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to visit iniquity, 246.

[blocks in formation]

"requires obedience, 302.
"punishes disobedience, 303.
GOSPEL, its origin, 304.
"its gracious design, 305.
245." its distinctive terms, 306.

"to use men instrumentally, 247.
"to vindicate himself, 248.
GOD'S PURPOSES, best, 249.
"eternal and immutable, 250.
"universal and particular, 251.
"include moral evils, 252.
"include national election, 253.
"include individual election, 254.
"place election prior to faith, 255.
"include vessels of wrath, 256.
"include means and ends, 257.
66 encourage the use of means, 258.
66 nature and efficacy of, 259.
"extent of, 260.

66 supplies our wants, 261.
"upholds all creatures, 262.

66 preserves all, 263.

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governs the heart, 264.

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"its plan comprehensive, 307.
"its high standard of duty, 308.
"its fearful penalty, 309.
"its provisions, 576-585, 672.
Government moral, 302.
expedient and necessary, 311.
"demands qualified rulers, 312.
"includes duties for rulers, 313.
"includes duties for subjects, 314
"its penalty for crimes, 315, 316.
"its penalty for treason, 317.
"its wicked rulers injurious, 318.
"sometimes to be resisted, 319.
Grace of God, 233, 305, 586.

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opposed by sinners, 696
Gratitude exemplified, 320
Gravity required, 711.
Grief, divine, 230.

"of saints, 662.

Habit, see custom, 143.
Hands, laying on of, 399-400.
HAPPINESS sensual, 321.
"intellectual, 322.

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" of self-denial, 323.
"of holy obedience, 324.
"of loving God, 325.
"of trusting in God, 326.
' of a good conscience, 327.
of heaven, 328, 339, 672.
"of God, 215, 223.
HEART, voluntary, 329.
"sometimes divided, 330.
"has moral qualities, 331.
"its controlling influence, 332.
sincerity of demanded, 333.
"divine control of, 264.
Heathenism described, 359.
HEAVEN, a place, 334.
"its pure light, 335.
"its perfect holiness, 336.
"its everlasting rest, 337.
"its nearness to God, 338.
"its pure happiness, 339.
"its high rewards, 340, 672.
"its perpetuity, 341.
"its rewards, unmerited, 342.
HELL, a place of fire, 343.
"its dreadful misery, 573.
"its degradation, 574.
Heresies, see error, 176.
HOLINESS, value of, 344.
"of Gud, 229, 230.
"his divinity, 346.
"his official work, 347..
"sinning against, 348.
"judicial departure of, 349.

"promised believers, 350.

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outpouring of, 620.

agency of, 594-6.

Home, keeping at, 351.
Honesty required, 629.
"rewards of, 630.
"of saints, 659.

Honoring God required, 300.
HOPE IN GOD, 292-4, 352.
"full assurance of, 353.
HOSPITALITY, a duty, 354.
examples of, 355.
Humanity of Christ, 69.

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Human nature, untrusty, 170.
HUMILITY, nature of, 356.
"required and encouraged, 357.
Hypocrisy exemplified, 702.

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worldly, 742.

IGNORANCE, sin of, 363.
"of sinners, 707, 739.
Illumination of saints, 598.
Image worship forbidden, 361.
Immortality of the soul, 422.
Impartiality required, 629.
Imperfection of saints, 507.
Inability, moral, 166.
Inactivity reproved, 1.
Incarnation of Christ, 69.
Inconsideration reproved, 132.
Indolence reproved, 1, 358.
Industry required, 1.
"of Christ, 63.

Inexpediency of sin, 733.
Infidelity and Atheism, 22.
Ingratitude, 205.
"of sinners, 701.

Inspiration of Bible, 40.
Instability, 364.


"forbidden-penalty of, 366.

"liquor-sellers reproved, 367.
"wisdom of abstinence, 368.
"public men especially charged, 369
Intercession of Christ, 516.
"with expostulations, 371.

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sincerely made, 372.

"rejected by sinners, 373.
Irony, examples of, 374.
Jesus, see Christ, 56.
JEWS, numerous, 375.

"their territory, 376.
"their dispersion, 377.
"their return to Palestine, 378.
"obstacles removed, 379.
"enlarged possessions, 380.
"their future trials, 381.
"their conversion, 382.
Joy in God required, 296.
JUDGMENT, general, 383.
"its design, 384.
"its suddenness, 385.
"its final conflagration. 386.
"its final separations, 387.
"its final Judge, 388.

"its particular disclosures, 389.

"its final decisions, 390.
Judicial visitations, 349, 497.
Justice and equity required, 629.
"towards servants required, 679.
"of God, 232.
"vindicative, 236-7.
Justification by faith, 583.
Kindness required, 354, 610, 715.
Kingdom of Christ, 83.
KNOWLEDGE required, 391.
"benefits of, 392.

"essential to true love, 393.
"admits of certainty, 394.
"how attained, 395.

to be imparted, 396.
"of ourselves required, 397.
66 more perfect hereafter, 398.
"intuitive, 206, 420.

Laughter and mirth, 479.
Law of God, 280-287.

"in working miracles, 400.
"in giving charges, 401.
Levity, sinful, 479.

LEWDNESS, frequent, 402.
"deceitful and alluring, 403.
"sinful and forbidden, 404.

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guilt and condemnation of, 405.
LIBERALITY, duty of, 406.
"6 examples of, 407.

rewards of, 408.
Licentiousness, 402.
Light, sinning against, 309.
of nature, 207.

Long suffering of God, 227.
Lord's supper, 104.


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"to preach faithfully, 458.
"to be inoffensive, 459.

"to be fearless, 460.

"to point out sins, 461.
"to discriminate, 462.
"to pray for others, 463.


to be devoted to the calling, 464
Ministerial parity, 101.


