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(Continued from LXXXI. ii. p. 418.)
S the Able Writer, in his paper
A of last month, p. 513, has laid him

self open, and exposed his weak side,
by running on with his obstinate de-
nials, palpable mistakes, and accidental
confessions; I in justice to the inform-
ation due from me to the publick,
am bound to take notice thereof;
which notice shall be in as concise a
mode as possible; observing also that
I am preparing a paper on the new
Sculptures, in continuation, to be
given in proper time and order.



Able Writer, "Dignity of a Dean," &c.-John Carter. So, so, a Dean at last! I nowhere mentioned such a Dignitary. Well, well, be it A. W. "I am engaged as the defender of an Artist most injuriously persecuted, traduced, J. C. Who traduces me? who debases my abilities to the lowest ebb of contempt? But my cause is that of our Antiquities; so let them cast out their venom. A. W. " I am tired of this business, Mr. Urban; you would do right to dismiss us both." J: C. Who doubts the Able Writer, considering the great success he meets with by this his defence? A. W. "Original Working "I call this charge a Drawings." falsehood," &c. J. C. The Master Workman did make that boast to me; here I am ready again to accompany him to Marlborough-street. A. W. “Iron cramps were found in parts of the Chapel and the Centre Tower of the Church." J. C. The first shift might be resorted to, in some casual modern repairs of the Chapel; but the latter piece-patch job was a wellknown work of Sir C. Wren, who built the upper part of the said Tower. Now who is " ignorant," or guilty of "misrepresentation"? Having for these thirty years past constantly visited, examined, and drawn from most of our principal antient structures ruinous or otherwise; I once more assert, that I never yet discovered the least appearance of cramp or plugholes. The old Master Workmen were in possession of secrets that enabled them to hold their masonry together, without resorting to such ineffectual means as iron securities; and while I have eyes to see, antient examples in respect to Vanes, and common sense to be assured such objects made the finish of the Turrets of the Chapel,

I shall never give up that charge, as
If I
they are pleased to call it.
cannot read my drawing, I can how-
ever read Spelman's History of Sacri-

lege, as he terms the demolition and
alteration of Churches in the sixteenth
century, and ponder upon all the
fatal ends and fearful disasters that he
there records. Who cannot but ad-
mire the forecast and sagacity shewn
in bringing forward the engraving, p.
513, of the lower parapet of King's
College Chapel, as such a specimen,
with that of the upper parapet from
Loggan in my plate p. 417, have both
the very obtuse kind of battlement
seen in Speed, Hollar, King, Strype,
and Dart's views, though, as I before
observed, rudely drawn, and which I
maintain should have been done at
Westminster. Observe the hum-
ble excuse, or, as the Able Writer has
elegantly expressed it," shuffled-offTM”
pretence, "It was copied nearly, and
differs from it," &c. The Able Writer
says he is not an Architect; the look-
ing over his defence sufficiently proves
his assertion ; and surely, if I dare" ad-
dress myself to an "Earl," or a "Dean,"
I may dare to encounter a shadow,
a twilight two years' creation of
Clerkenwell. "Who's afraid?" What!
am I to be scared and turned aside
from the noble cause I uphold, by
threats? How comes it about my
Westminster friends cannot find in
their hearts to "lash" me, but must
give me over to some more revenge-
ful hands, if they can find them?—I
must still use the designation “Master
Workman," which I think an honour-
able distinction for the man, when
antient employs are adverted to: and
with regard to no one being found to
" employ me as an Architect," where
does the fault lie? Hark,
I cannot, when applied to, to prepare
designs, consent to destroy or alter

antient edifices. I cannot be silent
when told by some people to "let an
intended repair of such or such a
Chapel escape my strictures; for, as
nothing modern, they continue, can
come up to my idea of perfection,
there always must be an opportunity
for my animadversions." And I can
not conclude this paper without in-
quiring, Is my Father's drawing
passed by, the heads of the new com-
partments forgot, or the specimen in-
vitations barred up, until suspicion is
Iulled asleep? (See p. 417.) J. CARTER.




