Page images


CAMPDEN, Lord, 358, July. Camp-

bell, 62, 253, 319, 382, 638. Car-
ifle, 125. Carnegie, 319. Cary, 319.
385, July. Cathcart, 62. Cave, 701.
Cavendish, Lord. 357, July. Carmi-
chael,782. Carpenter, Gen 189. Chalo-
ner,125. Chamberlyne, 189. Clare, ib.

ftone, Vifc. 509, 638. Forbes, 188,
ib. 189, 254. Forretter, 62, 575. For-
trey, 189. Folter, 357, July, 638.
Foffett, 575. Fowle, 319. Freeman-
tle, 126, 382. Fremley, 574. Ful-
ler, 638. Furbar, Gen. 189. Fur-
long, 358, July. Furlong, 254

Clavering, Gen. ib. Clayton, 126, 381, GAGE, Lord, 358, July. Galway,

782. Cleeve, 357, July. Clerk, 382.
Crefpigny, 125, Crewe, 190. Cock-
ayne, 510. Code, 358, July. Coff.
ley, 782. Courland, Princess of, 637.
Cockrane, 63. Collins, ib. Cole-

brook, 358. Collville, 319. Conol-
ly, 381. Conway, 357, July. Cooper,
702. Coote, Vifc. 189. Cope, 253.
Copper, 188. Cornwallis, Lord, 358.
July, 510. Cork, Countess of, 319.
Coventry, Countess of, 381. Cox, 253.
Crosby, 126. Crowle, 254. Cudden.
783. Cuningham, 189, 510.



Lord, 358, July. Gallitzim, 702.
Ganfell, 189. Garth, 63. Gafcoigne,
ib. Gilbert, ib. Gildart ib. Gilmour,
358, July. Gordon, 357, July, 703.
Gore, 126, 189 Golling, 253 Græme,
Gen. 189. Grafton, Duke of, 357,
July. Grantham, Lord, 358, July.
Gray, 189, 703. Green, 358, July.
Greinam, 381, 358, July, 782. Gren-
ville, 63, 382. Greville, 575, 703.
Grey, Lord, 701. Grieve, 189. Griffin,
Gen. ib. Grimstead, Viscountess, 189.
Grofvenor, 381. Guife, Gen. ib. Gul-
fton, 382. Gunning, 703.

DALRYMPLE, 254. Dalton, 189.

Dampier, 189. Darby, 254. Dart-
mouth, E. of 510. C. of, 62. Davis,357,
July. Deering, 62. Delaval, 64. Dela-
warr,,189. De Keyfer, Sieur,319.
Dempster, 510. Dennifon, 575. De-
vilme, 574, Deye, 319. Dicken,125.
Dickenton, 125, 254. Digby, Lord,
510. Dobbs, 128, 381. Dodfley, 253.
Dolben, 358, July. Donegal, Coun-
tefs of, 62. Dorfet, Duke of, 638.
Douglas, Gen. 189. Down, 188.
Dowdeswell, 358, July. Drake, 253.
Drogheda, E. of, 319. Drummond, 510.
Ducket, 188. Duffe, Lady, 253. Dun-
can, 63. Dundas, 574. Dummer, 702.
Durand, Gen. 189. Durore, 126. Dy-
fon, 509, 510.


[blocks in formation]


TALDANE, 319. Hales, 358, July.

Halkerton, 357. July. Hallybur-
ton, 319. Hall, 708. Hamilton, 62,
319. Hanbury, 782. Hankey, 188,
ib. Harcourt, Countess of, 63 Har-
court, ib. Harris, 62. Harrison, 62,
188. Hart, 510. Harvey, 189. Ha-
viland,ib. Havard, 357, July. Hawk,
703. Hay, 358, July. Hazeland, 125.
Heaniker, 357, July. Helmily, ib.
Hertford, Earl of, 510. Higgins,
188. Hickes, 319. Hilmer, 253. Hin-
chinbrook, Lord, 126. Hitch, 189.
Hodgion, Gen. ib. Holderneffe, Earl
of, 702. Hohenloke, 575. Hopetoun,
637. Hood, 574. Hopkins, 63. Ho.
tham, 638. Howard, 189, 510, 638,
703, 781. Howe, 381, 510 Hndion,
189, 382, 575. Hughfon, 510. Hume,
575. Hunidon, Lord, 382. Hunter,
319, 358, July. Hulley, 382. Hyet,


