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they should abftain from whatever he hath forbidden, and do what he commands. The adult, perfons grown up to the years of dif cretion, by failing to perform the conditions of God's covenant, forfeit all claim to the bleffings thereof, which bleffings, none can warrantably claim, without complying with the conditions to which they are annexed. If any, then, would derive comfort from the confideration of being called by the worthy name of Chrift, and having a place in his house on earth, they should examine how far they are poffeffed of the dispositions and qualifications required to conftitute a real chriftian. This we are concerned to do particularly when we have occafion to witnefs the administration of Baptifm. Perfons by Baptifin are admitted to a participation of church privileges, but by unbelief and difobedience, they cut themselves off from all fpiritual benefits. In a word, Baptism faves not as it is merely the putting away the filth of the flesh, but when together with this there is the answer of a good confcience towards God.

The Minifter fhall next defire the parent or fponfor to hold up the child, and take the vows of him as follows.)



believe that the fcriptures of the

Old and New Teftaments contain the mind and will of God, and that the Confeffion of Faith and Catechifms of this National Church, are agreeable to, and founded upon the holy fcriptures, and are you fincerely defirous that your child fhould be baptized in this faith? Do you promise to train up your child in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, in the knowledge. of the grounds and principles of the christian religion? and do you further engage, through divine affiftance, and according to the best of your power, that you and your family fhall

ferve the Lord?,

(The Minifter fhall next pray to the following effect.)

O LORD our God, with thee is the fountain of life, and from thee every good and perfect gift proceeds: look down from Heaven,

the habitation of thy holinefs, upon thy fervants now assembled in this place: Fulfil the promise thou haft made to thy church, that thou wouldst be with them always to the end of the world, while they obferved the ordinances of thine appointment. Deny us not thy prefence on this folemn occafion, O our God, deny us not thy grace. Sanctify the element of water which is now exhibited and applied as a fign and fymbol of thy grace. Let the outward Baptism with water be accompanied with the inward Baptifm of the Holy Spirit. Grant, O gracious God, that whatfoever guilt or pollution may cleave to this child in confequence of his relation to the first Adam, may be effectually removed by the blood of Christ, to whom, with thee O Father, and the Holy Spirit, we would ascribe glory and honour, dominion and praife, now and ever more. AMEN.

(Here the Minifter is to demand the child's name, which being told him, he is to fay (calling the child by his name) while he Sprinkles a little water on the face of the child.)

I Baptize thee in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.


(The Minifter then concludes with Prayer follows.)

FOLLOW with thy bleffing, O gracious God, the folemn fervice in which we have now been employed. Ratify in Heaven what has been done upon earth. May the child that has now been admitted a member of the visible church, be received into the number of thine adopted children, and have a right to all the privileges of the fons of God. If it fhall feem good unto thee to remove him from this tranfitory state in his infancy or childhood, we pray, that of thine infinite mercy thou wouldst receive him to dwell with thyself in glory. If thou art pleased to lengthen his days here below, preferve him from the evil that is in the world: may he be kept by thy Almighty power through faith unto eternal falvation.

We bless thee, O heavenly Father, for thy goodness manifefted to this family on the prefent occafion, that there is a living mother and

a living child, that thou haft been pleased to spare both root and branch. Continue thy goodness to thy handmaid we beseech thee, and restore her to perfect health, that she may walk before thee in the land of the living, and pay her vows in the presence of thy people. Impress the hearts of both parents with a lively fenfe of the duties which they owe to thee, to their family and to their offspring. May they be careful to train them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, as becomes those who have a due fenfe of the value of immortal fouls.

May it be their pleasure, as it is their duty, to be teaching their children thy facred truths when they fit with them in the house, when they walk by the way, when they lie down, and when they rise up. And grant, O Lord,

that all their endeavours to inftruct their families

may be accompanied with earnest prayers to thee, for the effectual teaching of thy holy Spirit. We pray, O Lord, that thou wouldst enable each of us to remember that thy vows are upon us. We were early dedicated and.

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