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object; but place a temptation in his way, and if it was strong enough, he would go any length to attain the object desired. He was neither cruel nor passionate without a cause; but in the pursuit of any scheme on which he entered, he threw moral considerations to the winds, and was ready to employ both his active mind and powerful body in working it out. He could do this all the easier, since he was troubled by no scruples of conscience, and deterred by no sentimental ideas. Self-interest was his ruling power. To promote that, he was ready for any thing and every thing; and though, in striving after it, he might cause pain and grief to others, this paltry consequence was not suffered to trouble him. No one, he conceived, had a right to stand between him and his own welfare; and if they were foolish enough or unfortunate enough to do so, he was, according to his own ideas, perfectly justified in taking means either to throw them out of his path, or use them for the furtherance of his designs.

All this, or nearly, was to be discovered in his countenance; and though Diamond did not thus minutely read his character there, she saw enough to give her an unfavourable impression, and cause a feeling of renewed fear to press upon her heart. Physiognomy is perhaps the least theoretic and the most practical of all the sciences. Men and women know very little of it as a study; yet every day and every hour of their lives they recognise its truth, and think according to its teachings. Every one, young or old, is instinctively a physiognomist, and seldom doubt the correctness of the ideas to which they are led. Instinct teaches them to practise the science. They do it, in many cases, unconsciously, and experience warrants them to continue it. The human countenance is such a representative thing, that it discloses, to a certain extent, and to a great exactness, the inner man-the disposition and character-so that "he that runs may read;" and that every one does read, is silently testified every day, when stranger meets stranger, and friend meets friend. The countenance is at once sought, because there, every one knows, is to be found the index to the general character, or the mood of the moment, though seldom or never is a thought bestowed on the philosophy of the matter. Yes, physiognomy is the least theoretic, yet the most practical, of all the sciences.

Whatever cause Diamond might have for distrusting Dogwood, whom she knew only as the driver of the carriage, his conduct on the present occasion could not be complained of. He manifested no incivility or undue familiarity, but seemed anxious to do every thing in his power to promote her comfort. He assisted his wife

to prepare the meal which was about to be partaken of. He drew forward the table, handed meat and other things from a hamper that stood in the corner, and piled the most tempting pieces on the young girl's plate.

"Now, eat heartily, miss," he said, in the kindest tone he could


"Thank you. timidly.

I don't think I can eat any," said Diamond,

"O, nonsense. that which is to cold out, and enable you to sleep. still afraid of us.

After the ride you have had, and in prospect of come, you want nourishment. It will keep the O, I see how it is. You are But there is no need for it, I can tell are taking you to rank and fortune, and by-and-by you will thank us for what we have done to-night."


you. We

Indeed, sir, you must not be angry with me," answered Diamond, pleadingly. “But, in the strange circumstances in which I am, it is very natural that I should be afraid.".

"Ó, natural enough, I dare say," said Dogwood, with a laugh. "But you will soon be set at rest. We will be at Ro-I mean at our destination, early in the morning, and you will then find that we have not deceived you."

Thus reassurred, she strove to eat, and succeeded beyond her expectations; for the want of supper, and the long journey through the open country, had really given her an appetite. The meal was partaken of in silence; and no sooner was it finished, than Dogwood rose and left the apartment, intimating that they must be ready to set out in a few minutes. The hint was taken by the others; and when he returned to call them, they were wrapped up as before. Dogwood hastily put the plates and other articles which they had been using into the hamper, fastened it down, and lifted it on to the box, where he himself sat. Then the fire was put out, the door of the house locked, and the key given to the same lad who had assisted to unyoke the horses, and who now stood at the heads of those which had been put in their place. Diamond and her companion now got into the vehicle, which was again closed and locked; crack went the whip, and away rushed the horses.


Now, do try to go to sleep," said the woman, drowsily throwing herself back into her corner, as if she at least intended to have a


Diamond had little hope of following her example; but she resolved to be very quiet, so as not to disturb the other's slumbers. In this way they journeyed on, and the weary night hours passed heavily away. Mile after mile was traversed, sleeping villages were run through unseen, cottages and farm-steadings by the wayside were passed, and still the driver urged his horses forward.

With closed eyes, but a sleepless brain, Diamond reclined on her soft cushioned seat. She had now to a certain degree resigned herself to her situation, and only longed for the moment when her suspense would be terminated. Then her thoughts flew back to Edinburgh, and she feared to imagine how her good friend and

protector, Andrew Pringle, would be affected by her unaccountable absence. And Henry, too, when he heard of her disappearance, what would he think of it? Should she, indeed, be going to her parents and the home of love, her first act would be to acquaint these her oldest and best friends with the important change in her prospects.

After a long period of such musing, she chanced to open her eyes, and started, for the dim light of morning was breaking into the carriage. Hastily she drew aside the blind, and looked out. Day was but dawning, and nothing could be seen distinctly; but in the grey light she observed that they were going along a nicelykept, hedge-bound road. Presently they entered a plantation of small, thick trees; and having' passed this, the open country stretched hazily before them. It grew lighter every moment, and Diamond eagerly watched the objects as they became more visible. As far as she could judge, the scenery was beautiful, and the soil fertile; and even through the close chinks of the window the fresh, fragrant air penetrated into the carriage. She turned to look at her companion, and found her fast asleep, her features calm, and her breathing regular and heavy. Suddenly the carriage stopt before large, handsome iron gates, within which was a neat porter's lodge, and beyond stretched a broad sweeping avenue, lined with trees.

