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pardon of sin, unites us to his glorious person, and lands us safe in heaven. "By grace are ye saved, through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God."

Friend, have you faith? Is your faith active and operative? Has it brought you out of the world, and away from self to Jesus? Has it obtained the pardon of your sins? Has it united you to the Lord Jesus? Do you surrender yourself to Christ to be saved by him, as the railway traveller surrenders himself to the carriage, &c., to be conveyed to his journey's end? Happy is the man who knows that he is converted to God, united to Christ, and travelling to heaven. He has arrived at the station in time, the train has taken him up, he glides along the prepared lines, he enjoys peace with God, he admires the provision made for his transit, he expects to arrive safe in Immanuel's land, and therefore, right cheerfully exclaims, "I



CHRISTIAN, I want a word or two with thee. Allow me to deal plainly, to come home to thy conscience. May the Holy Spirit speak through me to thy soul. Jesus has claims upon thee-strong claims; none have such claims as He. The claims of a father on his child, of a husband on his wife, are not to be compared to the claims that Jesus has upon you. Do you acknowledge those claims? Do you feel them ? Do you honour

them ? Consider

First, What Jesus has done for you. He loved you with an infinite, an eternal love. Out of pure love he engaged for you, and undertook to become your Saviour. In the council of old, He stood up as your friend; He became your surety; He offered to be your substitute; He pledged himself to become your sacrifice. O wondrous love of Jesus! He became man for you. He was divine; He vo

purpose to honour them at this moment: Do you? Consider now—

Secondly, What have you done for Jesus? Have you loved Him? Has yours been a hearty love. A love to His person, His word, His people. and His cause? Can you say, "I love Him because He first loved me ?" How have you shewn your love to Him? He humbled Himself to the lowest state; to an employment that was difficult, exhausting, and mean, for you; have you humbled yourself also for Him? He lived for you-have you lived for Him? He laboured for youhave you laboured for Him? He suffered for you-have you suffered for Him? Though He was rich, He parted with all, and became poor for you-have you parted with much for Him? He pleaded for you-have you pleaded for Him? gave Himself up to be, to do, to suffer, and to procure all that was necessary for your salvation and endless happinesshave you given yourself up to be His servant, to do His will, and to suffer in His cause, and to bring glory to His thrice blessed name? Have you, in one word,


been the firm, fast, faithful friend of JeHave you? Does conscience re

sus ?

ply," No,


have not."

How then do


you feel? What do you say? Are not the claims of Jesus upon you very great? May He not justly claim your time, your talents, your service, your property, your person, your all ? Does He not claim all, and require you to live, think, and act as His. Hear His word, Ye are not your own, ye are bought with a price, therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are His! Whether therefore ye eat or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God." Has this been the case with you? If not, ought you not to be exceedingly sorry; to confess your faults before God, and seek grace to help you in future to do so? This leads


Thirdly, to ask, What will you do for Jesus in future? You have a little time left you yet; a few opportunities to do good remain. Will you employ that time for Jesus? Will you embrace those opportunities to spread his fame? If you speak at all, surely you should speak of Jesus. If you can write at all, surely you should write of Jesus. If you have but one penny to spare, surely you should spend it in the cause of Jesus. Brethren,

the time is short, we were never so near the grave as now; let us therefore acknowledge the claims of Jesus, as we never did before. Let us be decided for His name, devoted to His cause, and active in His work. Let our property, our time, our talents, our all be consecrated to His service. Let us write upon all we can call our own, "Consecrated to the glory of Je





Let us speak more for Christ than

Let us write more for Christ than Let us give more to Christ than Let the future bear witness that our hearts are grieved that we have squandered so much of the past; and that we now live for Jesus, work for Jesus, and are willing to die for Jesus. Have we circulated the Scriptures-let us circulate more. Have we distributed tracts-let us distribute more. Have we endeavoured to bring sinners to Jesus-let us us strive to do so more and more. Have we prayed, pleaded, and agonized with God for the down-coming of the Holy Spirit, and a revival of religion in the church-let us continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving. Let us be hearty and earnest ourselves, and let us lovingly endea

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