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cular 1903.

Examination in reading, writing, spelling, | Chapter 544, cir-
arithmetic, English grammar and lan-
guage, United States history, geography,
physiology, methods, school management,
and law.

Examination in reading, writing, spelling,
language, arithmetic, geography, United
States history, and physiology,
Satisfactory evidence of proficiency, or ex-
amination in the special branches appli-
cants are going to teach.

Diploma from college or university approved by the board of education.

Chapter 544.



Same as a third-grade certificate, omitting methods, school management, and laws.



a A permanent certificate of first or second grade may be granted to those who have taught with that grade for fifteen years. b Examination in solid and spherical geometry, advanced algebra, trigonometry, geology, chemistry, physics, history of education, history of medieval and modern Europe, constitutional and political history of the United States, either botany, zoology, or mineralogy; any two of Latin, Greek, French, or German. Also school laws of Rhode Island, methods, psychology, pedagogy, and the branches required for a second-grade certificate. The first four certificates may renewed.

c Permanent certificates may be granted to those who have taught their specialty fifteen or more years.

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TABLE 5.-Legal provisions relating to teachers' certificates-Continued.

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Scholarship requirements.

Reference to
school law and
regulations, 1903.

Graduate of a college or university approved Page 29, 30.
by the State board of education or issued
upon examination in regular first-grade
studies, together with additional questions
more advanced and especially professional.
Average standing not less than 85 per cent.
Must not be less than 20 years of age.
Examination in orthography, reading, writ- Page 12,30,31.
ing, arithmetic, composition, English
grammar, elements of agriculture, history
of United States, civics, algebra, physi-
ology, English literature, and in such
branches as the State board may direct.
Examination in branches required for a sec-
ond grade, with a general average of 80 per
cent, not less than 50 per cent in any branch,
or, taking first-grade examination and
making a general average of 70 per cent,
nothing less than 45 per cent in any branch.
Examination in the branches required for a
second-grade certificate (Class A), making
an average of 70 per cent, not less than 50
per cent in any branch, or, taking first-
grade examination and making an average
of 60 per cent, not less than 40 per cent in
any branch.



First-grade certificates may be renewed if the holder attends the Teachers' County Institutes. State Supt. John J. McMahan states in his annual report, 1901: "No examination has been held for a State certificate for many years." A college diploma secures this certificate. At a recent meeting of the State board of education it was decided to permit applicants to take examination for State certificate at the time for regular county examinations.

The governor and State superintendent of education are empowered to grant State certificates upon the presentation of diplomas from reputable colleges and universities in other States of as high rank as leading colleges of this State, such certificate to be subject to confirmation by the State board at its next meeting. (School Laws 1903, p. 29, sec. 10.)

Persons who may have stood successful examination on nine courses in the State summer school are entitled to a State certificate to teach: Provided, That they make 90 per cent on each of three of these courses: And further provided, That the State superintendent of education, upon investigation, deems them worthy of State certificates. (Report 1902-3, p. 84.)

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Scholarship requirements.

Reference to school law.


Graduate of some institution of learning or Chapter I, section
examination in such branches as may be
selected by the superintendent of public
instruction, and also examination in sci-
ence and art of teaching and any two of
the following: Geometry, trigonometry,
chemistry, zoology, or geology; also any
two of these: English literature, rhetoric,
general history, political economy, psy-
chology; write a thesis of not over 5,000
words nor less than 3,000 words upon a sub-
ject selected by the State superintendent.
Examination in algebra, geometry, physics, Chapter I,section
physiology, hygiene, drawing, civil gov-
ernment, didactics, general history, Amer-
ican literature, English grammar, or-
thoepy, and penmanship.


Resident graduate of the State university Section 2286. who has taken the prescribed course in pedagogy.

Resident graduate of the State normal
schools of the State.

Examination in physical geography, current
events, American literature, bookkeeping,
drawing, besides the branches required
for a second-grade certificate.
Examination in civil government, besides
the branches required for a third-grade

Examination in orthography, reading, writ-
ing, arithmetic, physiology and hygiene,
geography, English grammar, United
States history, and didactics.


Chapter II, sections 3, 4.

Chapter II, sec-
tion 3.

Chapter II, sections 4 and 5.

Minimum age of applicant for third-grade certificate is 17 years; for second grade, 18 years. No person shall receive more than two third-grade certificates in the same county.

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TABLE 5.-Legal provisions relating to teachers' certificates-Continued.

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Graduates of the State Peabody normal college or institute, or holding "roll of honor" certificate are exempt from examination, and their certificates are good throughout the State.

Heretofore life certificates have been issued exempting teachers from further examination, but by the action of the State board life certificates are forbidden, and all who stand examination this or any succeeding year shall be granted certificates which shall expire four years from date. This does not interfere with parties now holding life certificates. (State Superintendent's Circular, April 3, 1902.)

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