[blocks in formation]

82. Keppel, Gen. 189, 382. Ket-
tleby, 189. Kilmorey, Viscount, 253.
Kinnoul, 783. Kilworth, 782. Kirke,
63, 638. Knapton, 382. Knowles,




AMBERT, Gen. 189. Lampson,
781. Law, 63. Lawion, 254. Lee,
357, July. Leigh, 125, 319, 575.
Legge, 126, 510. Leopoldina, Prin-
cefs, 637. Leflie, 702. Levinz, 510.
Lindores, Lord, 575. Lippe Detmold,
C. 637. Littleton, 357, July. Lockyer.
253. Lockwood, 357, July. Loftus,
358. July. London, bishop of, 703.
Londonderry, Earl of, 63. Long, 319,
Lorn, Marquifs of, 63, 189, 575, 638.
Lovell, 62. Lloyd, 126, 575. Lowndes,
358, July. Luxmore, 129, 253. Ly-
faght, 62, 189.




Amphile, Cardinal, 62. Parker, Gen.
575. Parkyns, 319, Parma, Duke
of, 509. Paterfon, Gen. 189, 638. Pat
ton, 254. Paulett, 125. Peard, 63.
Pennant, 701. Percival, Lord, 125,
381. Penton, 125, 188. Peers, 126.
Perry, 188. Pett, 189. Pelham, 358.
July, 575. Percival, 638. Petus, 358,
July. Philips, 126. Pierson, Gen. 189,
575. Pigot, 63, 319, 358. Pollington,
Lord, 782. Pontopoddan, 62. Pool,
510, ib. Porter, 189. Portland, Duke
of, 358, July. Potts, 189, 358, July,
ib. Powell, 703. Pownall, Gov. 509.
Poulet, 189. Proctor, 638,781. Pratt,
358, July, 575. Pievolt, Gen. 189.
Price, 357, July. Pultney, 189. Pyn-
fent, 63.


MACARTHY, 574. Mackenzie, RAMSAY, 382. Rannie, 574. Rash-

319, 701. Mackworth, 510. Ma-
jor, 357, July. Maitland, 319. Mal-
let, 253. Manners, Gen. 575. Man-
rique, ib. Markham, 126. Marlow,
382. Martin, 599, 574. Maskelyne,
126. Mafon, Lord, 703. Mawbey,
358, July. Maxwell, 125. Mead,

574, 708. Mellish, 358, July, 575.
Meredith, 782. Middleton, Lord, 638.
Middleton, 782, Mildmay, 126. Mil-

ley, 64. Rawfon, 702. Rice, 510.
Rich, 320. Richmond, Duke of, 702.
Riddell, 319. Rigby, 510. Roberts,
510, 708. Robertson, 575, 703. Robin-
fon, 575. Robfon, 358, July. Rocking-
ham, Marq. 357, July, 510. Rolio,
Lord, 125, 381. Rollo, Lady, 319.
Rofs, ib. Rothes, Earl of, 189. Row-
Jey, 783. Rufane, 189, 382. Rush-
worth, 357, July.


ARGENT, 64. Saxony, Duke

ward, 382. Mitchell, 358, July. SARGE

Molefworth, 319. Molyneaux, Lord,
253. Molyneaux, 575. Monckton,
Gen. 382. Monson, Lord, 782. Mon-
tague, Lord, 637. Montague, Gen.
189, Montague, 382, 357, July, 575,
703. Moore, 358, 382, July. Moray,
125. Mordecai, 189. Moreland, 381.
Mordaunt, 638. Morrifon, 575. Moul-
trie, 638. Murphy, 783. Murray, 189.
ib. 319, 703.


fau, Princess of, 637. Needham,
189. Newcastle, Duke of, 358, July,
575. Newcome, 63. Newenham, Lord,
701. Nithfdale, Countess of, 357, Ju-
ly. Norton, 63. Nuttall, 358, July.


