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you another as good, said the Child, and he gave her one from his finger. She looked at it, and cried, this is the one I lost. Not so, said he.-Then it is the one in the world most like it. So much the better: you may give it for the other. And, leaving her, he went with the damsel to his chamber, and laid upon his bed, and she upon another that was there.

The king awoke, and asked his daughter for the ring; then gave she him the same she had of the prince, which he put on, thinking it was his own: but presently he saw his own lying where Melicia had dropt it, and taking it up he compared it with the other, which he then saw was the one which he had given to Elisena, and which she told him, when he had enquired for it, had been lost. He demanded of the little girl how she came by that ring; and she, who was much afraid of him, told him what had happened. Immediately he began to suspect the queen, that she had fallen into some dishonest liking of the young knight for his great worth and exceeding beauty; and he took his sword, and went into the queen's chamber, and fastened the door. Madam, said he, you always denied to me the ring which I gave you, and the Child of the Sea has now given it to Melicia! How came he by it? if you tell me a lie, your head shall pay for it. Ah God, mercy! quoth Elisena, and fell at his feet. I will tell you what I have hitherto concealed,* but now you suspect me! And then she told him how she had exposed the infant, with whom the ring and the sword were placed; and then she lamented, and beat her face. Holy Mary! cried the king, I believe that this is our child! The queen stretched out

*This is an oversight of the Author. Elisena before related the exposure after the loss of Galaor.

her hands,--may it please God! With that they went into his chamber, whom they found sleeping; but Elisena wept bitterly because of her husband's suspicion. The king took the Child's sword which was at the bed's-head, and looking at it he knew it well, as one wherewith he had given many and hard blows; and he said to Elisena, By my God I know the sword! Then Elisena took the Child by the arm, and wakened him, who awoke in wonder, and asked her why she wept. Ah! said she, whose son art thou? So help me God I know not, for by great hap I was found in the sea! The queen fell at his feet, hearing him, and he cried, My God! what is all this? My son, quoth she, you see your parents!

When the first joy had a little subsided he remembered the writing, and took it from his bosom. Elisena saw it was what Darioleta had written. Ah, my son, quoth she, when last I saw this writing I was in all trouble and anguish, and now am I in all happiness,-blessed be God!

It were long to tell what joy Agrayes made and the lords of the realm at this discovery. The damsel of Denmark could now no longer abide. Sir Amadis, said she, I will go carry these good tidings to my lady, for you must tarry to give joy and gladness to those eyes that have shed so many tears for your sake. God have you in his keeping! replied Amadis. I shall soon follow, and will come in arms like those I wore against King Abies, so shall ye know me.

At this time would Agrayes also depart; for the damsel, when she brought him Galpano's helmet, came with a message from his mistress, Olinda, daughter to King Vanayn of Norway, desiring to see him with all convenient speed. He had won her love when he

was with Galvanes in that kingdom. Now Galvanes was his uncle, and because he had only one poor castle to his heritage, they called him Lackland.* Cousin, said Agrayes, I desire your company above all other things, but I must now go where my heart leads me. Where shall I find you on my return? In the house of King Lisuarte, said Amadis, for there they tell me is chivalry more worthily maintained than in the house of any other king or emperor in the world; and I pray you commend me to your parents, for they as well as you may ever esteem me in their service for the education they gave me. This said, Agrayes took leave of the queen his aunt, and departed with his company. The king and Amadis conducted him through the city. As they were going out of the city gate, they met a damsel who took Perion's bridle, and said to him, King Perion, remember what thou wert told,-how, when thou didst recover thy loss, the kingdom of Ireland should lose its flower. See now if the damsel told thee true! for thou hast found thy son who was lost; and that brave King Abies is slain, who was the flower of Ireland. And now I tell thee, that never shall that country have his like, till the good brother of the Lady shall come, who shall proudly and violently make the tribute of other lands be brought there, and he shall die by the hands of him who must perish for the thing in the world that he loves best. This was Marhaus of Ireland, brother to the queen, whom Sir Trystram de Lyones slew on the quarrel of tribute demanded from King Mark of Cornwall, and Trystram himself was slain afterward because of Queen Isoude, who was the thing in the world that he loved best. And this, said the damsel, my mistress Urganda sends me to tell thee. Then, said Amadis,

*Galvanes sin tierra.

Damsel and my friend, say to her who sent you, that the knight to whom she gave the lance commendeth himself to her good grace, being now assured in the matter whereof then she spake, that with that lance I should deliver from death the house from whence I sprung, for I saved with it the king my father. So the damsel returned, and Agrayes went his way.

Then King Perion summoned a cortes, that all might see his son Amadis; and then were great rejoicings and pastimes made in honour of the lord whom God had given them, and many things were done in that cortes, and many and great gifts did the king bestow. And when Amadis heard how the giant had carried away his brother Galaor, he determined to seek him, and recover him by force of arms or otherwise. When the cortes was ended, he requested his father permission to go to Great Britain. Much did the king and queen labour to detain him, but it might not be by reason of the love he bare, which made him obedient to none but his lady. So he clad himself in armour like that which Abies had destroyed in the combat, and taking none with him but Gandalin set forth. They proceeded till they came to the sea, then entered a vessel, and sailed to a goodly city in Great Britain, which is called Bristol.* Here he learnt that King Lisuarte was at his town of Windsor,† whither he shaped his course; but far had he not gone when he met a damsel, who demanded of him if that were her ready way to Bristol, and if she could find shipping there for her speedy passage into Gaul. Whom seek you there? said he.-The good knight Amadis, who is the king's son, and has not long known his father. Greatly did Amadis marvel thereat, + Vindilisora.

* Brestoya.

and he asked her from whom she heard thereof. I know it, quoth she, from her to whom nothing is hidden, from Urganda the unknown, who now stands in such need of him, that by no other can she obtain what she desires. Thanks to God! replied Amadis, she who can assist all, now requires me to assist her. Let us go, for I am the man whom ye seek. And he forsook his road, and followed her.

CHAP. XII.-How Don Galaor was made a knight by Amadis of Gaul his brother.


EANTIME* had Galaor grown large-limbed and strong of body, and he read books which the old man gave him, discoursing of the old deeds which knights in arms had wrought, so that by this, as well as by nature, he became desirous to be knighted, nevertheless he knew not whether by right such honour appertained to him. Very earnestly he questioned thereon with the hermit; but he who knew that so soon as the Child received the order he should combat against the giant Albadan, would say to him in tears, My son, better were it for you to chuse some other way safer for your soul. Father, replied Galaor, badly should I follow that which I took against my will; and in this which I have chosen, by God's good pleasure I will advance his service; but without it I care not to live. The good man, who saw his grounded resolution, replied, Certes, if you fail not for yourself, you will not for your lineage, for you are son of a king and queen; but let not the

*This first paragraph is transposed from the middle of Chapter 6.



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