The Patent Steam Kitchen with a Roaster & hot Closet, as fixed in a Recefs complete for cooking. A.The Steam Kitchen (made to any Pattern or Size for
Convenience) B. The Roaster, &c. C.the Fire Place. Dthe Fire Flue. E. the Chimney. F-the Ash Pit. G. the cold Air Valves. Hthe hot Air Pipe. Ithe Lip or Reservoir
for introducing the Water with the Cock under to draw it off again.K. the hot Closet. The cold Air enters at G. is heated by the Side of C. circulates and roasts
in B.and passes offat H.whereby a continual Current of fresh hot Air is produced for roasting at the same Time that Steam is made for boiling with.
Lemaitre Sole Agent, Castle Street, Holborn.

Slater Patentee Birmingham.



Jan. 4. HE Monthly Magazine for December having given an account, under the head of "New Patents," of Mr. Slater's machine, which I fear will not quite satisfy its readers; I have taken the liberty of sending you a plate, with a more minute description of this valuable improvement in the culinary art. (See Plate III.) The plate gives the elevation of two of these apparatuses, the one having, in addition, a hot closet K, in which dishes, prepared for the ta ble, are deposited, while others are in preparation. This closet is heated by the same fire; and before it is required for the above purpose, it might be employed for baking light pastry. A is the steam kitchen, or boiler, with various compartments, differing in their shapes and sizes to suit the form and dimensions of the several articles requiring to be cooked. B is the roaster, or oven, as the case may require for the latter purpose, it must be shut up in the usual way; but for roasting, a current of pure hot air is made to pass through, by means of which the meat or fowl is roasted in every part equally, and in a much superior manner to any other plan hitherto in use. C is the fireplace, and the smoke and flame pass through the intermediate space D, between the roaster B, and the boiler A; and continuing its passage through the flue E, at the back of the machine, finally empties itself into the principal kitchen flue. F is the ashpit, with a valve to regulate the fire. G is the cold air valve: the air entering here is made to pass through some strong tubes, constituting one side of the fire-place-becoming extremely heated, it proceeds, and circulates in the roaster, and then disperses from the final tube H. 1 is the lip, or reservoir, for introducing the water into the boiler A, with a cock underneath to draw it off.

This is unquestionably the most delicate, cleanly, and cheap method of cooking now practised; as there are no means of annoyance by the accidental falling of soot or ashes. The fire, when once well lighted, will consume, even to powder, the ashes from common grates; and will dress a dinner for 200 persons in one of the largest machines, with a peck GENT. MAG. January, 1812.

only of the best coals-the fire being no larger than is required to boil a kettle or saucepan of the common size. This small fire heats the air passing rapidly through the tubes into the roaster, so as to froth and brown the meat deliciously; and this constant succession of hot air com pletely purifies the roaster, and entirely prevents that disagreeable smell and flavour experienced in other patent machines. So free indeed is this apparatus from any tendency to smell, that standing in the kitchen it would be impossible to ascertain whether the machine were actually in use. The fire under the boiler A will optionally boil or steam the various vessels it contains; and these vessels are so formed, that, if the family or company are not ready, the dinner may wait for an hour, and, though nearly prepared for table, the whole remain for this period of time, yet lose nothing of its essential relish. A double door has also been introduced, at a distance of several inches apart, though opening by the same latch by which the fire is confined, and the exterior door kept cool. Nor is the cook exposed to any danger from this machine, as in ordinary methods of cooking.

