If that the world and love were young, And truth in every shepherd's tongue, These pretty pleasures might me move To live with thee and be thy love.
That which with scorn she put away.
What though she strive to try her strength, And ban and brawl, and say thee nay, Her feeble force will yield at length, When craft hath taught her thus to say, 'Had women been so strong as men, In faith, you had not had it then.'
And to her will frame all thy ways; Spare not to spend, and chiefly there Where thy desert may merit praise, By ringing in thy lady's ear:
The strongest castle, tower, and town, The golden bullet beats it down.
Serve always with assured trust, And in thy suit be humble true; Unless thy lady prove unjust, Press never thou to choose anew:
When time shall serve, be thou not slack To proffer, though she put thee back.
The wiles and guiles that women work, Dissembled with an outward show, The tricks and toys that in them lurk, The cock that treads them shall not know. Have you not heard it said full oft,
A woman's nay doth stand for nought?
+Think women still to strive with men, To sin and never for to saint: There is no heaven, by holy then, When time with age doth them attaint. Were kisses all the joys in bed, One woman would another wed.
But, soft! enough, too much, I fear; Lest that my mistress hear my song, She will not stick to round me i' the ear, To teach my tongue to be so long: Yet will she blush, here be it said, To hear her secrets so bewray'd.
Live with me, and be my love, And we will all the pleasures prove That hills and valleys, dales and fields, And all the craggy mountains yields.
Lean'd her breast up-till a thorn,
And there sung the dolefull'st ditty, That to hear it was great pity: 'Fie, fie, fie,' now would she cry; 'Tereu, tereu!' by and by; That to hear her so complain, Scarce I could from tears refrain; For her griefs, so lively shown, Made me think upon mine own.
Ah, thought I, thou mourn'st in vain! None takes pity on thy pain:
Senseless trees they cannot hear thee; Ruthless beasts they will not cheer thee: King Pandion he is dead;
All thy friends are lapp'd in lead;
All thy fellow birds do sing,
Careless of thy sorrowing.
Even so, poor bird, like thee, None alive will pity me.
Whilst as fickle Fortune smiled, Thou and I were both beguiled.
Every one that flatters thee Is no friend in misery.
Words are easy, like the wind;
Faithful friends are hard to find: Every man will be thy friend
Whilst thou hast wherewith to spend ; But if store of crowns be scant, No man will supply thy want.
If that one be prodigal, Bountiful they will him call, And with such-like flattering, 'Pity but he were a king;'
If he be addict to vice, Quickly him they will entice; If to women he be bent, They have at commandement: But if Fortune once do frown, Then farewell his great renown; They that fawn'd on him before Use his company no more.
He that is thy friend indeed, He will help thee in thy need: If thou sorrow, he will weep; If thou wake, he cannot sleep; Thus of every grief in heart He with thee doth bear a part. These are certain signs to know Faithful friend from flattering foe.
LET the bird of loudest lay, On the sole Arabian tree, Herald sad and trumpet be,
To whose sound chaste wings obey.
But thou shrieking harbinger, Foul precurrer of the fiend, Augur of the fever's end,
To this troop come thou not near!
From this session interdict Every fowl of tyrant wing, Save the eagle, feather'd king: Keep the obsequy so strict.
Let the priest in surplice white, That defunctive music can, Be the death-divining swan, Lest the requiem lack his right.
With the breath thou givest and takest,
Beauty, truth, and rarity, Grace in all simplicity,
Here enclosed in cinders lie.
Death is now the phoenix' nest; And the turtle's loyal breast To eternity doth rest,
Leaving no posterity: 'Twas not their infirmity, It was married chastity.
Truth may seem, but cannot be; Beauty brag, but 'tis not she; Truth and beauty buried be.
To this urn let those repair
That are either true or fair;
For these dead birds sigh a prayer.
ABATE, v.t. to shorten. M. N's Dr. III 2. To cast down. Cor. III. 3. To blunt. R. III. v. 4. Abatement, sb. diminution. Lear, 1. 4. Abide, v.i. to sojourn. Wint. Tale, iv. 3. v.t. to expiate (a corruption of 'Aby'). J. Č. III. 1; Ibid. III. 2.
Able, v.t. to uphold. Lear, Iv. 6. Abridgement, sb. a short play. Ham. 11. 2. Abrook, v. t. to brook, abide. 2 H. VI. 11. 4. Absey-Book, sb. a primer. John, I. I. Absolute, adj. positive, certain. Cym. iv. Ham. v. 2. Complete. Temp. I. 2. Abuse, v.t. to deceive. Lear, IV. 7. Abuse, sb. deception. M. for M. v. 1.
