Tit. I am not mad; I know thee well enough: Witness this wretched stump, witness these crimson lines; Witness these trenches made by grief and care; I am Revenge; sent from the infernal kingdom, 30 Can couch for fear, but I will find them out; Tit. Do me some service, ere I come to thee. Lo, by thy side where Rape and Murder stands; Now give some surance that thou art Revenge, Stab them, or tear them on thy chariot-wheels; And then I'll come and be thy waggoner, And whirl along with thee about the globe. Provide thee two proper palfreys, black as jet, 50 To hale thy vengeful waggon swift away, And find out murderers in their guilty caves: And when thy car is loaden with their heads, I will dismount, and by the waggon-wheel Trot, like a servile footman, all day long, Even from Hyperion's rising in the east Until his very downfall in the sea: And day by day I'll do this heavy task, So thou destroy Rapine and Murder there. Tam. These are my ministers, and come with me. Tit. Are these thy ministers? what are they call'd? Tam. Rapine and Murder; therefore called so, Cause they take vengeance of such kind of men. Tit. Good Lord, how like the empress' sons they are! And you, the empress! but we worldly men 71 And, being credulous in this mad thought, Tit. Long have I been forlorn, and all for thee: 81 Welcome, dread Fury, to my woful house : 90 For up and down she doth resemble thee: pray thee, do on them some violent death; They have been violent to me and mine. Tam. Well hast thou lesson'd us; this shall we do. But would it please thee, good Andronicus, 120 Go, gentle Marcus, to thy nephew Lucius; Tam. Now will I hence about thy business, And take my ministers along with me. Tit. Nay, nay, let Rape and Murder stay with me; Or else I'll call my brother back again, What would you say, if I should let you speak? Tam. [Aside to her sons] What say you, boys? You know your mother means to feast with me, will you bide with him, Whiles I go tell my lord the emperor Yield to his humour, smooth and speak him fair, 141 Tit. [Aside] I know them all, though they suppose me mad, And will o'erreach them in their own devices: Tam. Farewell, Andronicus: Revenge now goes To lay a complot to betray thy foes. Tit. I know thou dost; and, sweet Revenge, farewell. [Exit Tamora. Chi. Tell us, old man, how shall we be employ'd? Tit. Tut, I have work enough for you to do. Publius, come hither, Caius, and Valentine! 151 Enter PUBLIUS and others. Pub. What is your will? Pub. The empress' sons, I take them, Chiron and Demetrius. Tit. Fie, Publius, fie! thou art too much deceived; The one is Murder, Rape is the other's name; [Publius, &c. lay hold on Chiron and Chi. Villains, forbear! we are the empress' And calls herself Revenge, and thinks me mad: 200 SCENE III. Court of Titus's house. A banquet set out. Enter LUCIUS, MARCUS, and Goths, with Luc. Uncle Marcus, since it is my father's mind That I repair to Rome, I am content. First Goth. And ours with thine, befall what fortune will. Luc. Good uncle, take you in this barbarous This ravenous tiger, this accursed devil; ΙΟ Aar. Some devil whisper curses in mine ear, And prompt me, that my tongue may utter forth The venomous malice of my swelling heart! Luc. Away, inhuman dog! unhallow'd slave! Sirs, help our uncle to convey him in. [Exeunt Goths, with Aaron. Flourish within. The trumpets show the emperor is at hand. Please you, therefore, draw nigh, and take your Scatter'd by winds and high tempestuous gusts, places. Sat. Marcus, we will. [Hautboys sound. The Company sit down at table. Enter TITUS dressed like a Cook, LAVINIA veiled, young LUCIUS, and others. TITUS places the dishes on the table. Tit. Welcome, my gracious lord; welcome, dread queen; Welcome, ye warlike Goths; welcome, Lucius; nicus. Tit. An if your highness knew my heart, you were. My lord the emperor, resolve me this: Tit. Your reason, mighty lord? 40 Sat. Because the girl should not survive her shame, And by her presence still renew his sorrows. Tit. A reason mighty, strong, and effectual; A pattern, precedent, and lively warrant, For me, most wretched, to perform the like. Die, die, Lavinia, and thy shame with thee; [Kills Lavinia. And, with thy shame, thy father's sorrow die! Sat. What hast thou done, unnatural and unkind? Tit. Kill'd her, for whom my tears have made me blind. I am as woful as Virginius was, And have a thousand times more cause than he To do this outrage: and it now is done. 50 Sat. What, was she ravish'd? tell who did the deed. Tit. Will't please you eat? will't please your highness feed? Tam. Why hast thou slain thine only daughter thus? Tit. Not I; 'twas Chiron and Demetrius: They ravish'd her, and cut away her tongue; And they, 'twas they, that did her all this wrong. Sat. Go fetch them hither to us presently. Tit. Why, there they are both, baked in that pie; 60 Whereof their mother daintily hath fed, Eating the flesh that she herself hath bred. 