Bierne, 639, Ogilvie,. 383,

Oglethorpe, Gen. 189. O Hara,

of, 381. Schrader, 189. Scott,
358, July. Scarborough, Earl of,
358, July, 703. Seaman, 189. Schute,
189. Schuler, 381. Sheldon, 381.
Shelburne, Earl of, 189. Shelly, 510
575. Sherrade, 382. Shirley, 781.
Simpfon, 63. Sinclair, 62. Skelly,
574. Sleech, 638, 702. Slade, 358,
July. Smith, Gen. 189. Smith, 319,
509. Somerville, 638. Spencer, 509,
638. Stanhope, 254, 701. Stanley,
319, ib. 357, July. Stanwix, Gen.
189. Steel, ib. Stapleton, 781. Stadt-
holder's aunt, 253, St. Clair, 382. St.
David's, Bifhop of, his lady, 125. St.
John, 701. St. Leger, 783. St. Paul,
125. Stopford, 189. Strode, Gen. ib.
Stuart, 125. Stukeley, 189. Strutt,
319. Sutherland, 254. Swanton, 509.


AYLOR, 125, 254. Thompson,

703. Onflow, 357, July, 782. Opha-T63, 638, 782. Thornton, 382,

ley, Lord, 254, 638. Ofborn, 703, 783.
Ormfly, 62. Orange, Dowager of,
253. Orlebar, 782. Orme, 510. Ot-
way, 189. Oughton, Gen. ib. Owen,
Gen. ib.

[merged small][ocr errors]

702. Torrington, Lord, 357. July.
Townshend, 125, 189, 319, 382; 357,
July, 702, 782. Trapaud, Gen. 189.
Trevor, 783. Trigg, 254. Tryon,
358, July. Tuite, 574. Tyril, 62.
Tynham, 638.


[blocks in formation]

782. Weftphalen, Baron, 701. Wey-
mouth, Lord, 319, 382. Whitley,
Gen. 189. Whitmore, 510. Wigley,
381. Wildman, 510. Wilkinson, 509,
510. Williams, 358, July. William-
fon, 189. Willoughby, Lord, 62.
Willy, 319. Winchefter, 62. Win-
chellea, Earl, 357, July. Windfor,
638. Winnington, 510. Winterton,
782. Wilhart, 701. Wood. 64, 189,
382. Woodhouse, 253. Wottefley,
253. Wynne, 319.

ARMOUTH, Ctfs. 702. Yates,

Yonge, 357, July. York,

510, 575, 782. Young, 253, 381,

[merged small][merged small][subsumed][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]



America, embarkation of the forces for
383.-Their return from in the Bel-
leifle, 575.-Return of the 44th regi-
ment, 703.-Arrival of Gen. Claver-
ing's there, 704.-Intelligence from,
relative to the stamp-act,
Anglefey, Earl of, takes his feat in the
houfe of Lords,
Arrival of the Admiral Keppel at Cork,
from the Havanna, with a very rich
cargo, 127.-Of the Belleifle at Cork,
with the 45th regiment,
Affembly of the City of Dublin, pro-
ceedings at.-—————
-Refolution in regard
to Fire Engines, 127.-Against penfi-
oners and Place-men, 255- Their
public thanks to the Earl of Northum-
berland, 383. Compliment the Rt.
Hon. Lady Arabella Denny, 511.-
On inftructing their members in regard
to a bill for limiting the duration of


Affizes, proceedings at,-Clonmell, 190.
-Cork, ib.-Omagh, ib.-Kilkenny,
-191, 254.—Sligo, ib.—Wicklow, ib.
2.54, 575


ed, with his house and family by Fire,




ANAL at the rear of the City Bason

Carrick, Lord, addreffed by the Clergy
of Offory, 382.-His Anfwer, 383.-
Receives the thanks of the house of



Church of St. James's robbed,
Clergy of Offory, their addrefs to Lord
Clonlyon, Lord, (Chancellor of Ireland)
prefented with his freedom of the City
of Dublin,

Cobbe, his Grace Dr. Charles, his be-
queft to the incorporated City of Dub-
lin, and the City Work-Houfe,
Coins of Edward the 4th, found on the
lands of Stillorgan,
Collections for Charitable Foundations,



128, 192, 255, 707
Commencements at the university,
Commons of the City, proceedings of,
-Refolutions against members holding
employments, &c. that might influence
their conduct, 255.-On inftru&ting
their reprefentatives in parliament, re-
lative to an act for limiting the dura-
tion thereof,



82. Keppel, Gen. 189, 382. Ket-
tleby, 189. Kilmorey, Vijcount, 253.


Kinnoul, 783. Kilworth, 782. Kir3, Amphile, Cardinal, 62. Parker, Gen.