Aby, v.t. to expiate a fault. M. N's Dr. III. 2. Abysm, sb. abyss. Temp. 1. 2.
Accite, v.t. to cite, summon. 2 H. IV. v. 2. Accuse, sb. accusation. 2 H. VI. III. 1. Achieve, v. to obtain. H. V. IV. 3. Acknown,p.p.' to be acknown' is to acknowledge. Oth. III. 3.
Acquittance, sb. a receipt or discharge. Ham. IV. 2. Action-taking, adj. litigious. Lear, II. 2. Acture, sb. action. Lover's Com. 185. Addition, sb. title, attribute. All's Well, 11. 3; T. & Cr. I. 2.
Address, v.r. to prepare oneself. 2 H. VI. v. 2; Ham. I. 2.
Addressed, part. prepared. L's L's L. II. I. Advance, v.t. to prefer, promote to honour. Tim. I. 2.
Advertisement, sb. admonition. Much Ado, &c.
Advertising, pr. p. attentive. M. for M. v. 1. Advice, sb. consideration, discretion. Two Gent. II. 4; M. for M. v. 1.
Advise, v. sometimes neuter, sometimes reflective, to consider, reflect. Tw. N. IV. 2. Advised, p.p. considerate. Com. of E. v. 1. Advocation, sb. pleading, advocacy. Oth. III. 4. Afeard, adj. afraid. Merry Wives, III. 4. Affect, v.t. to love. Merry Wives, II. 1. Affeered, p. p. assessed, confirmed. Mac. iv. 3. Afront, adv. in front. 1 H. IV. II. 4.
Affy, v.t. to affiance. 2 H. VI. iv. 1. To trust.
Agazed, p.p. looking in amazement. 1 H. VI. 1. I. Aglet-baby, sb. the small figure engraved on a jewel. Tam. of S. 1. 2.
Agnise, v.t. to acknowledge, confess. Otn. 1. 3. A-good, adv. a good deal, plenteously. Two Gent.
A-hold, adj. a sea-term. Temp. I. 1. Aiery, so. the nest of a bird of prey. R. III. 1. 3. Aim, sb. a guess. Two Gént. III. I. Alder-liefest, adj. most loved of all. 2 H. VI. 1. 1. Ale, sb. alehouse. Two Gent. II. 5. Allow, v. to approve. Tw. N. 1. 2. Allowance, so. approval. Cor. III. 2. Ames-ace, sb. two aces, the lowest throw of the dice. All's Well, II. 3.
Amort, adj. dead, dejected. Tam. of S. IV. 3. An, conj. if. Much Ado, I. 1.
Appeared, p. p. made apparent. Cor. IV. 3.
Apple-John, sb. a kind of apple. 1 Hen. IV. III. 3. Appointment, so, preparation. M. for M. III. 1. Apprehension, sb. opinion. Much Ado, III. 4. Apprehensive, adj. apt to apprehend or under- stand. J. C. III. 1.
Approbation, sb. probation. Cym. 1. 5. Approof, sb. approbation, proof. All's Well, 1. 2; Temp. 11. 5.
Approve, v.t. to prove. R. II. 1. 3. To justify, make good. Lear, II. 4.
Approver, sb. one who proves or tries. Cym. 11. 4. Arch, sb. chief. Lear, II. 1.
Argal, a ridiculous word intended for the Latin ergo. Ham. v. 1.
Argentine, adj. silver. Per. v. 2. Argier, sb. Algiers. Temp. 1. 2.
Argosy, sb. originally a vessel of Ragusa or Ragosa, a Ragosine; hence any ship of burden. M. of V. I. I.
Argument, so. subject. Much Ado, II. 3. Armigero, a mistake for Armiger, the Latin for Esquire. Merry Wives, 1. 1.
Aroint, v.r. found only in the imperat. mood, get thee gone. Mac. I. 3; Lear, III. 4. A-row, adv. in a row, Com. of E. v. I. Articulate, v.i. to enter into articles of agreement. Cor. 1. 9. v.t. to exhibit in articles. 1 H. IV. v. I.
Ask, v.t. to require. 2 H. VI. 1. 2. Aspect, sb. regard, looks. A. & C. 1. 5. Aspersion, sb. sprinkling; hence blessing, because before the Reformation benediction was gene- rally accompanied by the sprinkling of holy water. Temp. III. 3.
Assay, sb. attempt. M. for M. III. 1. Assay, v. t. to attempt, test, make proof of. Merry Wives, II. I.
