Simp. Alas, mafter, I am not able to ftand alone: you go about to torture me in vain. Enter a Beadle with Whips. Glo. Well, Sir, we must have you find your legs. Sirrah, beadle, whip him till he leap over the fame stool. Bead. I will, my Lord. Come on, Sirrah, off with your doublet quickly. Simp. Alas, mafter, what fhall I do? I am not able to ftand. [After the beadle hath hit him once, he leaps over the fool and runs away; and they follow and cry, A miracle! K. Henry. O God, feeft thou this, and bear'ft fo long! Glo. Let them be whipt through every market town, till they come to Berwick, from whence they came. [Exit beadle, with the woman. Car. Duke Humphry has done a miracle to-day. Suf. True; made the lame to leap, and fly away. Glo. But you have done more miracles than I; You made in a day, my Lord, whole towns to fly. Enter Buckingham. K. Henry. What tidings with our coufin Buckingham? A fort of naughty perfons, lewdly bent, And `And other of your Highness's Privy-council, Or to the meanest groom. K. Hen. O God, what mischiefs work the wicked ones, Queen. Glofter, see here the tainture of thy neft, Glo. Madam, for myfelf, to heav'n I do appeal, I banifh her my bed and company: And give her as a prey to law and fhame, K. Henry. Well, for this night we will repofe us here; To look into this business thoroughly. And call these foul offenders to their answers; Whofe beam ftands fure, whofe rightful caufe prevails, [Flourish. Exeunt. SCENE changes to the Duke of York's Palace. Enter York, Salisbury, and Warwick. York. N WOW, my good Lords of Salisbury and Warwick, In this close walk to fatisfy myself; B 4 In In craving your opinion of my Title, Which is infallible, to England's crown. Sal, My Lord, I long to hear it thus at full. War. Sweet York, begin; and if thy Claim be good, The Nevills are thy fubjects to command. York. Then thus: Edward the Third, my Lords, had feven fons : Was John of Gaunt, the Duke of Lancafter; Sal. But William of Hatfield dy'd without an heir. Sal. This Edmond, in the reign of Bolingbroke, As I have read, laid claim unto the Crown; And, but for Owen Glendour, had been King; Who kept him in captivity, till he dy'd. But, But, to the rest York. His eldest fifter, Anne, My mother, being heir unto the crown, By her I claim the kingdom; she was heir Succeed before the younger, I am King. War. What plain proceeding is more plain than this? Henry doth claim the crown from John of Gaunt, The fourth fon; York here claims it from the third. Till Lionel's iffue fail, his fhould not reign; It fails not yet, but flourisheth in thee And in thy fons, fair flips of such a stock. Then, father Salisbury, kneel we together, And in this private plot be we the first, That shall falute our rightful Sovereign With honour of his birth-right to the crown. Both. Long live our Sov'reign Richard, England's King! York. We thank you, Lords: but I am not your King, 'Till I be crown'd; and that my fword be ftain'd "With heart-blood of the houfe of Lancaster: And that's not fuddenly to be perform'd, But with advice and filent fecrecy. Do you, as I do, in these dang❜rous days, Wink at the Duke of Suffolk's infolence, At Beauford's pride, at Somerfet's ambition, At Buckingham, and all the crew of them; Till they have fnar'd the fhepherd of the flock, That virtuous Prince, the good Duke Humphry: "Tis that they feek; and they in feeking that Shall feek their deaths, if York can prophesy. Sal.My Lord, here break we off; we know your mind. War. My heart affures me, that the Earl of Warwick Shall one day make the Duke of York a King. York. And, Nevill, this I do affure myself : B5 Richard Richard shall live to make the Earl of Warwick SCENE changes to a House near Smithfield. Sound Trumpets. Enter King Henry and Nobles; the Dutchess, Mother Jordan, Southwel, Hume, and Bolingbroke, under guard. K.H.S Tand forth, Dame Eleanor Cobham, Glo'ster's wife, Receive the fentence of the law for fins, Elean. Welcome is exile, welcome were my death. Glo. The law, thou seest, hath judg'd thee, Eleanor ; I cannot justify, whom law condemns. [Exeunt Eleanor, and the others, guarded. Mine eyes are full of tears, my heart of grief. K. Henry. Stay Humphry, Duke of Glo'ster; ere thou go, Give up thy staff; Henry will to himself God |