'Tis true, 'tis true; witness my knife's sharp point. [Kills Tamora. Sat. Die, frantic wretch, for this accursed deed! [Kills Titus. Luc. Can the son's eye behold his father bleed? There's meed for meed, death for a deadly deed! [Kills Saturninus. A great tumult. Lucius, Marcus, and others go up into the balcony. Marc. You sad-faced men, people and sons of Rome, By uproar sever'd, like a flight of fowl 70 O, let me teach you how to knit again 80 When with his solemn tongue he did discourse 90 But floods of tears will drown my oratory, 99 The gates shut on me, and turn'd weeping out, 120 [Pointing to the Child in the arms of an Attendant. Of this was Tamora delivered; The issue of an irreligious Moor, Chief architect and plotter of these woes: The villain is alive in Titus' house, And as he is, to witness this is true. Now judge what cause had Titus to revenge These wrongs, unspeakable, past patience, Or more than any living man could bear. Now you have heard the truth, what say you, Romans? Have we done aught amiss,-show us wherein, And, from the place where you behold us now, The poor remainder of Andronici 131 Will, hand in hand, all headlong cast us down, And on the ragged stones beat forth our brains, Emil. Come, come, thou reverend man of 140 And bring our emperor gently in thy hand, And hither hale that misbelieving Moor, 150 Marc. Tear for tear, and loving kiss for kiss, Thy brother Marcus tenders on thy lips: O, were the sum of these that I should pay Countless and infinite, yet would I pay them! Luc. Come hither, boy; come, come, and learn of us 160 Tomelt in showers: thy grandsire loved thee well: Many a time he danced thee on his knee, Sung thee asleep, his loving breast thy pillow; Many a matter hath he told to thee, Meet and agreeing with thine infancy; In that respect, then, like a loving child, Shed yet some small drops from thy tender spring, Because kind nature doth require it so: Friends should associate friends in grief and woe: Would I were dead, so you did live again! Re-enter Attendants with AAKON. Em. You sad Andronici, have done with woes: Give sentence on this execrable wretch, That hath been breeder of these dire events. Luc. Set him breast-deep in earth, and famish him; 179 There let him stand, and rave, and cry for food: I am no baby, I, that with base prayers 190 Luc. Some loving friends convey the emperor hence, And give him burial in his father's grave: prey: 200 PROLOGUE. Two households, both alike in dignity, A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life; Do with their death bury their parents' strife. The fearful passage of their death-mark'd love, And the continuance of their parents' rage, 10 Which, but their children's end, nought could remove, Is now the two hours' traffic of our stage; The which if you with patient ears attend, What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend. ACT I. SCENE I. Verona. A public place. Enter SAMPSON and GREGORY, of the house of Capulet, armed with swords and bucklers. Sam. Gregory, o' my word, we'll not carry coals. Gre. No, for then we should be colliers. Sam. I strike quickly, being moved. PETER, servant to Juliet's nurse. ABRAHAM, servant to Montague. An Apothecary. Three Musicians. Page to Paris; another Page; an Officer. LADY MONTAGUE, wife to Montague Citizens of Verona; several Men and Women, relations to both houses; Maskers, Guards, Watchmen, and Attendants. Chorus. SCENE: Verona: Mantua. Gre. That shows thee a weak slave; for the weakest goes to the wall. Sam. True; and therefore women, being the weaker vessels, are ever thrust to the wall: therefore I will push Montague's men from the wall, and thrust his maids to the wall. Gre. The quarrel is between our masters and us their men. Sam. 'Tis all one, I will show myself a tyrant when I have fought with the men, I will be cruel with the maids, and cut off their heads, 29 Gre. The heads of the maids? Sam. Ay, the heads of the maids, or their maidenheads; take it in what sense thou wilt. Gre. They must take it in sense that feel it. Sam. Me they shall feel while I am able to stand and 'tis known I am a pretty piece of flesh. Gre. 'Tis well thou art not fish; if thou hadst, thou hadst been poor John. Draw thy tool; here comes two of the house of the Montagues. Sam. My naked weapon is out: quarrel, I will back thee. 40 Sam. Let us take the law of our sides; let them begin. Gre. I will frown as I pass by, and let them take it as they list. Sam. Nay, as they dare. I will bite my thumb at them; which is a disgrace to them, if they bear it. Enter ABRAHAM and Balthasar. Abr. Do you bite your thumb at us, sir? Sam. I do bite my thumb, sir. 50 Abr. Do you bite your thumb at us, sir? Sam. [Aside to Gre.] Is the law of our side, if I say ay? |