This apparatus is so simple as to be understood at the first glance, and a common cook may immediately become perfectly acquainted with it: nor can it be put out of order without a wilful determination to injure it. In regard to economy, the advantages of this apparatus are manifold. In the steamer the richest gravies are extracted and preserved; while, in the common method of boiling, the juices of the meat are generally dispersed in a quantity of water, and fit only for wash. With a cup full of these gravies you may at any time obtain a bason of excellent soup, boiling it up with water as you would the soup cake, once so much in use. The roaster too is so delicately clean, that the dripping and gravies are fit for any culinary purpose; and while the common methods of roasting consume and dry up the meat and its richest juices, the heat is here temperately and uniformly acting at once on all sides, so as to save, beyond all doubt, at least one pound of meat in ter. The quantity of coal consumed


34 Patent Cooking Apparatus.-Dr. Lettsom on Prisons. [Jāni

has been shewn, though it will de
pend unquestionably upon the number
in family, but the saving must be
very great; and in the present state
of things, whatever will reduce its
consumption must be admitted to
render service to the community.
Boiling in the ordinary methods ex-
poses the vessels so immediately to the
action of the fire, as to destroy them
wery quickly but the vessels in this
apparatus, being placed in water, only
require, after cooking, to be rinced
out and wiped dry; by which they
will be preserved ten times as long
as the others:and which points out
too another material advantage, name-
ly, the saving of time and fabour.

between the hours of twelve and for

o'clock, when it may be inspected.


34, Castle-street, Holborn.

"Charity is so established a virtue
among them, that the distressed are
accounted the creditors of the af-
fluent, and the mere circumstance of
needing assistance is considered as
conferring a right to it."

Exposé statique de Tonquin, &c.
IN the centre of the Poultry, a

opens to the princely residence of the Lord Mayor, and joins at its other extremity the wealthy and populous Cheapside, through which many thousands of persons, enjoying case, liberty, and luxury, daily pass, is situ ated a gloomy prison, called "The Compter," whose murky apartments groan with misery; but the voice of human infelicity is not often heard; or, if heard, is disregarded, in the pursuit of more pleasing gratifica£18 5 tions.

I was lately required to give a particular estimate of the advantages of this machine to a family whose consumption was about ten pounds of meat per diem, and I delivered the following statement, which I believe will be amply verified.

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To the probable saving in meat,
gravy, &c. 1s. per diem
To do. three chaldron of coals
at 70s.

To do. in utensils

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per an.

5 5


34 0

Whilst this Metropolis is not less 10 10 distinguished for its active liberality upon every needful occasion, than for its almost inconceivable wealth; and whilst the Corporation itself has declared this Prison unfit for human confinement; it is astonishing that it should still be continued, a notorious disgrace to it, and dishonourable to its general character of beneficence. Humanity, contemplating the nume


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In order to secure the proposed saving in coals, it is recommended to have the apparatus fixed up in the place of the range, and a grate sufficient for the necessary purpose warming the kitchen to be placed at the side; but the apparatus may be placed in a recess if more convenient-a communication to the kitchen flue is all that is required. The apparatus may be made to any size or shape according to the width or depth

rous munificent actions of this Corthe anniversary revolution of the poration, cherishes a hope, that, in of or Sheriff may possess the patriotism great City Officers, some Alderman and courage of effecting substantial good, to the accomplishment of which great mental exertion is requisite. But this is not the offspring of balls and festivities; and hitherto no candidate has appeared, for acquiring an honour, greater than any the City can confer, in the opinion of

of the situation in which it is to be
placed; and where it is required, a
roaster may be placed on both sides
of the fire; in which case the boiler
would be over one roaster, and, if
desired, the hot closet over the other
roaster, all to be heated by the same

Having obtained from the Paten-
tee the sole agency, shall be glad
to furnish hyour scientific readers with
any farther particulars. It is my in-
tention to have it generally in use

JOHN COAKLEY LETTSOM. 1812. London, January 1, POULTRY COMPTER, London. Gaoler, Edward Kirby. Salary, 2507. paid by the Court of Aldermen, and 301. by the Common Council. Fees, as per table.

Garnish, 6s. 2d. called "Ward Ducs," paid for coals and candles to the Steward. Chaplain, Rev. Mr.


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