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June, 1915-April, 1916

Altair (poem), Baker, 245.

I. By Titles

America and the Drama: A Forecast, Henderson, 210.

Announcement (editorial), 242.

Balkan Imbroglio, The, Schmidt, 201.

Children's Appeal to the Sun, The (poem), Harper 247.

Case Against Great Britain, The, Riker, 21.

Dante Gabriel Rossetti (poem), Trombly, 180.

Dead Are Singing, The, Hauptmann (translated by Stephenson).

Dominion (poem), Peabody, 87.

Early American Performances of Shakespeare (editorial), 358
Economic Preparedness for War, Our, Johnson, 92.

End of Summer, The (poem), Cawein, 7.

Fairy Mountain (poem), Baker, 245.

Gatherer, The (poem), Ellis, 241.

Good Names (Pump Room), Van Doren, 161.

Healing at the Shrine, Eastman, 120.

Henry Laurens of South Carolina, Wallace, 335.
"High-Brows" and the Drama, Chatfield-Taylor, 95.

How We Appeared to a German Poet in 1832, Schaffer, 322.
Independence Day in Mexico, Manning, 220.

In the Trenches (poem), Hewlett, 8.

In Your Letters, Brooke, 39.

Italy Arming (poem), Trent, 88.

Livelihood Struggle of the Well-to-Do, The, Nearing, 257.
Lost Angel, The (poem), Huxley, 91.

In Illustration of Madison Cawein's Poetry, Royster, 15.
Maurice Barrès and Doctrine of Nationalism, Guérard, 275.
Montaigne, The Friend, Woodbridge, 106.

Mother, The (Pump Room), Tanner, 231.

Narrative (poem), Tietjens, 12.

Negro Chain Gang, The (Pump Room), Law, 82.
New South, The (Pump Room), 71.

On the Plains (Pump Room), 235.

On Reeking of the Soil, Young, 80.

Organized to Fight the Mob (editorial), 242.

Paper of Pedants, A (Pump Room), Van Doren, 74.
Philosophy of William Butler Yeats, The, Hexter, 192.
Pictures of Sorolla y Bastida, The, Bacon, 173.

Poems, Greer, 89.

Poems, Wannamaker, 248.

Poems, Young, 176.

Poetry of William Vaughn Moody, The, Walker, 144.

Poet's Song (poem), Baker. 9.

Poet Talk-Age Quod 'Agis, Young. 168.

Prayer to Aidôneus (poem), Murray, 85

Psalms to My Beloved, Tietjens, 11.


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