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Col. iv. 2.

THE Christian prays as naturally as he breathes; for prayer is the breath of the regenerated soul. It is the effect of di vine teaching, and the proof of the presence of the Holy Spirit in the heart. If forbidden to pray, he would be wretched; if not assisted in prayer, he is depressed and feeble. He must pray, and yet he often feels it difficult to pray. He is tempted to omit it, to hurry it over, aud to undervalue it. Satan hates prayer, and tries in every possible way to discourage us in it. But the sinner must pray, or perish; and the believer must pray, or be wretched. But we do not pray; as we ought, with faith, fervour, and importunity; nor so much as we ought; for from press of business, carnality of mind, and the discouragements we meet with, we too often neglect to pray. Hence the

apostle exhorts, "Continue in prayer," not only begin to pray, but continue praying. Keep on, withdraw not the hand, let nothing silence you; but persevere in prayer. These words are especially applicable to three classes.

First, DISCOURAGED LABOURERS.Friend, art thou at work for God? Dost thou preach Christ's gospel? or teach young children, and try to lead them to Jesus? or distribute the little messengers of mercy? or speak, in thy poor way, as opportunity offers, in hope that God will bless a word from thee? And art thou discouraged, because no fruit appears, or because you see very little good result from your labours? You began in prayer, did you not? Your object has been the honour of your dear Saviour, and the good of immortal souls; has it not? Then yield not to discouragement; but "continue in prayer." You may have a late spring, but there will be a good harvest. Labour for God in vain, you cannot. Every suggestion that you may, comes from Satanr and you are to resist him. Pray, that you may pray more; that is, in prayer, seek the grace of prayer, and God will hear, the clouds will gather, the rain will fall, the

seed will grow, and a glorious harvest will reward thy toil. Therefore, my poor discouraged brother, my poor disheartened sister, lay to afresh. Up and at it anew. "Continue in prayer," and God will never disappoint you.

Secondly, TRIED BELIEVERS. Christians are very much tried.


trial seems to tread on the heels of another, like the messengers of Job. Nay, they seem at times to come in pairs, or two or three abreast. Tried in the soul, tried in the family, tried in the world, and, perhaps, tried in the church too.

This is


sharp work. Prayer has ascended to heaven. It has been repeated again and again. But no answer has been sent. The trial continues. Strength seems to fail. Hope reels to and fro. staggers. The tried one is tempted to give up. But no, no, my poor tried friend, never for one moment entertain the thought of giving up; but "continue in prayer." God has promised to hear, answer, and deliver thee, only he has not told thee when. He has not said whether he will come at cock-crowing, at midnight, or in the morning. Do you not remember that he did not come to his

disciples on the lake until the fourth watch of the night? You are in a hurry; but God sees no need to hurry. You are not out of his thoughts. He has registered, your prayer, and if you could see his book you would read the register, and perhaps, see written in the margin, "To be answered when faith has been well tried, patience has been sufficiently exercised, and sincerity thoroughly proved." Or, "To be answered just as the sun goes down." Yield not, then, to temptation, slack not thy hand, but wrestle as Jacob did, all night, unto the breaking of the day.

"The promise may be long delayed,
But never comes too late."

Thirdly, THE PERSECUTED CHRISTIAN. Persecution is not what it was once; but many are persecuted still. Many, many an honest labourer by his cruel master; many poor tradesman by his rich neighbour; many a godly servant by her proud and imperious mistress; many a consistent wife by her ignorant and carnal husband; many a christian child by its injudicious and worldly parents; many a protestant subject by popish magistrates, under unjust laws. My poor persecuted

brother, thou findest it hard work to suffer for Christ at times; however will. ing the spirit may be, the flesh is weak. Satan strangely harasses thee, misrepresents thy God, and perplexes thy soul. But hold on; if you suffer with Jesus now you shall reign with him by and bye. If you suffer for Christ, happy are you; for the spirit of glory and of God will rest upon you. "Continue in prayer," and more grace will be given you. Grace that will enable you to glory in your tribulations. Grace that will enable you to take joyfully the spoiling of your goods. Grace that will make you more than a conqueror. And deliverance will come in the rear of grace. He that supports you now, will emancipate you soon; sooner, perhaps, than you anticipate. Prayer will soothe your spirit, relieve your burdened mind, introduce you to the presence of your God, fortify you against temptation, and strengthen you with strength in your soul.

There are many reasons why we should continue in prayer; take three. First, because God requires it. He tells you, by the lips of Jesus, that you "ought always to pray, and not to faint." He directs


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