63, 638. Knapton, 382. Knowles,



781. Law, 63. Lawion, 254. Lee,
357, July. Leigh, 125, 319, 575.
Legge, 126, 510. Leopoldina, Prin-
cefs, 637. Leflie, 702. Levinz, 510.
Lindores, Lord, 575. Lippe Detmold,
C. 637. Littleton, 357, July. Lockyer.
253. Lockwood, 357, July. Loftus,
358. July. London, bishop of, 703.
Londonderry, Earl of, 63. Long, 319,
Lorn, Marquifs of, 63, 189, 575, 638.
Lovell, 62. Lloyd, 126, 575. Lowndes,
358, July. Luxmore, 129, 253. Ly-
faght, 62, 189.

[ocr errors]

575. Parkyns, 319, Parma, Duke
of, 509. Paterfon, Gen. 189, 638. Pat-
ton, 254. Paulett, 125. Peard, 63.
Pennant, 701. Percival, Lord, 125,
381. Penton, 125, 188. Peers, 126.
Perry, 188. Pett, 189. Pelham, 358.
July, 575. Percival, 638. Petus, 358,
July. Philips, 126. Pierfon, Gen. 189,
575. Pigot, 63, 319, 358. Pollington,
Lord, 782. Pontopoddan, 62. Pool,
510, ib. Porter, 189. Portland, Duke
of, 358, July. Potts, 189, 358, July,
ib. Powell, 703. Pownall, Gov. 509.
Poulet, 189. Proctor, 638,781. Pratt,
358, July, 575. Pievolt, Gen. 189.
Price, 357, July. Pultney, 189. Pyn-
fent, 63.


M. Mackenzie, RAMSAY, Ba, 702. Rice, sto.

AMSAY, 382. Rannie, 574. Rash-

MACARTHY 574%rth, Mackenzie,

319, 701. Mackworth, 510. Ma-
jor, 357, July. Maitland, 319. Mal-
let, 253. Manners, Gen. 575. Man-
rique, ib. Markham, 126. Marlow,
382. Martin, 599, 574. Maskelyne,
126. Mafon, Lord, 703. Mawbey,
358, July. Maxwell, 125. Mead,

574, 708. Mellith, 358, July, 575.
Meredith, 782. Middleton, Lord, 638.
Middleton, 782, Mildmay, 126. Mil-

ward, 382. Mitchell, 358, July
Molesworth, 319. Molyneaux, Lord,
253. Molyneaux, 575. Monckton,
Gen. 382. Monfon, Lord, 782. Mon-
tague, Lord, 637. Montague, Gen.
189, Montague, 382, 357, July, 575,
703. Moore, 358, 382, July. Moray,
125. Mordecai, 189. Moreland, 381.
Mordaunt, 638. Morrison, 575. Moul-
trie, 638. Murphy, 783. Murray, 189.
ib. 319, 703.


[blocks in formation]

Bierne, 633., Ogilvie, 382, 509,

Oglethorpe, Gen. 189. O Hara,

Rich, 320. Richmond, Duke of, 702.
Riddell, 319. Rigby, 510. Roberts,
510, 708. Robertson, 575, 703. Rohin-
fon, 575. Robfon, 358, July. Rocking-
ham, Marq. 357, July, 510. Rollo,
Lord, 125, 381. Rollo, Lady, 319.
Rofs, ib. Rothes, Earl of, 189. Row-
ley, 783. Rufane, 189, 382. Rush-
worth, 357, July.