Assinego, sb. an ass. T. & Cr. II. I. Assubjugate, v.t. to subjugate. T. & Cr. II. 3. Assurance, sb. deed of assurance. Tam. of S. IV. 2. Assured, p.p. betrothed. Com. of E. III. 2. Atomy, sb. an atom. As you Like it, III. 2. Used in contempt of a small person. 2 H. IV. v. 4. Atone, v.t. to put people at one, to reconcile. R. II. I. I. v.i. to agree. Cor. iv. 6. Attach, v.t. to seize, lay hold on. Temp. III. 3; Com. of E. IV. I.
Attasked, pp. taken to task, reprehended. Lear,
Attend, v.t. to listen to. Temp. I. 2; M. of V. Be-moiled, .p. daubed with dirt. Tam. of S.
Attent, adj. attentive. Ham. I. 2. Attorney, sb. an agent. R. III. IV. 4. Attorney, v. t. to employ as an agent. M. for M. V. I. To perform by an agent. Wint. Tale, I. I. Audacious, adj. spirited, daring, but without any note of blame attached to it. L's L's L. v. I. Augur, sb. augury. Mac. 111. 4.
Authentic, adj. clothed with authority. Merry Wives, II. 2.
Avaunt, int. be gone, a word of abhorrence. Com. of E. IV. 3.
Ave, int. the Latin for hail; hence acclamation. M. for M. I. I.
Ave-Mary, so. the angelic salutation addressed to the B. Virgin Mary. 2 H. VI. 1. 3. Averring, pr. p. confirming. Cym. v. 5. Awful, adj. worshipful. Two Gent. IV. 1. Awkward, adj. contrary. 2 H. VI. 111. 2.
Baccare, int. keep back. Tam. of S. II. 1. Backward, so. the hinder part; hence, when applied to time, the past. Temp. I. 2.
Balked, pp. heaped, as on a ridge. 1 H. IV. 1. 1. Ballow, sb. a cudgel. Lear, IV. 6.
Balm, sb. the oil of consecration. R. II. IV. 1; 3 H. VI. III. I.
Ban, v.t. to curse. Lucr. 1460.
Bank, v. t. to sail by the banks. John, v. 2. Barm, sb. yeast. M. N's Dr. II. I. Barn, sb. a child. 1 H. IV. 11. 3.
Barnacle, so. a shell-fish, supposed to produce the sea-bird of the same name. Temp. IV. 1. Base, sb. a game, sometimes called Prisoners' base. Cym. v. 3.
Bases, sb. an embroidered mantle worn by knights on horseback, and reaching from the middle to below the knees. Per. II. I. Basilisk, sb. a kind of ordnance. 1 H. IV. iv. 3. Basta, int. (Italian) enough. Tam. of S. I. I. Bastard, sb. raisin wine. M. for M. II. 2. Bat-fowling, part. catching birds with a clap-net by night. Temp. II. 1.
Bate, v.i. to flutter, as a hawk. 1 H. IV. IV. 1. Bate, v. t. to except. Temp. II. 1. To abate. Much Ado, II. 3.
Batlet, sb. a small bat, used for beating clothes. As you Like it, II. 4.
Battle, sb. army. 1 H. IV. IV. I.
Bavin, sb. used as an adj. a piece of waste wood, applied contemptuously to anything worthless. IH. IV. III. 2.
Bawcock, so. a fine fellow. Tw. N. III. 4. Bay, sb. the space between the main timbers of the roof. M. for M. II. 1.
Beadsman, sb. one who bids bedes, that is, prays prayers for another. Two Gent. I. I. Bearing-cloth, sb. a rich cloth in which children were wrapt at their christening. Wint. Tale,
Bending, pr. p. stooping under a weight. H. V. v. Chorus.
Benvenuto, sb. (Italian), welcome. L's L's L. IV.2. Bergomask, adj. a rustic dance. M. N's Dr. v. I. Beshrew, int. evil befal. Com. of E. II. I. Bestraught, p.p. distraught, distracted. Induct. to Tam. of S.
Beteem, v. t. to pour out. M. N's Dr. 1. 1. Betid, pp. happened. Temp. I. 2. Bezonian, so. a beggarly fellow. 2 H. IV. v. 3. Biding, sb. abiding-place. Lear, iv. 6. Biggen, sb. a night-cap. 2 H. IV. iv. 5. Bilberry, sb. the whortleberry. Merry Wives, v. 5. Bilbo, so. a sword, from Bilboa, a town in Spain where they were made. Merry Wives, 1. 1. Bilboes, sb. fetters or stocks. Ham. v. 2. Bill, sb. a bill-hook, a weapon. Much Ado, III. 3. Bin= been, are. Cym. 11. 3.
Bird-bolt, sb. a bolt to be shot from a crossbow at birds. Much Ado, I. 1.