The stopping of the vehicle awoke the woman, who started up in momentary bewilderment; but her consciousness was not long dim, for, glancing out at her side of the carriage, she exclaimed,


Thank goodness, we have arrived at last!"

"Is this, then, our destination?" asked Diamond, eagerly. "Shall I meet my parents here?"

"This is the place to which we have been journeying all night, at least," replied the woman; "but your second question I may not answer. Have you slept long?”

"I have not slept at all," answered Diamond, artlessly. "Not slept!" echoed the other, in amazement. "This will never do. You must go to bed immediately. See, yonder is the mansion. Is it not splendid?"

"It is, indeed," cried Diamond, with something like rapture, as she caught sight of a noble, ancient pile, encircled with venerable elms. They had now passed through the gates, and were whirling over the gravel of the broad drive. On either hand stretched an extensive park, dotted with the same old trees, and the green grass glistened with a million dew-drops. Every thing told Diamond that they were approaching the dwelling-place of some great one of the land. "Can this be the state to which I was born?" she thought; and the thought was not altogether pleasant, for she knew how she was unfitted by education for such an exalted sphere, and reflected

that more happiness might have been experienced by her with a humbler lot. "But Henry will be with me," she mentally exclaimed; "and in his society any sphere will be bliss."

An opening in the trees revealed the house immediately before them; but instead of driving to the principal door, Dogwood took the carriage past the end of the mansion, and drew up at a. private entrance. In a moment, he was opening the door of the vehicle, and Diamond heard him whisper, impatiently, "Now, be quick."

Mrs Dogwood sprang from her seat, and motioned to Diamond to follow, which the latter immediately did. In two steps, they gained the threshold of the door, which was only on the latch, and opening it, they began to ascend a narrow stair-case. Reaching the top of this, Diamond was led along a passage, on either side of which were doors, in all probability leading to bed-rooms. At the last one, they stopped; and the woman, pushing it open, bid the girl enter. It was a large, handsome room, massively as well as profusely furnished with wardrope, toilet-table, and every bed-room requisite. The bed itself stood at the back, though not in a recess, and its crimson curtains fell down to the floor in heavy folds.


Now, I must leave you here," said Mrs Dogwood. "It is too early to see any one; and perhaps it is as well, for you look ill from want of sleep. Take a long rest, and afterwards you will see"My mother?" whispered Diamond, eagerly..


"I shall not say," replied the other, with a significant smile. Only compose yourself, and appear to the best advantage; though, after all," she added, stroking her head fondly, "you are handsome at any time."

She was left alone; and feeling really tired and worn-out, was glad to lay herself down on the magnificent bed. As she was about to do so, she cast a glance round the room, and her eyes fell on a picture which caused her to start and stand in astonishment. It was the full-length portrait of a young man, who bore, a most striking resemblance to Henry. It was his very height, features, and complexion, though scarcely so young like in appearance. How wonderful, that in such a place such a resemblance should be met with! Diamond could not believe it any thing more than a coincidence, yet it soothed her. There was a sense of protection in its presence. She did not feel so lonely as before; and laying down her head on the pillow, she closed her eyes, and was soon beyond even the land of dreams.




LONG and soundly did Diamond sleep in that lofty bed. The excitement and exertion of the night, and the drowsy influence of the strong country air-very powerful on lungs used to a town atmosphere-combined to make her slumbers, even in such circumstances, deep and protracted. When she awoke, it was late in the forenoon, and the sun shone brightly into the apartment. At the first moment of renewed consciousness, when her eye fell on the strange objects around her, she started up in amazement; for in the profoundness of sleep she forgot the events which had immediately preceded. In another moment, however, her full recollection returned, and with it the excitement natural to her singular position. Her first movement had been to start to her elbow; but when her mind resumed its power, she laid herself back again on the pillow, to think. Lying in this position, she naturally raised her eyes, and there, looking full upon her from the wall, was the portrait so like Henry. In the broad light of day, the resemblance was even more striking than it had been in the dim morning dawn. The frank, generous expression she admired so much, was there; the lofty brow-the noble, manly features—the eye, so full of tenderness and deep, eloquent language-were all there, and could not be mistaken.

Strange, very strange," she murmured. "Is this but a trick of the imagination, or does that picture really resemble Henry so closely as I think? Nay, nay; it must be fancy. His image is so vividly impressed on my mind, that in viewing a portrait of the same age and complexion, it assumes his appearance. Besides, Henry is younger than that gentleman.”

So concluding, she took her thoughts from the picture, and gave them to what, at the moment, was not less interesting-her own situation. The hour had come when she would learn the object of her sudden and unknown journey-when, perhaps, she would see her parents, and be welcomed to their home and heart. Thrilling prospect! A heart even slightly sensitive must feel strangely moved by its near presence; how, then, must the fine fibres of Diamond's soul, stirred by the faintest breath, have quivered as the thought filled all its chambers! The former suspicions had now fled away. She could no longer dread that she had been taken away for an evil purpose. The noble mansion to which she had

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