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Yet will she blush, here be it said,
To hear her secrets so bewray'd.


Live with me, and be my love,
And we will all the pleasures prove
That hills and valleys, dales and fields,
And all the craggy mountains yields.
There will we sit upon the rocks,
And see the shepherds feed their flocks,
By shallow rivers, by whose falls
Melodious birds sing madrigals.

There will I make thee a bed of roses,
With a thousand fragrant posies,


"To round on (or in) the ear means "to whisper." Cf. K. John, II, i, 566: "rounded in the ear."

XX This piece with two additional stanzas, respectively preceding and succeeding the fourth stanza here, reappears in England's Helicon, 1600, above the signature "Chr. Marlow." Izaak Walton prints it in his Compleat Angler, 1653, pp. 66-67, as "The Milkmaid's Song, ... that smooth song which was made by Kit Marlowe now at least fifty years ago." Walton adds a seventh stanza to his second edition. He calls this poem and the reply which he also prints (see infra) "old fashioned poetry but choicely good." Contemporary music for the song is extant. Cf. Johnson-Steevens Shakespeare, 1793, Vol. III, p. 402. The notes of the air also appear in the 1602 edition (at Britwell) of Deloney's "Strange Histories" by way of tune to a ballad called "Queen Elinor." Corkine's "Second Booke of Ayres," 1612, also gives the full musical notes with the words of the first line (G 2 recto H recto).

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1 Live with] England's Helicon and Walton read “Come liue.”

7-10 By shallow rivers... posies] Sir Hugh Evans sings these four lines of the song with some slight textual variation in M. Wives, III, i, 15 seq.


A cap of flowers, and a kirtle
Embroider'd all with leaves of myrtle.

A belt of straw and ivy buds,
With coral clasps and amber studs;
And if these pleasures may thee move,
Then live with me and be my love.


If that the world and love were young,
And truth in every shepherd's tongue,
These pretty pleasures might me move
To live with thee and be thy love.

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17-20 LOVE'S ANSWER] This stanza forms the first of the six stanzas of a poem in England's Helicon, 1600, which follows Marlowe's verses (No. XX, supra), and is headed "The Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd." To it is appended the signature S. W. R. (i. e., Sir Walter Raleigh), though in many copies of England's Helicon a blank slip of paper is pasted over these letters. Izaak Walton reprinted the piece (by way of sequel to Marlowe's poem) from England's Helicon in his Compleat Angler as "The Milkmaid's Mother's Answer," and wrote that the answer 66 was made by Sir Walter Raleigh in his younger days." To his second edition Walton added a seventh stanza.

17 If that] England's Helicon and Walton read "If all.”

XXI This poem was already printed under the heading “An Ode" in

Barnfield's Poems in diuers humors, 1598. See VIII, supra. Lines 1-28 (As it fell upon a day... None alive will pity me) also appear in England's Helicon, 1600.


Which a grove of myrtles made,
Beasts did leap and birds did sing,
Trees did grow and plants did spring;
Everything did banish moan,
Save the nightingale alone:
She, poor bird, as all forlorn,
Lean'd her breast up-till a thorn,
And there sung the dolefull'st ditty,
That to hear it was great pity:
"Fie, fie, fie," now would she cry;
"Tereu, Tereu!" by and by;
That to hear her so complain,
Scarce I could from tears refrain;
For her griefs so lively shown
Made me think upon mine own.
Ah, thought I, thou mourn'st in vain!
None takes pity on thy pain:

Senseless trees they cannot hear thee;
Ruthless beasts they will not cheer thee:
King Pandion he is dead;

All thy friends are lapp'd in lead;

All thy fellow birds do sing,

Careless of thy sorrowing.

14" Tereu, Tereu!"] The usual note of the nightingale. It is sometimes given in the fuller form "Jug, Jug, Jug, Tereu." "Tereu" may have some reference to Tereus, whose cruel treatment of Philomela, sister of his wife Progne, led in the myth to Philomela's transformation into the nightingale. Cf. Tit. Andr., II, iii, 43, and note. 22 beasts] Thus England's Helicon. Barnfield's Poems and Jaggard's editions of the poem read "beares."

23 Pandion] King of Athens, father of Philomela and her sister Progne.



Even so, poor bird, like thee,

None alive will pity me.

Whilst as fickle Fortune smiled,
Thou and I were both beguiled.

Every one that flatters thee
Is no friend in misery.

Words are easy, like the wind;

Faithful friends are hard to find:
Every man will be thy friend

Whilst thou hast wherewith to spend;
But if store of crowns be scant,
No man will supply thy want.
If that one be prodigal,
Bountiful they will him call,
And with such-like flattering,
"Pity but he were a king;"
If he be addict to vice,
Quickly him they will entice;
If to women he be bent,
They have at commandment:
But if Fortune once do frown,
Then farewell his great renown;
They that fawn'd on him before
Use his company no more.

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27-28 Even so pity me] These lines are not found in Barnfield's text of 1598 nor in Jaggard's editions of The Passionate Pilgrim. They only figure in England's Helicon, 1600, and conclude the fragment which is there printed of this poem.

29 Whilst as fickle Fortune] Collier began a new poem here; a division which some editors have unwisely followed.




He that is thy friend indeed,
He will help thee in thy need:
If thou sorrow, he will weep;
If thou wake, he cannot sleep;
Thus of every grief in heart
He with thee doth bear a part.
These are certain signs to know
Faithful friend from flattering foe.

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