Birding, part. hawking at partridges. Merry Wives, III. 3.
Bisson, adj. blind. Cor. II. 1.
Blank, sb. the white mark in the middle of a target; hence, metaphorically, that which is aimed at. Wint. Tale, II. 3.
Blench, v.i. to start aside, flinch. M. for M. iv. 5. Blent, p.p. blended. M. of V. III. 2.
Blood-boltered, part. smeared with blood. Mac.
Blow, v.t. to inflate. Tw. N. II. 5. Board, v.t. to accost. Tam. of S. 1. 2. Bob, sb. a blow, metaph. a sarcasm. As you Like it, II. 7.
Bob, v.t. to strike, metaph. to ridicule, or to obtain by raillery. T. & Cr. III. 1; Oth. v. 1. Bodge, v. to botch, bungle. 3 H. VI. 1. 4. Bodikin, sb. a corrupt word used as an oath.
'Od's Bodikin, God's little Body. Ham. II. 2. Boitier vert (French), green box. Merry Wives,
Bold, v.t. to embolden. Lear, v. 1. Bollen, adj. swollen. Lucr. 1417. Bolter, sb. a sieve. 1 H. IV. III. 3. Bolted, p.p. sifted, refined. H. V. 11. 2. Bolting-hutch, sb. a hutch in which meal was sifted. I H. IV. II. 4.
Bombard, sb. a barrel, a drunkard. Temp. II. 2. Bombast, sb. padding. L's L's L. v. 2. Bona-roba, sb. a harlot. 2 H. IV. 111. 2. Bond, sb. that to which one is bound. Lear, 1. 1. Book, so. a paper of conditions. 1 H. IV. 111. 1. Boot, sb. help, use. Tam. of S. v. 2.
Boot, v.t. to help, to avail. Two Gent. 1. 1. Bootless, adj. without boot or advantage, useless. Temp. 1. 2.
Boots, sb. bots, a kind of worm. Two Gent. 1. 1. Bore, sb. calibre of a gun; hence, metaph. size, weight, importance. Ham. iv. 6.
Bosky, adj. covered with underwood. Temp.
Brach, sb. a hound bitch. Induc. to Tam. of S. Braid, adj. deceitful. All's Well, iv. 2. Brave, adj. handsome, well-dressed. Temp. 1. 2. Brave, sb. boast. John, v. 2.
Bravery, sb. finery. Tam. of S. IV. 3. Boastfulness. Ham. v. 2.
Brawl, sb. a kind of dance. L's L's L. III. 1. Breed-bate, sb. a breeder of debate, a fomenter of quarrels. Merry Wives, I. 4. Breast, sb. voice. Tw. N. 11. 3.
Breathe, v.t. to exercise. All's Well, 11. 3. Breathing, pr. p. exercising. Ham. v. 2. Breeching, adj. liable to be whipt. Tam. of S. III. I. Breese, sb. the gadfly. A. & C. III. 8. Bribe-buck, so. a buck given away in presents. Merry Wives, V. 5.
Bring, v. t. to attend one on a journey. M. for M. 1. 1. Brock, sb. a badger, a term of contempt. Tw. N.
Broke, v.i. to act as a procurer. All's Well, 111. 5. Broken, p. p. having lost some teeth by age. All's Well, II. 3.
Broken music, the music of stringed instruments. T. & Cr. III. I.
Broker, sb. an agent. Two Gent. I. 2.
Brotherhood, sb. trading company. T. & Cr. I. 3. Brownist, sb. a sectary, a follower of Brown, the founder of the Independents. Tw. N. 11. 2. Bruit, sb. noise, report, rumour. 3 H. VI. IV. 7. Bruit, vt. to noise abroad. Mac. v. 7. Brush, sb. rude assault. 2 H. VI. v. 3; Tim. IV. 3. Buck, so. suds or lye for washing clothes in. Merry Wives, III. 3; 2 H. VI. iv. 2.
Buck-basket, sb. the basket in which clothes are carried to the wash. Merry Wives, III. 5. Bucking, sh. washing. Merry Wives, III. 3. Buck-washing, so. washing in lye. Merry Wives,
Burgonet, sb. a kind of helmet. 2 H. VI. v. I. Burst, v.t. to break. Ind. to Tam. of S. Busky, adj. bushy. 1 H. IV. v. 1.
Canakin, sb. a little can. Oth. 11. 3. Canker, sb. a caterpillar. Two Gent. 1. I. dog-rose. Much Ado, 1. 3.
