Q. Mar. My Lord of Suffolk, fay, is this the guise Is this the fashion in the Court of England? Is this the Government of Britain's Isle? And this the royalty of Albion's King? What! shall King Henry be a pupil still, Under the furly Glofter's governance?anto) Am I a Queen in title and in style, brodo And must be made a Subject to a Duke? H I tell thee, Pole, when in the city Tours Thou ran'ft a-tilt in honour of my love, And stol'st away the Ladies' heart's of France; I thought, King Henry had refsembled thee In courage, courtship, and proportion : But all his mind is bent to holiness, To number Ave Maries on his beads; 10.1 v His champions are the Prophets and Apostles: His weapons holy saws of sacred writ; His study is his tilt-yard; and his loves Are brazen images of canoniz'd saints. I would, the college of the Cardinals Would chase him Pope, and carry him to Rome, And fet the triple crown upon his head; That were a state fit for his holiness! V Suf. Madam, be patient; as I was the cause Q. Mar. Befide the proud Protector, have we Beauford Suf. And he of these, that can do most of all, Cannot do more in England than the Nevills; Salisb'ry and Warwick are no fimple Peers 1 Q. Mar. Not all these Lords do vex me half so much. As that proud Dame, the Lord Protector's wifet And in her heart she scorns our poverty..emo Shall Shall I not live to be aveng'd on her? a Suf. Madam, myself have lim'd So, one by one, we'll weed them all at last; To them enter King Henry, Duke Humphry, Cardinal, K. Henry. For my part, noble Lords, I care not which, Or Somerset, or York, all's one to me. York. If York have ill demean'd himself in France, Car. Ambitious Warwick, let thy betters fpeak. Why Somerset should be preferr'd in this. Q. Mar. Because the King, forsooth, will have it fo. Glo. Madam, the King is old enough himself To give his Cenfure: these are no woman's matters. Q. Mar. Q. Mar. If he be old enough, what needs your Grace To be Protector of his Excellence? Glo. Madam, I am Protector of the realm; And, at his pleasure, will resign my place. Suf. Resign it then, and leave thine insolence. Since thou wert King, (as who is King, but thou?) The Common-wealth hath daily run to wreck. The Dauphin hath prevail'd beyond the feas, And all the Peers, and Nobles of the Realm, Have been as bond-men to thy sov'reignty. Car. The Commons haft thou rack'd; the Clergy's bags Are lank and lean with thy extortions. Som. Thy sumptuous buildings, and thy wife's attire, Have cost a mass of publick treasury. Buck. Thy cruelty in execution Upon offenders hath exceeded law; And left thee to the mercy of the law. Q. Mar. Thy sale of offices and towns in France, If they were known, as the suspect is great, Would make thee quickly hop without thy head. [Exit Glofter. [She gives the Dutchess a box on the ear. Give me my fan; what, minion? can ye not? I cry you mercy, Madam; was it you? Elean. Was't I? yea, I it was, proud French-woman: Could I come near your beauty with my nails, I'd fet my ten commandments in your face. K. Henry. Sweet aunt, be quiet; 'twas against her will. Elean. Against her will, good King? look to't in time, She'll hamper thee and dandle thee like a baby: Though in this place most mafter wears no breeches, She shall not strike Dame Eleanor unreveng'd. [Exit Eleanor. Buck. Lord Cardinal, I'll follow Eleanor, And liften after Humphry, how he proceeds: She's tickled now, her fume can need no spurs; She'll gallop fast enough to her destruction. [Exit Buckingham. Re-enter Re-enter Duke Humphry. Glo. Now, Lords, my choler being over-blown Suf. Before we make election, give me leave York. I tell thee, Suffolk, why I am unmeet: War. Image of pride, why should I hold my peace? Enter Horner the Armourer, and his Man Peter, guarded. Suf. Because here is a man accus'd of treafon: Pray God, the Duke of York excuse himself! York. Doth any one accuse York for a traitor? K.H. What mean'st thou, Suffolk? tellme, what arethese? Suf. Please it your Majesty, this is the man, That doth accuse his master of high treason: His words were these; "that Richard Duke of York "Was rightful heir unto the English Crown; " And that your Majesty was an ufurper." K. Henry. Say, man; were these thy words? Arm. An't shall please your Majesty, I never faid nor thought thought any such matter: God is my witness, I am falsly accus'd by the villain. Peter. By these ten bones, my Lord, he did speak them to me in the garret one night, as we were scow'ring my Lord of York's armour. York. Base dunghil villain, and mechanical, I'll have thy head for this thy traitor's speech; I do beseech your royal Majesty, Let him have all the rigor of the Law. Arm. Alas, my Lord, hang me, if ever I spake the words. My accuser is my 'prentice, and when I did correct him for his fault the other day, he did vow upon his knees he would be even with me. I have good witness of this; therefore, I beseech your Majesty, do not caft away an honest man for a villain's accusation. K. Henry. Uncle, what shall we say to this in Law ? Glo. This doom, my Lord, if I may judge: Let Somerset be Regent o'er the French, Because in York this breeds fufpicion. And let these have a day appointed them. For single combat in convenient place; For he hath witness of his servant's malice. This is the law, and this Duke Humphry's doom... K. Henry. Then be it so: My Lord of Somerset, (2) We make your Grace Regent over the French. Som. I humbly thank your royal Majefty. Arm. And I accept the combat willingly. Peter. Alas, my Lord, I cannot fight; for God's fake, pity my cafe, the spight of Man prevaileth against me. O Lord, have mercy upon me! I shall never be able to fight a blow: O Lord, my heart! Glo. Sirrah, or you must fight, or elfe be hang'd. K. Henry. Away with them to prifon; and the day of Combat shall be the last of the next month. Come, Somerset, we'll fee thee sent away. [Flour. Exeunt, (2) K. Henry. Then be it fo, &c.] These two Lines I have inferted from the old Quarto; and, as I think, very necessarily. For, without them, the King has not declar'd his Affent to Gloucester's Opinion; and the Duke of Somerset is made to thank him for the Regency, before the King has deputed him to it. SCENT |