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ing, to wit:


BE IT REMEMBERED, That on the twenty-third day of September, in the forty-seventh year of the Independence of the United States of America, Howe & Spalding, of the said District, have deposited in this office the title of a Book, the right whereof they claim as Proprietors, in the words follow

"A Report to the Secretary of War of the United States on Indian Affairs, comprising a narrative of a tour performed in the summer of 1820, under a commission from the President of the United States, for the purpose of ascertaining, for the use of the Government, the actual state of the Indian tribes in our country. Illustrated by a Map of the United States; ornamented by a correct portrait of a Pawnee Indian. By the Rev. Jedidiah Morse, D. D. late minister of the First Congregational church in Charlestown, near Boston, now resident in New-Haven,"

In conformity to the Act of the Congress of the United States, entitled, "An Act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of Maps, Charts and Books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned."


Clerk of the District of Connecticut.

A true copy of Record, examined and sealed by me,

Clerk of the District of Connecticut.






ABSOROK AS, or Crow Indians, App. 252 Caddos, App. 257
Adams, J. Q. Opinion of on Indian Ti-Catholic Missionaries, App. 144
Cass, Governor, Rep. 16, App. 42, 43,

tles, App. 281

Plea before Supreme Court

Canal, Erie, App. 62

U.S. App. 283

Adultery, punishment for, App. 99, 135 Catawbas, Rep. 32

Agriculture &c. of Sauk and Foxes, Cato, an Indian of great wealth, App. 24

App. 126

Alabama, Indians in, Rep. 33
Alleghany Reservation, App. 83
American S. W. Fur Company Rep.

55, App. 7, 30, 39, 40, 43

Anecdote, Rep. 72, note.
Annuities, Indian, App. 23, 139
Arkansaw Territory, description of,
App. 212

Arricaras, or Riccaras, App. 252
Arrapahays, App. 253
Ard, James, App. 49

Armstrong, Fort, murder at, Rep. 15
Astoria, Rep. 38

Astor, John Jacob, Esq. Rep. 38
Assiniboin River, Rep. 51
Aus-kin-naw-wau-wish, Speech of,
App. 53, 56

Au-to-ko-ko-ne-be, Chippewa chief,
interview with, App. 140


Barclay, Hon. Anthony, Rep. 16
Baigne, or Pancake Point, App. 28
Bad River, App. 29

Baylies, Mr. extract of a letter from,
App. 72

Badger, Rev. Joseph, App. 91
Beaumont, Dr. Rep. 17

Bell, Capt. extract from Journal of,
Rep. 74 note, App. 240, 254
Bell, Capt. John R. App. 151
Belle Point, Fort at, App. 254, 355
Blackburn, Rev. Gideon, App. 153
Blackfoot Indians, App. 252

Black Hoof, App. 92

Boyd, Col. George, Rep. 14
Bosen, Sock, App. 65

Boyer, a Wyandot, conversation with,
App. 16

Bowyer, Col. Rep. 40, 42, App. 57
Brainerd, Missionary Establishment at,
App. 159 to 182

Brotherton Indians, App. 85, 112
Brown, Fort, App. 58

Burial of the dead, App. 137

Burnt River, App. 30

Campagne, Baron de, App. 266
Calhoun, J. C. circular letter of, App.
290, 291

Cherokees, Rep. 33, App. 152
Population, 152
Missionary Establishment
at Spring Place, 153
Establishments of the Amer-
ican Board, 159
School regulations, 160
Encouraging fruits, 161
Report to the Secretary of
War, 162

Address from Dr. Worces-

ter to the Education Fam-
ilies, 164

Baptist establishment, 166
Progress of civilization,

[blocks in formation]

Cherokees, Extract from Capt. Bell's Cornwall School, letter from Susannah,

Journal, 255

[blocks in formation]

mother of E. Boudinot, 272
66 Rev. Mr. Daggett

to J. Morse, 272

66 David Brown to the
President of the U. S. 273

John Ridge to do.

Boundaries of their country
App. 182



Missionary Establishment


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the Secretary of War, 183 Commission of the Author, Rep. 11
Property belonging to the Council Bluffs, Rep. 29, 34, 36,App.317
Establishment, 185


Capt. Coles' Petition, 186 Columbia river, Rep. 37

Mr. Kingsbury's Report, College, Indian, Rep. 76

30th January, 1822, 187 Colonization of the Indians, Rep. 82
Establishment at Mayhew, Conclusion, Rep. 93


School at Newell, 194

Copper rock, App. 29
Copper, App. 41, 42

Advances of Choctaws in Connecticut, Indians in, App. 74

civilization, 197

Description of Mayhew, 197

Communication from Gentlemen at
Green Bay App. 51

Sentiments of a Choctaw Criminal laws, App. 99

[blocks in formation]

Dalhousie, Governor, Rep. 20

Children, ceremony in naming, App. Dare, Fort, Rep. 51


Daggett,Rev. Mr. Letter from, App.272

Clark, Governor, letter from, App. 107 Detroit, Rep. 14

Claims of Indians on the United States; Descriptive eloquence, (note,) Rep. 29
Rep. 79

Clark, Rev. Daniel, extract from his
discourse, Rep. 66, note
Claus, Hon. William, Rep. 20
Clinton, Governor, Rep. 16, App. 62
Comauch Indians, App. 259
Colony Indian, site for, App. 312
Cornwall School, Rep. 78, App. 163
Origin, progress and present
state of, App. 264
Object of the school, 264

Delawares, App. 90, 110, 111, 112, 113,
115, 116, 236

Distrust of the Indians, Rep. 89
Dickson, Col. Robert, App. 49
Distances of places, App. 49
Diocess of New-York, extract from
Journal of, App. 79, note.
Divisions of Indian tribes, App. 97
Divorce, App. 105

Doxtator, Mary, Indian woman, App.