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"demands prayer and sympathy, | Ordination of ministers, 450.

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very deceitful, 474.

"cruel and dangerous, 475.
"much sought after, 476.

66 to be avoided, 477.

"ruin themselves, and others, 478.
Miracles, prove the Bible, 43.

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happy result of faithfulness, 496

MIRTH AND LAUGHTER, 479. sad result of unfaithfulness, 497

MISSIONS appointed, 480.
"encouraged, 481.
MODESTY required, 482.
"in good works, 483.
"of Christ, 62.
Moral agency of God, 208.
"of mankind, 271.
Moral evils controlled, 267.
66 government, 302-3.



inability, 166.

necessity, 271.

Murmurs of sinners, 700.
Mystery of Christ and gospel, 81.
"of Providence, 275.
Names of Christ, 74.
"of ministers, 454.
"of saints and sinners, 646.
"of angels apostate, 14.



promises to the good, 485.
"threats to the bad, 486.
Natural ability, 600, 601, 421.
Necessity, moral, 271.

Neutrality, a mere pretence, 487.
Oaths of confirmation, 720.
Obedience of Christ, 57.

"to God, evidence of piety, 602.

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our title to pardon and life, 302
"of children to parents, 53.

to magistrates enjoined, 313.
Objections against God, 272.
Objectors reproved, 273.
Obligation denied, 705.
Offence to be avoided, 459.
Opposition to God, 740.
"to Christ, 85, 86.
"to ministers, 467.
"to saints, 511, 740.


"effects of, 489.


displeasing to God, 490.

"infatuates oppressors, 491.

"threats against, 523.

O linances of the gospel, 104-7.

Partiality forbidden, 526.
PATIENCE required, 498.
"of Christ, 62.

PEACE required, 499.
"in believing, 666.
"with God, 582.
Peace-makers, (false,) 500.
"of the gospel, 309.

"of civil laws, 315, 316.
"of disobeying parents, 494.
PERFECTION, duty of, 501.
"pledged in covenants, 502.
"of saints, 503-4.
"of true love, 505.
"millennial, 506.

"inconstancy of, in saints, 507.
"united with trials, 508-9.
"in pretence, 510.
"of Christ, 68.

"of faithful ministers, 467.
"followed by a triumph, 512.
Persecutors humbled, 513.
"divinely promised, 515.
'prayed for by Christ, 516.
"sealed by the Spirit, 517.
Piety, evidence of, 602.
"in early life, 55.


Pity, divine, to the poor, 522.
Pleasures, sensual, 675.
"mirthful, 479.

Politeness and courtesy, 135.
Polygamy forbidden, 426.
Poor, see poverty, 521.
POPERY predicted, 518.
"false claim of, 519.
"fearful end of, 520.

Popular favor from God, 266
"bestowed upon Christ, 67.
POVERTY, its evils, 521.
"excites God's pity, 522.

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oppression of, forbidden, 523.

"to perseverance, 514.
"to prayer, 545.
"to repentance, 607.
"to reprovers, 610.


to righteousness, 630.

"to sabbath keeping, 642.

"to searching the Bible, 48.


to self-denial, 674.

"to sympathy with the oppressed

"united with grace, 524.
"will triumph over tyrants, 525.
"calls for present aid, 526.
" relieving it encouraged, 527.
"with devout feelings, 529.
PRAYER, important, 530.
"in secret, required, 531.
"mental, exemplified, 532.
"verbal and audible required, 533.
"with love to God, 534.
"with faith in God, 535.
"with submission to God, 536.
"with humble confession, 537.
"with a supreme regard for God, 538."
"with forgiveness, 539.
"with perseverance, 540.
"in Christ's name, 541.
"with godly sincerity, 542.
"with devout sympathy, 543.
แ postures in, 544.

efficacy of, 545.

"of sinners, not heard, 546.
"neglected by sinners, 547.
"neglect of, threatened, 548.
Prayerfulness of Christ, 64.
"of saints, 665.

PREACHING, by Christ, 65.
"faithfully, 458.

[ocr errors]

primitive mode of, 452.

"the primary means of grace, 430.
"success of, 468-9.
Prejudice forbidden, 526.
Presumption of sinners, 710.
PRIDE, common, 549.
"offensive to God, 550.

"tends to a fall, 551.

"of sinners, 696.


"limited to this life, 553.
"includes dangers eternal, 554.
"determines our final state, 555.
"its awards accord with deeds,
Procrastination, 710, 727.
Prodigality forbidden, 180.


to trust in God, 293.

"to using means, 431.



to bind Satan, 440.

to convert the Jews, 382.

to keep saints from final ruin, 515
"to aid them under temptation, 725
to raise saints above angels, 672.
"to the persecuted, 512.


Prophecy confirms the Bible, 44
Prosperity of the wicked. 565.
corrupting and dangerous, 625
Providence of God, 259-271.
Provisions of the gospel, 576-585.
Prudence required, 172.
Public worship, 745.

"deserved by sinners, 557.
"the prerogative of God, 558.
"consistent with love, 559.
"heaven lost, 560.
"banishment to hell, 561.
unpardonable sin, 562.
"the second death, 563.
"death in impenitence, 564.
" evinced by prosperity, 565.
"evinced by temporal judgments

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approved by the righteous, 571.
"cries for relief unavailing, 572.

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Profanity forbidden, 718.

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sources of, 573.

degradation of, 574.

Punishment capital, 315.

Purposes of God, 249-258.

Railing forbidden, 729, 730.

Reason, power of, 421.

Rebuke of sin, 66, 461, 610.
Reconciliation by Christ, 582.
to God, 306.

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REDEMPTION, covenant 575.

"requires atonement, 576.

through Christ's death, 577.

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