ARGENT, 64. Saxony, Duke
Schrader, 189. Scott,
358, July. Scarborough, Earl of,
358, July, 703. Seaman, 189. Schute,
189. Schuler, 381. Sheldon, 381.
Shelburne, Earl of, 189. Shelly, 510
575. Sherrade, 382. Shirley, 781.
Simpfon, 63. Sinclair, 62. Skelly,
574. Sleech, 638, 702. Slade, 358,
July. Smith, Gen. 189. Smith, 319,
509. Somerville, 638. Spencer, 509,
638. Stanhope, 254, 701. Stanley,
319, ib. 357, July. Stanwix, Gen.
189. Steel, ib. Stapleton, 781. Stadt-
holder's aunt, 253. St. Clair, 382. St.
David's, Bifhep of, his lady, 125. St.
John, 701. St. Leger, 783. St. Paul,
125. Stopford, 189. Strode, Gen. ib.
Stuart, 125. Stukeley, 189. Strutt,
319. Sutherland, 254. Swanton, 509.


AYLOR, 125, 254. Thompson,

703. Onflow, 357, July, 782. Opha-63, 638, 782. Thornton, 382,

ley, Lord, 254, 638 Olborn, 703, 783.
Omfby, 62. Orange, Dowager of,
253. Orlebar, 782. Orme, 510. Ot-
way, 189. Oughton, Gen. ib. Owen,
Gen. ib.

Tidy, 574. Todd, 510. Tooke, 189.
Toovey, Gen, ib. Torphicheon, Lord,


702. Torrington, Lord, 357. July.
Townshend, 125, 189, 319, 382, 357,
July, 702, 782. Trapaud, Gen. 189.
Trevor, 783. Trigg, 254. Tryon,
358, July. Tuite, 574. Tyril, 62.
Tynham, 638.


[blocks in formation]

AKE, 638. Waldgrave, Ctfs.

782. Weftphalen, Baron, 701. Wey-
mouth, Lord, 319, 382. Whitley,
Gen. 189. Whitmore, 510. Wigley,
381. Wildman, 510. Wilkinson, 509,
510. Williams, 358, July. William-
fon, 189. Willoughby, Lord, 62.
Willy, 319. Winchefter, 62. Win-
chelsea, Earl, 357, July. Windsor,
638. Winnington, 510. Winterton,
782. Wilhart, 701. Wood, 64, 189,
382. Woodhouse, 253. Wottelley,
253. Wynne, 319.


183. Wallop, $10. Walpole, YARMOUTH, Cifs. 702. Yates,

381. Walsh, 254. Warburton, 701.
Warden, 510. Waugh, 253. Way,
126. Webb, Gen. 189. Westfield,

189. Yonge, 357, July. York,
510, 575, 782. Young, 253, 381,

[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors]

639.—Of the Lords to the Lord Lieute-
nant, 706.-Of the Commons, 640.
-His Majefty's Anfwer to the Com-
America, embarkation of the forces for,
383.-Their return from in the Bel-
leifle, 575.-Return of the 44th regi-
ment, 703.-Arrival of Gen. Claver-
ing's there, 704.-Intelligence from,
relative to the stamp-act,
Anglefey, Earl of, takes his feat in the
houfe of Lords,
Arrival of the Admiral Keppel at Cork,
from the Havanna, with a very rich
cargo, 127. Of the Belleifle at Cork,
with the 45th regiment,
Affembly of the City of Dublin, pro-
ceedings at.— -Refolution in regard
to Fire Engines, 127.-Against penti-
oners and Place-men, 255 Their
public thanks to the Earl of Northum-
berland, 383. Compliment the Rt.
Hon. Lady Arabella Denny, 511.-
On inftructing their members in regard
to a bill for limiting the duration of
Affizes, proceedings at,-Clonmell, 190.
-Cork, ib.-Omagh, ib.-Kilkenny,
-191, 254.—Sligo, ib.-Wicklow, ib.
2.54, 575




ed, with his house and family by Fire,

[blocks in formation]

Church of St. James's robbed,
Clergy of Offory, their addrefs to Lord
Clonlyon, Lord, (Chancellor of Ireland)
prefented with his freedom of the City
of Dublin,



Cobbe, his Grace Dr. Charles, his be
queft to the incorporated City of Dub-
lin, and the City Work-Houfe,
Coins of Edward the 4th, found on the
lands of Stillorgan,
Collections for Charitable Foundations,
128, 192, 255, 707
Commencements at the university,
Commons of the City, proceedings of,
-Refolutions against members holding
employments, &c. that might influence
their conduct, 255.-On inftructing
their reprefentatives in parliament, re-
lative to an act for limiting the dura-
tion thereof,




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