Canstick, sb. a candlestick. 1 Hen. IV. III. I. Cantle, sb. a slice, corner. 1 H. IV. III. 1. Canton, sb. a canto. Tw. N. 1. 5. Canvas, v. t. to sift; hence, metaphorically, to prove. 2 H. IV. II. 4.
Capable, adj. subject to. John, III. 1. Intelligent. 'T. & Cr. III. 3. Capable of inheriting. Lear, II. 1. Ample, capacious. Oth. III. 3. Capitulate, v.i. make head. 1 H. IV. III. 2. Capocchia, sb. a simpleton. T. & Cr. IV. 2. Capricio, so. (Italian) caprice. All's Well, 11. 3. Capricious, adj. lascivious. As you Like it, III. 3. Captious, adj. capacious. All's Well, 1. 3. Carack, so. a large ship of burden. Com. of E. III. 2. Carbonado, sb. meat scotched for broiling. 1 H. IV. v. 3.
Carbonado, v. t. to scotch for broiling. Lear, II. 2. Card, sb. the paper on which the points of the compass are marked under the mariner's needle. Ham. V. I.
Careire, sb. the curvetting of a horse. Merry Wives, I. I.
Carkanet, sb. a necklace. Com. of E. III. I. Carl, sb. a churl. Cym. v. 2.
Carlot, sb. a churl. As you Like it, 11. 5. Castilian, sb. a native of Castile; used as a cant term. Merry Wives, II. 3.
Castiliano vulgo, a cant term, meaning, appa- rently, to use discreet language. Tw. N. 1. 3. Cataian, adj. a native of Cathay, a cant word. Tw. N. II. 3.
Catling, sb. cat-gut. T. & Cr. III. 3. Cavalero, sb. a cavalier, gentleman. 2 H. IV. v. 3. Caviare, sb. the roe of sturgeon pickled; metaph. a delicacy not appreciated by the vulgar. Ham.
Cautel, sb. deceit. Ham. 1. 3. Cautelous, adj. insidious. Cor. IV. 1. Cease, sb. decease. Ham. 111. 3.
Cease, p. p. put off, made to cease. Tim. II. I. Censure, sb. judgement. 1 H. VI. 11. 3. Censure, v.t. to judge, criticise. Two Gent. I. 2.
Butt-shaft, sb. a light arrow for shooting at a butt. Century, sb. a hundred of any thing, whether men, L's L's L. 1. 2.
Buxom, adj. obedient. H. V. III. 6.
By'rlakin, int. by our little Lady: an oath. M. N's Dr. III. I.
Caddis, sb. worsted galloon, so called because it resembles the caddis-worm. Wint. Tale, IV. 3. Cade, sb. a cask or barrel. 2 H. VI. IV. 2. Cage, sb. a prison. Cym. III. 3. Cain-coloured, adj. red (applied to hair). Merry Wives, I. 4.
Caitiff, sb. a captive, a slave; hence, a witch. All's Well, III. 2.
Calculate, vt. prophesy. J. C. 1. 3. Caliver, sb. a hand-gun. I H. IV. IV. 2. Callet, sb. a trull. Oth. iv. 2.
Calling, so. appellation. As you Like it, 1. 2. Calm, sb. qualm. 2 H. IV. 11. 4.
Can, v.t. to know, be skilful in. Ham. iv. 7. Canary, sb. a wine brought from the Canary Islands. Merry Wives, III. 2.
Candle-wasters, sb. persons who sit up all night to drink. Much Ado, v. 1.
prayers, or anything else. Cor. 1. 7; Cym. iv. 2. Ceremony, sb. a ceremonial vestment, religious rite, or anything ceremonial. J. C. i. 1; Mac.
Certes, adv. certainly. Oth. 1. 1.
Cess, sb. rate, reckoning. 1 H. IV. II. 1. Chace, sb. a term at tennis. H. V. 1. 2. Chamber, so. a species of great gun. 2 H. IV. 11. 4. Chamberer, sb. an effeminate man. Oth. III. 3. Chanson, sb. a song. Ham. 11. 2.
Charact, sb. affected quality. M. for M. v. 1. Character, so. a letter, handwriting. Lear, 1. 2. Character, v.t. to carve or engrave. Two Gent. II. 7; Ham. 1. 3.
Charactery, sb. handwriting. Merry Wives, v. 5. That which is written. J. C. II. 1. Chare, sb. a turn of work. A. & C. IV. 13. Charge-house, sb. a free-school. L's L's L. v. I. Charles' wain, sb. the constellation called also
Ursa Major, or the Great Bear. 1 H. IV. II. 1. Charneco, sb. a species of sweet wine. 2 H. VI.
Chaudron, sb. entrails. Mac. IV. I,
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