy share. First Gent. What is my ransom, master? let me know. Mast. A thousand crowns, or else lay down your head. Mate. And so much shall you give, or off goes yours. Cap. What, think you much to pay two thousand crowns, And bear the name and port of gentlemen? First Gent. I'll give it, sir; and therefore spare my life. Sec. Gent. And so will I, and write home for it straight. Whit. I lost mine eye in laying the prize aboard, And therefore to revenge it, shalt thou die; [To Suf. And so should these, if I might have my will. Cap. Be not so rash; take ransom, let him live. Suf. Look on my George; I am a gentleman: Rate me at what thou wilt, thou shalt be paid. 30 Whit. And so am I; my name is Walter Whit 21, 22. "The lives of those," &c., so Ff., with the exception of the note of exclamation, added by Grant White; Knight prints a note of interrogation; Nicholson, "Shall the lives sum?" Mar shall, "The lives shall they Be conterpoised," &c.-I. G. 29. "my George," the image of St. George, a badge worn by members of the Order of the Garter.-C. H. Η. more. How now! why start'st thou? what, doth death affright? Suf. Thy name affrights me, in whose sound is death. A cunning man did calculate my birth, And told me that by water I should die: Yet let not this make thee be bloody-minded; Thy name is Gualtier, being rightly sounded. Whit. Gaultier or Walter, which it is, I care not: Never did base dishonor blur our name, But with our sword we wiped away the blot; 40 Therefore, when merchant-like I sell revenge, Broke be my sword, my arms torn and defaced, And I proclaim'd a coward through the world! Suf. Stay, Whitmore; for thy prisoner is a prince, The Duke of Suffolk, William de la Pole. Whit. The Duke of Suffolk, muffled up in rags! Suf. Aye, but these rags are no part of the duke: Jove sometime went disguised, and why not I? Cap. But Jove was never slain, as thou shalt be. 31. "Walter," pronounced Water; a pronunciation still traceable in the surname Waters.-С. Н. Н. 35. Of course this refers to the prediction of the Spirit in Act i. sc. 4. Thus Drayton, in Queen Margaret's Epistle to this duke of Suffolk: "I pray thee, Poole, have care how thou dost pass; A note on these lines says, "The witch of Eye received answer from the spirit, that the duke of Suffolk should take heed of water."— Η. Ν. Η. 48. Omitted in Ff.; restored by Pope (from Qq.).-I. G. |