English and native names of Dogs used for drawing, App. 40

members, 265

Doty, Mr. Rep. 55, App. 31

Liberality of Baron de Cam-Drummond's Island, Rep. 44, 53, 54,
pagne, 266

App. 7, 327

Letter from Elias Boudinot to Dwight, Rep. 36, App. 214

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Education Family, station for, Rep. 14,
15, 26, 29, 39, App. 20, 26, 356
Education of Indian Females, Rep. 73

Catharine Brown to Education Families, improvements in,
her brother, 270

Rep. 87

[ocr errors]

Education Families, New stations for, Harmon, Credulity of Indians, 328

[blocks in formation]

Finley, Rev. James B. App. 92

Fish, Rev. Mr. extract of letter from,
App. 69

Florida, Indians in, Rep. 33

Description of, App. 147

Actual state of Indians in, App.

Number, character, dress, &c. of
Seminoles, 309
White population, 310

Fort Smith, App. 254, 355
Fort Dare, Rep. 51

Fond du Lac Indians, App. 37

Fox Indians, App. 49, 51, 61, 120, 128
Future state, Indian Ideas of, App. 138

[blocks in formation]

Georgia, Indians in, Rep. 32
Goodell, Rev. Mr. letter from App. 197,


Government of Sauks, Foxes, &c. App.


Grand River Indians, App. 327
Great Crossings, school at, App. 166
Grace, work of, among Cherokees,
App. 156

Great Spirit, Indian ideas of, App. 106
Green Bay Fly, App. 56 note
Grand Islands, App. 27

Grand Mariaix Pond, App. 27
Great Rocks, (Portaile,) App. 27, 42
Green Bay, Rep. 14, 45, App. 50


Harmony, Education Establishment
Rep. 36, App. 222
Halkett, L. Esq. Rep. 50, note.
Hawkins, Col. App. 146
Harmon, Daniel W. Rep. 34

Character and conduct of Tra-
ders, 328

Indian drunken scene, 329
Indian mode of taking a sweat,

Crees and Assiniboins; their
customs, &c. 330
Indian hospitality, 331
Indian crime, 331

Indian worship, 332

Grasshoppers, 333

Indian inhumanity, 333
Indian customs, 333
Rainy Lake, 334
Sicaunies, 334-336
Bear's Lake, 335

McLeod's Lake Fort, 335
Stuart's Lake, 336
Frazer's Lake, 337
Nate-ote-tains, 337
New Caledonia, 341
Indians E. Rocky Mountains
and N. Missouries, 347
Mode of cooking, 348
Religion, 351

General remarks, 353
Hellwits Indians, Rep. 38
Herring Pond Indians at, App. 71
Henry's Mr. account of medicine men,
App. 100

Hendrick, Capt. App. 108, 111, 115,

Historical facts relating to Northern
tribes, App. 60

Hicks, Charles, letter from, App. 167
Character of, App. 180
Hicks, Elijah, App. 199
Hoge Rev. Mr. Rep. 27
Holliday, interview with, App. 26
Hoge, Rev. James, letter from, App. 94
Hodgson, Adam Esq. visit to Brainerd
and Eliot, App. 294
Reflections, 294

Do. on the state and prospects
of Indians, 295

Hudson Bay Company, Rep. 52
Huron River, App. 28
Hunting of Sauks and Foxes, and its
fruits, App. 125

Hyde, Jabez B. letter from, App. 3, 82


Intermarriages between Indians and
white people, Rep. 73

at, Increase of Indians within the U. S.
Rep. 65

Indiana and Illinois, Indians in, Rep.
29, App. 108

Indian Trade, Rep.39, plan for conduct-

Extract from Journal of, App. ing, Rep. 92


Indian civilization, App. 118

[blocks in formation]

App. 323

Jenny and her son Tom, story of App. Messasaugua, Indians, App. 60, 327


Johnson, Judge, Rep. 56

Miscellaneous articles and omissions,

Johnston's, John Esq. account of Indians Michigan and N. W. Territories, In-

[blocks in formation]

dians in, Rep. 28

Description of, App. 14

Mississippi, Indians in, Rep. 33

Military Post, purchase of Chippawas
for, App. 8

Mississippi River, Sources of, App. 43
Miami Reservations, App. 96
Miamies, App. 109, 311

Mitchell, David B. Esq. App. 146

Kiawas, or Wetapahato Indians, App. Milledoler, Rev. Dr. extract of a letter

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